The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me



3Fu Jie glared at Huang Xing angrily and said in a calm but powerful tone, "You, are you threatening me?"    


Huang Xing sneered, "How could I dare to threaten you!" I just want to report and communicate with you, a leader, as a general manager. Bao Shijie is just a small manager, is he good enough to listen in on the side?    


Unnaturally, Huang Xing couldn't help but mock Bao Shijie. However, he regretted it the moment he said it, because he saw a hint of pride sprouting from the corner of Bao Shijie's mouth. This pleased Huang Xing greatly. In fact, his mockery was akin to lifting a stone to smash his own foot in front of Fu Jie. After all, the accusation of mockery towards Bao Shijie was now completely true.    


Fu Jie frowned and said, "Huang Xing, do you think that as a general manager, you are so high and mighty that you don't put anyone in your eyes?"    


Huang Xing said, "I didn't." It seems to me that everyone in the building is important.    


But I think your mouth is the exact opposite of your heart. You look down on Package Manager everywhere, making things difficult for him, and even mocking him. Do you think that what you just said wasn't a huge joke?    


Huang Xing said: I don't want to argue with you about some people's character. I don't think it's worth it. Words wasted.    


What kind of person? Fu Jie asked.    


Huang Xing took a cigarette and tried to add some courage and confidence to himself.    


Don't smoke in my office! This isn't a good habit for you. When you're puffing, have you considered the feelings of others?    


Huang Xing forced a smile on his face, but did not insist on lighting up his cigarette. He glanced sideways at Bao Shijie and said in a tone of consultation, "Package Manager, can you step aside for a moment? I need to talk to Boss Fu."    


He had thought that Bao Shijie would reject him, but instead, he actually smiled and said, "Okay, then you guys can talk first. If you have any business, you can just call me."    


Then he turned around and walked out of the office.    


Huang Xing was very surprised, but then he suddenly realized!    


How insidious! How insidious! When Bao Shijie was in the general manager's office, he was arrogant and conceited. However, in front of Boss Fu, he was extremely meek and respectful. On the other hand, he wasn't able to control his emotions as well. He had lost another three points just because of this.    


Fu Jie sat down, resting her right leg on her left, her back pressed against the back of the swivel chair. She picked up a book and turned the pages as she said, He's gone. If you have something to say, just say it.    


Huang Xing came over, pulled over a chair, and sat down. Looking at Fu Jie's cold expression, his heart turned cold again. I just want to give you a serious suggestion.    


Fu Jie laughed coldly. Other than slandering him in front of me, do you have anything else to say?    


'Defamation? ' Huang Xing said, "Are my words so untrustworthy?"    


Why should I believe you? Just based on the fact that you don't like him, you brought your personal grievances to work?    


Huang Xing Qiang said, "I don't have any deep grudges with him!" But I can pat my chest and say that this man has a bad character, and that in front of you, he acts like a little sheep, obedient. But behind his back, by virtue of your trust in him, that's just. Arrogant and arrogant, looking down on everyone else! Just now, he came to my office and made a scene. What's even more infuriating is that he even went as far as to sue the evildoer first, even coming to you to say that I laugh at him …    


Fu Jie raised her hand to interrupt Huang Xing. "I didn't see him laugh at you. On the contrary, you were the one who was laughing at him all the time." Isn't it?    


Huang Xing was stunned: "I..." What you see may not be true.    


Fu Jie frowned. What she saw was not real. Then what is real? Hearing it? Listening to your bullshit, is that true?    


Seeing that Fu Jie didn't trust him at all, Huang Xing was not happy about it at all. However, there was really nothing he could do about it. He could make this lover of his from before trust him and rely on him as he had in the past.    


Fu Jie saw Huang Xing fall silent and asked: "Nothing to say, right?"    


In a moment of desperation, Huang Xing inadvertently said, "Fu Jie, you can't do this to me!" I should. I should be the person you trust the most.    


Please call me Boss Fu during the work period, Fu Jie stressed again.    


Huang Xing sighed and said, "Ever since you met Bao Shijie, there have been too many misunderstandings between us." Don't you think that all of this is not just a coincidence?    


Fu Jie harrumphed, "If you don't behave yourself, you have to blame others." If it wasn't for finding out the truth time and time again, I, Fu Jie, really wouldn't have known. I've always believed in someone I shouldn't have. Well, I don't want to talk to you about this. If you have nothing else to say, then I want you to cooperate with my work and let Package Manager take a look at the program of activities. He needs information on this.    


