Son-In-Law Is A Playboy

C106 Pulled out All Her Clothes

C106 Pulled out All Her Clothes

2"A phone call can't threaten me, but they're threatening me with the lives of my parents."    


When Li Feng said this, he gritted his teeth.    


"What happened to the woman you held?" I asked curiously.    


"The woman was a bar hostess, and when I was upset, I played with her."    


"You even f * cking tricked a little girl on the stage, and you even acted like a gentleman to hook up with my little sister police flower!" Big Bro's temper was so good that he was angered to death. He couldn't help but raise his foot and kick him in the face.    


"Aren't you the same? There are many women." Li Feng retorted.    


"Holy shit!" "I, your father, was born in March, and my luck with peach blossoms is naturally good. If your father can suppress it, can you?"    


F * ck!    


As he spoke, he pulled away.    


I said to Wang Long, "Prepare for recording."    


Wang Long immediately walked towards the car. When he returned, he had a camera in his hand.    


"Pull him out, wipe his face, and beat the dirt off him."    


I said to Little Six and the rest.    


The two of them grabbed Li Feng's shoulders and used all the strength they could muster to pull him up. Along with Li Feng's screams, they finally managed to pull Li Feng out.    


"Captain Li, if you want to avoid suffering, then stand still and cooperate more." "You're in the same line of work, so you should know that this bro will only let you off easy if you tell him the truth."    


While I was talking to him, Xiao Liu and the others had already wiped his face with a wet towel.    


At this moment, Wang Long set up the camera and made an OK gesture to me.    


"I clapped my hands and took out the horsewhip from my bag. This was a real thing, not Han Bing's funny little pink whip. Holding the horsewhip in my right hand, I stood to the left of Wang Long and asked Li Feng," "How much did they pay you?"    


Li Feng looked at the camera and revealed a hesitant expression.    


"I'm so nice to him. Give him the hammer again." I said to Wang Long.    


Wang Long handed the video camera to the Scorpion Brothers behind him. He picked up the hammer on the ground and walked in front of Li Feng, then he smashed it towards Li Feng's leg.    


Li Feng screamed miserably. His legs bent and he could not help but kneel on the ground.    


"You are so insensible that if you speak kindly to you, you think you can stand and answer questions with less pain. Are you a scoundrel?" I walked up to Li Feng and slapped his face.    


To be honest, brother slapped his face until his hands were numb.    


Ga Ga...    


"They gave me five hundred thousand dollars to take care of you."    


"F * ck!" I haven't asked you yet. "    


I lashed out at him gloomily. This guy didn't play his cards the way he usually did and actually answered back.    


Using a horsewhip to whip someone feels great, no wonder Han Bing likes to use the little horsewhip to whip me.    


"Wipe his mouth so hard that it's bleeding. It's been half the night and it's scary." I said to Lil 'Six.    


Lil 'Six responded and picked up a rag to help him clean it.    


"Answer the question," I reminded Li Feng. "Answer the question in more detail." For example, when you said they would give you money, you had to explain to them who they were giving you and why they were giving you money. "    


At this point, I changed the subject and continued, "If you're a little sloppy, the next time your hand hammer strikes you, it will land on your white front teeth." "I promise you, with this hammer, they will all be out of business."    


When I finished, Lifeng didn't move at all.    


Brother is very unhappy!    


I patted his head and said, "If you understand, then just say yes, impolite kid."    


Li Feng looked at me for a moment with hatred.    


Then his eyes gave in and he nodded at me.    


"Now that you understand, start explaining." "Remember, do not leave it out, otherwise the hammer in my brother's hand will not listen to your 'wait'. Every time you answer, you will only have one chance."    


I raised my eyebrows and told him the rules.    


Then, he walked up to the camera, took the whip and swung it down, saying, "Begin."    


At the moment, I'm like a big director. Li Feng is my main character.    


"At noon on October 10th, the day after the murder at Lianhua Mountain, I received a phone call. The phone call was processed, so I couldn't tell if it was a man or a woman. The person threatened me with my parents' lives and gave me five hundred thousand yuan to do something for them."    


Li Feng stopped here and looked at me.    


He continued, "I hesitated for a long time, but in the end I agreed. They let me take some evidence from a store, and told me to get rid of the suspect Lin Yang."    


"After I got the evidence, I found out that they prepared it well. It was easy to deal with Lin Yang." Thus, during the interrogation, I deliberately ignored all the suspicious points and transferred the case to the police station. I successfully brought Lin Yang into the jail. "    


As he spoke to here, he sighed, revealing a helpless expression.    


Following that, he recalled, "I thought this matter would end just like that, but the other party called me and told me to plead guilty personally at all costs, but Lin Yang refused to admit it."    


This time, Li Feng explained in great detail. After hearing it, I was very satisfied. I patted the scorpion's shoulder, signaling it to pause for a moment.    


Then, I applauded, "Captain Li, as expected of a professional, you've made me relive my past suffering."    


"I've said everything I have to say. If you want to kill me, then give me a quick death." Li Feng said.    


"That's what a man should say. It's still too early for me to give you a quick death."    


"What else do you want!" Li Feng asked angrily.    


"You've finished your own business, where is your partner?"    


"What do you mean?" I don't know what you're talking about. "    


A trace of panic flashed across Li Feng's eyes. Although it disappeared very quickly, I still caught it. My intuition told me that there must be something behind it.    


