Son-In-Law Is A Playboy

C107 Enter When the Air Is Empty

C107 Enter When the Air Is Empty

1"Heh heh, big brother, I heard it from others as well." The pheasant smiled in embarrassment and splashed Li Feng with water to wake him up.    


"I looked at Li Feng with a smile and said," "Captain Li, Captain Li. You have no teeth. Now you are truly a toothless little man."    


"Lin Yang, even if I become a ghost, I won't let you off!"    


I waved my index finger in front of him. "NO, NO, NO, I'm a good citizen who follows the law. I won't kill you." I will hand over the evidence to my sister the police, who will hand you over to the judiciary, and the law will punish you. "    


"I warn you, you'd better kill me, or I'll be out of jail and the first one will kill you."    


Li Feng said hatefully.    


"Ha ha!"    


When I heard Li Feng's words, I let out a laugh.    


Then, his eyes suddenly turned cold, "That Li guy, I can control you once, then I can control you twice. Now that you're out of jail, come and take revenge on me. We can continue what we're doing now."    


This bro's mouth said the words to act tough, but he felt a wave of bitterness in his heart.    


It's not that we don't understand releasing a tiger back into the mountain, but we promised Liu Cong that we wouldn't kill Li Feng.    


This bro is quite a trustworthy person.    


"Untie the handcuffs and tie him up with a rope. Better tie him up into a dumpling. This guy is good at it. He can't be sloppy." "Take him to the door of the squad and wait for my call." I said to Wang Long.    


"Are you really letting him go?"    


Wang Long asked with a frown.    


"Yes." I nodded.    


"No more torture?"    


Wang Long looked a little dissatisfied.    


"Forget it. He went astray in order to save his parents' lives." Liu Cong was right. No matter how big of a mistake he was, he shouldn't be dealt with by us. His teeth can be regarded as a repudiation. "    


At this point, since he couldn't kill him, he might as well pretend to be a chivalrous hero.    


This way, this bro's heart was also wide open.    


Hearing my words, Li Feng's eyes flashed with a complicated expression and he slightly lowered his head.    


At this moment, Liu Cong walked over. He glanced at Li Feng, then looked at the teeth on the ground and frowned.    


"Don't you think it's a bit overkill to kill someone?" Liu Cong said.    


"Well, I almost got tortured to death in the jail, and his teeth are nothing compared to what I've been through."    


I rolled my eyes and said unhappily to Liu Cong.    


F * ck you!    


If it wasn't for you, why would I let him go so easily?    


My mother is still taking the blame for me.    


When I was beating up Cui Dazhao in the Lotus Temple, it was to protect my mother.    


However, I didn't expect that someone would make use of this opportunity to set me up as a true murderer.    


At the end of the day, Li Feng was just a chess piece. The most hated person was still the mastermind.    


Other than venting my hatred, I've also wanted to find a way to deal with Li Feng.    


The biggest gain was Wang Lin.    


Perhaps I can find the mastermind by following Wang Lin's lead, but my instincts tells me that it is unlikely for me to find the mastermind.    


Liu Cong and I got on the car and left, leaving the rest to Wang Long and the rest. They will deal with the scene and not leave any evidence behind.    


When he returned to the city, it was already 3 in the morning.    


Instead of going home, I went straight to the Public Security Bureau.    


This spot was when a person was sleeping soundly, and the surroundings were extremely quiet.    


I thought for a moment with my eyes closed, then dialed a number.    




Zhang Qing's voice sounded, sounding a little lazy.    


"Xiaoqing, I'm at the entrance of your district. Come out, I have something important to discuss with you."    


I told him very seriously.    


"What can't I say tomorrow? This officer is sleeping soundly."    


Zhang Qing let out a long yawn.    


"It's very important, come out."    


"All right." Zhang Qing said reluctantly.    


I hung up and ran through my mind what I was going to say later.    


Ten minutes later, Zhang Qing walked out wearing a long coat.    


I stuck my head out the window and waved at her, and she hurried over.    


"What is it, I have to say it now."    


Zhang Qing looked unhappy.    


I opened the door and motioned for her to get in, but she didn't.    


"If you have something to say, say it."    


"I can't explain it in one or two sentences. Come on up, it's cold outside."    


Hearing my words, Zhang Qing hesitated for a moment before getting into the car.    




The car door closed.    


I was about to say something, but Liu Cong was still in the car.    


F * ck!    


This idiot was too blind.    


Bro, it's rare for me to be alone with my sister the police flower, but here he is, acting like a light bulb.    


I coughed at Liu Cong twice, but Liu Cong acted as if he didn't hear me.    


F * ck!    


"Brother, you can go take a look. The air outside is very fresh." I smiled at him.    


Liu Cong turned around and looked at me. He unbuckled his seat belt and was about to get out of the car.    


Zhang Qing put his hand on Liu Cong's shoulder, glared at me, and said, "Don't get off. This guy called me to get on the car and told you to get off. He definitely has no good intentions."    


I was about to explain when Liu Cong spoke.    


"Officer Zhang, he does have something very important to tell you, and since he's still keeping his word, I'll help him with it."    


I didn't care about what Liu Cong said.    


In the rest of my life, I knew the meaning of his words, it turned out to be only a small test for me.    


If I don't keep my promise and kill Li Feng, then I will lose a very powerful shield.    


Liu Cong said a few words and got out of the car.    


Zhang Qing was taken aback. "He said he wanted to help you out. What kind of thoughts do you have?"    


"My little mind is you."    


