The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me



4Huang Xing was very angry at Zhao Xiaoran's threats.    


This woman had gone mad!    


He must be crazy!    


However, Huang Xing had no choice but to pretend to be calm when faced with this woman who made things difficult for him time and time again.    


Until she, with an enigmatic smile, slowly left. At the door, there was a figure standing behind him. He even quietly extended two fingers as a sign of deterrence.    


She walked out of the office.    


Huang Xing threw the cigarette in his hand onto the ground and stomped on it.    


Right now, there are two enemies in the Xin Dream Merchant House, one is Bao Shijie and the other is Zhao Xiaoran. However, Huang Xing's real intention was not to become enemies with them. However, their existence did threaten Huang Xing's control and management of the Xin Dream Merchant House. Bao Shijie even seriously threatened his love.    


Sitting in front of his desk, Huang Xing wanted to smoke another cigarette, but he felt that his throat was a bit uncomfortable, so he resisted this bad habit and used his mouse to click hard on the computer screen.    


It was as if he was venting his anger.    


Han Ergou appeared to be in a hurry. Huang Xing could clearly hear the sound of footsteps coming from outside.    


As he entered the office, it was clear that his alcohol smell had already largely dissipated. He was in high spirits and in high spirits.    


Huang Xing waved his hand, indicating for him to sit down first.    


Han Ergou sat down on the sofa, looked at Huang Xing, and nodded his head: "Not bad." A man with such a large office, extravagant.    


Huang Xing smiled and said, "I also think it's extravagant, but there's no need for it. Even if it's a waste." As such, he would rather be extravagant than waste it.    


Han Ergou said, "This is probably the best excuse for extravagance."    


'Maybe so.' Huang Xing nodded.    


Tao Fei pushed the door open and entered. Huang Xing looked up at her and said, Secretary Tao, go to the Personnel Department and bring over the forms.    


Tao Fei was stunned. Directly... Directly take it?    


Huang Xing frowned: "If you don't take it directly, how else do you want to take it?"    


Tao Fei hesitated: You're not going through the normal procedures? The interview registration form, and …    


Huang Xing interrupted Tao Fei's words, "Just take them all and fill them in." Oh right, ask Personnel Department to come over and help him get it done.    


Boss Huang, you're not so good to your sister. You have to go through interviews and other stages.    


'It's not the same! ' Huang Xing said: "Ergou is my choice. He has outstanding ability in certain aspects. It is equivalent to …" Special admission.    


Tao Fei said, "That's true." Then, he walked out of the office.    


Very quickly, a good form was brought over. At the same time, Personnel Department Commissioner Xiao Song also came over and handed over various forms to Han Ergou.    


The procedures were completed quickly. Huang Xing asked Personnel Department to bring Han Ergou to get his work attire.    


Xiao Song asked in confusion: "Yes..." Which one? Security Service... Or … A suit?    


Of course it's a suit and a security uniform.    


Xiao Song was stunned. Manager grade?    


Huang Xing shook his head: "First, let him familiarize himself with the various posts in Security Department, and then we'll start from the bottom." After the internship, they would not be placed on guard until later.    


'I got it! I got it.' Xiao Song nodded and snapped his fingers at Ergou. "Come, let's go get the overalls."    


Huang Xing couldn't help but frown. Xiao Song, you're a girl, why are you always snapping your fingers?    


Xiao Song's face turned red and he looked embarrassed. "I..." I'm sorry, I'm sorry Boss Huang, I … I'm used to it. A habit from high school.    


Huang Xing asked: "How?"    


Xiao Song bit his lips: "This …" This … It's just that after class, I'm happy. My tablemate is a man. He likes to snap his fingers to celebrate. I... I... I learned it before I knew it.    


Huang Xing reached out his hand and pointed at Xiao Song. He got excited the moment the lesson ended, and he got excited the moment the lesson ended. Fix it, this is a problem. Otherwise, it would be hard to find a boyfriend in the future.    


Xiao Song chuckled, "Yes, yes." Yes, it had to be changed.    


Han Ergou followed closely behind Xiao Song and walked out of the office.    


Tao Fei mysteriously smiled and said to Huang Xing, "Boss Huang, you still don't know, Xiao Song, I just found a boyfriend."    


'What?! ' Huang Xing looked up: You have a boyfriend?    


Tao Fei said, "Of course. He looks quite handsome." A civil servant.    


Huang Xing praised, "Not bad, not bad."    


Tao Fei said, "In the end, we still know each other. It was Xiao Song who accompanied his best friend to the Council Hall to do some work. If he had nothing to do, she would just pinch his fingers and snap it. Heh, it even attracted the attention of a handsome guy …" Just like this, after getting to know each other and developing it, it would become …    


Huang Xing was stunned for a moment: You can hit a boyfriend with a thumbs up? This was indeed a strange story.    


'Of course.' Tao Fei laughed like a flower.    


Huang Xing also tried pinching his fingers a few times, but no matter how hard he squeezed, he just couldn't snap.    


Tao Fei walked closer to Huang Xing and discussed the main points of opening fingers with him.    


Pah! Pah! Pah!...    


A figure slowly approached.    


Huang Xing and Tao Fei, who were concentrating on studying the movements, did not notice at all. Until he was disturbed by a sound: What are you two doing, playing with your fingers, itchy?    