I sneered, "It looks like you've forgotten the rules again."    


After Wang Long heard my words, he knew what he had to do.    


"I said, I said."    


He brought the hammer to Li Feng. Without waiting for Li Feng to say anything, Little Liu and the rest opened Li Feng's mouth. Wang Long swung the hammer and smashed it down. I immediately closed my eyes.    


F * ck!    


The little dragon was too cruel.    


Why did he always see such a bloody scene?    


Big brother's pure heart almost couldn't take it anymore.    


Li Feng was in such a miserable state. His mouth was filled with blood and whimpers. In the middle of the night, those who didn't know what was going on would think that the zombies had left the cage.    


Lil 'Six held the bottle of water and poured it on his face, then wiped it off.    


Li Feng's nose was covered in tears. He was crying with sorrow.    


I felt that he was really scared.    


But big brother only used two of my torture instruments so far, there are still a lot of torture instruments that haven't eaten anything yet.    


"Stop crying!"    


Li Feng trembled in fright from my sudden angry roar.    


"Answer my question honestly, or the hooks will come in handy. They'll catch your eye." "Tsk tsk, I don't even dare to think about it anymore. This is too scary."    


"I said, I'll tell you what I know."    


"Very well, you can do whatever you want, and tell me all your shady business."    


I nodded my head in satisfaction and indicated for the scorpion to continue recording.    


"Two of the three people who went with me to the jail were my colleagues from years ago. They listened to me." As for that Wang Linjun who beat up Lin Yang in the interrogation room, he was the mastermind, the mysterious person who threatened me with the phone. "    


When I heard this, my heart skipped a beat. This Wang Lin really is a key figure.    


"Wang Lin was sent by the mastermind to supervise me. He was the bridge between me and the mastermind. He wanted me to torture you and force you to confess. If you didn't listen to them, they would hurt my parents."    


Having pulled Wang Lin's line this time was indeed a big harvest!    


If what Li Feng said was true, then Wang Lin Army was the only way to break through.    


This mastermind is like a thorn in my side. I must remove this sting as soon as possible.    


After Li Feng finished speaking, I made the scorpion put away the video camera and muttered a few words to Wang Long.    


Wang Long nodded. He turned around and said, "Lil 'Six, lead two of your trusted brothers to keep an eye on that Wang Linjun."    


Lil 'Six was very smart and reliable. I was very relieved.    


"Captain Li, I won't give up my revenge just because you said you're pitiful." "I once swore that I would return the suffering I suffered back to you in double."    


As I said this, I let out a cold laugh.    


Then, he continued, "Feng Shui turned back and forth. I didn't expect it to happen so soon. It seems that the heavens have treated me quite well."    


I gave Wang Long a look, and he immediately gave me a vicious look.    


"What do you want?" Li Feng looked at me in horror.    


"Very simple, I want revenge."    


My gaze turned cold. The time for revenge that I had been waiting for has finally arrived. My usual way of doing things is to do proper business first before settling the score.    


I've lived for more than twenty years and I've never hated anyone so much before. Li Feng is the first one.    


I was sent to jail due to injustice, I almost became a criminal on death row. This was all thanks to Li Feng, and what's even more hateful is that my mother took the blame for my imprisonment in order to save me.    


The cause of all this was Li Feng's selfishness.    


I'm not a hero, and I'm not a good person.    


On the contrary, I am a very ordinary person, without the stomach of a Prime Minister.    


In my dictionary, there is no such thing as avenging good, or avenging evil. This is my purpose.    


As long as the video of tonight was exposed, it would completely destroy Li Feng's illustrious reputation. After seeing this video, together with the photos of Li Feng and that woman, Li Feng would definitely leave him.    


In the end, it was enough to send him to jail.    


My path of revenge has come to a close up to this point, and can be considered a success. After that, the physical torture I inflicted on him was purely to vent the last of my anger.    


"Xiaolong, as I said before, I want him to become a real toothless little man. Let's begin."    



I said to Wang Long.    


In fact, I wanted to do it myself, but I couldn't.    


Wang Long smiled and revealed a vicious expression. He grabbed the iron pincers and walked over. The scorpion and pheasant opened Li Feng's mouth. Wang Long did not hesitate. His pincers were constantly cracking and his teeth kept falling.    


Li Feng let out an extremely mournful scream. It was really terrifying to hear it in the middle of the night.    


Wang Long's movements were very fast, and in a moment, he had already finished all of Li Feng's clothes.    


At this time, Li Feng had already fainted from the pain.    


I walked up to him and looked down. Li Feng's mouth was bare, and not a single tooth could be seen.    


"Holy shit!" "You guys are so bad, how could you not even leave a single tooth behind? How could he eat like this?"    


I pretended to be depressed.    


"Hey, big brother is right. I forgot to save one for him."    


"Actually, it's good. Last time I heard my sister-in-law say that there were some hungry men in the prison who liked to go through the back door to vent their anger."    


When I said this, I let out a mischievous laugh.    


Then he went on, "Tell me, if this guy went in without a tooth in his mouth, would those people take his mouth for something to vent their anger?"    


"Definitely!" "If you can get to the top, who's willing to go to the back door?" The pheasant laughed.    


"Damn!" "You did?" I looked at the pheasant in surprise and curiosity.    


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