Son-In-Law Is A Playboy

C94 Acting as a Rival in Love

C94 Acting as a Rival in Love

4"I'm going to the toilet."    


I smiled and said to Zhang Qing. I got up and walked towards the toilet. When I was about to go there, I turned around and walked towards the two female attendants.    


"Hey, two beautiful girls."    


When they saw me, they bowed very politely and said, "What do you want?"    


I looked around and said to them, "Come with me, beautiful ladies. I have something that I need your help with."    


They followed me as I walked into a deserted area.    


"What kind of help?" They looked at me suspiciously.    


"Well, I brought a girl to dinner, and I liked her very much. We went out on a date, and my love rival came along too. This guy is too annoying. Wherever we go and where he goes, I want you to help me make that guy angry."    


They looked embarrassed.    


"Don't worry, I won't let you help me for nothing."    


I took out four hundred dollars, two hundred each, and handed it to them.    


They waved their hands, wanting it but not daring to take it.    


I pressed the money into their hands. "Don't worry, what I want you to do is not difficult, as long as you say a few words in front of that guy so he can hear you."    


Afraid that the supervisor would notice, they quickly stuffed the money into their pockets.    


"What did he say?"    


"Just pretend to talk and say, 'Look, the handsome guy is confessing to his girlfriend; how do you know it's a confession, maybe a marriage proposal; why, I heard them talking just now, as if the girl had just given her first kiss to the handsome guy this afternoon, it's definitely not a proposal, there's no need to be so quick.' Just say these things, don't be nervous, just say them naturally."    


I imitated their conversation and told them what I wanted to say, and they nodded.    


"Just stand by his table for a moment, and if I kneel down to the girl, you'll say it at once, not necessarily as I say it, but as long as it means it, remember?"    


They put their hands on their chests and made an OK gesture at me, all smiling and nodding.    


"I thank the two beauties in advance."    


I thanked them and walked over to my table, feeling a little smug.    


Li, don't you like the little sister of the police?    


Your father will take her away and not let you down.    


Whatever you want, this father will snatch.    




After I sat down, I poured a glass of red wine for Zhang Qing and myself.    


"Xiao Qing, I hope we catch the real culprit soon. Cheers!"    


"I won't drink, I'll have to drive later."    


"It's fine, even if you're drunk, it's fine. I'll send you back. Come, let's have some good fortune."    


Zhang Qing took the goblet, clinked it with mine, and took a sip.    


"Little Qing, I knocked you down this afternoon and accidentally kissed you. I really didn't mean to. I apologize and give myself a glass of wine."    


After I finished speaking, I picked up my goblet and gulped it down.    


Zhang Qing's face turned red, but his eyes looked angry. He was also very strong with his food.    


"Hmph, you did it on purpose."    


I rubbed my head in embarrassment and looked at her innocently.    


"I admit that I was attracted to you the first time I saw you." "In the holding cell, Li Feng decided that I had killed someone, and you, acting as an angel of justice, defended me and touched me."    


Zhang Qing's expression did not change at all.    


I continued to praise her. "Xiao Qing, do you know how excited a wronged person is when he hears someone defending him?" "To say that you are an angel of justice is no exaggeration."    


Zhang Qing ate a mouthful of vegetables, wiped his mouth with a tissue, and raised his hand to stop me from continuing.    


"Stop it, although there are many points of doubt in the case, you are still the biggest suspect until the real culprit is caught."    


F * ck!    


I've said so much to incite her feelings, why is her reaction so cold?    


Everyone loved to hear others praise themselves, but when it came to her, it didn't work.    


Okay, the revolution hasn't been successful yet, so bro still needs to work hard.    


"Soon, I will no longer be a suspect. Someone will prove my innocence."    


"Who is it?"    


"You'll know then, and you'll be surprised." I smiled mysteriously.    


"Tsk, how mysterious."    


"Xiaoqing, I know you can't trust me completely, but please don't tell anyone, even Li Feng. I only trust you."    


I told her very seriously.    


Zhang Qing nodded.    


I looked over at Li Feng. The two beautiful waitresses that I had just bribed were standing beside Li Feng's table.    


I nod at them quietly, and they smile and nod back at me.    


"Xiao Qing, it's up to you whether my mom can clear her name." She has suffered for most of her life, and if you can clear her, I'll do anything to help you. "    


The more I spoke, the more agitated I became. At the end, I stood up and walked over to her. I knelt on one knee and gripped her small hands tightly.    


This scene no matter how one looked at it, it looked like a boy proposing or confessing to a girl.    


This is what I want.    


In this way, Li Feng will definitely misunderstand. If he misunderstands, his heart will feel uncomfortable, and if he doesn't, I will be very happy.    


This scene attracted the attention of the nearby customers. None of them knew what was going on.    


However, no one knew who started a commotion, saying, "Marry him!" Following that, some of the surrounding customers also started a commotion, loudly saying these three words.    


My head was full of black lines. I didn't even take out the marriage proposal ring, yet you guys are trying to stir me up.    


