The Female Boss Falls in Love with Me



4Losing her     4


After a while, Fu Zhenxin came back with the blanket wrapped around her again. She quickly pulled the blanket out of her purse and took out an unopened sanitary towel. Then he hurried into the bathroom.    


For some reason, Huang Xing felt that all of this was a sign that a storm was coming. This could be called a peerless beauty. Her personality was like dry firewood that had been exposed to the sun for a hundred years. As expected, after Fu Zhenxin finished a series of physiological nursing in the bathroom, she aggressively returned to the scene, stood in front of Huang Xing, and shouted, "Huang Xing, you are the nemesis of me, Fu Zhenxin. Since you came to Xinfeng Company, I haven't had a good day!    


Huang Xing said with a wry smile: Boss Fu, you are too extreme!    


Fu Zhenxin countered, "Am I extreme or are you too vulgar?" Who gave you the right to live in the same room as me? Who gave you the right to take off my clothes?    


Huang Xing could not help but get angry when he saw that she was always so aggressive. Not only was he not grateful, he even ridiculed her. I thought you'd be grateful to me, Boss Fu. If it weren't for me, last night --    


Fu Zhenxin snorted. Thank you? Why? Just because you are a hoodlum?    


Huang Xing said angrily: "I'm a hooligan?" I'm a hooligan, and you've long been — Fu Zhenxin, is it that whatever I do, it doesn't matter to you? No matter what I think of you, you think I'm wrong? Think about it carefully, how am I, Huang Xing, wrong you in any way?    


Without waiting for Fu Zhenxin to retort, Huang Xing turned around, opened the door and left as quickly as he could.    


In front of the hotel, Huang Xing was smoking one cigarette after another.    


As for Fu Zhenxin, she was deep in thought in her room.    


Fifteen minutes later, Huang Xing heard a series of heavy footsteps, followed by a low female voice beside his ear: "Sorry, maybe I was wrong about you!"    


Huang Xing couldn't believe that the two words "I'm sorry" came from Fu Zhenxin. The moment Huang Xing heard this apology, he was indeed surprised and pleasantly surprised. But when he tried to figure it out, he couldn't help but frown. Maybe? The weight of these two words was extremely heavy.    


Fu Zhenxin frowned slightly and said, "Consider these two words as you giving me a way out."    


Huang Xing asked: "What do you mean?"    


Fu Zhenxin said, I admit that I have a prejudice against you. But... But I want to buy you breakfast.    


Huang Xing's head exploded. What kind of logic was this? You want to invite me to breakfast because you're prejudiced against me? The two sentences were connected without any connection. It sounded very stiff.    


However, there was no doubt that Fu Zhenxin's face was brimming with an almost sincere expression. It was hard for Huang Xing to imagine what kind of mental journey Fu Zhenxin had gone through in this short quarter-of-an-hour. However, for her to personally admit that she had a prejudice against him was already extremely rare and precious.    


I'll ask you, Huang Xing said.    


Fu Zhenxin bowed her head slightly, then looked up and said, Yes.    


Strange dialogue, strange logic.    


The two of them walked in a strange manner towards the food street.    


In their hearts, many things were concealed. Especially after what happened last night, the two of them appeared to be even more eerie and silent.    


Fu Zhenxin had been thinking about how to face Deng Guanghui. Endure or rage?    


She was a woman and was almost tainted by Deng Guanghui. Based on this, she had ten thousand reasons to expose Deng Guanghui's ugly face; however, as a businessman, she had to consider the huge economic benefits Deng Guanghui created for the Xin Corporation. If they were to lose face, the company would lose a lot of money.    


Huang Xing was also waiting for Fu Zhenxin's final decision. He understood in his heart that Fu Zhenxin seemed to have a hard time making a choice. He could understand her concerns.    


During the meal, Fu Zhenxin had always been preoccupied with her own matters.    


Huang Xing wanted to console her, but he didn't know how to begin. After dinner, the two returned to the hotel side by side.    


Unexpectedly, when Huang Xing and Fu Zhenxin were preparing to leave for Jinan, Deng Guanghui actually came to see them off.    


Without further ado, Fu Zhenxin stepped forward and gave him two big slaps.    


Deng Guanghui covered his face and kept begging Fu Zhenxin to forgive him, saying that he drank too much yesterday, that's why he did such a foolish thing.    


Fu Zhenxin was unwilling to give up, so they held a stalemate.    


Finally, Huang Xing patted Fu Zhenxin's arm and left the hotel.    


At four o'clock that afternoon, the two of them arrived at Jinan Station.    


Fu Jie personally drove to welcome him.    


Huang Xing would never think of what would be waiting for him when he came back...    


Fu Jie was planning to arrange dinner for Huang Xing and Fu Zhenxin to treat them well, but Fu Zhenxin said she was tired and wanted to go home to have a good night's sleep.    


Fu Jie could only delay the meal.    


In actuality, Fu Zhenxin's real intention was to discuss Deng Guanghui's matter with Fu Jie.    


Just as Fu Zhenxin confided to her sister after returning home, Huang Xing also rushed back to the rented room.    


