Son-In-Law Is A Playboy

C108 Air Outlet

C108 Air Outlet

3Just as he was about to knock on his little sister's door, his left hand was suddenly grabbed.    


The next second.    


At the same time her left hand was caught, her right hand and the two lumps of pinkie from the airport were in high spirits. She was also suddenly attacked and grabbed by Zhang Qing, causing her to pull both her hands apart at the same time.    


I cried out in pain and begged for mercy. "Officer, spare me!"    


There were still some traces of tears on Zhang Qing's face, and his eyes were almost spitting fire.    


Her cherry lips were panting heavily as her chest heaved up and down. She was obviously quite angry.    


"How dare you take advantage of me!"    


She screamed, and the strength in her hands increased, making me scream in pain again.    


"You misunderstand." I said quickly.    


"Don't try to fool me here, you think this police officer is a pushover!"    


"Cough cough. Um … I'm treating you."    


"Even if you say that you have smallpox, you bastard, it's a fact that you're taking advantage of me."    


"I'm really treating you."    


Zhang Qing smiled angrily and asked coldly, "I've seen many rogues play hooligans. This is the first time I've seen such a righteous hooligan like you. This police officer will listen to how you make it up."    


"Xiao Qing, although I am a man, I can understand your woman's love of beauty. Modern women value the body very much, but the chest more." A woman with big breasts has a natural advantage. She can take the lead in her career and also win the eyes of men. I know that. "Don't feel inferior, it doesn't matter if you're small or small. As long as big brother makes a move, it's not a dream to have an arrogant career line!    


As I said this, I glanced at Zhang Qing's chest and spoke to her in a very sincere tone.    


After Zhang Qing heard what I said, his chest expanded even more. The strength in his hands also increased. His face kept changing back and forth, but his expression still contained more shame and anger.    


Any woman would turn angry from embarrassment when they heard a man say that she was small. She was no exception even if she was a police flower.    


"Bastard!" "I'll kill you!"    


Zhang Qing let go of my hand and cursed loudly while waving his fist and hitting me without any pattern.    


It scared me so much that I put my head in my hands and pressed my legs together, afraid of implicating my little brother.    


Now I was her vent, and she was venting on me.    


"I like you so much, why did you do this to me?"    


She scolded me for a while, then suddenly changed her words as if she was talking to Li Feng.    


This made me very depressed, she was angry at me for being the scapegoat for Li Feng.    


Alright, this is my good fortune, I can only console myself like this.    


After a long time, her strength became smaller and her crying became smaller.    


In the end, she had already stopped hitting me. Even though there were still tears on her face, she no longer shed tears.    


She looked up at me. There were no more tears in her eyes, and her expression was calm.    


"Are you feeling better now that you've finished venting?"    


"You bastard, first you took my first kiss, then you took advantage of me twice in a row. We're not through yet."    


Zhang Qing harrumphed coldly.    


"If it's not the best, I'm afraid it's all over with you." I said softly.    


"Don't talk to me like that, it's disgusting."    


"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have shown you those photos."    


That's what I said from the bottom of my heart.    


Zhang Qing twisted his face but did not say a word.    


"I'm going to tell you something else, but I'm afraid you'll be upset when you find out. That's why I let you look at the picture first." I thought you wouldn't feel so bad if you saw him and you gave up on him and I showed you the rest, but I didn't expect you to feel so sad when you saw those pictures. I'm sorry. "    


I said my heart to her, and then I apologized again.    


"I never thought he was such a man."    


Zhang Qing lowered her head, her tone very sad.    


"That's not what he looks like. After you watch a video, you won't feel so bad, because a hypocrite like him isn't worth your love, he isn't."    


I stretched out my right hand to smooth out the hair that was hanging on Zhang Qing's face. Then, I touched her face and said seriously.    


When she heard me, she raised her head and looked at me quizzically. "What video?"    


"Are you ready to see it?"    


I asked, concerned.    


She took a deep breath and nodded. "Don't underestimate me, I'm a good police officer."    


I took out the camera, clicked on a video, and handed it to her. She was watching it very carefully.    


This time, her emotions did not fluctuate much, and her breathing was very calm. However, her expression became more and more unsightly, and she even revealed an expression of anger.    


I was elated. I touched my chin with my right hand and thought, "I've already pulled out this rotten tooth for you. Once she finishes reading it, she'll definitely thank me. What should I ask for in return?"    


Twenty minutes later, she finished watching the video. Her face was very unsightly.    


I quickly straightened my clothes and sat up straight. I had already decided on what I was going to ask for: a three-minute long kiss.    


She looked up, and I quickly pretended not to look at her. I felt a surge of excitement at the thought of being able to kiss her.    


"Where did you get this video?"    




There was a hint of reproach in her tone.    


"What do you mean?"    


"Where did this video come from?" "I don't understand Chinese!"    


Zhang Qing's raised voice startled me.    


I rubbed my ear and said weakly, "Don't worry, you'll get angry and hurt your body. You girls have to laugh."    


"Answer my question!"    


"Where this video came from is not important. What matters is what's on the video. It's completely true."    


