Son-In-Law Is A Playboy

C36 Planning

C36 Planning

4I nodded.    


Xia Tongtong's smile was tinged with a hint of slyness. She gave a cute snort and pouted, "If I crave for your death, I won't give you a kiss."    


I can't take it anymore. She must have done it on purpose. What a sinister girl.    




She went to take a bath. I looked at the door, which had no cracks at all, and thought unhappily: Should I install a pinhole camera in the bathroom another day? That way, when Han Bing and my sister-in-law take a bath, hehe.    


I hastily cast away this unhealthy thought. I didn't want to take a bath, so I went back to my room to sleep.    


For the next few days, I didn't have any special arrangements. I was training in my dreams the entire time.    


Now, my tongue can curl up a little bit, finally see hope.    


During this period of time, I met with a few of Wang Long's subordinates. When they saw me, they all had a disdainful look on their faces.    


Wang Long didn't care. His words were: "You can only rely on your own ability to convince them. I won't help you."    


I don't care about that, as long as they listen to Wang Long's words.    


Around 6 pm that day, I picked up Wang Long and drove to Beiqi Mountain.    


Beiqi Mountain was in the north of the city, next to the suburbs. There were several streets under the mountain, and on both sides of one street, there were foot massage parlors, one after the other, or at least not more than fifty.    


Wang Long used to be here, and our first stop was here.    


It was dark when we arrived.    


I drove directly to the middle of the street and got out. I looked around and saw that all the foot massage parlors were lit up with pink lights.    


It was a north-south street, and we walked south first, looking around as we went.    


The door to the massage parlor was open, and a few women were sitting in front of each door.    


These women wore different clothes, but they all had one thing in common. Their clothes were sexy, revealing enough.    


Amongst them, there were many who wore short, low-necked skirts. Most of them were pink and tender, and with just a slight bow, one could see the entire world.    


What was even more shocking was that some women's short skirts were actually filled with vacuum.    


They sat in chairs, deliberately separating their legs so that the guests could look down and the little sister would greet us.    


Really, it was too naughty.    


There were also some women who were more reserved, but they were not so direct. What they were playing with were stockings and seduction. Most of these women were tall and had good figures, but their looks were secondary.    


Meat colored, black, leopard stripes and all kinds of stockings were there. He wore a tight-fitting low necked skirt and high heels.    


These women were more attractive to the eyes of men than those of Little Sister Lu.    


Some of them were sitting in chairs, some were standing near the door, and their postures were sexy and charming.    


In the darkness of the night, under the contrast of the pink lights, they were even more enticing and alluring.    


On the street, whenever passers-by passed by, they would immediately smile charmingly and wave their hands in an alluring gesture.    


I respect these women.    


Everyone had their own way of life. They didn't steal nor rob, they ate youth meals, and if everyone had a lot of money, who would be willing to use their body to receive all kinds of strange men?    


Sighing was one thing, but serious matters were more important.    


Wang Long and I walked the length of the street and walked into one of the pedicure stores.    


"Brother Long, what have you been doing recently? I haven't seen you for so long."    


When the masseuses saw Wang Long, they quickly gathered around him. They seemed to be very familiar with him.    


"How's business recently?"    


Wang Long hugged him from left to right, kissing and touching him, which made me angry.    


I am the big brother!    


"Sigh, the business hasn't been doing very well recently. The higher-ups are investigating this very closely."    


A woman with decent looks sighed.    


Wang Long replied with an 'oh' before pointing at me. He introduced me, "This is my elder brother."    


When they heard Wang Long's words, they all revealed puzzled expressions because when Wang Long introduced them, he had a very arrogant look. This was not like introducing a big brother, but rather like introducing a little brother.    


I was already used to Wang Long's tone, so I greeted them with a smile.    


Although they were puzzled, they had good eyesight because their brother was wearing a famous brand and he was handsome, but he didn't look like a small child.    


They surrounded me, asking me this and that.    


I stretched out my hands and no longer held back. I hugged the two best looks and proudly looked at Wang Long.    


Little brat, look at your shabby clothes, your body full of goods, and you even want to fight with your brothers to kill you in seconds.    




I chatted with them for a while, but of course my hands weren't idle. I didn't want to take advantage of them and had long forgotten all about it.    


I gave each of them a big red note, which made them shout happily.    


For a small shop like this, a single massage was equivalent to several tens of dollars, and yet half of it had been taken away by the black-hearted boss.    


Wang Long's job was to watch the scene, so he naturally had to protect and protect them.    


We left the therapy shop and went back to the car.    


"Are you saying that the scene on this street is no longer yours?"    


Wang Long nodded his head. "One-Eyed stole it, damn it!" "When I thought about it, I got angry. If he didn't rely on his cousin's power to take care of Guo Jinhai, I would've done it already."    


"What does his cousin do under Guo Jinhai?"    


"I seem to be taking a look at the shops in the New Capital City. I've never been there either."    


