The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me



0Huang Xing was suddenly enlightened and quickly explained: "I didn't mean that." I mean, you're both my friends. I couldn't go to another friend for one of them, bring any trouble or burden with me. So I just wanted to make this suggestion so that each of you could take what you wanted and profit from it. You have acquired the talent, the ready-made talent. As for Xie Yundan, she had obtained an even larger development platform. Why not?    


Xiao Yan was silent for a moment, then said, We'll have to take a comprehensive look. Maybe this pill is the talent I need, but maybe not. But I'd like to hear it. If I use her, what do you think would be the best place to put her in charge?    


Since Huang Xing couldn't agree to Xiao Yan's conditions, he certainly wouldn't be so rash as to give Xiao Yan's operation plan and raise too many points of view. So he just laughed and said, Well, of course it depends on Sister Xiao's arrangement. As for what kind of position I am responsible for, one, it depends on her ability, and two, it depends on the needs of Food City.    


But what I need most is a talent like you. With you, I don't have to worry about anything else.    


Huang Xing said, "Sister Xiao, you've imagined me to be so omnipotent." Actually … Even I myself am not confident in my ability to do so.    


Xiao Yan stretched out a finger and lightly pointed at Huang Xing. You're being modest.    


Huang Xing didn't miss an opportunity to point at the lamb soup in front of them, and laughed: "Sister Xiao, let's eat first, the lamb soup is not good when it's cold."    


Xiao Yan nodded.    


The mutton soup was the Five Incense Burn, it could be said to be a snack. No one knew how many chilies Xiao Yan had put in the lamb soup, but they were all drenched in sweat after a short while. But it was also very satisfying. When Huang Xing saw her sweat-soaked appearance, the fine beads of sweat on his face explained a kind of true beauty for this almost perfect woman. The way she ate was not like the small jasper. However, it gave off a very beautiful feeling. The atmosphere was elegant. There were all sorts of ways for women to eat, but most of the time, they gave off an indecent impression. But Xiao Yan was different. When she ate, she was calm, graceful, and naturally generous.    


Xiao Yan's restaurant wasn't very big, so she was the first to finish eating. She pushed the bowl to the side and quietly stared at Huang Xing. He took out a wet towel from his bag and wiped off the sweat on his face. It seemed that he still wanted to continue.    


A few minutes later, Huang Xing finished his meal. Xiao Yan handed over a wet towel and said, Here's something for you.    


Huang Xing wiped his sweat away as he asked: "What is it?"    


Xiao Yan took out another piece of paper from her bag, placed it on the table and pushed it in front of Huang Xing.    


Huang Xing was stunned. He took it over and took a look. It turned out to be an invoice worth 370 thousand. Huang Xing asked, This is. What is this?    


Xiao Yan blurted out, Car repair fee.    


Huang Xing couldn't help but laugh bitterly in his heart.    


Do you think I'm cold-blooded for doing this? asked Xiao Yan.    


Huang Xing thought about it for a moment, then said, To be fair, this three hundred and seventy thousand yuan is nothing to you. However, to us, Chief of Staff and Xu Wenguang, it is an astronomical figure. This number might affect the entire life of their family. His car went into business risk and he had to pay for it himself. But so far, he could not afford the three hundred and seventy thousand unless he sold the house. Of course, on the other hand, it's not against morality to ask him to pay for the repair. After all, it was Xu Wenguang's family that accidentally bumped into your luxurious car.    


Xiao Yan stared straight at Huang Xing. "Are you here, blaming me for not showing mercy and destroying a family?"    


Huang Xing shook his head. Of course not. You have the right to choose, and the principle of doing things. Others couldn't do anything about it.    


Xiao Yan smiled mysteriously and said, "Then I'll have to trouble Boss Huang to pass it on to her." I wish I could get the maintenance money earlier, give me an explanation for my innocent car crash.    


I'll forward it, Huang Xing said.    


Xiao Yan nodded. That's good.    


After that, the two of them walked out of the room. Xie Yundan was at the front desk, registering something. She had a very serious look on her face.    


Seeing Huang Xing and Xiao Yan come out, Xie Yundan asked, "Have you finished eating?"    


Huang Xing nodded.    


Any time you eat, Xie Yundan said. It's free of charge.    


Huang Xing said: "It's definitely not possible to do it for free. It's as much as it should be." I can't, specialize.    


When Huang Xing rushed to pay the bill, Xiao Yan was unhappy. She criticized Huang Xing, "I was the one who called you out for dinner, why are you paying?" Save it, the next time you invite me, I'm not going to fight with you for the bill.    


Helpless, Huang Xing could only let her go.    


After Xiao Yan drove Huang Xing back to the Xin Dream Merchant Shop, she went to each of the special cabinets to look around. She picked out a few high-end clothes, as well as a pair of pearl fish leather shoes.    


When Huang Xing returned to his office, he was extremely conflicted.    


He held the invoice in his hand for a long time. He did not know what kind of method he should use to deliver this invoice to Xu Wenguang.    


