Son-In-Law Is A Playboy

C99 A Real Hit to the Act

C99 A Real Hit to the Act

4As I got along with Liu Cong, I felt that Liu Cong was more and more mysterious. Fortunately, he was recommended by the old man and had no ill intentions towards me.    


"Everyone has their own secrets." Liu Cong said.    


I rolled my eyes. I knew he wouldn't.    


"How much does your hacker friend want?" I asked weakly.    


Liu Cong looked back at me coldly. "Friends and I never talk about money."    


When I heard that, I immediately burst into laughter.    


Let's not talk about money!    


This brother likes it for free.    


"Well then, let's be brothers. Your friends are my friends, so why don't you introduce your friends to me?"    


It would be great if a cheap helper like Liu Cong could have a few more.    


I will never be satisfied.    


Ga Ga!    


"As soon as I saw your little face, I had the urge to slam my head against the wall. How could I protect a tramp like you?"    


Liu Cong looked at me with disdain.    


"What about Old Tang's poem, yes, so to speak, 'people laugh at me for being too crazy, I laugh at others for not being able to see it.' My brother, a little man, hides his true nature under his outer appearance." I said very pretentiously.    


"It's common to lie and lie, and I can't see where you're really going."    


Cough cough …    


It was one thing if he did not open his mouth, but if he did, he could easily choke someone to death, and his words were aimed straight at their vitals.    


Even someone as good at talking as Brother was choked by Brother Li's words. I only have one way of dealing with him, and that is to ignore him.    


I took out my cell phone and dialed Wang Long's number.    


"Xiao Long, Di Hao Hotel, get ready to move."    


"Alright, just watch and see."    


After I hung up, I closed my eyes and thought about something. I kept having the feeling that the person who had released that video had something to do with the mastermind who had designed me.    


If it really was the mastermind, he would have reached out his hand to Han Bing, that's something I can't tolerate.    


But right now, he didn't have a single clue, let alone find out who the mastermind was.    


He was in the light, the enemy was in the dark.    


The enemy would take the opportunity to bite him, but he could only passively defend himself. This feeling was too depressing.    


Half an hour later, we arrived at the Di Hao Hotel.    


"Liu Cong, no matter what happens later, you have to pretend that you don't see it."    


I said to Liu Cong as I got out of the car.    


Liu Cong nodded his head to show that he understood.    


After that, Zhang Qing and I went straight to the monitoring room of the Di Hao Hotel. There were two policemen there, and the Di Hao hotel staff members were very cooperative.    


In the surveillance footage, I found the cameraman. Just like Zhang Qing analyzed, he was at the second table behind me.    


Zhang Qing copied the video and we left the hotel and walked towards the parking lot.    


At this moment, six muscular men walked over from the other side.    


My eyes lit up. This was going to be a good show.    


As we passed by them, one of them suddenly staggered and bumped into Zhang Qing.    


I can clearly see that the man who bumped into Zhang Qing was pushed aside by his comrade.    


However, this person was clearly unreasonable. He faced Zhang Qing and said, "Damned bitch, don't you see the road!"    


I secretly laughed in my heart: F * ck, that act is pretty similar.    


"F * ck!" "Clean your mouth." I stood in front of Zhang Qing, acting as my escort.    


The next second.    


Without saying a word, this person sent a punch towards my stomach, causing me to grimace in pain.    


F * ck!    


It was just an act. This guy's actions were too heavy. He had almost knocked this daddy's intestines out of his mouth.    


Before I could straighten up, the guy threw another right hook right in my face, and it knocked Laozi to the ground.    


Wang Long, ah Wang Long, when I go back, I will skin you alive!    


Seeing that Zhang Qing was about to make a move, he hurriedly got up and pulled Zhang Qing back.    


"Don't be afraid!" "I will protect you."    


As I spoke, I embraced the man and whispered in his ear, "Are you serious?"    


The man froze for a moment, then slammed his knee into my stomach. The pain made me let him go, and I bent over, clutching my stomach, staring at him angrily.    




The man swore at me.    


Zhang Qing was about to make his move again, so I hastily pulled Zhang Qing along and retreated to Li Feng's side.    


Now that his performance was over, it was time for Li Feng to go onstage.    


"Why are you pulling me?" Zhang Qing broke free from my restraints.    


"Little Qing, these men are big and strong. Even Captain Li is no match for them."    


Captain Li looked at me with disdain. "You can't even protect a woman. What kind of man are you?"    


"You're awesome!" "Go on!" I said angrily.    


Li Feng looked at me disdainfully. "Boy, watch out."    


Zhang Qing wanted to stop Li Feng, but I immediately pulled him back. Li Feng raised his hand, indicating that he was fine.    


I secretly laughed in my heart: Li Feng will not miss such a good opportunity to show off his ability in front of a beauty while belittling me at the same time.    


Li Feng was extremely powerful. He charged into the crowd and used his fists and legs to kill in every direction. He beat up these people until they all fled.    


I looked at the backs of those people with a look of schadenfreude.    


Serves him right!    


Who asked you to be so cruel to this father.    