"How much can we get here in one night?"    


I curiously asked. I was weighing the pros and cons, thinking that it wasn't worth taking the risk.    


"Less than three thousand."    


"Three thousand?"    


I suddenly opened my eyes wide. One night for three thousand, one month for ninety thousand. Damn it, no wonder Guo Jinhai was so rich.    


This was just a suburb, what if it was a bustling area in the city center?    


Wang Long thought I had too little money, so he added, "Most of the time, the most I get is more than 5000 yuan at a time."    


I calmed my excitement and strengthened my resolve to develop my career.    


"Ah Long, do you want this place back?"    


"Of course I want to, but this one-eyed cousin is a bit difficult to deal with."    


"Don't worry about that. As long as you take care of One-eyed, I'll think of a way to take care of his cousin."    


Wang Long hesitated for a moment and then stared into my eyes. "Can I trust you?" he asked.    


"You have to believe me. We are grasshoppers on the same line, and you are my brother. I won't harm you, so I'm counting on you to follow me and fight against the world."    


"Alright, I'll believe you this time. I hope you won't disappoint me. I'll take care of One-eyed while you take care of his cousin. "If you really can do it, then if you want me to head east, my brothers and I will definitely not head west."    


Wang Long patted his chest and promised.    


I decided to take a step at a time. I would first settle this North Qishan area and then take over the suburbs.    


After getting a target, I feel full of energy, so I send Wang Long back. I grit my teeth and gave him another 10,000 yuan, telling him and his brothers to be ready.    


I navigated around Xindu Entertainment City and found myself at the south side of the city center. I couldn't help but laugh when I saw the precise location of the city.    


That place is actually very close to the South Ridge Region. I rolled my eyes and immediately had an idea.    


I went straight to the South Ridge area, and by the time I got there, it was already eight o'clock at night.    


Just as he got out of the car, his phone rang.    


I took it out and saw that it was Han Bing.    




I called out with a laugh.    


"Why aren't you back yet!"    


"There's something."    


"Why are you so busy these days?"    


"You will know in the future."    


"You're so secretive, come back and sleep on the sofa!"    


Han Bing hung up the phone, and I smiled as I held the phone, then walked into Big Bro's house.    


"Lil 'Yang, I heard your voice from the room. Hurry up and take a look. It really is you."    


"Where's the old man?"    


"He's watching TV in his room. He's already so old, and he still likes watching idol dramas."    


He pulled me into the house.    


"Big Brother, do you want to play outside with me?"    


I did not go in, but smiled and asked him in the yard.    


"Alright, let's go."    


Upon hearing that he was going to play outside, Gao Jin immediately agreed. It seemed that he had been holding back his anger for the past few days.    


"Do you need to tell this old man?"    


"No need."    


Gao Jin pulled me out, and when he saw me driving, he immediately felt a surge of envy.    


"Big brother, is this car good?"    




I laughed and got into the car. My brother sat in the passenger seat like a country bumpkin, feeling here and there and looking there.     3


"Big brother, with your skills, it's too boring for you to hold yourself back at home all day. A man should at least do something great no matter what."    


Gao Jin's eyes lit up, then dimmed down.    


"Lil 'Yang, don't look at how I'm always going against this old man. Actually, I listened to him a lot and he didn't let me mess around outside. I don't know why, I used to ask him a lot, but he always said he would know in the future."    


"Maybe this old man has his own reasons. Alright, let's not talk about this anymore."    


As I drove, I thought about what my elder brother had said. This old man was indeed very mysterious. Just who was he?    


Half an hour later, we arrived at the New Capital Entertainment City.    


Although the scale of the new capital couldn't keep up with the dream capital, it had many different types, such as video games, sauna, foot massage, and so on.    


It was my brother's first time in this sort of place, so he didn't look very natural.    


I took my big brother to wash a sauna first, then I found two little girls to do a big health care for us.    


We each had a private room, and the woman who gave me the massage was tall and well-built. She wore a uniform, flesh-colored stockings on her legs, and high-heeled shoes.    


Be it her demeanor or appearance, she was much higher than the women in the North Qi Mountain Football Shop.    


I was a little nervous when the technician gave me the big care, because it was my first big care.    


The women's technician was naughty in her work, and her little hands were always touching me, but her expression was still serious, as if she had accidentally touched it.    


Look, this is self-restraint, I'm convinced.    


In the end, she became even bolder.    


She touched my body and gently rubbed it a few times before leaving to go shopping somewhere else before returning. She repeated this process again and again, provoking the anger of my brother, who just couldn't stand up.    


However, I felt that it was more responsive than before.    


My brother has been silent for so long.    


I rolled my eyes. I have an idea. I might as well take this opportunity to let her treat my brother's illness.    


In terms of stimulation, who could compare to the pretty female technicians in this entertainment area?    


Ignoring that, I reached out and hooked my arm around the technician's waist, tugged her into my arms, and whispered in her ear, "Let me touch that."    


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