Huang Xing raised his head and immediately stopped moving. It was Ouyang Mengjiao.    


Tao Fei quickly changed her posture and began to tidy up the documents and office supplies on her desk. At the same time, she picked up a cleaning rag and prepared to clean it.    


Huang Xing glanced at Ouyang Mengjiao: very leisurely, Ouyang Dudao.    


Ouyang Mengjiao raised her head and called out to Huang Xing: "How can I have your free time? Bringing along a secretary and playing around here, you sure know how to play."    


Huang Xing quickly shushed her: "Shh," he just touched it a few times. How could this be a game?    


Ouyang Mengjiao snapped her fingers as well and gave a demonstration.    


She hit him quite loudly. Although it wasn't as good as Xiao Song's, it was still considered standard.    


'What's the matter? ' Huang Xing asked.    


Ouyang Mengjiao bent her body down and put a hand on her cheek. She looked at Huang Xing. It was almost the new year, so he felt that it wasn't very fulfilling. I keep thinking. He always felt like he had something to do.    


Huang Xing coldly snorted. That proves the job is not in place. Look at me every day.    


You are more carefree than anyone else. Sit in the office all day, with your secretary.    


Huang Xing let out a light cough, indicating that she should behave appropriately.    


Ouyang Mengjiao stopped writing. Instead, she put her small hands behind her back and walked around the office like a supervisor inspecting her work. Then, she suddenly turned around and looked at Huang Xing.    


Huang Xing was stunned: A big check? Check what?    


'All faces.' Ouyang Mengjiao stressed: This supervisor is responsible for supervising the inspection, of course, to play a role. Especially during New Year's Eve, the shopping mall would be even busier and would be prone to all sorts of hidden dangers. Therefore, it was quite necessary to make a comprehensive examination before the new year arrived.    


Huang Xing waved his hand and said, "About this, I've already made arrangements. There's a system, and there's an inspection every year."    


Ouyang Mengjiao patted her chest and said, "Let me carry out this mission."    


Huang Xing nodded. "Hmm, not bad. I was going to let you take the lead anyway." But I suggest that before you do that, you'd better make up for it. Also, what aspects do you need to examine, what kind of cooperation do you need from Departments, and how can you formulate a reasonable evaluation standard … You should still consider these things. Don't think, just check it out, catch it, catch it.    


Ouyang Mengjiao gave Huang Xing a big thumbs up. As expected, you are not a general manager who only knows how to eat. Rest assured, this supervisor has a plan. Hmm, see, there must be a department that will run into my head.    


'Hm? ' Huang Xing turned his head and saw the sly smile on Ouyang Mengjiao's face. It seems that you have ill intentions.    


No, Ouyang Mengjiao argued. I just. I just wanted to uncover more of the problem, that's what I got for it. And oh, you don't want to leak it, or, hmph, you know.    


Huang Xing said: "Everyone knows whether this will leak out or not. There will definitely be an all-round, three-dimensional, security check before the new year." They all understood.    


Ouyang Mengjiao said, That's true. However, it was definitely an upgraded version this time!    


'Work hard, and wait for your performance! ' Huang Xing said.    


Ouyang Mengjiao raised her arm and said in high spirits, "The time to show off this supervisor ability is about to come!"    


After expressing her feelings to Huang Xing in the office of the general manager, Ouyang Mengjiao returned to her office and began to revise and organize the implementation plan for the grand examination.    


Huang Xing suddenly remembered something.    


About Fu Jie!    


This afternoon, she seemed to be in a state of abnormal mood and behavior, as if there was something very important hidden in her thoughts.    


However, Fu Jie didn't like revealing her worries to others. Huang Xing knew he couldn't ask her directly, so after weighing the pros and cons, he dialed Fu Zhenxin's number.    


After waiting for the call, Huang Xing said straightforwardly: "Zhen Xin, let me ask you, what happened to your sister today?"    


Fu Zhenxin was puzzled. My sister? She? What happened to her?    


Huang Xingqiang: She seems to be preoccupied with something today. Moreover, he even went out at noon to eat a very strange meal with someone. Oh yes, and a lot of wine. This is not your sister's style.    


Fu Zhenxin remained silent for a moment before she said, You've observed it very carefully, but … But my sister, she … My sister isn't by your side right now, is she?    


Huang Xing smiled bitterly: "No." If she were here, would I ask you that?    


'That's right.' Fu Zhenxin said, I'll tell you the truth. My sister is in trouble.    


Huang Xing was surprised: "What trouble?"    


Fu Zhenxin stammered, She. She … I'll be frank with you. It's your problem. Oh, oh, oh, there's something I can't explain on the phone. Why don't you... Come to my house, I'll analyze it in front of you?    


Huang Xing frowned: "What situation is this? Do I still have to say it in front of everyone?" Mysterious and mysterious!    


Fu Zhenxin said, If you don't want to know, then forget it. Anyway, it has nothing to do with me.    


Huang Xing said evasively, "I will....."    


Fu Zhenxin interrupted Huang Xing. Male or female?    


'No. Huang Xing thought about it for a moment, then said, Well, I'll go to your place now. I hope I can miss the rush hour.    


Come on, come on, Fu Zhenxin said.    


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