He called Tao Fei over. Just as he was about to hand over the invoice for her to pass on to him, he felt that it was even more inappropriate. After weighing the pros and cons, he decided to personally hand the invoice to Xu Wenguang.    


A few minutes later, Xu Wenguang arrived at the general manager's office.    


At this time, Xu Wenguang was still immersed in the joy of the morning meeting. As soon as he entered the door, he laughed and said: "Boss Huang, wise, brilliant!"    


Huang Xing didn't understand what he meant: what wise man?    


Xu Wenguang said: "Leading team is wise, Boss Fu is wise, Boss Huang is also wise." The welfare house policy, that was so satisfying. I think, just based on this, the development of the Xin Dream Merchant House …    


Huang Xing stretched out his hand to interrupt Xu Wenguang's words. "Alright, alright. I didn't come here to sing praises."    


Xu Wenguang slightly restrained the excitement on his face as he placed his hands together on his stomach: "I'll listen to Boss Huang's instructions."    


Huang Xing thought about it for a while, then got straight to the point. "Who is that …" Bentley's owner, send the invoice.    


The moment he said that, Xu Wenguang's face immediately turned from a glowing red to one of a box full of eggplants. His trembling eyes had already seen the terrifying object in Huang Xing's hand. Hair... Invoice?    


Huang Xing nodded. It was just as he had imagined. But a little less. 370 thousand, maintenance costs.    


'Ow... ' Xu Wenguang stepped forward unwillingly and took the invoice.    


Huang Xing explained, "I've done my best." But they were adamant that they had to pay for what they had done wrong. He probably wouldn't be able to avoid the three hundred and seventy thousand. But I'll advise you on your behalf and see if you can repay the money in instalments. After all, 370 thousand was not a small number.    


Xu Wenguang's hands were trembling as he held the invoice and couldn't help but mutter, "People nowadays …" The richer he got, the more … Sigh...    


Huang Xing was somewhat disgusted by his complaints. He frowned and said, "What right do you have to blame others?" Let me tell you, Director Xu, Xiao Yan is more humane. Bentley, it's Bentley! Her car, do you think 370 thousand in maintenance costs is high? Let me tell you, as a man, you have to be responsible first. Since he had done something wrong, then he shouldn't blame others. Rich? So what if he was rich? Even if he had the money, he would have earned it with his ability. It wasn't something that he had snatched away from others. This was their legal gain! I also want to tell you, the other party only asked for maintenance fees. As you know, once a car has crashed and repaired, it has actually lost a lot in value. It's already very valuable that she didn't mention this fee to you!    


The point is... This 370 thousand was nothing to her. But to me, it is a … An astronomical figure. She spent 370 thousand, maybe only on shoes. But for me, it was a distant dream. How much am I getting paid? How long will I have to pay back? I dare not say she is unkind. But I think she's too hard on this one.    


Huang Xing interrupted him, "Your understanding and consciousness is completely distorted!" Who made the rule that when you have money, you must give in? China Mobile is rich, but can you pay a penny less per month? This was not the same thing as a person's character. Rather, it was a normal compensation relationship. Under this kind of normal relationship, was it wrong for the other party to demand compensation from him for the maintenance work? What rights and qualifications do you have to complain about not giving in?    


Xu Wenguang's face instantly turned green.    


Huang Xing sighed lightly, easing his tone and said, "Director Xu, I have done my best on this matter." But I'm really sorry, Xiao Yan's job is really hard. I hope you'll be able to put your mind at ease and face it properly. After all, you did the wrong thing. 370 thousand is a pretty big number for you. But I'll talk to Xiao Yan again and see if I can. Can you give me more time? Or maybe a installment. This way, your burden will be reduced a little.    


To some extent, Huang Xing's words were true.    


Ever since the incident with Xu Wenguang, he had been actively mediating with Xiao Yan, hoping that she would give in. However, Xiao Yan seemed to have hardened her heart, determined to pursue this matter to the end. Even though Xu Wenguang often said bad things about himself in his daily work and life, and even made small reports about himself in front of Fu Jie. However, from an objective standpoint, Huang Xing still treated him as a member of the Xin Dream's Merchant House and sincerely wanted to help him through this difficult situation. He even prepared to take out 100,000 yuan from his bank account to borrow from Xu Wenguang. It was an irrevocable duty to save the people in the martial arts world!    


Unexpectedly, Xu Wenguang became so agitated after hearing this that he even asked Huang Xing in a raised voice with a hint of sarcasm: "You did your best?" Hmph hmph, Boss Huang, since you say it like that, as the chief elder of Xin Dream's Merchant House, I really have nothing to say. 370 thousand, it was hard for a man to win. The daily turnover of a merchant house should be at least in the tens of millions, right? Hmph hmph, hate that I, Xu Wenguang, am limited in my ability, so I can only take a few hundred dollars a day as my salary on average. 370 thousand, to the rich, was just a small number. However, to me, it was … Not to mention, there was no other way. If that heartless woman really did not do anything, then I too … He could only accept it. But I don't have the ability to gather the three hundred and seventy thousand in a short period of time.    


After Huang Xing heard this, he was extremely angry!    


He did not expect Xu Wenguang to say such a thing!    


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