Son-In-Law Is A Playboy

C33 The Good Play Began

C33 The Good Play Began

1While I waited anxiously, Xia Tongtong finally returned.    


However, her expression did not seem happy.    


"What is it?"    




Xia Tongtong slammed the car door shut, angrily not saying a word.    


"I say, young lady, even if you're angry, you can't vent your anger on my car. What's wrong?"    


"This is so infuriating, this man is such trash."    


As I listened to her, I began to understand. It seemed that, just as I had thought, I hadn't started.    


"Tell me, what's going on inside?"    


"I followed them all the way to the eighth floor. That old woman and her little lover started in the hallway. Her husband just hid there and watched. He didn't dare go out. He pissed me off."    


I was elated. Why are these two always at the door? What kind of habit is this?    


"And then?"    


"I just came to her husband's side and peeked with him. I asked him 'Is this old woman your wife' and he actually said no, he's pissing the baby off."    


"He definitely won't admit it. How embarrassing."    


"What makes me most angry is that he didn't admit it and didn't let me secretly take pictures. I asked, 'This isn't your wife, why do you care?' and he said, 'You peep into my privacy, it's not good'. I've never seen such a useless person."    


"That's her wife after all, so you're definitely not allowed to take any photos. But since you didn't succeed, it's fine. I have their entire shoot from last time on my phone."    


"Why didn't you say so earlier!"    


As Xia Tongtong said that she was going to steal my phone, I quickly held my phone with my hands behind my back, refusing to give it to her.    


"About that, it's not appropriate for children. You're still a student."    


"Now that you know that I'm a student, didn't you still eat my tofu that night?"    


Xia Tongtong pouted, stuck her waist in, and glared at me.    


A beauty is a beauty. Even when she's angry, she's still so beautiful. I was so infatuated by her that I didn't want her.    


"Sigh, they're out."    


Xia Tongtong patted my shoulder. I hastily looked over.    


After the man came out, he drove away. It seemed that he was very angry.    


I put down my binoculars and followed him in my car.    


"What are you doing with him? Xiong Bao is such a trash, if you see him, you'll get angry. "    


"Tongtong, don't look at how stingy that guy is right now. The more he can endure, the better the show will be. We just need to follow him."    


This person went to another big hotel called the Di Hao. I was really confused, does he have a lover too?    


Did he get provoked by his wife and go to his lover to vent?    


If that's the case, then all of father's plans are in vain.    


"You see, this good-for-nothing must have come here to find his lover."    


Xia Tongtong and I had the same thought. Could it be that this person is really that useless, that he can tolerate his wife and brothers?    


"That shouldn't be the case."    


"Going home is annoying, why is there still such a useless person in this world?"    


My sister-in-law was furious and quickly comforted her, "Tongtong, we're outsiders. We're just here to watch a show. Why are you so angry? Why don't you go back?"    


"You can't be like that, right?"    


Xia Tongtong's sudden question stunned me.    


Me, her, and Han Bing, the three of us are about the same as Li Mei and the rest.    


However, Li Mei's role was changed to mine, while Xia Tongtong was the third son, while Han Bing was on the J side.    


I thought for a bit. If I had a secret relationship with Xia Tongtong and was discovered by Han Bing, she would definitely tear me apart.    


Thinking this, I couldn't help but shiver.    


"Hey, I'm asking you a question! "What would you do if you found out that I was good to a man?"    


So that's what she was asking. I wanted to tease her, so I slapped my thigh and laughed.    


"Of course, I will definitely cook a table of food and treat this brother-in-law of mine to a treat. Thank you for helping me out so much."    


"Why, you mean it, don't you?"    


Xia Tongtong waved her little fist at him. Just her little strength was not enough to tickle him.    


After a few minutes, she giggled.    


"You big scoundrel, you're truly infuriating. Let me tell you, don't even think about getting rid of me in this lifetime, hmph!"    


"Will you go?"    


"I'm not leaving."    


The two of us bickered happily.    


Twenty minutes later, a taxi stopped in front of the Di Hao Hotel.    


Wang Long got out of the taxi, and I immediately became spirited.    


"Tongtong, the main character is here."    


Xia Tongtong was about to open the door again, but I held her back.    


"Don't go, let's just wait. It seems like we've all thought wrong. This person isn't here to find a lover. He's here to have a Hongmen Banquet."    


"Hongmen Feast? The baby has to go down and have a look. "    


My sister-in-law is really impatient, so I quickly grabbed her arm.    


"Don't worry, they won't be able to fight. Let's just wait. OK?"    




Xia Tongtong nodded reluctantly, then put her arms around me and rested her head on my shoulder.    


"Brother-in-law, can I call you Lin Yang in private from now on?"    


"Up to you."    


My attention was focused on the entrance of the hotel, and I subconsciously agreed.    


"Lin Yang, I'll borrow your shoulder for a while. I'll sleep for a while, wake me up if there's a good show."    


As Xia Tongtong spoke, she leaned her head on my shoulder and pressed two soft lumps of weight on my arms.    


I didn't object. She pressed me so hard that I felt comfortable, and from the bottom of my heart, I didn't want to push her away.    


A moment later, Xia Tongtong heard regular breathing and fell asleep.    


After about three hours, that person carried the drunk Wang Long out of the Di Hao Hotel.    


The man stuffed Wang Long into his car and drove away.    


"Tongtong, wake up. Let's go."    


