Son-In-Law Is A Playboy

C363 The Tragedy Is Happening Right in front of Your Eyes

C363 The Tragedy Is Happening Right in front of Your Eyes

2By the time Liu Cong made his move, I had already stopped filming and made two calls in succession. One was a hospital emergency call, the other was from Guo Haijun, and the purpose of the call was simple: to capture someone.    


Now, Guo Haijun had officially been promoted to captain of the Criminal Police Division of the North District. The entire Criminal Police Division.    


All this time, I was watching the scene.    


Liu Cong's appearance caused everyone present to be stunned.    


Soon after, the dozen thugs surrounded him. They looked extremely arrogant, and did not place him in their eyes.    


Han Bing left my embrace and turned around to look at the house. Her face was pale from anger as she gritted her teeth. Her body trembled slightly as she angrily said, "These animals." Life, is simply devoid of conscience. "    


Just as I was about to speak to her, she ran towards the scene, shouting, "Hurry and save them!"    


She was rousing the onlookers.    


Han Bing had already gone over, so I couldn't stay still. While chasing after her, I shouted to the onlookers, "What are you still standing there for? Hurry up and save them!"    


To my relief, they did not hesitate to rush toward the scene.    


The power of the masses could never be underestimated. This was an everlasting truth.    


During this process, Liu Cong's side was already in full swing.    


The actions of those people must have angered Liu Cong, because I saw that he did not show any mercy at all.    


At this moment, the scene of his battle gave me a sense of familiarity.    


Anyone who had seen 'Zhongnanhai's Bodyguard' would remember the scene of the fight with Jacob. It was a passionate and shocking scene.    


I looked at Liu Cong as if I had seen Jago's cold and invincible image.    


These thugs were only able to deal with ordinary people. Even if they were to fight against Ah Lang and the others, it would be a waste of their time, not to mention a powerful warrior like Liu Cong.    


In just three short minutes, all the brawny men on the ground cried out in pain.    


If I wasn't in a hurry to save someone, I'd cheer for him.    


When I got close to the house, I turned to Liu Cong and shouted, "Don't let that fat guy get away."    


The fatty I'm talking about is the staff member who shouted at me at the start. Judging from his actions, he must be the leader.    


F * ck, if it wasn't for his order, there wouldn't be the current tragedy.    


Zhu Shiguang's henchmen were detestable, but the most detestable thing was this staff member.    


At this moment, I don't care about my status as a fat civil servant anymore. Even if the leader of the f * cking group were to be here, I would still have to give an explanation for six lives.    


I don't believe this evil, that there is no place for justice. Even though there are many scum, I still believe that justice lasts forever.    


Second Fool was very fierce. As long as he believed the other party to be evil, he would not care about the identity of the other party and would immediately attack.    


Back then, even Li Feng, who had the position of chief, was defeated by him in public, let alone a mere head of the enforcement team.    


Fatty's behavior was extremely vile. Even if Liu Cong were to pin him down on the ground and beat him up, it would not be enough to pacify the people.    


"Don't act recklessly, I'm a civil servant."    


When Fatty saw Liu Cong walk towards him, he immediately became flustered.    


I stopped and shouted at him, "Even if you are the head of the city, you can still beat them up. They are a bunch of animals worse than pigs and dogs." "Yes."    


At this moment, I remembered one of MC's classic lines. I opened my mouth and shouted, "Bodyguard, hit him."    


Naturally, the staff around Fatty did not just stand there, holding their batons and looking vigilantly at Liu Cong.    


The next second.    


Liu Cong's blood-boiling fight began once again.    


What makes me a little curious is that when he hit these people, he was even more hardworking and merciless than when he beat up those thugs.    


I thought for a moment and understood.    


He hated people in uniform who not only did not serve the people, but in turn oppressed the masses with power.    


I watched for a few seconds, then turned around and continued to chase after Han Bing. With Liu Cong around, I couldn't run away from them.    


At this time, Han Bing and the rest of the people that rushed over to save the person had already ran into the courtyard.    


When I entered the courtyard, I heard the sound of wailing. I immediately felt a stifling sensation in my chest. Due to the roof collapsing, there might be something pressing against the door, causing me to be unable to open it.    


The two men who looked rather strong kicked forcefully a few times, but were unable to move away from the kick.    


Han Bing paced back and forth on the side.    


When I saw a bamboo ladder at the side, I immediately grabbed it and shouted, "Stop struggling! There must be something inside that is holding up against it! Save me from the top!"    


"Yes, yes, save them from the top."    


Han Bing also hurriedly said, thinking that this method was feasible. This was the only method.    


I put the ladder down and went up immediately.    


At this moment, all I could think about was saving others. I didn't even consider whether I was in danger or not.    


"Hubby, be careful."    


Han Bing's concerned voice came from behind me.    


I immediately felt warm in my heart. With her words, I wouldn't be afraid even if I were to go up the mountain and cook for them.    


