Son-In-Law Is A Playboy

C361 Forced Disassembly

C361 Forced Disassembly

4I raised my hand to rub my sleepy eyes, and curiously looked at Han Bing. "Wife, what's wrong?"    


She didn't answer, but looked behind her.    


I subconsciously turned my head to look, which immediately made me more curious.    


Behind them was a place where many people surrounded. There were also many cars parked by the roadside. There were also uniformed personnel and many muscular men.    


Liu Cong turned back at the intersection in front and drove towards it.    


Soon, he was nearby. He parked his car not far away and opened the door to get out.    


The sounds of cursing rang out nonstop, and the scene was extremely chaotic.    


We stood by the car and watched for a while, and then we understood what was going on,    


Anger appeared on Han Bing's pretty face. She raised her leg and was about to walk over. I quickly pulled her back. At the same time, my heart shivered. This weird wife is too righteous. Looking at her appearance, it seemed that she wanted to intervene.    


As long as she intervenes, I will definitely wipe her butt.    


Pfft, I can't even manage my own affairs, how can I be in the mood to meddle in other people's affairs.    


"Wifey, there are countless matters of injustice in this world. We can't manage it, and we don't have the ability to. We still need to go for an outing. Let's go, get in the car."    


I pulled her into the car.    


"Let go of me."    


Han Bing abruptly shook off my hand and shouted, "Do you have a sense of justice?"    


I immediately choked on her words. Seeing that she was about to go over, I quickly pulled her back. "Wifey, you are very righteous. I know that, but we have to do our best, don't you think? Such a large lineup, we can't do anything about it. "    


"Even if I can't, I have to."    


Han Bing shouted loudly, and once again shook off my hand, and quickly walked towards that direction.    


I immediately got a black line on my head and habitually wiped the cold sweat on my forehead. Damn, I am going to be in trouble again. I felt depressed in my heart. Why did Old Lin fall in love with such a hot-blooded wife? There really is no rule of law.    


Liu Cong, who was at the side, started laughing.    


"What are you laughing about? Hurry up and protect my wife. If she gets hurt, I'll cut off our relationship."    


Just as he was worrying about whether he would get angry or not, he shouted at him.    


Liu Cong didn't look angry at all. With a smile still hanging on his lips, he spread out his hands and said, "Then you'd better cut off all ties with me right now. I've had enough of you, little tramp."    


He said this out loud, but still ran after her.    


F * ck you, calling someone a tramp is something that your father has long since left the ranks of the tramp!    


Hmph, seeing that he is going to protect his wife, big bro will forgive his unintentional words, or else I will beat him until all his teeth are lying on the ground, unable to find him.    


After which, I also rushed over.    


The scene was in chaos.    


The uniformed staff wore helmets on their heads and carried truncheons in their hands.    


As for those burly men, they had tattoos on their exposed skin and had fierce looks on their faces. With just a glance, it was obvious that they were no pushovers.    


In front of them was a row of bungalows. On the roof stood six people, two men and three women, including a little boy about eight years old. From a glance, this was a family.    


Both sides were in a stalemate.    


This scene was really too familiar. He had to forcefully tear it apart with just two words.    


In the past, I only saw this kind of scene in video. I didn't expect to see it in reality today.    


Although I wasn't willing to let Han Bing interfere, but seeing this kind of thing, my heart is still very angry. After all, Old Lin is also a very righteous person, it's just that he is more reserved, hehe.    


These staff members, seriously, if you want to tear them down from their homes, they will definitely fight you to the death.    


There was no need to think about it. The two sides definitely did not agree on a good compensation plan.    


Anyway, these staff members were legitimate law enforcement personnel after all, so what about those big guys?    


I guess they must be some kind of thug sent by the merchants.    


F * ck, this Shang family is so awesome. They actually sent fighters here so brazenly. Aren't they afraid of being exposed?    


Suddenly, I thought of a possibility.    


I'm so stupid, this place still belongs to the northern part of the city, and there's only one real estate agent there, and that's Zhu Shiguang.    


Thinking of this, I was almost certain that these thugs were Zhu Shiguang's men.    


Great, I was just worrying about not finding a way out, but he just sent it over. This opportunity is too rare, I have to grab it, but how can I do anything about it?    


I couldn't help but lower my head in thought.    


After thinking about it, he still couldn't come up with a good plan, so he decided not to think about it anymore. He decided to take things one step at a time, and even though he had already guessed their identities, he still had to confirm it.    


I withdrew my mind and hastily went to Han Bing's side.    


Despite the commotion, many people still noticed us. Especially Han Bing, she is known as the number one beauty in Hong Kong.    


When I saw the fiery gazes of the men, I felt a surge of pride.    


Look, look, no matter how much you look, you won't be able to get into your pot. This is the legal and proper wife of Old Lin's family. Sigh... Jealous of you.    


In my heart, although I was proud, I still pulled Han Bing back.    


