The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me



0To be exact, Huang Xing knew the middle-aged couple.     2


Moreover, he had a deep impression of them!    


That was when Huang Xing went to his home to do after-sales service on mobile phones when he was still working at Xin Yuan Corporation. There was an intense conflict between the two.    


The old man was a private business owner, and his aunt was the financial manager of her own business. For convenience, they bought a few mobile phone numbers at Xinfeng. However, due to a small problem with one of the mobile phones, Huang Xing went to their home to repair it after selling it.    


Unexpectedly, this old man had a bad temper. He kept scolding non-stop the moment they met, blaming Xin Duo Company for delaying their work. Huang Xing argued with reason, but he was almost slapped on the face by the old man. Later on, when Huang Xing checked carefully, he found out that the machine wasn't a quality issue, but rather that they installed the battery on the wrong side. Huang Xing didn't know whether to laugh or cry.    


Therefore, Huang Xing had a particularly deep impression of this pair of unreasonable husband and wife.    


Who would have thought that they would bump into each other in the hospital.    


Obviously, this couple was the parents of the girl next door to Li Rong.    


Sure enough, when the girl saw them, she immediately got up from the bed and shouted for help: I'm going to leave the hospital, I'm going to leave the hospital!    


The middle-aged woman hurried over and gave the girl a big hug. A few more days of observation. In two days, I'll make another film and take a look. What if … What if there are sequelae?    


Huang Xing finally realized that the girl's name was Le Le.    


The old man also walked in with his hands behind his back. Huang Xing remembered what happened a few years ago and didn't want to meet with them, so he just turned his head away.    


However, the old man still noticed Huang Xing's existence. He patted Huang Xing on the shoulder and said condescendingly: "Hey, why do you look so familiar to me?"    


Huang Xing didn't want to cause any trouble, so he said evasively, "Do you look familiar? Maybe it's because …" Maybe I look more popular.    


At this moment, Mother Le Le also looked over. Her eyebrows slightly furrowed, and she immediately cried out in alarm: His father, his father, isn't this …. This isn't that. The one who came to our door a few years ago. The one with the phone?    


The old man was suddenly enlightened and said, "I remember now, I remember now!" Oh, it's really a narrow path for enemies! We ran into each other here!    


Li Rong and Le Le asked, confused. You two really know each other, why … How did he become an enemy of another?    


Mother Lele pointed at Huang Xing and said, "You don't know Lele, it has to be him from a few years ago. He's the one that was sold by the company." The mobile. Broken. Then he went to our house to fix it and he almost had a fight with your dad!    


Le Le said in surprise, There's such a thing?    


Father Le Le's face was filled with anger. You say that this young man has a rather impetuous temper? We spent money to buy your company's stuff, but that service attitude of yours … Alright, it seems like the sky has opened up for me today. Brat, what are you still doing at that company?    


Huang Xing was completely speechless!    


Although a few years had passed, Huang Xing still remembered it vividly.    


After all, this couple was quite different from the others. They were arrogant and didn't treat the staff members as human beings!    


However, Huang Xing still hid his anger and explained: "Uncle, Auntie, I don't work for that company anymore, but …"    


Father Le Le burst out laughing, but then he restrained himself and put on a serious expression. 'Serves you right! I knew that if a company like that didn't work for long, sooner or later it would go out of business! This shouldn't happen, right?    


Huang Xing was disgusted by his look of schadenfreude, but he stressed: "It's a pity, Uncle. Xin Yun Corporation has grown and expanded." There are now more than a thousand employees in the country.    


'What?! ' Mother Le Le interjected, There's no justice! Sly business, evil business! This kind of profiteer was able to make a big deal out of it?    


Father Le Le added: "Those who do big are all evil merchants!"    


Huang Xing couldn't help but beat him up: As far as I know, you also seem to be a businessman, right?    


Father Le raised his head. I'm not the same! Although we are merchants, we never cheat! Unlike your company, the quality of that phone … There was no way to evaluate it! Poor, seriously poor rating!    


Huang Xingqiang adjusted the tone: "Uncle, please recall again, is that a problem with the quality of the phone?" You put the battery down.    


Father Le Le frowned and waved his hand impatiently. What do you mean by battery?    


Yes, it's a question of quality!    


Li Rong and Le Le, who were at the side, exchanged a glance. Perhaps it was because they had heard some clues from their conversation.    


Ignoring the pain in her arm, Li Rong sat up and said, "Uncle and Auntie, what are you doing? We, Boss Huang …" We, Boss Huang... I believe in our character! Furthermore, I am also from the company Xin Feng company. As for that quality problem you mentioned, it doesn't exist at all. All those phones.    


Huang Xing let out a light cough, signalling for her not to reveal the so-called 'business secret'.    


Le Le pouted and unhappily said, "What are you doing, Dad? Mom?" It was so noisy the moment he entered. Let me tell you, this brother is great. And last night's meal, it was all cooked by him! He is a very kind and cordial big brother.    


Huang Xing felt a surge of warmth in his heart as he heard Le Le Le righting his name.    


