The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me



4Huang Xing originally wanted to take them to the restaurant for a meal, but after walking around two streets, he didn't find any restaurants that were open for business.    


Xie Yundan suggested that they go to Xin Fang fast food. She would cook the dishes herself.    


Huang Xing took the lead to respond.    


On the first day of the new year, the Xin Fang fast food restaurant was not open for business. Xie Yundan opened the door and arranged for everyone to enter a private room. She then went into the kitchen and got a few cold dishes and bottles of wine before bringing them up to the table.    


Cao Aidang called his girlfriend, Si Mengqi, and had her rush over to help Xie Yundan.    


Dan Dongyang sighed and thought to himself, "When can we get a girlfriend?"    


Huang Xing said to him: "Didn't you already have several? The other one is a fuerdai. "    


Dan Dongyang laughed and scolded, "You still have the nerve to say that!? Didn't I just get separated by you? My girlfriend, my Range Rover, my... "What? It's all gone."    


Huang Xing said, "Let me tell you, if you still act like before, I will break you up if you want to negotiate!"    


Dan Dongyang smiled bitterly: "So cruel?"    


Huang Xing said, "Alright, alright. Maybe I can introduce you."    


Dan Dongyang raised his head: "It must be fine! "Then don't go back on your word, I'll wait for you to fulfill your promise!"    


Huang Xing said, "No problem." "Here, pour the wine. Let's go first."    


But Han Ergou seemed to have thought of something and suggested, "Huang Xing …" No no, Boss Huang, do you want to... Call Er Nier over as well, and help Boss Ye? "    


Huang Xing frowned, but immediately relaxed: "I think so. But first you buy a private plane. "Er Gou, are you crazy? Er Nier is in her hometown right now. Once she comes over, we'll be done eating!"    


"That's true." Han Ergou continued, "If I had known earlier, I would have called her over when I came back this morning. "Hai."    


Huang Xing suddenly remembered the scene of Han Ergou falling out with him that night, so he said, "Ergou, let me tell you. Humans, I've arranged for you to be at your side in the mall. With the opportunity in your hands, you have to hurry up! "    


Han Ergou emphasized, "But Er Nier likes you in her heart."    


Huang Xing said, "There are a lot of people who like me, but I'm not Xi Men Qing. I want them all. Whether or not we can take it will depend on your charisma, Han Ergou. "    


Han Ergou clicked his tongue. "Look at how arrogant you are. There are many people who like you, but you won't blush?" "Use your popularity to show off to me, Han Ergou, that no one wants."    


Huang Xing patted Han Ergou on the shoulder, "I just like to provoke you, why?"    


Han Ergou muttered, "You're awesome." I'll take you, but you don't have a temper. "    


"If you don't have a temper, then so be it!" Huang Xing raised his glass and began the conversation with a joke, "It's my brother who's sitting here today. Ox-Head and Horse-Face, Ox-Head and Snake God, they had everything, and they weren't f * cking good birds. Moreover, they were all old acquaintances. They all fought with me and cursed at me across the street. Ergou has been bullying me ever since I was a kid, and now that Ergou is finally under my command, it's my turn to bully him. Lao Cao thought back to when he was the manager, then he was already the boss and wanted to fire me several times. As for you, don't even mention you. You've always been enemies with my family, and once you meet them, you'll be killed. However, if they didn't fight, they wouldn't get to know each other. As for men, they didn't have that much of a deep grudge between them! I, Huang Xing, am not a vengeful person, unless it is a blood feud. Obviously, there wasn't any between us. So, years later, we sat together. Xin Dream Merchant House, this platform that I think is pretty good, I will share it with you, develop it together, and improve together. The first cup, for our past, whether it's friendship or friction, cheers! "    


Everyone responded and downed their first cup of wine.    


After pouring the second cup of wine, Huang Xing said emotionally, "Thank you, but I won't say more. Including the brothers who came with me to Zhuang Men to look for that 'Waves' thing. On the first day of the new year, everyone followed me without a second thought. "Second goblet of wine..."    


Everyone picked up their cups again and waited for Huang Xing to drink it.    


But Huang Xing put the cup down and laughed: "Isn't it a little fast? Don't wait for the hard dishes, we'll go under the table first. Love was something that needed to be talked about, but slowly, it was something that needed to be discussed. Come, come, come, let's eat some beef, soy sauce, chicken feet and the like first. When the hot dishes are served, we can then start drinking. "    


Everyone put down their glasses and agreed that Huang Xing was right.    


The people sitting on the seats were all old men who were full of vigor and vigor, and they were all older than Huang Xing. But now, they were all taken in by Huang Xing.    


A real leader, a manipulator, a manager. Not only is he well-governed and well managed in his work. In his normal life, he would not be inferior in any way. The reason why Huang Xing placed the cup in front of him was actually because he was playing a little trick on Ye Zichen. He just wanted to let these thorns secretly follow his rhythm in the small occasions on the table. Whatever he did, they would follow and respond. Slowly, they become accustomed to their own management.    


As Si Mengqi hurried over, she started to help Xie Yundan. The speed at which the dishes were served had obviously increased.    


One after another, delicious and hot dishes were served. They chatted happily about the wine, bragging and showing off as they passed by. Joy and laughter continued without end, and life continued to be enlightened. It was a pleasure.    


