Son-In-Law Is A Playboy

C95 Sinful Middle Finger

C95 Sinful Middle Finger

1"If you're this guy, what do you think the Zen master is trying to tell you?" I asked, smiling.    


Zhang Qing thought for a while and said, "I feel that Zen Master means that the more you care about him, the less he will care about you. In fact, he even wants to get rid of you."    


"Everyone has a way of thinking, and everyone has a different answer to my joke. Do you know what that little guy has learned?"    


Zhang Qing looked at me curiously.    


I continued, "When the boy had heard what the master had to say, he asked," Master Zen, you are making me want to catch some big fish. "The Zen master smiled and shook his head, and said to the boy," Young man, I am telling you to pull a chicken to the ground. "The young man immediately fainted when he heard what the master had to say."    


After Zhang Qing finished listening, he burst out laughing and hit me with his little hand.    


She muttered to herself, "This Zen master must have been more of a hooligan than you before he left home."    


"Little Qing, there are no gentlemen in this society. Some are hypocrites, while others keep their ways behind the scenes." I laughed.    


"You are." Zhang Qing harrumphed.    


"No, no, I'm talking about your senior brother. When he was interrogating me at the jail, he admitted that he was the mastermind behind the murder. Believe it or not, that's the truth."    


My tone was serious, and I hoped she would believe me.    


"I don't believe that my senior brother is such a person. Whether it's for the case or for his senior brother, I will definitely find out."    


After saying that, Zhang Qing picked up his bag and prepared to leave.    


I quickly paid the bill and asked her, "What would you do if something really went wrong with Li Feng?"    


That's what I'm most worried about, for fear she won't be able to bear it.    


"In that case, I'll persuade him to turn back." "If I find out that there is no problem with senior brother after my investigation, it would mean that you have been slandering him the entire time. I will not forgive you."    


F * ck!    


It wasn't as eccentric as her.    


"I'm afraid I'll have to disappoint you. I'm telling you the truth."    


We left the imperial city side by side. Li Feng and Zhang Qing came together. Since he drove away, I naturally had to send her back.    


When we got to the door, I told her to go back to the car first. I said I'd left something behind and went back to get it.    


I found the two waiters and asked them curiously, "Beautiful ladies, what did you say to him?"    


If they had followed what he had taught them, they wouldn't have angered Li Feng so much.    


"They covered their mouths and laughed. One of them said," "When we've finished with your story, we added," "Tell him you've made an appointment to get a room, and he can't sit still." "    


I heard their words and my eyes widened.    


F * ck!    


They were all too talented. Even his words were not as vicious as the last sentence. It seemed that the old saying made a lot of sense. The most vicious are the women's hearts; do not offend a woman!    


If it weren't for the large number of people in the hotel, I would have hugged them and given them each a handsome kiss.    


However, I am very generous to those who help me. I like to express my feelings through practical actions.    


I slipped each of them two red tickets, and they were so happy that they kept saying thank you to me.    


Look, look, do not be discouraged by the current society. There are still many good people.    


She helped me play with my sister, and even said thank you to me. This is the charm of money.    


Ga Ga...    


Zhang Qing and I sat in the back seat. I sat on her right side and saw that she was in a trance. She seemed to have something on her mind.    


This brother here has a lot of shortcomings.    


Especially when it comes to beauties, they don't know their place and they prefer to get ahead of themselves. As for her, she's so engrossed in her own thoughts. I just want to do something for her.    


I looked at her tight leather pants and felt an itch to touch them.    


He had to be open with his flirting. If he wanted to take advantage of his sister, he would have to be more daring. This was the same as he said: If you push me to the point of death, I will starve to death.    


He had to act when he had thoughts, especially when his sister was out of love, he had to take advantage of it.    


Don't pay attention to those noble sentiments, it's all bullshit.    


I held my breath as my left hand slowly slid to Zhang Qing's leg.    


Cough cough. This was the reason for the leather pants.    


However, in my brother's mind, what I touched was not leather pants, but her white and smooth thighs.    


I touched her thigh, and then, unsatisfied, I began to slide toward her thigh.    


Of course, our strength is weak, otherwise, if she discovers us, things would be bad.    


Soon, my sinful hand was at the base of her thigh. In the middle of her legs, I rubbed my middle finger against her, rubbing harder and harder.    




He touched it and wanted to go deeper, but he was always so unsatisfied.    


As I rubbed against each other, I closed my eyes and fantasized. Having tasted my little sister's sweet taste, even if I closed my eyes, I could still imagine my little sister's cute appearance.    


In the end, I couldn't help but push my way in.    


The next second.    


The middle finger was suddenly held by a small, soft hand. The little hand held the middle finger and left the restricted area.    


"I woke up with a start, and hurriedly opened my eyes. I wiped the saliva off my mouth and looked at Zhang Qing. I greeted her with my right hand."    


Zhang Qing glared at me and gritted his teeth.    


She gripped her sinful finger very hard. After staring at me for a few seconds, her right hand jerked.    




I cried out in pain, twisting my left hand down as hard as I could to lessen the pain.    


"The chivalrous hero, please spare her life. If you break it again, it will be over."    


