Son-In-Law Is A Playboy

C359 Great Opportunity Wasted

C359 Great Opportunity Wasted

0As for the matter of the staff leaving together, it was simply an unorthodox method.    


Zhu Shiguang definitely wouldn't care about the employees staying or leaving, he was only using this matter to declare war on me. Since he doesn't have me in the north of the city, I have to fight, I have no choice.    


These things could not be told to Tian Yihe, or she would be worried.    


At this moment, two miserable shrieks sounded in succession.    


After a while, a few brothers brought the two braids over. Their hands were bloody, and the Treasurer quickly passed the money to them.    


When the employees saw this scene, they revealed expressions of fear.    


I coldly looked at them. "Go back and tell your master that I have accepted his declaration of war."    


Their faces were pale and sweat was dripping from their brows. Fear and hatred could be seen in their eyes as they hurriedly grabbed the money and fled from the bar in a sorry state.    


I looked at their backs and suddenly felt a surge of pride. I firmly said to myself, "Zhu Shiguang, you will definitely be my stepping stone."    


"Confident." Liu Cong's voice rang in his ears.    


I turned to look at Liu Cong.    


There was a smile on his lips, and he seemed to be in a good mood.    


I ignored him and turned my head to look at the employees. In a gentle tone, I said, "I've been a waiter in the bar and I know how hard it is for you guys to earn money. So I understand you very well.    


When they heard this, their faces immediately lit up.    


I also laughed. "Actually, I feel like I'm a very good boss. The wages I give you are not low, and the food I eat is not bad either. It's not a bad thing to have your salary paid on time, is it?"    


They all nodded, different expressions on their faces.    


Before you leave, I still have to kindly advise you guys that the words of double pay are all for playing with children. No matter how well you say it, if I don't give it to you for all sorts of reasons when the time comes, it would be empty talk. This is a common tactic used in business competitions, and if you really want to believe it, I can't do anything about it.    


I tried to say these words very sincerely.    


Speaking of which, I don't want to waste any more words. If they want to leave, they can leave.    


Then, I continued, "Those who want to leave, come and pay the bill. I've broken the company's rules by doing so, we are a group, I do not want to work as a wall worker, so if you want to leave, it is best to leave today. Once today is over, we will follow the contract, no rules, no face."    


Many of them had hesitant expressions on their faces.    


Actually, I also felt a little nervous inside. I said that I would go and stay however I liked, but I didn't want them to leave at all.    


At this moment, Tian Yihe suddenly spoke.    


"By now, you should have already adapted yourselves to this place. If you change your working environment and start to adapt again, you might not even be able to adapt in the end. Finding a stable job is not easy. We are one big family, and I sincerely hope you can stay. "    


Tian Yihe's voice was just like hers. It was extremely gentle and gave off a feeling as if it was the spring breeze.    


I looked at her in surprise. She suddenly spoke so well.    


Mm, I must have been influenced by this brother, hehe.    


"Little He, don't talk about it anymore. Everyone has their own aspirations, it doesn't feel good if you force it." I turned to her.    


Subsequently, some people walked towards the Treasurer, while others returned to their respective jobs.    


Five minutes later, they all made their choice. I counted, and more than half of them stayed behind. There were probably a dozen or so who chose to leave. This was already the best outcome.    


I strongly clapped my hands and shouted, "Those who remain, each person will receive two hundred red packets, this is my personal wish."    


Those people immediately grinned.    


"In addition, as long as the bar's turnover goes up, the salary will rise. I have the final say." I said it out loud again.    


They immediately cheered happily.    


As for those who chose to leave, after hearing my words, many of them showed a regretful expression. However, they still turned around and left.    


Bar was an extremely mobile industry.    


With regards to the departure of these dozen people, I only felt a sense of regret and didn't pay much attention to it.    


After helping Tian Yihe settle this matter, Liu Cong and I left the Love and Shang Bar and prepared to visit the training grounds in the northern suburbs.    


I sat in the car and turned my head to look at the Aishan Bar. I secretly sighed in my heart. What's wrong with the Feng Shui here? Things happened one after another. It was really difficult for Tian Yihe.    


"Second fool, did you donate any money?" I asked curiously.    






"Last night."    


I immediately became depressed and unhappily said, "It's such a big matter, why didn't you call me to go with you?"    


"As soon as the money is paid, everything will be settled. There's no need to go so many people."    


When I heard this, I felt extremely depressed. 15 million yuan was gone without even hearing a sound. Just thinking about it made my heart ache.    


The old man had told me to increase the glory on my head.    


Such a good opportunity was wasted just like that. It truly infuriated Old Lin.    


"Did you write my name?" I asked quickly.    




I heaved a sigh of relief. Then, I thought, 'What the hell is the use of writing a name? Others might not even know that I donated it, but it doesn't mean that there isn't any glory!'    


What he wanted was for everyone in society to know that his brother had donated money, and not to do good deeds in private.    


As far as I know, only by being known by the society and then being publicized by the reporters would I be considered a true glory. What I want is that kind of glorious image, otherwise, in the eyes of others, I'll forever be a leader of a gray faction.    