After drinking a few cups of wine, Cao Aidang's face was flushed red. He pointed at Huang Xing and said, "Speak! In this world, change was fast. At that time, I was the manager of Xin Yuan Company, was the sales director, and you, Huang Xing, used to be a security guard. Really, I'll tell you the truth. At the time, no one in the company thought much of you. Including … Including Fu Zhenxin. Several times you asked me to fire you... Hahahaha. Who would have thought, who would have thought, that you would fly up into the sky on a rocket and become Chief of Staff. Oh, at first it was a second one, but then it came back to life. Oh, it was a second one. Where should he go to justify himself? Isn't that so, Dan Dongyang? "    


This thought aroused Dan Dongyang's interest. He nodded his head, "That's right, that's right. At that time, I was arranged to be Chief of Staff, that was as beautiful as the scenery could be. But Huang Xing had actually offered to recommend himself! Laughable? However, it was this action that made everyone feel that it was laughable that resulted in him. He actually succeeded! Then Fu Jie arranged for me to be her assistant. But to my surprise, he did. He truly had the ability. He had to accept this point. He took me as his deputy and slowly lifted me into the air. I have become a puppet! Who do you think you're going to get to reason with? What was even more unexpected was that he had suddenly leaped up to become the General Manager of the Xin Dream's Merchant Shop! "Wow, it's just like you said, flying up in a rocket."    


Huang Xing smiled and emphasized, "You're not allowed to go back on your word! However, I, Huang Xing, have a clear conscience if I were to turn over old debts. At least, I never took the initiative to go against anyone. Unless you attack me first, then I will be forced to retaliate. "    


Dan Dongyang said, "I finally understand. These few years, I finally understand …"    


Huang Xing asked, "What do you understand?"    


Dan Dongyang said, "If we fight with you, we won't be a match for you."    


Huang Xing laughed and said, "That's because evil does not oppress right! Your mentality is wrong, and your starting point is wrong. Therefore, you have lost. If he wanted to win, he had to be in the right body first. The heavens will help you... "    


Cao Aidang picked up his wine glass and clinked it with Huang Xing's. He jokingly scolded, "Alright, you, stop boasting. It's as if you're the only good person among us."    


Dan Dongyang burst into laughter: "He's also a good person? However, thinking about it, he was a rather righteous person. Sometimes, being a bit arrogant was also something he was forced to do. In any case, after so many years of competition, I'm convinced. "    


Huang Xing pointed his finger at Dan Dongyang and praised, "Single Brother, to be honest. He had a bright future ahead of him! I think highly of you! "    


Cao Aidang clicked his tongue and said, "Aiyo, haven't you two always been enemies? Why are you wearing a pair of pants now? Dan Dongyang, which gang are you from? Let me tell you, if we were in a commercial building, we wouldn't have the chance to expose Huang Xing's shortcomings like this. Sun Tie is the general manager, and has control over our fate. There's no helping it, we have to call him Boss Huang. But today, in private, we did not recognize him as the general manager, but as a brother. Those that should be splashed with dirty water, hurry up and splash them with dirty water. Those that should be scolded, after this village, the number of shops would decrease. The opportunity must not be lost, never come back. "    


After being inspired by Cao Aidang, Han Ergou, who had not been able to get a word in, suddenly became enlivened as if he had been possessed by a talk show actor. He excitedly said, "Let me tell you something, Huang Xing grew up with me since he was young. Growing up naked. At that time, he was very different from ordinary people. Sometimes he was very honest, sometimes he was very bad. By the way, I have the impression that he has been missing three times. Once, in the second year of elementary school, Huang Xing had offended a senior girl because she said something wrong. That girl was too barbaric, she had even stripped Huang Xing's pants off and let him display it in front of the whole class. She had even held a willow branch as a demonstration, asking Huang Xing to call her grandaunt … The scene was too beautiful to imagine. Haha. "Another time, our village's Liu Er Nier went to school with him in the morning. He didn't like to sleep in his underpants, so he slept naked, slept lazily, and stayed in bed in the morning. This time, Liu Er Nier witnessed it …"    


Huang Xing let out a light cough and interrupted Han Ergou, "It's said that female best friends are killers, it's not that good to be small. My image has been completely destroyed by you! "    


As Han Ergou was talking about his excitement, he waved his hand and asked, "What kind of image do you have? You were just like a shameless dog when you were young."    


Dan Dongyang urged with interest, "Ergou, keep talking, keep talking, then what happened …"    


Huang Xing had a cigarette in his mouth and laughed self-deprecatingly when he saw that these people seemed to be lost in their own thoughts, talking about the embarrassing events of his childhood or past.    


He thought to himself: Fine, today I'll let you guys get away with it. When the Spring Festival is over, hmph, let's see how I'll deal with you guys!    


"It's so lively here, what are we chatting about!" Xie Yundan and Si Mengqi walked in with a plate of hot dishes each.    


When they saw the lady enter, everyone became a bit more reserved.    


"Nothing." Cao Aidang said, "I just talked about the past. It was my childhood. It was fun."    


Xie Yundan retorted, "Did I miss something? "That's right, who was it when they were young?"    


Huang Xing was worried that Han Ergou would repeat those embarrassing things again, so he quickly said, "You missed it, you drank a few cups of wine. Make it up. It's because of you that everyone is gathered today. "    


Cleverly shifting the contradiction, Huang Xing personally poured a glass of white wine for Xie Yundan.    


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