The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me

C637 Backdoor

C637 Backdoor

3Huang Xing scratched his head, at a loss of what to do.    


Fu Jie sighed, hugged her arm, and retorted with a question: What's wrong with you, what are you thinking?    


Huang Xing thought for a moment and emphasized: Since Bao Shijie came to the Xin Meng Plaza, everything has changed for me. Fu Jie, you can recall what kind of tacit understanding you and I had before he came. And after he came?    


Fu Jie was silent for a moment, then said: "I have not changed, I am still me.    


Huang Xing really wanted to ask, "Or my girlfriend?" However, the words stopped right at the mouth. There was no sign of a couple at all.    


Fu Jie immediately followed and said: You are just like a little kid, playing around, doing nothing to consider the consequences. If this continued … You won't be able to hold it in!    


Huang Xing smiled stiffly: That doesn't matter. The point is, I'm doing what I can for myself.    


Fu Jie emphasized: But these efforts of yours tend to run counter to one another!    


Huang Xing shook his head: I don't think so! For example, do you know how arrogant Bao Shijie has been recently? He doesn't put anyone in his eyes, not even me. Do you know why? This is because of your excessive love for him, making him act arrogantly and arrogantly. Anyone can see that you are eager for him to ascend to the throne and take over my position.    


Fu Jie was shocked. What makes you think that? Your position was decided by the Boss Yu, and no one can replace you.    


Huang Xing said. There is no eternal position, there is only eternal profit and ambition. Alright, let's stop arguing and head back.    


The two of them drove back. Along the way, Fu Jie wore a serious expression on her face and was deep in thought.    


Huang Xing also wanted to express some of his thoughts to her, but he didn't know how to begin. At the very least, the atmosphere was not right. Without a harmonious atmosphere as the foundation, some things could not be said.    


Fu Jie was lost in thought and took the initiative to speak: "In the two days that I'm not here, I hope you can go to the hospital and see Bao Shijie. Consider it as representing me."    


Huang Xing was startled, then laughed bitterly: "How many days is he going to stay in the hospital with these few superficial wounds? I think he can leave the hospital right after he hangs up the bottle! Unless he refused to leave!    


Fu Jie frowned: What degree of injury would I have to arouse your sympathy? Is it really only natural for you to beat someone up?    


Huang Xing emphasized: I didn't say that, I was just discussing the matter.    


After all, you are the general manager, you have to learn to take care of the overall situation.    


Huang Xing nodded his head: "Don't worry, I know what to do." I can represent you in the mall and go to the hospital to see Bao Shijie, but I hope that what I get from him won't be counter-productive.    


Fu Jie said: Good! Your attitude must be more sincere. After all, it was you who hit him!    


Huang Xing said: Alright, I'll try my best.    


Fu Jie sighed, but it was as if she suddenly remembered something, and her eyes lit up: That's right, since you can't go, I'm going to bring someone with me to Beijing.    


Huang Xing was startled: Didn't you bring Yun Lu to go with you?    


Fu Jie said: I want to bring Yun Lu, but I still need to bring someone over. Li Rong. I felt that the test period for her was almost over, and this time I was going to take her out and talk to her.    


Huang Xing was stunned!    


Fu Jie still didn't know that she was being hospitalized!    


Huang Xing said thoughtfully: "I can't talk about it anywhere, I must bring her to Beijing to discuss it."    


Fu Jie emphasized, "Bringing her to Beijing is also a type of test for her. Li Rong could be considered a meritorious general of Xin Feng company, he was Fu Zhenxin's right-hand man. I can't just give her a position as a salesperson, her position needs to be upgraded. Didn't you look for me last time? You said that she was suitable for management, that she had a team, and that she wasn't suitable for personal sales.    


Huang Xing nodded: I did. But isn't that a little too sudden?    


Towards Fu Jie's sudden idea, Huang Xing was caught off guard. If it was a normal day, Huang Xing would definitely feel very gratified by what she had done. But the key thing was Li Rong was currently in the hospital! Moreover, Fu Jie did not know.    


'What's so sudden about that? ' Fu Jie said: "I think it's time to forge Li Rong. She must be feeling terrible right now." Zhao Xiaoran who came along with them was promoted to manager, but she was just a normal employee. This was the biggest test of her heart.    


Huang Xing quickly said: "I think that the other person is more suitable than Li Rong."    


Fu Jie was startled: Who else?    


Huang Xing blurted out: Fu Zhenxin!    


'What?! ' Fu Jie coldly snorted. What a joke!    


Huang Xing emphasized: Fu Zhenxin has the sole responsibility now, she is the manager of Xin Feng company. Xin Edge Company had already reached a bottleneck in their development. If they didn't jump out now, they could only go downhill. In such a situation, you should cultivate and care for her even more. The company is now only likely to keep its performance steady if it expands on other businesses. It was like a sponge, soaked to the brim with water. It could either maintain its current state or leak out. There was only one way to collect more water, and that was to add more sponges. One, two, many.    


Fu Jie thoughtfully nodded her head. But this time, I am going for the Xin Meng Plaza. It wasn't appropriate for Fu Zhenxin to go.    


Huang Xing said: But everything is related, especially business. I feel that as the chairman of Xin Meng Plaza, you should be more worried about the merchant house. But Fu Zhenxin is your sister, so you should take care of this as well. Moreover, Xin Fen Company is a company that you started on your own, a witness to your own success.    