Huang Xing asked: Why should I hand it over to him?    


Of course it's useful! He is the manager of the department of business planning. He has the power to supervise and draw lessons from all kinds of work.    


'Supervising me? ' Huang Xing said angrily: "You can let him do his job well, but why do you still want him to interfere in mine?"    


Fu Jie was silent for a moment, then shifted her gaze onto Huang Xing's face. This kind of questioning gaze made Huang Xing's face feel hot and scalding: "Because you're working, I'm worried!" Do you understand now?    


Huang Xing was amazed, but his heart was filled with a myriad of emotions.    


Fu Jie saw Huang Xing fall silent. Then she said, I hope you can pull yourself together and focus on your work.    


Huang Xingqiang added, "I've always been in high spirits!" He had never slacked off! Why do you think I'm a slob?    


Fu Jie frowned. Are you feeling well? Are you in the mood for other things?    


In what way?    


You know it, Fu Jie said. Pay attention to your lifestyle, OK?    


Huang Xing touched his forehead, his heart was filled with grief, "Once, I was framed by a scoundrel." And I've already explained to you that I didn't betray you, much less.    


Fu Jie interrupted Huang Xing. Do you think there's any point in explaining it again? I, Fu Jie, do not easily repeat what I nailed on the board. I will only use your words as a reference for now, because every time you come out with a problem, you will stand out and explain for a long time in an attempt to cover up and beautify it. But the truth could not be concealed. Well, there's no need for me to discuss this with you in depth. The video and photos were clear and clear, stronger than any pale excuse.    


Huang Xing took a step forward and stared at Fu Jie's familiar yet unfamiliar face. "Fu Jie, are our feelings so weak?"    


Fu Jie was stunned for a moment, her eyes suddenly brightening up. But soon after, her lips twitched, and her face was filled with sadness and bitterness.    


Huang Xing could tell that she still cared a lot about her relationship with him. However, she valued this relationship too highly. If she were to suffer even a little bit of this, it would be enough to cause her endless pain. From another point of view, Huang Xing could also measure Fu Jie's heartlessness. After all, everything that had happened would easily give rise to illusions. Especially him and the sales clerk of the 4S store, Fang Jingjing, they got a photo of the room being opened. Although nothing really happened between Huang Xing and Fang Jingjing, the onlookers were often able to recall the contents of these photos. And all of Huang Xing's explanations were pale and powerless. To some extent, Huang Xing even regretted thinking too little of Bao Shijie. This bastard had been keeping an eye on his whereabouts and wished that he could send him to the guillotine to take his place.    


Fu Jie suppressed her emotions. Let's not discuss this anymore. This page has already turned!    


Huang Xing knew that what he just said had touched her heart. She still loved herself, but she could not face the betrayal she had made behind her back. Even though these betrayals are illusory illusions.    


Huang Xing approached Fu Jie. Her beautiful face was so vivid. She hadn't changed. She was still the unparalleled beauty of her life. Her beauty had always been a legend to him. From the chance encounter to the acquaintance, from the acquaintance to the mutual knowledge, from the mutual knowledge to the love, the scene, is deeply engraved in Huang Xing's mind, and cannot be forgotten. He could no longer do without her!    


Fu Jie's emotions were affected by those words alone, but they also became complicated. She seemed to be immersed in some kind of special imagination, and was completely unable to extricate herself from it.    


Huang Xing could see that her feelings were actually quite fragile. She had developed a tough and strong heart in the work of the business world. But in her emotional world, this heart of hers was so weak!    


Huang Xing couldn't help but get closer to her and feel her familiar aura.    


Fu Jie reflexively took half a step back.    


Huang Xing went closer and looked at him affectionately, hoping that his fiery and passionate gaze could melt her and dissolve all the misunderstandings and resentments she had towards him.    


Under Huang Xing's gaze, Fu Jie seemed to have a chemical reaction to her emotions. She, who had been overbearing just a moment ago, now had a face full of emotion. It was sad and beautiful.    


Huang Xing grabbed Fu Jie's hand. Fu Jie pulled back, but was unable to get rid of him.    


Fu Jie said weakly, Let go of me.    


Huang Xing Qiang said, "If you won't let it go, then don't let it go. You won't let it go for the rest of your life!" No matter what, I will not give up, much less let go!    


Fu Jie was stunned for a moment, but her eyes were soon filled with tears.    


She didn't even know why she suddenly felt like crying.    


Perhaps, it was because she had suppressed it for too long, for too long.    


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