"You know I like him, and yet you give me these things. What do you mean!"    


"Because you're the cop I trust the most. No matter how you look at me, you're already a friend to me."    


My tone was sincere.    


"Aren't you afraid that I might let the evidence down by deliberately throwing water at you out of nostalgia?" Zhang Qing stared at me.    


I smiled and shook my head. "You're a righteous policeman. I'm sure I can give you the evidence." "If I didn't have that much confidence, I wouldn't dare try to seduce you again and again."    


"I saw in the video that his face was a bit pale, giving off a very awkward feeling. What's going on?"    


"At this point, I won't hide it from you. I don't know where these photos and videos came from."    


I said innocently. Since there was no evidence, I would rather die than admit it.    




"Make it up, make it up, you son of a bitch."    


"Well, big brother, I have something to say, but I don't know if I can say it." I weakly asked.    




"There are some things I don't want to hide from you, but I can't tell you that you're a cop after all."    


"Hmph!" Let me tell you, senior brother. "I am still very clear about Captain Li's character. If he really did make a mistake, he wouldn't admit his wrongs without hard evidence. In the video, he admitted his guilt so sincerely, so he must have suffered an inhuman torture." Zhang Qing analyzed.    


"Then I don't know. Why don't you ask your young master?"    


"Scram!" Zhang Qing cursed angrily.    


"Comrade Xiaoqing, this is my car." I whispered.    


Zhang Qing took out the videotape from the camera, stepped on my foot with force, and opened the door to get out of the car.    




I held my foot in pain.    


F * ck!    


She seemed to be wearing a cotton belt, but why did it hurt more than her high heels?    


At this moment, I realized that if I wanted to hit the police, I had to be prepared to get beaten up.    


"Feels good?"    


Liu Cong said sarcastically as he returned to the car.    


"This police flower is just like a hot pepper. It's not easy to deal with."    


I said, rubbing my feet.    


"She seems to have left with your cell phone."    


Liu Cong said slowly.    




I quickly got out of the car and chased after him. When I saw Zhang Qing walking in front of me, I shouted, "Xiao Qing, my cell phone!"    


Zhang Qing turned around and raised his phone to me, but didn't return it.    


I ran after her, and she ran, looking back.    


After fifty meters, I stopped and bent over, breathing heavily. She didn't seem to want to give it to me.    


Motherf * cker!    


Every day, he would sit in a car and lack of exercise. After only running for fifty meters, he was already so out of breath. He had been married for more than half a year and hadn't touched any of the fitness equipment.    


I decided to take two hours of exercise every day.    


Returning to the car, he checked his watch. It was already four-thirty.    


"To the Public Security Bureau."     3


"Well, what for?" Liu Cong asked curiously.    


"My cell phone was taken away and I couldn't get in touch with Wang Long. They were still waiting for my message."    


It took us only a dozen minutes or so to reach the police station.    


I recognized Wang Long's car at a glance and told Liu Cong to drive over and park close to Wang Long's car. I rolled down the window and knocked on the window across the street.    


"Huh?" "Big brother, why are you here?" Wang Long said in surprise.    


"Hey, I lost my phone. Let me tell you something."    


I stuck my head out and talked to Wang Long for a while. Then I saw him nod and said, "That's it. I'm going back."    


"Take care, big brother."    


I smiled and nodded, and said to Liu Cong, "Go home."    


"I feel the need to remind you." Liu Cong suddenly said as he was driving.    


"What?" I looked curiously at Liu Cong.    


"You have to keep a low profile when you are wronged."    


"Impossible!" I almost became a murderer, why can't I ask for an explanation? "    


"You don't seem to understand that it wasn't the justice department that was at fault this time. They were all looking at the evidence and talking. All the evidence pointed at you and they had to arrest you." "If you are unforgiving, the media will make a bad place out of it, and it will do you no good."    


A word to awaken the dreamer, Liu Cong's words scared me to the point of sweating all over.    


"You mean let me keep a low profile and you'd better take it for granted that this didn't happen?"    


Liu Cong nodded and looked at me with a serious expression. "You are developing a gray power. You should get on good terms with this place, not make things difficult for them." "Once you make this a big issue, the first person to be affected will be Chief Zhang. After all, Captain Li was promoted by him. If he discovers your influence, he will definitely kill you."    


I wiped the cold sweat from my forehead. "Bro, Chief Zhang is not a narrow-minded person who would take revenge on a public enemy."    


"No, no, you are wrong. This has nothing to do with being magnanimous. It is their duty to wipe out your kind of grey power and ensure social stability."    


"Bro, it's a good thing you reminded me. Otherwise, I would have gone too far this time." I am very grateful for Liu Cong's timely reminder.    


"Don't thank me, I just don't want to suffer with you."    


At this moment, the car was already downstairs.    


Before I got out of the car, I gave a 100,000 yuan bank card to Liu Cong to repair the car, eat, pay the rent, and so on. Liu Cong happily accepted it.    


When I got home, I just lay down on the couch and slept.    


After sleeping for an unknown amount of time, I suddenly bellowed and woke up.    


"Get up!"    


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