However, when I was in the middle and saw that no one was coming up, I suddenly felt depressed. Damn it, there are six people in there, what if I can't do anything and they get pinned down by something?    


Having more people meant that they had more power, and they had to enter the world of geniuses.    


I turned my head around to see the hesitation in the men's eyes. How could they hesitate at such a crucial moment? They immediately thought of a solution and shouted, "Hurry up and save them. Those who participate in the rescue will get 500 yuan each."    


Never underestimate the charm of money.    


Those who had been hesitant immediately made their choice and began to climb the ladder as well.    


I continued to climb, and when I reached the top, I saw what was going on inside.    


The concrete slab on the roof broke into two pieces from the middle. The door was blocked by the concrete slab, so it was no wonder they couldn't kick it.    


The six of them only saw five, but not the little boy.    


Li Dequan and the young girl were extremely anxious. They had wounds on their bodies, but they were not serious. The situation for the other three wasn't looking good because they had been pressed under the concrete.    


The young girl wailed for help as she wrenched at the concrete.    


When she saw me, she shot me a pleading look. "Big brother, come and help me," she said in a very anxious tone.    


I quickly answered.    


Fortunately, the roof had only partially collapsed, and one of the concrete slabs was propped up by the closet in the room. The slabs were like a mountain slope from which it was easy to get down.    


I bent down and walked along the uncollapsed area toward the concrete slab, my legs trembling a little, fearing I would collapse in the next second.    


Lin Yang, don't be afraid, saving people is more important. If you delay it by one minute, it is possible that they will lose their lives.    


With that in mind, I felt my courage suddenly increase. Taking a deep breath, I started to walk faster. Soon, I reached the concrete slab.    


I half crouched and started down the concrete slab.    


When I reached the end, I was only a meter away from the ground, so I jumped straight in.    


I subconsciously raised my head to look at the few men who were behind me. It was obvious that they were more daring than I was. Thus, I straightened my body and walked over quickly.    


Cough cough, I think I'm a bit timid. Just because of this, my spirit is even more precious.    


I tried my best to help Li De-quan and the others break down the concrete slab, but I barely managed, and one of the men who had just come down also did the same.    


With this, the concrete slab was quickly lifted up.    


"Little girl, quickly save him."    


I called out to the young girl.    


"En!" The girl quickly squatted down to pull him away, even calling him sister-in-law.    


After a few seconds, we lowered the concrete slab.    


After Li Dajun's wife was rescued, she didn't care about her own injuries. With a panicked face and tears streaming down her face, she anxiously shouted, "Little Dong, Little Dong."    


As a mother, the first thing she thought of was her child.    




A child's voice with a weeping accent sounded. We immediately turned towards the direction of the voice, only to see Li Dajun's father and not the little boy.    


It was clear that Li De-quan's father must be little Doon beneath him.    


We quickly continued to save lives. As more and more people came down the mountain, saving lives became more and more effortless.    


A few minutes later.    


We rescued the grandfather and grandson duo.    


Tragically, Li Dequan's father did not move at all. His head was covered in blood.    


I tried to catch my breath, but it was weak and the chances of survival were slim.    


The little boy only had a few bruises on his forehead, but he was fine. He shook his grandfather's arm back and forth, crying sorrowfully. Everyone else was also crying.    


I sighed, more resentful of the people outside.    


The rescue work didn't stop, we continued to save people, and Li's mother was not saved. Fortunately, she was not in any danger of death, but her leg was probably fractured.    


I wondered how they could still stand on the roof, with the house collapsing first and them falling from the back, and how they could still be held down by the concrete slabs.    


There was nothing he could do about it. That was the truth.    


So far, the rescue work has been half done, and the constant crying in the house has made me feel even more depressed.    


Then, using the wooden stake we handed in from the outside, we lifted up the concrete slab that was pressing against the door. Then, using the wooden stake to push against the concrete slab, we managed to open a door.    


A few minutes later, the house was empty.    


Li De-quan's father was lying in the yard, and the whole family was crying around the old man.    


"I'm going to kill them."    


Li Dequan picked up an axe in the yard and shouted in hatred.    


I quickly pulled him back and loudly rebuked him, "Don't be rash. You are the only pillar of support in our family. They need you."    


Li De Quan stared blankly at me for a moment, then dropped the axe onto the ground, regret and regret filled his eyes, tears kept flowing down his face, he squatted on the floor and started crying, and slapped his own face with all his might: "It's all my fault, if I didn't stop the house from being demolished, Dad wouldn't have left."    


I subconsciously turned my head to look at my surroundings.     3


The yard and the gate were surrounded by people.    


Their expressions were all different, full of sympathy, resentment, and so on. There were even a few people who were gritting their teeth in anger.    


Han Bing grabbed my arm with both hands, his eyes red.    


I was about to say something to comfort her when I heard sirens and the sound of an ambulance outside.    


The Navy finally arrived.    


I must seek justice for Li De-quan.    


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