I reluctantly woke Tongtong up, then started the car and followed her.    


They drove westward for about two hours until they came to a mountain on the west side of the city, the West Peak Ridge.    


I didn't dare to get too close. I couldn't help but wonder, why did they come to this desolate mountain range?    


"Lin Yang, this place is so scary."    


Xia Tongtong looked outside the car. Other than the barren hills, there were no other mountains. Fortunately, the moonlight today was very bright.    


When I saw her like this, I was delighted: Little girl, you have to look for excitement. When you do, you're scared.    


"Don't be afraid, with big bro here, I'll protect you."    


Their car turned and turned, reached the top of the hill, and stopped at a certain spot.    


I quickly turned off the lights, then stopped in a very secluded spot in the distance.    


"Tongtong, wait for me in the car. I'll go take a look."    


"No, leave me alone, I'm scared."    


"Lock the car, I'll be back in a moment."    


"Can I come with you?"    


"Don't go, there might be snakes or something on this mountain. If you're afraid, shout again, and we'll both eat."    


The biggest reason I didn't let Xia Tongtong go was because I didn't want her to see something she shouldn't have.    


Xia Tongtong obediently locked the car door, then closed the curtain.    


I crept toward the top of the hill, not far from them, and hid in a secluded spot.    


He saw that the person had wrapped Wang Long up with duct tape, then took out a bucket of water from the car and poured it on Wang Long's head.    


Wang Long woke up and realized that he couldn't move. He panicked.    


A good show was coming.    


I quickly took out my cell phone and my charger.    


Brother has prepared everything. Such an exciting show can't be delayed from filming due to the lack of electricity.    


"Cousin, what are you doing!"    


When Wang Long saw that person, he was no longer flustered. From his tone, it seemed that he was still very angry.    


"Why are you asking me? You bastard, don't you know what you've done!"    


The person in the car took out a golf club and started hitting Wang Long's leg.    




Wang Long screamed in pain.    


"Cousin, even if you want me to die, you must at least let me die to understand!"    



The man stopped, took out a stack of photographs from the car, and tossed them in front of Wang Long, pointing the club at him.    


"You're still not admitting to it? Look at what this is!"    


When Wang Long saw those photos, he was stunned. Then he suddenly shouted, "This is P's, it must be P's! Which bastard wants to frame me?!"    


"I saw you having sex with that bitch with my own eyes, how could that be fake!"    


The man continued to hit Wang Lung with the club, and the craziness of it made me a little uncomfortable.    


Tsk tsk...    


Seriously, didn't you do your wife in? You're being too ruthless!    


"Cousin, please have mercy, you can't blame me for this, you have to blame that bitch. If it wasn't for you, how could I be good to her, she's already over 40, don't you think, how could I like her!"    


Wang Long cried out as he begged for mercy.    


The man, perhaps tired of playing, stopped and gasped for breath, leaning on his club.    


"Tell me, how did you do it for my own good?"    


"Cousin, it is all thanks to you that I have been able to stand firm in Hong Kong ever since I came to Hong Kong. How could I dare to have any other thoughts towards my cousin? "You know your cousin, she always seduced me, and I certainly won't answer."    


When Wang Long said this, he took a deep breath and continued, "But, this slut actually used you to threaten me."    


"How did he threaten you?"    


"She said that if I didn't accompany her, she would divorce you and let you out clean. When that happens, both of us would have to sleep on the streets."    


"Did she really say that?"    


"Cousin, our brother has been here for so long, when have I ever lied to you? I remember you telling me that you would get her family's property sooner or later. I didn't want our plan to fail so I agreed."    


"That bitch, sooner or later I'm going to kill her!"    


When I saw this, I couldn't help but be stunned. Did this person believe it?    


Motherf * cker!    


If he had let Wang Long go, he would have traced the source of the photos. Things had gone beyond my expectations.    


"Cousin, I've done my best to help you. I've never asked you for a penny because we are brothers. "But, no matter how that bitch threatens me, I'm still my cousin. I've let you down. Just kill me!"    


Wang Long closed his eyes, looking as if he was waiting for death.    


F * ck!    


At this moment, I was a little touched.    


[He did his best to help you take away your family's property, but in the end, he ended up like this. That is so disheartening.]    


Although I was moved, I felt that this fellow was scheming something. I was too familiar with this move of his, because this was also a move that I was used to.    


This was too obvious. First, they had to talk about brotherhood and gain sympathy. Then, they would retreat in order to advance and seize the initiative.    


"Is what you told me true?"    


"Cousin, if you don't believe me, you can grab that slut and confront her. If you want, I can use this slut to help you get rid of that slut, so that you won't be angry when you see her every day."    


"Bro, I'm sorry, I was so angry that I lost my mind. It's really hard for me to put in so much effort for you. "Don't worry, as long as we can take back that bitch's property, I'll split half of it with you."    


"Big Brother, without you, I wouldn't be here today. It's only right that I work for you. I don't want the family property. As long as Big Brother gives me a good job, I'll be satisfied."    


F * ck!    


What a good brother.    


That person was naturally extremely touched and quickly released Wang Long.    


Wang Long regained his freedom and limped toward the car.    


"I'll hold you."    


"No, just give me the club. I'll just use it."    


The man handed the bat to Wang Long and walked two steps to open the door for him.    


I was looking forward to losing my plan. It was a depression, but at that moment, something happened.    


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