Li Feng, you bastard, consider that I have taught you a lesson on your behalf.    


"Amazing, Captain Li is amazing. He was able to take care of them in a few breaths." I folded my fists and smiled.    


Li Feng gave me a disdainful look, then said to Zhang Qing, "Let's go back to the station."    


"Yes." Zhang Qing nodded.    


After they left, I hurried back to the car. While Liu Cong drove, I dialed Wang Long's number. "What are you doing, brat? You're just asking you to act. You hit me so hard that my cheek still hurts!"    


"Big brother, those people are not our men."    


"What!" "Did you say that on purpose because you were afraid that I would settle my debts?"    


As I said this, I already believed Wang Long's words.    


"I got five men, and just as I was about to ask them to act according to your plan, you started fighting with those guys. We took pictures and they helped us out by accident, hehe."    


"So you're saying, that wasn't an act, but a real act?"    




F * ck!    


No wonder after I warned that person, that person looked at me like I was a 2B and even scolded me. It's fortunate that I didn't play too much, otherwise, if I was killed by them, that would be too unfair.    


As he thought of this, he suddenly felt a lingering fear. These people were definitely not easy to deal with.    




I have to suppress my shock.    


"Go to Sophora Forest District, south of the city." "I said to Liu Cong, then asked Wang Long," "How's the video?"    


"Very good."    


"Well, quickly edit it and post it on the web."    


I hung up, a little excited.    


I wonder, what kind of sensation will Li Feng cause once this video of him hitting others is uploaded to the internet?    


I'm really looking forward to it.    


Even though there was a small mistake in the middle of this plan, the result was the same. Thinking of this, my mood improved significantly.    


When we arrive at Sophora Forest District, I will definitely have to fight with Tian Yihe for three hundred rounds.    




At this moment, my cell phone rang. I took it out and saw that it was from my mother-in-law.    


At this point, my mother-in-law should be in the hospital. She called me.    


I picked up the phone, puzzled, and heard my mother-in-law's voice.    


"Lin Yang, come to the hospital. I have something to ask you."    


"Alright, I'll be there now."    


I hung up the phone and said to Liu Cong, "To the People's Hospital."    


Why would mother-in-law look for me?    


I didn't know what she wanted with me, but I was sure of one thing.    


That is, I really want to mess with her.    


Ga Ga!    



It took us only a few minutes to arrive at the City People's Hospital.    


I left Liu Cong in the car and went to the dean's office. Since I had done two things with my mother-in-law, I had become more and more bold.    


I didn't even knock on the door before I pushed it open and entered.    


This time, the mother-in-law did not look at the documents on her desk. Instead, she stood in front of the glass window and looked outside, as if she was thinking about something.    


I closed the door and locked it behind me, getting used to it.    


"What are you doing locking the door?"    


The mother-in-law turned to me, her eyes flustered.    


I smiled mischievously. "I'm used to it, it's safe so we can talk without worrying about being disturbed at the most crucial time."    


"Unlock the door quickly, and keep it open so you don't have to worry about gossip."    


No matter how he listened to his mother-in-law's words, he felt a little guilty.    




I smiled and shook my head. I studied her body, but I couldn't get enough of her every time I looked at her. It was as if I could see the two tall lumps of her body through her clothes.    


Xu Hui saw that I was not going to open the door, so he walked towards me and wanted to open the door, but just as she was about to reach out to unlock the door, I grabbed her hand. I felt her hand tremble, and I clenched it even tighter.    


"You, let go."    


Her head was lowered, her voice low.    


I took her hand and put it on my chest and said, "Do you feel my heart beating faster?"    


She tried to pull her little hand away, but how could she be as strong as me? I held her firmly in my hand while I put my other arm around her waist and pulled her into my embrace.    


She was like a flustered little rabbit. Her eyes looked at me in panic. Tears were rolling in her eyes.    


I bent my head to kiss her, and she turned her head away, away from my mouth.    


Little girl, you are in my arms, how can you run away?    


I put my arms around her waist and picked her up. I walked over to the window and pulled the curtain shut.    


What for?    


It was clear that he was going to do something.    


Last time, he wouldn't have been this cautious, but now it was different. There was always an eye behind his back, staring at him, ready to secretly take photos at any time.    


If the scene of him and his mother-in-law being intimate were to be secretly filmed, then the other party would directly seize his life.    


"You, what are you trying to do?"    


When Xu Hui saw me pull the curtains, her expression was very complicated. There was nervousness, fear, and even a trace of expectation.    


Brother directly ignored the first two emotions, and only caught the look of anticipation in his eyes.    


I carried her to the sofa and made her sit across from me on my lap. I held her back with one hand and fumbled with her body with the other.    


In particular, those two balls let me dream day and night proud and delicate, no matter how touched it is not enough.    


Very quickly, her emotions moved and she started to pant. Her mouth kept saying 'don't want to,' but the resistance was getting smaller and smaller. I directly blocked her small mouth, making her unable to utter a sound.    


After the wet kiss, my little brother had pushed his pants up very high.    


I put Xu Hui on the sofa and undid the buttons on her white coat and white blouse.    


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