Seriously, why are we so close to each other? We can't even let them smell our scent.    


"Why are you pulling me?"    


However, Han Bing didn't understand her brother's sincerity and glared at me unhappily.    


"Wife, I won't stop you, but let's observe first before interfering, okay?"    


I weakly whispered a suggestion.    


"How annoying."    


We thought it through, and she agreed.    


Feeling the fervent gazes of the surrounding men, I felt extremely proud. I took out the panda glasses from my pocket, put them on Han Bing with great care, and put my arm around her shoulders, proudly raising my head.    


This is really incredible. Some people's gazes turned directly into jealousy and hatred, while others became even more serious. That God of Light really wanted to eat me alive.    


There is a saying that happiness is built on the pain of others.    


When Old Lin saw their bear-like expressions, he could no longer suppress the joy in his heart. The corners of his mouth curled up into a brilliant smile.    


Actually, it wasn't just Han Bingmei. Your elder brother's appearance is unrivaled as well. He left Pan An and a few streets behind. When our two of us stood together, we were truly a perfect couple.    


At this moment, a man's angry roar came: "I'll see who dares to touch my house, I'll fight with my life!"    


I raised my head to look at the source of the voice. The man who shouted was about thirty years old, neither fat nor thin, only 1.7 meters tall. He held a kitchen knife in his hand and looked extremely excited.    


Next to him stood a man in his fifties, presumably his father, with a shovel in his hand, and the rest of the men with sticks in their hands.    


The little boy was also holding something in his hand. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a slingshot.    


The family was fully armed. This was the tempo of going all out.    


A fat guy in a uniform held his megaphone and shouted, "Li Dajun, the compensation is already paid. Now, I will give you a final warning, hurry up and leave with your family, don't hinder the progress of the construction in the city."    


"What are you doing with that tens of thousands of yuan? If you dare to tear down my house, then we'll perish together. No one can survive."    


Li Dequan was in a state of madness.    


Thinking about it, these people who were responsible for the demolition were going to tear down their houses without a care in the world. This was simply pushing them to death.    


If this thing were to happen to me, I would also go all out.    


I looked around.    


Those who were watching all had an expression of watching a good show. They immediately sighed.    


This matter had nothing to do with him, but other than his strange wife, no one else was willing to wade in troubled waters. This was reality.    


The fat guy turned around and waved and shouted, "Drive the car over here!"    


I turned to see an excavator parked not far away.    


There were six people on this rooftop. Did he want to forcefully tear them apart without caring about their lives?    


The fat guy was probably trying to scare them.    


Han Bing wanted to go and stop her, so I quickly stopped her. Without waiting for her to get angry, I hurriedly whispered in her ear, "Wife, even if you can stop this time, you can't be here every day. We might as well get some evidence to suppress them all at once and help this family."    


This is the truth, and a little selfish.    


Actually, there was an even more important point. She was a director of the Women's Union, and it was impossible for her to stop this. These people would not buy her account.    


Liu Cong was powerful, but he couldn't stop this matter.    


The other party was not a hoodlum, and was a very upright staff member. This was not something that could be solved easily, and once he made a move, he might even be caught. The reason was simple: obstructing public office, assaulting public officials, and so on; it would be even more troublesome in the future.    


"You're right."    


Han Bing thought for a moment, nodded, and said, "But I'm worried something will happen to this family."    


I grabbed her shoulders with both hands and solemnly said, "Wifey, I understand your feelings and support you in maintaining justice. But look at this battle. With just the three of us, we can't stop them. Reckless is stupid."    


Hearing my words, Han Bing revealed a surprised expression and looked at me blankly. "Hubby, you've changed."    




"Is it better or is it worse?"    


"Suddenly, I feel like you have become mature and wise."    


Han Bing's tone was very sincere.    


"That's a must."    


I stuck out my chest, feeling proud. Being praised by Han Bing, it's really not easy.    


"With just a few words of praise, you're brilliant. Hurry up and take the evidence."    


Han Bing stretched out her hand and hit my head, then softly urged.    


"Right, right."    


I immediately took out my phone, opened up the recording, looked around, and then held Han Bing's hand as they walked towards a certain direction.    


Then I raised my phone and began to take pictures.    


The camera angle here was just enough to capture the situation on the set.    



A rumbling sound was heard as the excavator drove over. The surrounding people all retreated far away. Only the uniformed personnel were nearby, as well as the dozen or so thugs.    


Come on, the storm is fiercer, let me see how crazy you are.    


I muttered to myself as I patted it.    


After the excavator drove over, the fat guy who had shouted earlier pointed at the house and ordered the driver, "Remove it."    


The pilot was surprised for a moment, then frowned and said, "There's someone up there."    


"If I tell you to take it off, then take it off. Why are you blabbering so much? Can you do it? You can't just f * cking f * ck off."    


Fatty's attitude was extremely arrogant as he angrily scolded the pilot.    


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