Son-In-Law Is A Playboy

C222 Overhead

C222 Overhead

1When the call connected, a man's voice could be heard, "Mr. Lin, this is Elder Meng's man."    


"How many of you are there?"    




Old man Meng was too insatiable. Ten people wanted to stop both Guo Jinhai and Boss Zhu at the same time?    


"Mm, alright, I understand."    


I unhappily hung up the phone. I didn't even bother to ask where they were. I sat in the car in a daze for a while before opening the car door and getting out. I walked to a very quiet place and dialed Elder Meng's number.    


Ten minutes later, I returned to the car with a heavy heart.    


"Brother, how is it?    


Wang Long asked curiously.    


"It was only ten people that old man Meng sent."    


"What!?" Adding Guo Jinhai and Boss Zhu together, there's a total of thirty people. "    


"It's better to beg yourself than to beg others. We still have to rely on ourselves and others. I believe that as long as we do our best, we can eliminate Sun General Sun and Du Jingtian even without using Viper."    


I took a breath, clenched my fists, and said confidently.    


"Eldest brother, if it was only Sun Ming and Du Jingtian's men fighting, and Guo Jinhai and Boss Zhu's men didn't move, what should we do?" Wang Long asked.    


"In the beginning, they might not have participated. If one side was about to be annihilated, they would definitely have acted."    


"Then let's proceed according to plan?"    


"Yes, let's do as we agreed before. Let all the brothers be prepared. Whether or not we can get a foothold in the Qingjiang region will all depend on this."    


Wang Long nodded and then got out of the car to make the arrangements.    


I sat in the car, frowning and lost in thought.    


Tonight's operation was extremely important. His heart was very excited and at the same time very nervous. No matter how stable the plan was, it was possible for an accident to occur. This accident could turn into a life-threatening situation.    


Thinking about this, I couldn't help but want to call my mother. I picked up my phone and found her number, then put it down after a while.    


I jerked my head, trying to shake the pessimism out of me.    


Lin Yang, what are you afraid of?    


You must believe in your big brother. He will definitely protect you.    


You have to believe that after spending so much time and effort in planning and reconsidering your plan, nothing will go wrong.    


I let out a long breath and loosened my clenched fists. My palms were covered with sweat.    


Life and death depended on the will of heaven.    


At this time, my cell phone rang. Seeing that it was Feng Yao calling, I quickly picked it up.    


"Darling, where are you?"    


Feng Yao's voice was very cheerful.    


"Darling, I miss you."    


I didn't answer her, but the thought came from the bottom of my heart.    


Feng Yao, the national goddess that made countless fans go crazy, yet she loved me without any complaints or regrets. I had no reason to alienate her, much less do anything to harm her.    


Even though I had always made up my mind to stay away from her, after hearing her voice, I couldn't help but want to embrace her. Perhaps this was the love of a moth in a flame.    


"I miss you more."    


Feng Yao's voice was very soft.    


"Darling, to be able to be lovers with you in this lifetime, it's worth it even if I die."    


"Fuck you, what do you mean by not dying? Don't say anything lucky, I haven't given birth to your baby yet."    


Feng Yao's tone was a little rebuking.    


When I heard this, I was immediately overjoyed.    


"Aiya, as expected of Master Feng, he is so open-minded when he speaks. When … when are we going to make a little girl?"    


I joked.    


"Hmph, I'll give you a chance to live if you can satisfy me with your performance."    


Feng Yao's laughter rang out nonstop.    


And just like that, he started to chat with Feng Yao according to my orders. He couldn't help but admit that women were really good seasoners. After flirting with her, his previous depressed mood was immediately swept away.    


Her laughter infected me, so much so that after I hung up the phone, I was still laughing in silence.    


"Lil 'Yang, you're doing a bit of spanking here and now, you're making a living for yourself. I'm already envious of you."    


Gao Jin smacked his lips and said with a smile.    


"Big brother, people only have a short life span of a few decades. No matter what, we cannot waste this great age. We cannot afford to let go of it, no matter the cause or the woman."    


"You can do it, how can you be like me nestling in that small yard all day and not seeing a single woman?"    


Gao Jin sighed.    


When he said this, I couldn't help but to worry for him. If it was me, I would definitely be driven mad.    


Time passed by very quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it was already 8 o'clock.    


We had reached the opposite side of the Grand Central Hotel, and the brothers were here in batches, waiting for my orders.    


Now that everything was ready, it was time to see whether Sun General and Du Jingtian could fight.    


At ten past eight, eight consecutive cars arrived at the Grand Central Hotel.    


The door opened at the same time and five people got out of each car. One of the most luxurious of them got out was a short, chubby man in his thirties with a full beard. He was Du Jingtian, who was going to the banquet.    


"Good heavens! Du Jingtian has come with his full strength. He has come with ill intentions."    


I said, somewhat excitedly.    


"It's best if they can do it. I didn't expect them to have a good show to watch before they leave."    


Gao Jin looked through his binoculars as he spoke.    


There were six burly men in front of the hotel. They were definitely Sun Ming's men.    