This was completely out of his expectations and caused quite a stir.    


Zhang Qing was stunned by my sudden action.    


Then, awoken by the sounds of the guests around her, she hastily pulled out her small hand to help me up.    


"What are you doing, making everyone else misunderstand?"    


I didn't get up immediately, but said in a low voice, "Xiao Qing, you have to clear my mother of all charges. I will remember this kindness in my heart."    


"Alright, alright, I got it. Hurry and get up."    


Although she was a police officer, she was still a girl who had never experienced love before. Her face was as red as an apple and her eyes were somewhat panicked.    


The next second.    


My left shoulder was pinched, which hurt a lot.    


I didn't need to look back to know that it was definitely Li Feng. From the strength of his hands, I could tell that he was very angry.    


I purposely cried out in pain, "Aiyo!"    


At the same time, Zhang Qing looked behind me. Anxiety flashed across his eyes, as if to say, "You didn't see that."    


When she saw me grimacing in pain, she quickly moved her hand away from my shoulder.    


"Senior brother, you misunderstood, don't be rash."    


Li Feng let go of me, and I rushed to Zhang Qing's side. Rubbing my left shoulder with my right hand, I shot a provocative look at Li Feng.    


"Misunderstanding?" "Okay, then tell me, what is he saying to you?" Li Feng had already been blinded by jealousy.    


Zhang Qing did not say anything. She would not tell Li Feng what he had just told her.    


"Is there nothing more you can say?"    


At this moment, Li Feng did not look like the high-spirited captain at all. His expression made Zhang Qing stunned.    


I was secretly pleased with myself as I watched from the side. Now was the time to show off my magnanimity.    


"Captain Li, you misunderstood Little Qing. We are not what you think." I put on a kind face and tried to explain for Zhang Qing.    


"The shout was quite warm." Li Feng said to me.    


He looked at Zhang Qing and said sarcastically, "I didn't know that you could be so frivolous with your usual innocent appearance. How long have you known each other, yet you kissed me? No wonder when I was arguing with him, you spoke up for him."    


F * ck!    


What did those two beautiful attendants say to him that made him act like this?    


His rage was obviously beyond my expectations.    


"Hey!" "You can insult me, but not Xiao Qing." I feel sorry for Zhang Qing.    


"Get lost!" "There's no place for you to talk." Li Feng cursed at me.    


"You are the captain of the Criminal Police, how can you curse!" I shouted.    


These words immediately caused the surrounding customers to discuss amongst themselves. This brother had always been a very gentleman, this Li Feng was a bit too much.    


Zhang Qing tugged on my arm, tears in his eyes as he replied, "Don't say anymore. If he doesn't believe me, no matter how he explains it, he won't believe it."    


"But I can't let him misunderstand you and hurt you because of me."    


"One man, one man, acting well." Li Feng clapped his hands and then pointed at me. "Kid, let's see how long you can be proud of this."    


"Captain Li, you really misunderstood, Captain Li!"    


Before I could finish, Li Feng turned around and left.    


Zhang Qing could no longer hold back his tears. They flowed down his face.    


I quickly handed her a tissue.    


"Wiping away her tears, she said," "I've always heard about his legendary stories at the police academy. He's always been my idol, and I admire him and like him a lot."    


"Yes, yes, I know. Let's stop crying, little Qing."    


"I've never seen him lose his composure like this before, but I suddenly feel like he's a stranger."     3


It's good to be unfamiliar with it!    


As soon as they become strangers, Big Bro will have a chance.    


After a while, when I shake out Li Feng's ugly face, she'll feel even more unfamiliar. Maybe she'll be able to get her little sister from the police force.    


At that time, he would not only take revenge on Li Feng, but he would also take care of the little sister police flower, killing two birds with one stone.    


He imagined that if he threw Zhang Qing, who was dressed in police uniform, onto the bed, it would be a true form of subjugation and seduction, and he would definitely feel good.    


Ga Ga!    


Zhang Qing was crying snot and tears, but I was fantasizing about a beautiful life with her. I couldn't help but drool at the corner of my mouth.    


"Hey!" "You, you are too annoying. I cried so bitterly. Why are you laughing so foolishly over there?"    


Zhang Qing threw the tissue after wiping my tears onto my face and said snappily.    


"When I saw you crying, I thought of a joke. Would you like to hear it?"    


"Tell me, if it's not funny, I'll give you something to look at." Zhang Qing waved his fist.    


I cleared my throat and began to say, "A boy asked Zen Master for advice with a frown on his face. He asked Zen Master, 'My girlfriend always breaks up with me, so please give me some pointers.'"    


"Master, what do you mean?" Zhang Qing asked curiously.    


"The Zen Master grabbed a chicken and tied a string around its leg. As soon as he pulled the string, the chicken fell. The Zen Master loosened the string and the chicken struggled to run. The Zen Master pulled the string again, and the chicken fell again. The Zen Master pulled it eight times."    


At this point, I deliberately stopped for a moment. Zhang Qing asked curiously, "What exactly does this Zen Master mean?"    


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