The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me



2To be exact, Huang Xing was very indignant right now.     1


A bodyguard of a rich family, or rather, a security guard, actually dared to be so rude to him.    


They even threatened him with martial arts. It was a good thing to be loyal to his master. However, to be loyal to his master while committing all sorts of crimes was truly a pity and a pity.    


Although this Da Qiangzi is a member of the special forces, Huang Xing is definitely not someone to be trifled with." In recent years, Huang Xing had been studying the art of attack and had defeated the retired military officer Dan Dongyang many times. He could be said to be a grassroots hero. Perhaps his previous success had also encouraged Huang Xing's courage. When faced with a threat from a martial artist, he didn't choose to retreat, but chose to fight bravely.    


But in truth, one could imagine the skill of a billionaire boss' bodyguard. In the continuous battles, Huang Xing gradually realized that this Da Qiangzi was incomparable to Dan Dongyang. This person was a brave warrior, his movements were swift and fierce, every move of his was a mature coach, his attacks and defenses were all prepared. It is not easy to win quickly.    


However, the one that was even more shocked was still Da Qiangzi. After all, in his eyes, what he was facing was only a small commoner. He felt that he could lock down the entire world with just a few punches and kicks. However, he never would have thought that his opponent was hiding killing intent, and was actually on par with him. The strength was astonishing, and the speed was extraordinarily fast. What was even rarer was that his chain of punches and kicks really gave him a lot of experience. Swift as the wind, swift as a thunderbolt, in the blink of an eye, it swept across the world with a domineering aura.    


Xiao Hua saw that he couldn't persuade them, so he went straight to his parents. Crooked Soul's mother didn't expect that this young boy, who looked like a popinjay, was actually a tough character. Not only did he not listen to his words, he even dared to fight against his bodyguard. He knew how capable his own bodyguard was. If he had been born in ancient times, he would definitely have been a general that could take the head of a general in the midst of tens of thousands of soldiers.    


After leaving the house, he had a good view of the war.    


Boss Qu was shocked!    


He could not help but be secretly surprised when he saw how skillful Huang Xing was in handling things, how agile his hands and feet were, and how quick his reactions were.    


The battle was difficult to resolve. Although Boss Qu liked watching people fight, he knew that it was useless to continue like this. Then he waved his hand and said, Stop!    


Da Qiangzi was very obedient. He stopped moving after a short while and turned his head to look at Boss Qu.    


Huang Xing did not take advantage of Da Qiangzi's predicament. When Da Qiangzi stopped, he also stopped his attack and looked at Boss Qu.    


Boss Qu gently clapped his hands and praised, "Amazing." Then he actually walked down the steps of his own accord and stood in front of Huang Xing, looking him up and down.    


Huang Xing did not answer Boss Qu directly. Instead, he asked: "Boss Qu, is it interesting?" It's time for you to educate your people. Don't get into fights all the time. Fighting was a very low level action.    


'Sharp! ' Boss Qu nodded slightly and said with a bluff: "Yes!" I don't like the use of force either.    


Huang Xingqiang added, "But you still used it."    


Boss Qu said, "That can only mean that my people are very loyal to me." Okay, now, you can go in and talk.    


Huang Xing shook his head. You and I have nothing to talk about. I thought you would be grateful to me for sending your daughter home. But you didn't. It's fine if you don't have it, but you're still in a difficult situation.    


'Aiya. Wu said in a special tone of voice that he was innocent: "Okay, okay, I've already fought, you, make me look at you in a different light." A man of letters and martial arts, you are a man of talent. However, as Xiao Hua's friend, I still want to know more about you.    


Huang Xing asked, "Is there a need for this?"    


Why not? She, Xiao Hua, is my daughter. First of all, I want to make sure that my daughter's friends aren't bad people.    


Huang Xing snorted: "Then you mean, I'm a bad guy?"    


Boss Qu shook his head. I didn't say that. But in my heart, there were too many doubts, doubts, and doubts. What is the relationship between you and Xiao Hua?    


Huang Xing frowned. He took the opportunity to stick a cigarette in his mouth and said, "I've already said it clearly, your daughter and I met by chance." I just dropped her off on the way home today. It was that simple. Oh yes, today is the first time we've met.    


Xiao Hua also chimed in: "Yeah, dad, we just met today and we just got to know each other." Pass... Through Shuwen.    


Boss Qu said: "Shuwen is more careful in making friends, so I'm more at ease." But you, I don't trust.    


Xiao Hua continued to ask: "What's there to worry about? How old am I? You …" Alright, alright, dad, in that case, I have nothing else to say. yellow brother is a good man, and this is the first time I've met him today. But I didn't expect him to agree when I asked him to take me home. After that, he brought me back along the way … Say, for a person who is so willing to help others yet you all want to make things difficult for him, are you all doing the right thing?    


At this moment, Mother Qu walked in front of Xiao Hua and helped her tidy up her messy hair: "Xiao Hua, why are you so innocent?" In the middle of the night, you get sent home by a man you just met, aren't you afraid …    


Xiao Hua Qiang said: Is everyone a bad person in your eyes?    


Boss Qu also walked over, he turned around and glanced at Huang Xing: I don't dare to say if he's a bad person or not, but I'm sure that he definitely has some ulterior motive towards you.    


