Son-In-Law Is A Playboy

C113 Ambulatory Interrogation

C113 Ambulatory Interrogation

4Zhang Qing's words gave me a bad feeling. What does she mean?    


This bro's balls hurt the moment he heard the three words, interrogation room.    


After Zhang Qing finished speaking to me, he turned around and walked towards the office building.    


The two uniformed policemen behind her grabbed me by the arms. One of them said to me, "Don't just stand there. Let's go. You still want Captain Zhang to personally invite you?"    


Captain Zhang?    


F * ck!    


Lil 'Bro had been promoted, she should have invited laozi instead. How could she treat me with such a cold attitude?    


I turned to Feng Yao for help. "Yao Yao."    


"Isn't she your little lover? What are you afraid of?"    


Feng Yao snorted and snappily said.    


"Alright, let's go." The two comrades grew impatient and led me toward the building.    


Brother is like a girl who was snatched away by a tyrant. He turned his head around in three steps and looked at his family with a pitiful expression. He was on the verge of crying.    


"Look at your cowardly appearance! You're so pissed off! If you just go, they'll eat you!"    


Feng Yao said to me before she shut the car door in anger.    


F * ck you!    


You are ruthless.    


Recently, I have become a celebrity in the Public Security Bureau. If I say something without bragging, there is no one who doesn't know this bro.    


Five minutes later, I was in the interrogation room.    


Instinctively I sat down in the chair, and the two comrades closed the door and left.    


Strangely enough, after they took me to the interrogation room, they left me in the cold, waiting and waiting for no one to come.    


I couldn't wait any longer. I wanted to open the door and leave, so I pulled on the door but didn't move.    


F * ck!    


What were they playing at?    


I was walking around the room in a hurry when I saw the camera in the corner. I rolled my eyes and wanted to make a fool of myself.    


"Xiao Qing, I love you, I love you, I love you." I waved my hands and twisted my ass and danced my own self-created dance, yelling at the top of my lungs.    


Even after shouting for a long time, there was still no sound from the door.    


Damn it, I'll count it as you being ruthless. You forced me to do this.    


"That night, as we sat next to each other in the car and you snuggled up against me, my sinful hands became dishonest and one of them reached into that mysterious area."    


I looked up at the camera with an affectionate expression, as if reading a love letter, and thought back to that unforgettable night.    


Actually, I was just trying to see if Zhang Qing was looking at me from the control room.    


One had to say, this method was quite effective.    


Just as I was enjoying my lecture, the door suddenly opened. Zhang Qing rushed into the room and interrupted me, which made brother very unhappy.    


Didn't she know that interrupting someone to tell a story was a very rude thing to do?    


I protest!    




Zhang Qing ran towards me. Seeing that I was about to continue speaking, he hurriedly covered my mouth and stared at me with his pair of beautiful eyes.    


I narrowed my eyes at her and kissed the palm of her hand with a pout.    


"If you dare to speak nonsense again, I will make it so that you will never be able to leave this world." Zhang Qing said angrily as he let go of me.    


Like a child who has been wronged, I grabbed her little hand and looked at her pitifully.    


"Let me tell you, if you dare mention what happened that night again, I'll … I'll do it."    


Zhang Qing wanted to warn me, but he didn't know what to say.    


I continued her sentence and asked in a funny tone, "What are you going to do?" "Little sister, kindly remind me that you are a civilian police officer and cannot break the law."    


Zhang Qing snorted and sat down at his desk. He looked at me seriously. "Do you know why I brought you to the interrogation room?"    


I shook my head. I guessed a little, but I wasn't sure.    


Then the door opened again.    


I turned around and saw that it was this bro's father-in-law, Director Zhang. I quickly got up and shook hands with him.    


"It's good to see you again, Director Zhang." I laughed.    


"Director Zhang looked very serious and said," "You're really fated to be with us. Come in here every two or three days." "    


"Heh heh, you sure are humorous."    


I laughed dryly and rubbed my head in embarrassment.    


Behind Commissioner Zhang was another person holding a book.    


Zhang Qing moved to the side so that Chief Zhang could sit in the middle. With the arrival of his father-in-law, the atmosphere immediately became a bit tense. I obediently returned to my seat.    


"Lin Yang, I thank you on behalf of the Ministry of Public Security for finding the worms in our team."    


With that, Chief Zhang stood up and bowed slightly towards me.    


"Director Zhang, you are too kind. I would be happy to help the people."    


The director personally bowed to us. This caused this bro to feel flattered and was excited for a moment, so he said this out of the blue.    


After saying that, he wanted to give himself a big slap on the head. It would be fine if he was polite. Why did he have to say that he would get rid of all the harm in order to get his head caught in the door?    


"Lin Yang, I have a few questions for you. Please answer them truthfully." Chief Zhang said.    


F * ck, Director Zhang is really cunning. He first gave me a sweet date and then he started on the main topic.    


"If you ask me, I won't hide it from you."    


Whether I answered his question or not, it had to be.    


"First question, did you unlawfully detain or ban Li Feng and torture him in all sorts of cruel ways?"    


I quickly shook my head. "No, no, I don't have that kind of guts."    


"Lin Yang, the fact that we thank you doesn't mean that you can be alright just because you committed a crime."    


"Director Zhang, you have to tell me all the evidence. I don't want to be wronged again." I said innocently.    


