The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me

C633 Fish and bear palm

C633 Fish and bear palm

1At that time, Fu Jie was writing on her desk, and when she saw Huang Xing coming in, she straightforwardly said, "Tomorrow is the weekend, why don't you come with me to Beijing?    


To Huang Xing, this was a kind of pleasant surprise. After all, Fu Jie usually brought that damnable Bao Shijie when he went out to do something recently. But this time, Fu Jie wanted to bring him along, wasn't this also a good opportunity?    


Huang Xing asked casually: "Why are you going to Beijing?"    


Fu Jie said: During the two days of the weekend, I plan to go through all the large scale shopping malls in Beijing in detail!    


Huang Xing was stunned: Shopping?    


But he immediately understood and said: "You mean the Boss Yu has already approved your second phase project?    


A slight smile emerged from the corner of Fu Jie's mouth. It was not easy to notice, but it was also kind and real. That's right, Boss Yu replied today, she was prepared to provide eight hundred million to support Xin Meng Plaza's Second Stage of the Merchant Shop. I would like to use my weekend time to go to Beijing to learn from it. After all, there was a definite difference in nature between a stage two merchant and a stage one Xin Meng Plaza. Also, I'm going to have a preliminary talk with the Beijing design company to see if they have any good designs.    


Huang Xing said happily: Congratulations to Boss Fu!    


Fu Jie asked: What are you congratulating me for? It should be, it should be the same.    


Huang Xing emphasized: Right, right, right!    


Fu Jie thought for a while before he said: Let's go tomorrow morning, we'll head out at around four o'clock, and try to reach Beijing before eight o'clock.    


Huang Xing said: Drive?    


Fu Jie nodded his head: It would be more convenient to drive there.    


Huang Xing said: It might not be convenient to drive there. It would be better to take the high-speed rail. Besides, even if we drive there, the traffic jams in Beijing will make us lose our temper.    


'That's true! ' Fu Jie's face became serious: But I think I'll just drive, I'm not used to riding on the high speed rail.    


Huang Xing probed: Aircraft?    


Fu Jie said: It will only take me two to three hours to get there by car. As for flying to the airport, we still need to go to the remote wall two hours in advance. That doesn't actually save us time.    


Huang Xing nodded his head. Then we'll do as you say, drive it!    


Fu Jie said: Take that car of yours! After all, they still had to talk about cooperation. It would be better to drive a slightly higher class car.    


Huang Xing was immediately stunned: Your Phaedon is much more expensive than the Audi A6!    


Fu Jie laughed bitterly: "But the problem is, many people view Phaedon as Passat." The majority of the population was originally in a mid-to-low position. No matter how expensive a Phaedon was, it was inferior to a BMW and Mercedes-Benz Audi in terms of quality. Although I am not vain, I do not like to boast. But most of the time, especially when it comes to business and cooperation, you have to show off when you need to, and you have to show off when you need to. A lot of people these days wear tinted glasses.    


Huang Xing sighed: To be honest, there were a lot of luxury cars in Beijing. This A6 was simply not listed at all!    


Fu Jie clicked his tongue: Alright, that's enough. All the leaders at or above the division level sat on Audi s. The members of the Politburo were still seated on the A6. Let's not dwell on the problem of the car. The problem is, you have to figure out a way to get some local specialties to put in the trunk today.    


Huang Xing said: Local specialty? No doubt it was Texas pickpockets.    


Fu Jie emphasized: Prepare a few more ingredients, such as Dong Ah Ah Gelou, Tai Shan Pancake, etc.    


Huang Xing nodded his head: That's easy to do!    


Fu Jie asked. Look, what else do you need to prepare?    


Huang Xing wanted to say something, but he suddenly realized a serious problem! He had already planned for tomorrow night's reunion, and Wu Qianqian had even called him earlier. If he were to break his promise tomorrow night, his face would be disgraced in front of dozens of his classmates. He would also fail to live up to the hopes and advice that Wu Qianqian had given him all this while.    


But on Fu Jie's side, she took the initiative to let him accompany her on a business trip, this was undoubtedly a great opportunity to ease the tension between the two of them, maybe this was also the peaceful dove that Fu Jie released, wanting to fix it for himself. After making good use of these two days, perhaps the relationship between the two of them would return to the same situation as when they were at Xin Feng company back in Xin Meng Plaza.    


Therefore, this trip, to Huang Xing, was equally important. It had the significance of changing heaven and earth.    


As the saying goes, one cannot have both the fish and the bear's paw, but in terms of choosing between these two things, Huang Xing was really unable to make a decision.    


What should I do, what should I do?    


If he gave up the chance to travel with Fu Jie this time, then Fu Jie would very likely let Bao Shijie travel with her. The consequences would be unimaginable!    


However, Huang Xing was the key protagonist of this student gathering that was meticulously planned for a long time by Wu Qianqian. Without him, this gathering might have ended in failure. And Huang Xing, would disappoint many people.    


Fu Jie seemed to have seen through Huang Xing's thoughts, and asked: "What's wrong, you?    