Du Jingtian led his subordinates and tried to enter, but they were stopped by the six burly men. Judging from Du Jingtian's appearance, he was probably very angry. He raised his hand and slapped one of them in the face.    


Soon after, both sides began to argue.    


Following which, a square-faced man in his forties walked out of the hotel. He was the host, Sun Dai, followed by seven or eight bodyguards.    


Sun General revealed a very angry expression and kicked the man down to the ground. He even started to scold the man. Even while sitting in the car, I could hear the scolding.    


He kicked that guy a few times before he shook hands with Du Jingtian with a big smile on his face. Then, he entered the hotel.    


Tonight, Sun Zhiming had booked the entire hotel.    


Tsk tsk, what a grand show.    


After everyone had entered the hotel, I quickly put down my binoculars, opened a laptop, and quickly tapped it a few times. Soon, a scene appeared on the laptop screen.    


On the screen, Sun Yat-sen and Du Jingtian were seated facing each other, with a large dining table in the middle of the room.    


When Gao Jin saw this scene, he exclaimed, "Little Yang, you really make me have a whole new level of respect for you. You've even acquired new and advanced technology."    


"Hehe, a while ago I watched a TV show called 'Hunting Ground' which received some inspiration, so I created a female godly catching tool and stored it in a big hotel ahead of time."    


I laughed.    


"Capture a female Dry Divine Tool?"    


Gao Jin revealed a confused expression.    


"Sigh, it should be called a smoke camera. To put it bluntly, it is a smoke alarm with a camera built into it. From its appearance, I can't see anything wrong with it. It's really a must for capturing a woman."    


I explained with a smile.    


"Is it in the bathroom?"    


Gao Jin asked with a mischievous smile.    


"Ahem, time is of the essence, I didn't have the time to pretend."    


I looked at my big brother with a head full of black lines. He actually wanted me to put the camera in the bathroom. His heart was really bad.    


But I like it, hehe.    


He also pretended to be in his own bathroom, so that he could watch Han Bing take a bath if he had nothing else to do.    


Han Bing sat naked on the edge of the bathtub, his long and beautiful legs were spread apart, and his slender white and tender fingers were constantly cleaning his little sister.    


The little sister's "lip" must be pink, gaga.    


I sucked in a breath and subconsciously, I raised my hand to wipe away the saliva flowing from the corner of my mouth.    


Damn it, Old Lin, you are too useless. You are distracted at such an important moment!    


I looked up at my brother, a little embarrassed. He was staring at the monitor screen, but luckily, he didn't see it.    


Then I took a USB flash receiver out of my pocket and plugged it into the computer.    


Following that, their voices appeared on the screen.    


"Big brother, I even had Xiaolong install a few bugs. This time, we have a picture and a sound, so we can control their every move."    


I said with a little smirk.    


"Good, now even though we're sitting in the car, it's more or less the same as being on the scene."    


Gao Jin looked at me with admiration. "Little Yang, I feel that you have changed in the past half year. You have become more mature than before. You already have the aura and scheming of a big boss."    


"Big Brother, it's not like you don't understand me. What kind of aura do I have? It's all just an act."    


I rubbed my head in embarrassment. Although it was rare for me to be modest on the surface, I was actually quite happy in my heart.    


"No, no. You might think that you're deliberately putting on a superior air every time, but as your status increases, your body will naturally emit a kind of aura."    


Gao Jin paused here, then continued, "This kind of aura will suppress the people around you, especially your brothers. Even if you smile at them, they will more or less feel restrained in front of you, because they revere you. This is the unique aura of those in power."    


"Right, right. The old man gives me this feeling. His every word and action makes me very nervous."    


I quickly nodded, agreeing with Gao Jin's words.    



"So, as your achievements get higher and higher, you will naturally change. You may not feel it, but in the eyes of those around you, it has already changed a lot."    


He didn't see me very often, and that was probably why he was so impressed.    


"Big brother, it is difficult to change one's nature. In the future, I may become a powerful big shot, or I may become a rich person. My temperament may change, but my nature will not change."    


"No matter how resplendent the fireworks are, I am still myself in the end. Time has passed, and I will persevere."    


Gao Jin said emotionally.    


"My heart may fluctuate at times, but it will eventually return to its original state. Big brother, your words are too kind. It seems like this brother of mine will only be cursed as a tramp for his entire life."    


I shook my head and smiled.    


Gao Jin waved his hand. "In the future, when your status is high, they won't dare to scold you in front of your face. At most, they'll scold you behind your back or in your heart."    


Eh, big brother is so humorous, isn't that the same thing?    


Really, it was too bad.    


We joked a little and all looked at the monitor.    


The hotel lobby was clearly divided into two groups. Du Jingtian's people were sitting together, and Sun Qun's people were sitting together. The two groups looked at each other with eyes filled with anger. Then, their gazes landed on Sun Qun and Du Jingtian.    


"Brother Du, it's been a few days. You look pretty good."    


A smile hung on the corner of Sun Qun's mouth, but his eyes were sharp.    


The good show finally started. I was a little excited as I looked at the scene in the hotel. I didn't know when they would be able to stand up again. I was really looking forward to it.    


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