The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me



0Just as Huang Xing was at a loss for what to do with Parent, Fu Jie suddenly said, "Mom, aren't you going a little too far?"     0


Parent turned her head to look at Fu Jie and said, "Mom went overboard? Isn't Mom doing it for you? Men are afraid to enter the wrong path, women are afraid to marry the wrong man. "Jie, you have to polish your eyes.    


Fu Jie frowned slightly and said, "It's the first day of the new year, and the atmosphere in the house is so tense. Huang Xing is not your enemy, why does he have to be so hostile the first time we meet? "    


Huang Xing was very touched to hear Fu Jie speak up for him like this.    


When Fu Zhenxin saw Fu Jie speak, she couldn't hold back anymore and said in a righteous tone, "Dad, Mom, you've only met my brother-in-law once, but my sister and I have been together with him for a long time. Do you know him better than we do? Yes, he was married once. He didn't hide it, and we know it. But, do you know that the fact that Xin Feng company has the same results as today is inextricably linked to him? Without him, there would be no Xin Fen Corporation today. Also, at the Xin Dream Merchant House, if my sister didn't have such a good partner like him, she wouldn't have … "    


Parent interrupted Fu Zhenxin, "I did not question his ability, much less say that he was not your sister's good partner in the job. However, work and marriage were two completely different things! "How can you be confused?"    


It had to be said that Fu Jie's mother was adept at negotiating. She was very good at finding the right contradiction. One hit one hit, one hit straight to the point.    


Huang Xing wanted to take out a cigarette and put it in his mouth to ease his mood.    


But he endured it.    


A few minutes later, the room was quiet. One could even hear the gasps of the actors in the TV series.    


"Is it hard to answer? You haven't answered me yet." Parent held the cup of tea in her hand and looked at Huang Xing with a sword-like gaze.    


Huang Xing felt his heart beating rapidly, as if it was about to jump out of his chest. "I …" Huang Xing scratched his forehead and thought faster, "Auntie, I can understand your heart as Fu Jie's parent. That's right, Fu Jie was very outstanding. Letting her marry a married man did indeed sound a little … Losses. I also feel that I'm not worthy of Fu Jie. In other words, no one in this world was worthy of her. I had a failed marriage, I. I believe I know better how to manage love, family, and marriage. I have more confidence to make Fu Jie happy. I hope that my uncle and aunt will believe in me and us. "    


"How laughable! "You are confusing us!" Parent harrumphed, "According to you, the more divorces a man has, the more he will know how to manage love, and the more he will know how to maintain his marriage, right? So, according to your logic, the more outstanding a woman is, the more times she has to marry a man who has divorced too many times? They're more experienced and they know how to defend, right? "    


Huang Xing couldn't help but admire Fu Jie's mother's eloquence and thinking. She would always be able to grasp the crucial points and counterattack with precision.    


If she was allowed to participate in the world-class debate competition, she would call herself a runner-up and no one would dare to claim the title of champion.    


However, Huang Xing also realized that if they were to continue discussing like this, the one at a disadvantage would be him. After all, she was an elder. There were some things that she could ask and question, but she would only be at a disadvantage.    


Even if she couldn't be the main guest, Huang Xing believed that she had to properly reason with him. Huang Xing smiled and said, "Auntie, I'm not the one who confused things. It's you. "    


Parent frowned. "Me?"    


Huang Xing nodded. "Don't you think that you've interfered too much with your daughter's …" As soon as the words left his mouth, he immediately regretted it.    


Fu Jie didn't miss the opportunity to cough lightly, signaling Huang Xing to be careful when speaking.    


This sentence completely infuriated Fu Jie's parents.    


Fu Jie's father suddenly took a cigarette and frowned. He waved the lighter and said harshly, "What are you talking about? What's there to talk about!"    


Parent looked at Huang Xing and said lightly, "Congratulations, Comrade Huang. You've succeeded in getting the conversation over to your death."    


Then she turned her head to Fu Jie and added, "Today is the first day of the new year. Our family will only be reunited a few times a year. Don't let outsiders affect our unity and reunion."    


The order to leave was given.    


At this moment, there was no longer any need for Huang Xing to stay.    


What should have been said, had already been said. However, the impression he had of these two elders was already deeply ingrained. What's more, what she said was reasonable. She had been married once. There was nothing wrong with her rejecting the second marriage. As parents, they would definitely care about this.    


Standing up, Fu Zhenxin said anxiously, "Don't, don't go. Stay together and pack the dumplings. "You're the most professional at rolling paper!"    


Fu Jie's father glared at Fu Zhenxin again before raising his hand and saying, "Go and send them out. Take everything with you." Your mom and I don't need these for the time being. "    


He pointed at the pile of gifts and made the order to leave even more straightforward.    


Huang Xing tried his best to hide the awkwardness in his heart, forcing out a smile and said: "Then … Uncle, Auntie, I'm leaving first, you guys … Eat well, then eat early. "Rest early."    


After giving his farewell speech with great effort, Huang Xing turned around and walked outside.    


At the moment of closing the door, Huang Xing heard Fu Jie's mother's voice from inside again, "Chastity, send them out and take everything away. Jiezi, leave them behind. I have something to talk to you about with your dad!"    