Xiao Hua smiled bitterly: "What intention does he have towards me?" Before he came, he didn't even know that our family. Our situation.    


Boss Qu frowned, "You are the daughter of my Qu, and you are so beautiful." Men were nothing but wealth. You've taken both, and there's always one thing to look forward to.    


Xiao Hua pinched his chin. You're thinking too much, Dad.    


Boss Qu took out a cigar and put it in his mouth. This shocking thick high-end cigarette immediately gave him an inexplicable sense of heroic spirit.    


Huang Xing felt that this family was completely unreasonable. As the saying goes, in the hearts of all parents, it is right to care for one's daughter. However, it is a bit too much to protect anyone and even injure anyone for the sake of caring for one's daughter.    


Just as Huang Xing was about to say goodbye, Boss Qu suddenly asked, "Young man, let me ask you, where do you live?"    


Huang Xing casually said the name of his neighborhood.    


Boss Qu frowned, immediately waved the burning cigar in his hand, and said in a righteous tone, "Did you hear that, did you?" The place where he lived was close to twenty kilometers away. It was clearly an excuse, he had a purpose! Xiao Hua, I'll tell you again, don't trust anyone so easily. In this world, only your parents and relatives truly treat you well. As for the others, even if they were your best friends, they would often have their eyes on you. This was society, this was reality.    


It was clearly a show of good intentions. Yet, under Boss Qu's misinterpretation, he was instead crowned as someone who was plotting against him.    


Sadly, lamentably!    


However, Xiao Hua didn't seem to be tired of discussing theories with his father. "Dad, think about it. Although they live so far away, they still sent me home first." What kind of spirit was this? Righteous, loyal, and loyal.    


Boss Qu snorted: Playing the zither randomly! I asked him again, What exactly do you do?    


Huang Xing said with a smile that didn't reach his eyes, "Is Boss Qu checking the household registration?" I, am just a worker. I know I can't enter your eyes, but I don't need to. We met by chance. I hope that in the future … There was no later. Alright, I still have to go to work tomorrow.    


'Working? ' Boss Qu smiled contemptuously: To be employed, you must keep a low profile! He actually dared to open a Audi? You're a driver, or. The rich second generation.    


You're wrong, Huang Xingqiang said. I'm a driver, but that's not my job. Of course, you don't need to know my profession.    


Xiao Hua didn't miss an opportunity to say: "Dad, yellow brother is not a simple person, he is the Xin Dream's Merchant House …"    


Boss Qu was stunned for a moment, and then interrupted Xiao Hua: "He is from Xin Dream's Merchant Shop?" Oh, no wonder, no wonder. The salary of the Xin Dream Merchant House was very high. In the entire Shandong Province and even the entire country, the salary and salary offered by the Xin Dream Merchant House could be considered very high. My old song, I can't pay my employees that much. It was still Yu Mengqin who was generous.    


Huang Xing was also stunned. "You …" You know us, Boss Yu?    


Boss Qu smiled. However, there's no point in talking to you. Even if you do, you probably won't be able to get close to someone as powerful as Yu Mengqin. Okay, you can go. Before you leave, I will only warn you not to have any unrealistic intentions towards our family and our family's Xiao Hua. Otherwise, you will regret it. Do you understand me?    


Xiao Hua frowned: "Dad, what are you talking about?" How can you treat my friend like that?    


Huang Xing did not want to stay here any longer. Boss Qu's haughty and slow attitude had made him feel extremely disgusted. Although he was worried that his daughter would be cheated and used, with such a method of defense, Xiao Hua probably wouldn't be able to make close friends in this lifetime.    


After bidding farewell again, Boss Qu said goodbye.    


However, Xiao Hua quickly walked over and followed Huang Xing to the Audi Cart.    


Huang Xing raised his wrist to look at the time, then opened the car door and got in.    


However, Xiao Hua pulled on the door and said to Huang Xing, "yellow brother, the fact is …." I'm so sorry. My dad is just like that, which is why I'm actively moving out. I... Oh, can you understand my situation? It looked like … It was like being trapped in a bird's cage. It's hard to make a friend.    


Huang Xing gave a perfunctory "Oh" before starting the car and slowly driving out.    


He turned left and right, leaving this high-end villa complex.    


There was a feeling of enlightenment.    


As the saying goes, when a forest grows big, there are all kinds of birds. Xiao Hua's parents were without a doubt top quality partners. Their control over Xiao Hua had reached a rather harsh level.    


At this moment, Zhuang Shuwen called and Huang Xing answered. Zhuang Shuwen's voice came over the phone, "Boss Huang, are you home yet?"    


I sent your friend home, Huang Xing said.    


'Ah? ' Zhuang Shuwen was stunned. Why... This … Boss Huang, why are you so slow?    


There was a small episode, Wu stressed. He ran into … They bumped into Xiao Hua's parents.    


"What?" "Oh my god!" Zhuang Shuwen said, her face changing color, That's too scary. Boss Huang, really. Tonight, I have truly wronged you. You made such a long detour to send Xiao Hua back, and you still … And her parents. Alas, I must apologize to you. One day, I will bring Xiao Hua to apologize to you.    


Huang Xing was lost. He didn't say anything, but Zhuang Shuwen seemed to know everything that had happened here.    


Could it be that Zhuang Shuwen was similar to him, suffering from the suspicions and difficulties of Xiao Hua's parents?    


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