Son-In-Law Is A Playboy

C35 Combined Application of Hard and Soft

C35 Combined Application of Hard and Soft

4I looked at Wang Long limply lying on the ground. My hands trembled, and the brick fell to the ground.    


At this moment, I was scared. I subconsciously looked around.    


Then, he opened the trunk, grabbed Wang Long's upper body with both hands, lifted it up, and first stuffed his upper body into the trunk.    


Finally, I grabbed him by the legs, flipped him inside, curled his legs into a ball, and slammed the trunk shut.    


I hurried into the car and started it up, heading toward West Peak Ridge.    


Along the way, I was scared, and every time I saw a police car passing by, I got nervous.    


An hour later, I arrived at the place where Wang Long and the rest had parked the night before. Remembering everything that had happened last night gave me goosebumps.    


I kept cheering myself on. I mustn't show even the slightest bit of fear, or my plan would fall apart.    


I opened the trunk and was about to check to see if Wang Long was still alive when he suddenly opened his eyes.    


Bad food.    


Then Wang Long punched me in the face, causing me to stagger and fall to the ground.    


He took the opportunity to climb out of the trunk and hold on to the car. When he saw that it was me, he gave me a look of surprise.    


"You really are lucky. You didn't die even after that."    


My mouth moved and felt a little salty. Then, I spat out a mouthful of blood. When I saw that he wasn't dead, I wasn't afraid anymore.    


"You didn't die, how could I bear to die!"    


I stood up and looked at him warily.    


"Do you believe that I will let you die here today?"    


Wang Long looked down on me. In his eyes, if he wanted to kill me, it would be like killing an ant.    


But, it doesn't matter. Although I can't beat him, I have my trump card.    


"Of course I believe you. It's not like you haven't killed anyone before."    


As soon as I said that, a look of panic appeared in his eyes and disappeared.    


"What do you mean?"    


I pointed to the area, then to the cliff.    


"Why are you asking such an idiotic question? Aren't you curious why I brought you here?"    


Wang Long looked around, and I saw that the expression on his face had changed, as if he was afraid and a little nervous.    


"If you don't remember, I have a video here to remind you."    


I opened my phone and clicked on a video. I threw it to Wang Long, who took the phone. With just a glance, he threw the phone to the ground and stomped on it a few times.    


F * ck!    


I knew this guy would definitely destroy his phone. Luckily, he only bought a cheap phone, but it was still worth a few hundred yuan.    


"What do you want!"    


Wang Long glowered at me, but didn't pounce on me. It seemed that he wasn't stupid, knowing that I would definitely backup the video.    


"Don't worry, if I wanted to kill you, I wouldn't even need to bring you here. I just need to hand the video over to uncle police."    


I patted the dirt off my clothes, as if I was sure of him.    


"My goal is very simple. If you follow me and follow me, I guarantee that those videos will never appear in public again. If you have any other thoughts, those videos will naturally be delivered to the police uncle's hands."    


I said what I thought and looked him straight in the eye. I saw every expression on his face.    


"With just you? A person who was almost beaten to death by me, is worthy to be my big brother? "    


Wang Long's expression was one of disdain. I wasn't angry at all, on the contrary, I was relieved.    


If Wang Long readily agreed to my request, then he would definitely be disobedient and might bite back at me at any moment. Then I would have to rethink this idea.    


"I was almost beaten to death by you last time, but you still ended up in my hands, including your cousin's. If I want to play you guys to death, you don't have to be unconvinced about this matter. This is the truth."    


Cough cough, I'm acting a little too arrogantly now.    


When Wang Long heard this, he immediately revealed an angry look, "So it was you who did this!"    


"I'm impressed!" This is my ability. "    


I raised my head and said.    


"I really regret not killing you back then."    


Wang Long gritted his teeth as he spoke.    


I pointed at Wang Long and coldly said, "Don't waste your breath. I don't have the patience to stay here with you! "I tell you, you have no bargaining power now. You can either follow me, or I can send you to jail, or you can die here."    


Wang Long looked at me with a complicated expression. I saw unwillingness in his eyes, saw submission, and finally lowered his head.    


"Big brother."    


"Very well, you will find how wise this decision is. "Don't worry, as long as you're loyal, I won't treat you unfairly. This is a civilized society, stop fighting and fighting. In the future, you have to learn how to use your brain."    


I happily walked over to Wang Long's side and patted his shoulder. From this moment on, I have a younger brother as well.    


Of course, Wang Long definitely wouldn't sincerely submit to me right now, but I firmly believe that one day, he would be completely obedient to me.    




I pulled Wang Long back to the city and chatted a lot with him on the car. He didn't seem to want to chat with me, but he didn't dare to show it too clearly. Sooner or later, he would give me a reply.    


I dropped him off at the hotel and went home.    


Han Bing naturally interrogated me again, and I quickly gave up with a few words. The disadvantage of this was that it made Han Bing very unhappy.    


If she wasn't happy, the consequences would be severe and she wouldn't be treated.    