When Chief Zhang heard my words, a trace of uneasiness appeared on that serious face that had just been selfless.    


"In the course of our interrogation of Li Feng, he confessed to what he had done, insisting that you detain and ban him."    


"Director Zhang, he and I have a grudge against each other. He must want to throw some dirty water on me." "Right now, he is just a stray mad dog, hateful to the point of biting anyone he catches."    


"How come his teeth are all gone!" Zhang Qing suddenly roared.    


I was startled by Zhang Qing's shout and immediately laughed in my heart.    


Right now, Li Feng should be like the old lady, chewing and chewing for a long time. That scene must be very interesting.    


Ga Ga...    


Director Zhang glared at Zhang Qing and said, "You're the captain now. No matter what you do or say, you can't bring your emotions back to work."    


I pretended not to know what Zhang Qing meant by that. "What do you mean?"    


Zhang Qing nodded at Director Zhang. I completely ignored him.    


"Second question. Where were you when Wang Linjun died?" Chief Zhang asked.    


Just as I was about to answer his question, I suddenly felt that his words were a little awkward. Hearing that there was nothing wrong with them, I thought that there was something wrong with them.    


He directly said Wang Lin Jun's name.    


Also, he was talking about when Wang Lin's army died.    


If I answer right away, then the question will come.    


First, only when Wang Lin is very familiar with me can he directly ask Wang Lin about him. However, Wang Lin is not that familiar with me, so he should at least let me know who Wang Lin is.    


He didn't say anything, which meant he was cheating on me.    


Second, the news reports didn't mention when Wang Lin Jun died.    


If I answered this question, it would mean that I know the time of Wang Lin's death. Aside from the witnesses, the only person who knows the time of Wang Lin's death is the murderer.    


Chief Zhang's words were too dangerous. If he was even a little bit careless, he would have been caught in it himself. The situation would have been dire, and I would have had a hard time explaining it to him.    


Father-in-law is so cunning, he is openly I set up a trap.    


If he really was the culprit, he would have been scammed. Fortunately, he was meticulous enough to try to scam me.    




Old man, you're haut!    


This brother here isn't afraid of anything. Wang Lin's death really has nothing to do with brother.    


I subconsciously raised my hand to wipe off my cold sweat. With a wry smile, I said, "Chief Zhang, you're really awesome. You almost got me involved in this." "I don't know when Wang Linjun died, but how am I supposed to answer your question?"    


Director Zhang revealed a trace of a smile, but that smile seemed a bit stiff, very similar to Liu Cong's.    


"Lin Yang, you're a good cop boy. It's a pity you went the wrong way."    


What Director Zhang said made my heart shiver. Could it be that he knew about my 'career'?    


"Thank you for your appreciation, Chief Zhang. The Criminal Police has many rules, so I prefer to live a free and unfettered life."    


"I'll give you a piece of advice. No matter what you do in the future, you can't cross the line." "We live in a legal society, and if we all take revenge under the guise of justice, it will be a mess. You have to trust us." Director Zhang was implying something from his words.    


I understood what Chief Zhang meant. He was warning me: Forget about this matter. Don't do this again in the future.    


"Director Zhang, I understand. Thank you for your guidance."    


I stood up, bowed towards Director Zhang, and said in all sincerity, "I'm not lying at all."    


Director Zhang nodded with satisfaction and winked at Zhang Qing.    


Zhang Qing nodded and left the interrogation room with the police officer in charge of recording everything down.    



"Do you have anything to say?" Director Zhang asked me.    


F * ck!    


How did he know I had something to say to him alone? Did he know mind-reading?    


"Director Zhang."    


I was about to say something when I looked up at the camera.    


"Don't worry, Captain Zhang will switch off the equipment as soon as he gets out. They won't be recorded." Chief Zhang said.    


I continued, "I'll just tell you the truth today. There has always been a mastermind who harmed me. You must have seen Li Feng's confession video. I suspect that the person who called Li Feng to manipulate him might not be the mastermind, but it must be related to the mastermind as well."    


"Go on." Director Zhang said with a frown.    


Then I told him about the accident.    


However, I didn't mention anything about Feng Yao.    


After all, Feng Yao was a public figure.    


I don't want her to have any negative news.    


"How can you be sure that the same person designed these two things?" "Also, there must be a reason why those people want to kill you, right?"    


Director Zhang's two questions are exactly what I want to hide.    


"Director Zhang, this is related to the privacy of a woman. I can't say, I hope you understand."    


"Well, go on."    


"The mastermind tried to kill me time and time again, but my mom tried to save me by serving me a prison sentence. As my son, I still haven't found the real culprit, so I didn't have the face to visit her."    


I thought of my poor mother and wanted to cry.    


When Chief Zhang saw my sad look, he stood up and said to me, "Lin Yang, I was the one who failed to keep a strict watch on you and made you and your mother feel guilty. I'm very ashamed." After watching the video of Li Feng's confession, I knew that your mother was innocent, but your mother had already admitted her guilt, so it would be difficult for her to turn the case around. "    


Director Zhang's words ignited a glimmer of hope in me.    


I hurried over to Chang and grabbed his hand. I immediately kneeled down and said, "Chief Zhang, you have to save my mother."    


"This is what we should do. If you get up first, there's a way to save your mother." "However, I am not sure." Director Zhang helped me up.    


"What method?" I asked excitedly.    


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