Le Le's father glanced at Huang Xing, took out a cigarette, and said loudly: "You have been fooled by him!" He is … He is …    


Mother Lele adds: He is a weasel wishing the chicken a happy new year! He had some bad intentions towards you!    


Huang Xing heaved a sigh of relief and said: "Uncle and Auntie, can you not look at everyone else in such a dirty manner?" What happened a few years ago, why did he need to bring it out before doing it …    


Mother Le Yue interrupted Huang Xing's words and said sarcastically: "Did you see that? Are you feeling guilty?" Still don't allow me to say it?    


Father Le Le stressed, "It's a guilty conscience!" He felt extremely guilty!    


Le Le couldn't stand it anymore. He attacked his parents: Dad, mom, you guys are too much! I took the initiative to ask my big brother for food. I took the initiative! What nonsense! You even tried to do that. Dad, Mom, don't be like this! This brother is a good person!    


Huang Xing didn't want to waste time with this kind of unreasonable person, so he said to Li Rong, "You rest first, I'm going to work." I'll arrange for someone to come over today and accompany you to your bed.    


Li Rong glanced at Le Le Le and shook her head. I don't want it. I don't need someone to accompany me to bed.    


Obedient! Okay, I'm going.    


Father Le looked at Huang Xing with disdain, but he did not stop him.    


However, the moment Huang Xing stepped out of the door, he heard his parents, who were still unscrupulously attacking him, laughing bitterly.    


What kind of person was this! This is!    


He got into the car, feeling sleepy and tired at the same time.    


Huang Xing directly rushed to the Xin Ya Fast Food Restaurant to eat breakfast. Seeing that there was still some time left, he asked for a key for Xie Yundan and went into a small room to lie on the bed for a while.    


He hadn't rested for the whole night and was still rushing about on Li Rong's matter. After all, she wasn't someone who could be beaten up by iron, so Huang Xing couldn't take it anymore.    


Xie Yundan pushed the door open and walked in.    


Sensing that someone had entered, Huang Xing squinted and asked: "Who?"    


Xie Yundan walked to the bedside, reached out her hand to try Huang Xing on the forehead, said: "What's the matter, you keep talking in your sleep."    


Huang Xing retorted, "Did I speak in my sleep?"    


Xie Yundan covered Huang Xing with the blanket and said, "It was too loud. I thought it was going to happen." You are too tired. Don't work so hard, the Xin Dream Merchant House is someone else's, your life is yours!    


Huang Xing rubbed his eyes. From Xie Yundan's eyes, he could see the deep concern she had for him. Huang Xing nodded slightly and said: "It's mainly because I didn't sleep tonight."    


'Not sleeping all night? ' Xie Yundan was stunned for a moment. Then what did you do? Work overtime?    


No, Huang Xingqiang said. A friend was hospitalized and went to take a look. There was a winery last night.    


Xie Yundan sighed. How about this, don't go to the Xin Dream Merchant Shop this morning, and have a good sleep here. I'll make you something good to eat and give you some nourishment.    


Huang Xing quickly shook his head: "No!" I have a lot of things to deal with today!    


Xie Yundan thought for a moment. Okay, I know I can't stop you, but you have to take care of your body.    


Unconsciously, she held Huang Xing's hand. It seemed like she was using the temperature of her hands to transmit her true concern to Huang Xing.    


Huang Xing calmed himself down and sat up from the bed.    


Xie Yundan's heart ached as she looked at his exhausted appearance. Should she eat something more?    


Huang Xing shook his head: "No need."    


Xie Yundan pressed her body close to Huang Xing and stared at him without blinking. After thinking for a while, she stammered, "How about …" Why don't you quit your job and work with me, and I promise you won't be as tired as you are now.    


Huang Xing couldn't help but be surprised: "What are you talking about? I'm not tired." Occasionally. Occasionally!    


I know you can't let go of your position as general manager, but. Forget it, go to work.    


She looked like she wanted to say something but stopped, as if her mind was preoccupied with something.    


Huang Xing tidied up his appearance in front of the mirror and rushed to Xin Dream's Merchant House.    


Sitting listlessly at his desk, he still wanted to take a nap. Huang Xing went straight to the water cage and washed his face with cold water. Only then did he regain some energy.    


Huang Xing looked at the roster and kept thinking about which employee would be more suitable to accompany Li Rong. After weighing the pros and cons, Huang Xing leaned towards Song Menglian, who just had a car crash with him.    


After making up his mind, Huang Xing decided to personally report this to Song Menglian. Thus, he asked Tao Fei to call Song Menglian to the General Manager's office.    


As soon as Tao Fei left, the floor manager, Niu Lili, hurried into the office.    


Huang Xing looked up and asked: "Manager Niu, what's the matter?"    


Recalling the series of unpleasant things that happened at dinner last night, Huang Xing felt a little awkward when he looked at Niu Lili.    


Niu Lili's head drooped down as she grabbed a bunch of things with a tremble from behind her back. She passed them to Huang Xing and said, "Boss Huang, this is me..." I was. He did not sleep for the entire night.    


'What is it? ' Huang Xing asked in confusion.    


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