Downstairs, Huang Xing lit up a cigarette and took a few long puffs.    


After a while, Fu Zhenxin came over with big and small bags. She stood in front of Huang Xing while gasping for breath and placed the pile of gifts beside the left and right wheels of the Audi. "Aiyo, aiyo, I'm so tired! So many things, it's as heavy as Mt. Tai!" She got close to Huang Xing, took a deep breath, lightly patted his shoulder and comforted him: "Brother-in-law, I … I did my best. "    


Huang Xing nodded, "I know. "Thank you."    


"What are you thanking me for?" Fu Zhenxin smiled bitterly. "None of them have any effect." Sigh. They. How could they be like this? It's the new year! "    


Huang Xing said, "I understand. The hearts of all the parents in the world. Alright, you can go up. I... I'm leaving. "    


"You can't leave!" Fu Zhenxin emphasized, "You still have to wait for me for a while. There's still a bunch of stuff up there, a bunch of stuff, I'll go get it. "    


Huang Xing said, "Alright." Take it all down. Also, ask your sister for the storage key. Put everything inside and keep it. "    


Fu Zhenxin praised, "What a good idea! "However..."    


Huang Xing didn't reply. He got on the car, started it and drove out.    


Only Fu Zhenxin, who had an innocent look on her face, was left staring blankly at the pile of gifts that she had gone through with so much effort.    


The sky had already darkened. Huang Xing let out a thunderous roar as he drove out of the sector.    


Why was his love with Fu Jie so complicated?    


It's like the Tang Dynasty's fucking scripture!    


Fine, I'll take it even if it's ninety-nine eighty-one, but until now, you still want me to get the true scriptures, right? He had just passed through many trials and tribulations, and was about to succeed, yet he had met with the opposition of the enemy's parents!    


He turned on the music on the car, and a sad song was played.    


Huang Xing really wanted to find a place and get drunk. However, when they looked around, they noticed that on the first day of the new year, almost all the stores were closed.    


Fu Jie's phone call had given a trace of warmth to Huang Xing's cold heart.    


On the other end of the phone, Fu Jie's soft voice could be heard. "I'm so sorry, I didn't expect my mother to be …" It's really hard on you!    


Huang Xing turned down the music in the car a little bit: "It's okay." I can imagine. Perhaps what they said made sense. I... I'm married and not worthy of you.    


Fu Jie stressed, I didn't think of it that way! Really! You. You. Where are you going now?    


Where else can I go? Go home, Huang Xing said. But I won't give up. I know I'm not worthy of you, but no one in this world is. Rather than taking advantage of others, I might as well take advantage of myself. This way, I would feel more at ease. Because I will use my life to. Love you.    


Fu Jie was silent for a moment. And with such a blabbermouth … Be safe and don't drink. I'll call you later. And my parents, I'll keep talking to them.    


Thank you, thank you.    


After hanging up the phone, Huang Xing felt a bit more comforted.    


With Fu Jie and love, what else could he ask for? What else could obstruct his right to love and be loved?!    


Back home, Huang Xing recalled what Fu Jie's parents said to him earlier. No matter how strong his heart was, he couldn't help but feel a faint sadness.    


He found some cooked food in a bag in the refrigerator and poured himself a glass of white wine to drink.    


From time to time, the sound of firecrackers could be heard coming from the district. Looking out of the window, he saw fireworks shooting up into the sky. The taste of the year was strong, and his mind was preoccupied.    


After a few drinks, his stomach felt warm and rumbling. This feeling was actually not very good. He felt a sense of loneliness. Some helplessness, some longing, some worry.    


The phone rang again.    


Huang Xing thought it was Fu Jie again, but when he looked at his phone, he realized it was Xie Yundan.    


If he had known earlier, he would have gone to Fu Jie's house to have a meal out today. He might as well have gone to Xie Yundan's and had a drink to celebrate the first day of the new year.    


When he answered the phone, he heard Xie Yundan's anxious voice: "Star, hurry up and come over here, is that alright?"    


Huang Xing was stunned and quickly asked: "What's wrong?"    


Xie Yundan said, Landlord. The landlord had appeared!    


Huang Xing was a little confused: "What landlord?"    


Xie Yundan emphasized: You forgot so quickly? The landlord who lied to me, the owner of the hotel. I went to that hotel today and coincidentally bumped into him. After following him, I arrived at a small district. He … He's still here.    


Huang Xing suddenly quivered and stressed, "You stay there and watch. Call me as soon as you find out anything." I, will go! Quick, give me the address, first!    


Xie Yundan: …    


Pulling on a tissue, he wiped the corner of his mouth. Huang Xing quickly changed his clothes and drove away.    


Along the way, Huang Xing called Han Ergou, Dan Dongyang, and Cao Aidang separately, saying that there was an urgent matter and that they should meet up at a certain district.    


Now it was the right time to take advantage of Xie Yundan's matter and test Dan Dongyang and Cao Aidang. They wanted to see if they could survive this emergency.    


Also, did these two devils really want to depend on him? Or did they have other intentions?    


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