He originally wanted to take out his phone to call Ouyang Mengjiao, but he felt like he should give her a surprise. He bought a few dishes at the market and prepared to have a long conversation with Ouyang Mengjiao about the wine that evening.    


He returned to the rented apartment with a special state of mind.    


Huang Xing wanted to cook a good meal for himself and share it when Ouyang Mengjiao came back from work. However, he felt an inexplicable desolation the moment he unlocked the door.    


The room was neat, but there was something missing.    


A note, lying quietly on the small square table. Huang Xing walked over to take a look in confusion and could not help but be surprised.    


The note was written: Huang Xing, I'm leaving, take care.    


The time was yesterday afternoon.    


She's gone?    


She really left?    


Why didn't you even make a phone call?    


At this moment, Huang Xing felt very confused. Before going to Chat City, Ouyang Mengjiao had indeed mentioned that she wanted to go to Beijing, but she didn't expect that she would choose such a method and quietly leave.    


This feeling of loss was similar to when Zhao Xiaoran ran away from home, causing Huang Xing to feel extreme sorrow.    


He only wanted to have it after he lost it all. If he could reverse the flow of time … At this moment, this song just happened to sing Huang Xing's complicated mood. Back then, Ouyang Mengjiao and he had gotten together due to a small coincidence. Huang Xing only thought of her as a passerby in his life. Sooner or later, the storm in his bed would become a kind of indifferent memory. But he didn't expect that when that day arrived, he felt that the sky and earth darkened, and his mind was unable to calm down.    


How could he forget that sexy and charming Little Meng Jiao?    


How could she forget? Her delicate and beautiful hands embraced her waist time and time again. How could she forget the thrilling warmth?    


Huang Xing took out his phone in a daze and dialed Ouyang Mengjiao's number.    


The sad standby ringtone made Huang Xing suddenly want to cry.    


She suddenly realized that all of this was like a dream, but it was more real and painful than a dream.    


However, the person on the other end of the line didn't answer the phone for a long time, until he heard a voice prompt: "Sorry, the number you have dialed is temporarily unanswered. Please try again later …"    


Huang Xing dialed again, but still no one answered.    


A dozen phones were dialed, and the result was only a series of sad ringtones.    


When Huang Xing was almost discouraged, he unexpectedly received a mysterious text message.    


The text was from Ouyang Mengjiao. It said: I will be back.    


What a mysterious Ouyang Mengjiao.    


Huang Xing felt that he was less and less familiar with her.    


Huang Xing casually fried a few dishes and drank the wine aimlessly.    


The more he drank, the more sour he felt.    


Huang Xing couldn't help but sigh when he recalled the scene in the past. With Ouyang Mengjiao gone, it was unknown how long she would be gone or whether she would be able to return to Ji Nan. Ever since she had cohabiting with him, this mysterious girl had been covered by a hazy veil that he could not see through or touch. Huang Xing had always thought that what Ouyang Mengjiao had given him was nothing but physical comfort. However, it wasn't until she left that he realized that he had fallen into her trap.    


Huang Xing drank quite a lot, and only then did he lie on the bed and fall asleep at around 11 AM. In a blur, the battle horn sounded from the next room.    


He hugged her as he habitually did, remembering the cruel reality. He no longer had the qualifications to have a showdown with the couple next door.    


Sad, heartfelt sadness.    


This was the saddest thing in life.    


The next day, Xin Edge Company.    


Huang Xing didn't expect that after leaving for just a few days and returning to the company, it was a brand-new scene.    


When Employees saw Huang Xing, he was very polite and addressed him as' Director Huang '. Liu could tell from their expressions that this was definitely not a form of camouflage or politeness. Relatively speaking, Employees still did not like the mighty Dan Dongyang. Although he would come to the company early every day with his hands behind his back, most of the Employees took a detour and pretended not to see him.    


As usual, the company began its roll call and military training at eight o'clock. During the days when Huang Xing went to Chat City, Dan Dongyang was always in charge of these two tasks. Fu Jie had previously handed the responsibility to Huang Xing, so Huang Xing wanted to re-establish the responsibility, but did not expect Dan Dongyang to be the first to stand in the middle of the line, holding the register and ready to go.    


Huang Xing walked over and said, "Single Director, I'm back. Leave this matter to me."    


Dan Dongyang hesitated for a moment before saying, "You should get used to it first." In the past few days, the company has recruited a new batch of staff, so you should familiarize yourself with them first.    


Huang Xing said, "Okay."    


Just as Dan Dongyang finished his name with an imposing manner, Fu Jie and Wu Yi, with the sound of their leather shoes, walked into the hall.    


Fu Jie walked lightly to the center of the group. Dan Dongyang turned his head and shouted, "Boss Fu." Fu Jie nodded slightly and said, "Single Director, Director Huang has returned. He will be in charge of the roll call and military training." Of course, of course. My main goal today is to get him used to it.    


After that, Fu Jie waved her hand, signaling Dan Dongyang to stand in the line.    


Huang Xing felt Fu Jie was smiling at him happily. That smile was enough to turn the world upside down.    




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