Zhang Qing and I sat very close to each other. She had a faint fragrance on her body, which was very pleasant to smell.    


I looked at her body. She was wearing pajamas under her long coat and a pair of cute little cotton straps on her feet. It seemed she wasn't going to be out at the convention.    


I looked at her delicate oval face, especially her rosy cherry lips, and it always made me want to hold it and kiss her for three minutes.    


If he could kiss her for a long time, then touch the two tender lumps on her chest, and that mysterious place, it would be beautiful.    


"Hey!" "With a wretched look on his face, he must not have thought of anything good."    


Zhang Qing's voice brought me back to reality. I hastily covered my mouth, wiped the saliva off the corner of my mouth, and smiled embarrassedly.    


"Well, when I see you, I'm always distracted."    


"If you have something to say, say it quickly!" Zhang Qing roared.    


I cleared my throat and looked at her seriously. "Xiao Qing, I told you, you have to hold on."    


Zhang Qing didn't say anything, but revealed a puzzled expression. He nodded, signaling me to continue.    


"Before I say anything, I'll show you some photos."    


I think Zhang Qing wouldn't want to accept the truth if he just threw out the video. He would be heartbroken.    


She could only let her first be disappointed in Li Feng, then let her see, then she wouldn't feel that sorry for him.    


I took my cell phone out of my pocket and clicked on the photo album. The first photo was of Li Feng and the woman embracing.    


Zhang Qing obviously saw the photo and snatched the phone away. His hands trembled as he flipped through the photo.    


I didn't look at my phone, but looked at Zhang Qing with a pained expression.    


Her hands were shaking more and more violently, and the tears in her beautiful eyes were rolling about. She bit her lips, as if she was trying very hard not to let them fall.    


Finally, I heard a voice on my cell phone.    


I turned my head to glance at my cell phone. There was a video of Li Feng hugging the woman affectionately, kissing and touching her.    


Really, it was too dirty.    


If there were only photos and no videos, she would have said "P". Luckily, Wang Long had taken this video.    


When Zhang Qing saw this video, he could no longer control his tears.    


The video was very short, only a minute.    


She finished reading it very quickly. As she held the phone with both her hands, the sadness on her face became more and more apparent.    


He handed her a tissue and saw that she didn't move.     4


I reached out and gently wiped her tears.    


This bro can't stand seeing a beauty cry the most.    


She almost broke her brother's heart.    


"If you want to cry, cry. If you cry, you'll feel better. I can lend you my shoulder."    


As soon as I finished comforting her, she leaned over my shoulder and began to cry loudly.    


Seeing her crying so sorrowfully, I began to regret giving her the photo so early. I had still underestimated Zhang Qing's feelings for Li Feng.    


For Zhang Qing, the impact of these photos on her was perhaps even more severe than the guilty plea videos of Li Feng and the others.    


I gently put my left hand on Zhang Qing's back and stroked her hair with my right hand. My head was slightly turned, and my mouth was pressed against the side of her head.    


Motherf * cker!    


Lin Yang, Lin Yang, you have some potential, okay? He's crying so much yet you still have the heart to think about other things.    


Even though he was thinking this, his hand movements were not slurred at all.    


My right hand slid down and wrapped around Zhang Qing's back. I crossed my arms and hugged her tightly. Her soft body was pulled into my embrace.    


It's this bro's principle to take advantage of the situation to enter.    


Only when the heart of a beauty is empty and fragile can she be comforted, warmed, and doted on in time, making it easier for her to enter her heart.    


At this point, it would be a waste of time to play a proper gentleman.    


Zhang Qing had a handsome face, a good figure, and very fair skin.    


The only drawback was that she wasn't soft enough. Just like what her sister-in-law had said, it was a typical airport.    


However, that's not a big deal. This bro's unrivalled milkcatcher can definitely make her pink and plump.    


It was better to be moved than to act. He couldn't afford to delay something so helpful.    


His right hand mischievously reached into her coat, undid the buttons on her chest pajamas, and without any suspense took hold of one of them. It was very smooth and soft.    


Little Pink Nun and Han Bing couldn't compare at all. She easily grasped everything, and her pink bud was also very small.    


These are not important to me. I will make a move and promise that I will get rid of them.    


At the same time, her left hand could not resist the loneliness and pulled out the coat on her back.    


He grabbed the opportunity and slipped into his pajamas.    


I've finally touched the thighs of my little sister, the police flower!    


Ga Ga!    


This scene happened in an instant, it was enough for father here to feel it quickly.    


It was all thanks to the heartbreak of the little sister, who was crying so hard that she didn't even notice my little trick.    


I am always unsatisfied, like to get ahead of myself, touch the thigh, and want to touch other places.    


Then, she quietly probed toward the spot between her legs.    


Buy by chance!    


She was in a vacuum, which was understandable. After all, she was wearing pajamas.    


But I didn't expect that there was a vacuum underneath her.    


If you want to go out and meet people, you have to at least give your little sister a coat, right?    


Had she been conquered by her brother's handsome appearance?    


Well, it must be.    


When she heard it was me, and I came in the middle of the night, her heart must have stirred.    


She purposely didn't wear any clothes to make it easier for her and for me at the same time. This was the tempo for her to cause trouble for me!    


Thinking of this, I immediately became excited.    


The excitement was so great that he forgot all about the important matters and set up his tent.    


As for that mysterious place, this bro already knows where to go with his eyes closed, so I don't have to worry about getting lost at all.    


With a fever in my head and my guts growing, I ran my hand straight through the jungle and into the valley.    


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