Sometimes, people also needed to be packaged and promoted. Once they had established their glorious image, they would have a certain amount of social influence.    


Anyway, that was what he thought at the moment.    


"Such a good opportunity was wasted by you. What a pity."    


I was depressed.    


"Like I said, people are afraid of being famous, but pigs are afraid of being famous. Being too famous doesn't have any benefits."    


Liu Cong's tone was somewhat playful.    


I felt a surge of contempt for him. He plays the role of a high and mighty man all day long.    


"Stop bullshitting around here. I don't see anything bad about so many celebrities, and they're all fighting to become more famous. Don't tell me their cultivation is low, but your cultivation is high too."    


If I'm the only one who likes to be famous out of a hundred people, then what he said about me would be acceptable.    


The problem is that among these people, at least 90% of them want to become famous celebrities. It's not because I'm special, but because he's different.    


I feel that my analysis makes a lot of sense.    


"You have your reasons, no matter what you say."    


"Only when there's nothing else to say."    


I rolled my eyes and dejectedly closed my eyes.    


At this moment, the music of Zhu Bajie's wife rang. His eccentric wife had called.    


I quickly took out my cell phone and picked it up.    


"Hey, my wife, the moment I left home, you missed me." I laughed.    


"Cut the crap, where are you?"    


"I just left the city center. Did something happen?" I'm a little curious.    


"We agreed a few days ago that we were going on a weekend outing."    


Han Bing's tone sounded a bit unhappy.    


I raised my hand and smacked my forehead. I had actually forgotten all about my work.    


However, we can't say that we forgot, otherwise our wife would definitely be angry. She rolled her eyes and hurriedly said, "I didn't forget, didn't we say it was the weekend? Today seems to be Saturday. "    


Cough cough, I can only try my luck for now.    


"Despicable." "Lin Lin, do you feel itchy again? Get the hell back here right now or I'll punish you."    


Han Bing's voice was not loud, but it was already using an commanding tone.    


"Ok, I'll be right back." I quickly answered.    


Du du...    


I looked at my phone gloomily. With my wife's order, I had to immediately return home. There was nothing I could do. Who told me to be useless? I hadn't conquered her yet.    


Liu Cong must have heard what I said and was on his way home.    


"Fortunately, there is someone who can control you. Otherwise, you would truly be overturning the heavens."    


"When I take down Han Bing, Big Bro will be able to turn the situation around and take charge. At that time, hmph, she's just a small director of the City Women's Union, but she can't control me, so it's better for me to control her."    


I've worked hard for more than half a year to achieve this goal.    


Even though he hadn't taken her down yet, he had made great progress. As long as he could figure out the demon in her heart and help her deal with it, then Old Lin's happy days would come to an end.    


As long as he could lay his hands on her, the throne would belong to Old Lin.    


When that time comes, let her prepare a basin of foot washing water for me. She pointed at her and coldly said, "Wash my feet."    


Ga Ga.    


That scene already appeared in my mind, Han Bing had a pitiful appearance, gently washing my feet, tsk tsk.    


"Not necessarily."    


Liu Cong's five words made me depressed.    


This guy doesn't want me to be a good person. Even when I was dreaming, he would throw cold water on me. This is too despicable.    


I said, unconvinced, "Idiot Liu, don't look down on others too much. You just watch. One day, I will kick her off the throne. I will sit on that throne and have her obediently serve me."    


At this moment, my self-confidence is bursting, Old Lin will definitely advance towards that goal unswervingly.    


Liu Cong smacked his lips, "It's hard."    


"No, what do you mean!"    


I suddenly got angry. He doesn't think too highly of me. Even if he doesn't give me any encouragement, he can't vent my anger on him.    


Liu Cong laughed and then stopped talking.    


I took a deep breath and quickly chanted the nemesis script. As the nemesis character passed through my mind, Buddha remained in my heart. This old monk does not lower himself to the level of a heretic. Amitabha.    0


At 9: 30, I finally got home, but Han Bing grabbed me by the ear the moment I entered the door.    


"Old woman, please spare my life."    


I quickly begged for mercy.    


Han Bing said angrily, "You wasted two hours of my time, so I'll be waiting for you at home."    




Two hours?    


It's only been half an hour since she called me, okay?    


"Wifey, you're not good at math, you calculated wrong. Half an hour."    


"I told you it was two hours. Do you have a problem with that?"    


Han Bing's tone suddenly became cold, and the strength in his hands increased.    


See? Old Lin can't not fight back. I'm the one who is the strongest outside, I don't have any status in the family at all.    


As the saying goes, when there is oppression, there is resistance.    


This was just like those heroes in the water stronghold, who were all forced to climb Mount Liang. If they had a choice, who wouldn't want to hug their wives at home and sleep on that hot brick bed?    


However, we must endure before we succeed in our great cause.    


"No problem."    


"At least you're sensible."    


Han Bing smiled in satisfaction, and then changed the topic of the conversation. His face became very serious as he continued, "There's something I need to ask you."    


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