There was nothing I could do. For the sake of my brother's lifetime happiness, I had to think of a way to coax her. Only then did she reluctantly treat me for a few minutes.    


It was a silent night. The next day, I woke up very early and made a delicious breakfast in a good mood. I ate a few mouthfuls and then went to dream.    


I haven't been here for a few days, and I don't know what other people's training is like either.    


Damn it!    


This tongue scroll is too hard to practice. Although I have nothing better to do these few days, I still haven't practiced. This really worries me.    


When I arrived at the training room, I saw that my colleagues were all practicing. Seeing how they didn't seem like they were practicing, I immediately felt better.    


Ga Ga!    


After the handsome teacher came and saw the results of our training, he was extremely angry and kept calling us stupid.    


The teacher was angry, but still taught us a way, let us clip the tip of the tongue with a wooden clip.    


Of course, he had to loosen up if he couldn't stand it. He could just loosen up for a while and try rolling it again and again.    


I am already extremely curious. What is the use of training such content?    


At the end of the day, his tongue was almost blistered by the clips and he could only whimper as he talked. Only after a long time did he finally regain his composure.    


I called Wang Long in advance. No matter what, he is now my little brother, so I have to contact him more. I brought him to a medium-sized hotel chain and ordered a table of dishes.    


"Wang Long, I'm so good to you. Can you feel my sincerity?"    


Wang Long harrumphed, "If I follow you, you'll have to control my meals and pay me."    


My head is full of black lines. I still have to ask for money for my wife's money. Although there are tens of thousands of dollars in the card, I really can't bear to eat too much and drink too much.    


"Wang Long, to tell you the truth, I'm not rich either. "But, I'm thinking about the road to wealth. You've been here for so long, what way do you have to make a fortune?"    


I'm a man, after all. If I don't have to ask my wife for it, I don't, so I'm going to do my own business.    


Through this matter of Wang Long, I feel that I have the talent to become a schemer. Furthermore, I also have my big brother, a top-notch expert.    


Han Bing is also a very famous person in Hong Kong. If I could do something, she would definitely look up to me and might even take the initiative to give me her body.    


At that time, if she were in the light while I was in the dark, with one in the light and one in the dark, I would definitely be able to make my career even bigger.    


"The ways I know of to make a fortune is to beat people up or watch them. There is another way. You should know that I especially want to snatch away my cousin's family property."    


"Wang Long, it's not that I'm looking down on you, but just with your ability alone, you want to snatch the other person's family's property? In your dreams. Since he's so rich and has lost so much attention than you, let's think of something reliable. "    


Wang Long did not say anything. "Tell me about the power of Hong Kong. Tell me everything you know."    


Wang Long was delighted this time and started to tell me the story. After half an hour, I finally understood.    


There were three big shots in Hong Kong: Guo Jinhai, Boss Zhu and Viper.    


Guo Jinhai occupied the southern part of the city and had four businesses under his control.    


Boss Zhu controlled the west side of the city, and there were four businesses under his command as well.    


Viper was the most mysterious force that monopolized the business of the eastern seaports.    


However, no one had ever seen Boss Viper's true colors, even Guo Jinhai and Boss Zhu.    


"Where did you hang out?"    


"I work in the northern suburbs and in the North Qishan area."    


"Then how dare you hit me in Guo Jinhai's territory?"    


When Wang Long heard this, he revealed a frightened expression. "Are you saying that dreams are all Guo Jinhai's?"    


"You don't know?"    


I looked at him in surprise.    


"I know he has four businesses, but I only know that the New Capital City belongs to him. I'm not sure about the rest."    


I looked at Wang Long in admiration. This was a newborn calf that wasn't afraid of a tiger.    


"There are powers over at Bei Qishan?"    


Wang Long nodded his head, "Compared to these three forces, the other powers over there are just trash."    


As long as it's dregs, then laozi will have a chance.    


"Tell me about the power over there."    


Wang Long was talking about spittle flying everywhere this time. Judging from his excitement, he seemed to be doing quite well there.    


This time he talked to me for an hour, and by the time he was done, he had finished eating.    


I had a deep understanding of the powers there and immediately had an idea. As a nobody, I had to rise up in obscurity. Steady, step by step.     2


I took Wang Long back to the hotel, told him to take good care of his injuries, and gave him two thousand dollars to eat with his lackeys.    


Then, I went home.    


Han Bing had already fallen asleep, and I felt a little tired, so I prepared to take a shower and go to bed.    


Just as he walked to the bathroom door, Xia Tongtong opened it and walked out. She turned her head to look at him and was immediately stunned.    


She was dressed in pink rabbit pajamas with long rabbit ears on the top of her nightgown. It was so cute with her pretty face.    


She was like a little rabbit. Clenching her little fist, she placed it under her chin and pouted, acting cute.    


I gulped. This little girl really knows how to seduce big brother. I really want to hug her.    


Xia Tongtong blinked at me and pointed at her blushing face. "Do you want to kiss?"    


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