"If it's broken, it's better. Otherwise, you won't be able to run around in a dishonest manner."    


She was angry, but she didn't dare make it too loud. After all, there was a third person in the car.    


"Huh?" Where did it go? I was asleep and I don't know what happened. "    


I pretended to be confused and looked at her in confusion.    


She heard me and increased her strength, making me cry out in pain.    


"I did fall asleep and had a dream that I was in front of a very mysterious door, so mysterious that it was covered with ancient words. I touched the door left and right, looking for a mechanism to open the door, but as soon as I found it, you woke me up."    


I raised my right hand as if I was searching for a mechanism. Then, I sighed regretfully. There was a sense of blame in my last words.    


Liu Cong looked at me admiringly in the rearview mirror.    


F * ck!    


I guess he saw what he was doing.    




Zhang Qing began to believe it.    


I gave myself a thumbs-up and turned the situation around.    


Brother, my ability to respond is almost as good as my sister-in-law's.    


However, he was still far from being able to compare with the "Master Wei Xiang" of "The Book of Deer Tripod".    


"Do you know how curious I am about that mysterious portal?" "Just as I was about to go in and get interrupted by you, I feel very unhappy."    


I pretended to be depressed.    


Actually, there was still one thing that he hadn't said before: This brother's little brother is even more unhappy.    


"Even if you fall asleep, don't touch your hands, hmph."    


Zhang Qing grunted as his right hand relaxed, allowing his brother's sinful middle finger to regain its freedom.    


At this point, Liu Cong began to cough, and as he coughed, he looked at me in the rearview mirror and said, "I've learned a lot, this is fine too."    


Hearing Liu Cong's words, I felt a burst of pride in my heart. To be able to make Liu Cong admire me, I suddenly felt a little smug.    


"Drive your car properly, and don't look at anything you shouldn't."    


After I said this, Liu Cong smiled at Zhang Qing and said, "Xiao Qing, you must remember that when you find a partner in the future, you must never find a driver like him. He is truly a pervert."    


"Hmph, I think you're the real pervert here."    


"If I were a pervert, I would be Hui Tai Lang. I would love you, Hong Tai Lang, and our future little Hui Hui."    


I smiled evilly.    


Hearing my words, Zhang Qing's face turned red.    


Then, she curled her lips. "There's no comparison between you and Hui Tai Lang. Hui Tai Lang only loves red Tai Lang. Unlike you, who has a wife at home, he's still flirting with me."    




How did she know I had a wife?    


Seeing my surprised expression, Zhang Qing seemed to have guessed what I was thinking.    


She sneered, "Don't forget what I am. Last time we were in charge of your case, we had already investigated you thoroughly. You big playboy."    


F * ck!    


How could he have forgotten about this?    


Listening to her, my head was full of black lines.    


Did she know all about the matter between him and Tian Yihe?    


Brother, I just realized that I can't be a little careless when I'm in love with a police officer.    


Liu Cong laughed in front of me. This laughter made me feel very depressed.    


"I wiped the sweat off my forehead and suddenly remembered my conversation with Han Bing. I asked with a mischievous smile," "You know everything about me?"    


"Of course."    


Zhang Qing laughed complacently. She seemed to like my embarrassing look.    


"Then how old is my pals, do you know?"     2


I pointed at the thing in my crotch and asked seriously.    




I want to see how she answers that.    


She remembered that Han Bing immediately let out a high decibel roar at that time.    


Zhang Qing's face revealed a hint of anger. This was within Zhang Qing's expectations.    


Then, she actually laughed, probably out of anger. She opened her bag and started rummaging through it.    


I was curious. What was she going to do?    


She found a pair of scissors the size of her palm and cut twice in the air, sneering at me.    


"Take it out and let me see how big it is."    


I wiped the cold sweat off my face again.    


Damn, she's even more ruthless than Han Bing. She brandished her scissors, wanting to give me a clean sweep.    


"Heh heh, I was just joking, I can't take it seriously."    


"That won't do." "Now that it's suspected of committing a crime, I need to check it out. If it's really done, I'll have to get rid of it for the sake of the people."    


The way Zhang Qing gritted his teeth made my heart tremble.    


I swallowed hard and instinctively held my legs together.    


"Well, don't you worry, it's very well-behaved and never dares to make a mistake." "Besides, there were two other guards who were watching it from the left and right. It was surrounded by dense bushes and trees, just like a primitive forest. It could not get out."    


I weakly said those words as I smiled playfully.    


At this moment, Liu Cong had just taken a sip of water when he heard my words.    


"We've arrived at the Public Security Bureau's home." Liu Cong said.    


I rolled my eyes at Liu Cong. I was too busy picking up girls. When did the car stop? I didn't even know.    


Zhang Qing glared at me, stuffed the scissors into her bag and said, "If I find out that it's dishonest and that it has harmed a girl, I'll be the first to cut it, you scoundrel."    


Zhang Qing got off the car with his hands on the roof as he lowered his head. He asked Liu Cong curiously, "How can you protect such a mediocre tramp with such great skill?"    


I patted Liu Cong on the shoulder and asked smugly, "That's right, I'm also curious. Do I have some sort of special charm?"    


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