Huang Xing said uneasily: No …. Nothing. This... Boss Fu, can you … Could I go on a business trip the day after tomorrow?    


Fu Jie was startled: Pre-Sky Realm? Sunday? Do you think one day is enough?    


Huang Xing emphasized: We can come back on Monday night or Tuesday!    


Fu Jie bit her lips, thought for a while and said: No way! This was supposed to be done over the weekend. It was only on weekends that the mall in Beijing was the most crowded. Only at this time would he be able to see more things worth learning from. Besides, I have a lot of things to deal with on Monday. You and I can't miss Monday's meeting.    


'But... ' Huang Xing revealed a difficult expression: "I … I'm already. There was something else.    


Fu Jie countered: What's so important?    


Huang Xing emphasized: It's not an important matter, it's something I promised others before! It was … is to help Wu Qianqian realize a wish.    


'Wu Qianqian? ' Fu Jie was suspicious: What does this have to do with her?    


Huang Xing nodded his head: It's very complicated, allow me to explain in detail to you in the future. However, this reunion tomorrow held great meaning for me and for Wu Qianqian.    


Fu Jie asked Huang Xing: A classmate gathering. Why, is it even more meaningful than our second phase gathering? I hope you know your place. After all, it's just a classmate gathering. Worst case scenario, you can reorganize the event when you get back. However, we can only take the initiative as soon as possible.    


Huang Xing explained. The key thing is, I have been planning and preparing for this reunion for a long time!    


Fu Jie frowned: Why are you so keen on planning this student gathering? I see. It's vanity, isn't it? You should be the best one among your classmates right now, Xin Meng Plaza General Manager. Do you really like that feeling of standing out from the rest of the world? And Wu Qianqian, she and you, this is your goal, right?    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly: I am not that vain! The reason why I organized this reunion was entirely to help Wu Qianqian!    


Fu Jie was startled: Help Wu Qianqian?    


Huang Xing nodded: Yes! The reason behind this was very complicated.    


Fu Jie asked: How complex is it?    


Huang Xing did not want Fu Jie to misunderstand him, so he accidentally revealed the truth of the matter. In her vanity, she even invented her own birth and place of origin, refusing to acknowledge her hometown and her parents, who were in the small business of setting up stalls. In this way, she was isolated by her classmates at home. Everyone was scolding her online for forgetting her roots and calling her cruel and unscrupulous. All sorts of curses and insults were heard. Later, Wu Qianqian realized his mistake and even took the initiative to attend a reunion with his classmates to restore his image in their hearts. However, her image had already been deeply ingrained. She was mocked and ridiculed by her classmates. Furthermore, they had isolated her and no one was willing to talk to her … Because of this, Wu Qianqian was very vexed, and this became a part of her heart …    


Fu Jie interrupted Huang Xing: So you started to organize a class reunion and used this opportunity to save Wu Qianqian's reputation?    


Huang Xing nodded: You can say so! That's why, tomorrow night's reunion was very crucial!    


Fu Jie sighed softly. Since you have matters to attend to, then forget it.    


Huang Xing lamented: Thank you Boss Fu for your understanding! If you decide what time you want to go, I'll stay with you!    


Fu Jie stressed: My decision will not be changed so easily. You can't go, I'll take someone else.    


Huang Xing was stunned and could not help but blurt out: Porsche? Are you planning to bring the Porsche with you?    


Fu Jie said: Other than you, he is the best candidate!    


These words caused Huang Xing to feel a little more comforted in his heart.    


Huang Xing thought for a while, then said: "But I suggest … …." I think it's best to take it easy. A day was a day off!    


Fu Jie shook his head slightly.    


In Huang Xing's heart, it was as if ten thousand ants had gathered.    


Both of Fu Jie's hands lightly rested on the desk as he emphasized, "Alright, you can go and take care of your own matters. I'll take care of my own matters. If there are any further developments later on, I will contact you in time.    


Huang Xing's heart was exceptionally conflicted. To be precise, he really wanted to cherish this hard-to-come-by opportunity and travel together with Fu Jie.    


However, Wu Qianqian's matter had also been planned for a long time. The moment reneged on his promise, in the hearts of Wu Qianqian and all the students, their reputations would be ruined. Especially since it would bring about too many negative effects and pain to Wu Qianqian.    


What should he do?    


What should he do?    


Huang Xing remembered that the reason his and Fu Jie's relationship started at this time was because of the incident when he was travelling with Fu Jie at the Xin Yue company. And tomorrow, if he did not go on a business trip with Fu Jie, then this kindness might very well land on Bao Shijie! In other words, this business trip would allow Bao Shijie to snatch Fu Jie from his hands!    


Huang Xing thought about it for a long time, and really couldn't think of a method that could achieve the best of both worlds.    


Fu Jie pinched his forehead with his fingers, half closing his eyes, his eyebrows knitted together: Finally, I want to ask you, tomorrow, are you going with me or not?    


Huang Xing felt like his head was about to explode!    


Facing love and dozens of classmates, it was really hard for him to make a choice.    


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