Fu Jie said: You seem to be especially concerned about Fu Zhenxin, but you don't need to worry about that, I will take care of it. As for you, if you have any good suggestions, you can just contact Fu Zhenxin directly. Alright, I have decided. I will bring Li Rong along tomorrow. Go and arrange things when you get back, so that you can talk to Li Rong first.    


Huang Xing blurted out: "I can't talk about it, I can't talk about it."    


Fu Jie was very surprised: What happened to you? In the past, you often cried out for Li Rong in front of me, but when I really wanted to promote her, you instead …    


Seeing that the paper could no longer hold up any longer, Huang Xing truthfully said: Actually … Actually, Li Rong's current … She's in the hospital now!    


'What?! ' Fu Jie was stunned: How could she be … In the hospital?    


Huang Xing said. She had a traffic accident and was hospitalized with a fracture.    


Fu Jie said: How come I didn't know? Which hospital is she in? Let's go and take a look!    


Huang Xing said: Victory Hospital. But you don't have to look at her. There's nothing wrong with her. I've arranged for someone to accompany her to bed. He estimated that he would be discharged within eight to ten days!    


Fu Jie said as if she had thought of something: I must go and take a look, I'm still hoping that Li Rong will be able to stand up for me in the future in Xin Meng Plaza! Go, buy something, go to Victory Hospital.    


To be exact, at this very moment, Huang Xing was a little anxious in his heart. He was very worried that the sharp Fu Jie would be able to discover some clues from Li Rong's words. After all, there was a subtle relationship between him and Li Rong that had always existed.    


He turned the car around and headed straight for Victory Hospital.    


On the way, he stopped in front of a supermarket and bought some supplies.    


When they were almost at the Victory Hospital, Huang Xing dialed Li Rong's number.    


Waiting for the other side to answer, Huang Xing said straightforwardly: Li Rong, Boss Fu will be there shortly.    


Li Rong was shocked: Boss Fu? Boss Fu wants to see me?    


Huang Xing nodded: Are you moved?    


Li Rong said: That is rather touching. I. I. What... Are you with the Boss Fu?    


She was at a loss for words.    


Huang Xing said: We are together, we are almost at the hospital gate.    


Li Rong said. I'll go and pick you up!    


Huang Xing emphasized: No need. You just lie on the bed, OK?    


After hanging up the phone, Huang Xing's heart was beating like a drum.    


Fu Jie turned his head and said: I'm almost there, why are you calling her? It was supposed to be a pleasant surprise, but this phone call of yours instead turned into a fright.    


Huang Xing evaded: Let her be mentally prepared.    


Fu Jie laughed bitterly: What do I need to prepare for this!    


Huang Xing argued, saying: If the great leader were to go down to inspect, the leaders must prepare well. That was the rule.    


Fu Jie frowned: Why do you have to be so unreasonable!    


The two of them stopped the car in the hospital parking lot. Carrying a box of supplies, they walked to the entrance of the Inpatient Department.    


However, just as he was about to enter, he was stopped by a security guard at the entrance.    


Security officer said with an ashen face: "We have stopped visiting, please come back tomorrow morning!" Take a look at the visiting schedule posted at the door: 9: 30 A.M. to 11: 00 P.M., 2: 00 P.M. to 4: 30 P.M.    


Fu Jie tilted her head and said somewhat angrily: "It's only seeing a patient, why is it so difficult?" A time limit?    


Huang Xing echoed: Exactly! It's not easy for us to come all the way here.    


Security officer stressed, "If I give you convenience, you will punish me with money."    


Huang Xing asked: "How much punishment?"    


Security officer said: Two hundred.    


Huang Xing really wanted to take out two hundred yuan and shine it in front of Security officer so that he could do some convenient things. In this day and age, money was still useful.    


But on second thought, wouldn't it be better not to visit? He never wanted to let Fu Jie and Li Rong face each other in the first place in order to avoid any unnecessary conflicts between them. So, Huang Xing turned and said to Fu Jie: Boss Fu, since that's the case, then we might as well … Come visit another day?    


Fu Jie frowned: Another day? I'm on a business trip tomorrow. So much for seeing a patient.    


Huang Xing replied: Understood, understood. After all, the hospital was a hospital, so they had time to rest. The hospital also did so to ensure that the patient had sufficient rest time.    


Security officer could not help but give Huang Xing a thumbs up. Thank you for your cooperation.    


Who would have thought that Fu Jie would actually call the principal of this hospital?    


Huang Xing had no way of knowing how Fu Jie knew about the Room Principal of the Victory Hospital, but from the way they were speaking, Huang Xing could tell that the Room Principal was extremely courteous and respectful to Fu Jie.    


Fu Jie said on the phone: Main Branch, I don't want to go against your rules. It's mainly because I have to travel tomorrow. I hope you can do me a favor. Next time, I'll follow the rules, thank you.    


Room Principal: Boss Fu is going to see a patient, how can I not? welcome to visit anytime. Just like this, Boss Fu, please wait a moment, I will immediately bring you in!    


Fu Jie emphasized: You don't have to come personally, just give the guard a call.    


Room Principal: Then... Your Boss Fu is here, I can't possibly …    


Fu Jie said: Alright, alright, stop talking nonsense, I'm in a hurry.    


Room Principal: …    


He handed the phone back to Security officer, who politely invited Huang Xing and Huang Xing in after a few words of advice.    


In this day and age, they had to leave the community to visit the sick.    


However, the closer he got to the sickroom, the more Huang Xing's heart skipped a beat.    


He had been worrying about something.    


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