Son-In-Law Is A Playboy

C31 Tracing

C31 Tracing

3"Hey, look at your hoodlum demeanor. He's definitely trying to take advantage of me again."    


Han Bing said this, but still walked up to me.    


I grabbed Han Bing's small hand and made her sit on my bed. Then I wrapped my arms around her waist.    


"Wife, our mom said that you need physical and psychological stimulation to restore your former glory. I'm hugging you now and feeling very excited. This is psychological stimulation. As for physical stimulation, our mom should tell you already."    


"Have you already colluded with my mom?"    


"Correct, that's our mother."    


"Who wants to play with you, you better not get too involved. We're faking a marriage."    


"Look, they've gone off topic."    


I didn't want to get entangled with her on useless matters, so getting down to business was more important. I placed Han Bing's hand on my brother while stroking Han Bing's leg.    


Han Bing's hand was very rigid. If I didn't move, she wouldn't move. I simply put her hand inside and made intimate contact.    


I felt her small hand tremble and try to move away a little, but I held her tight and held her small hand, guiding her little hand to move slightly.    


A few minutes later, Han Bing no longer needed my guidance.    


I rested my head on my left hand, my right hand on top of her, and whenever I touched her sensitive area, her free hand would stop me.    


After ten or so minutes of stimulation, Han Bing finally stopped. Her face was completely red as she ignored me, saying that I was a hooligan and was bad.    


Heh heh.    


The bell still needs someone to answer it, but she was so ruthless back then that she almost cut off my Lin Clan's future generations.    


For the first time in the days that followed, my life felt too good.    


Han Bing was very obedient to me and took care of me. Although her care and attention was a little unbearable for me, but she made me feel the warmth of a family member.    


It was from that moment on that I swore to myself that I would do everything in my power to protect this woman and this family.    


Half a month later, my injuries were healed. The only thing that depressed me was that although there was a reaction, I still couldn't stand up.    


I felt that it might be because the stimulation wasn't enough, but Han Bing's biggest concession is to use her hands. Don't even think about anything else, this worries me.    


The day after I left the hospital, I returned to Mondo.    


When Sister Wen saw me, she was stunned for a moment before revealing a smile.    


I thought, Does she know about my stabbing?    


"Hurry up and train. Aside from a few people, everyone else who's participating in the training with you has passed."    


I smiled mysteriously. I haven't been idle in the hospital these few days. As long as I have time, I will practice my tongue art.    


The first time Han Bing saw me practice, she was so happy that her stomach hurt, and she kept laughing at me …    




Brother does not care, brother only has one goal: to enter the VIP area.    


Half an hour after I entered the training room, the handsome teacher directly said to me, "Pass."    


"There are no qualified people here. You can leave now because you have been eliminated."    


After the handsome teacher said this to those people, he turned around and said to us, "Congratulations, you can enter the next round of training. You don't have to worry. This round is just an intense training. Watch carefully, everyone."    


When we looked carefully, we saw that the teacher had stuck out his tongue. The tip of the tongue was very agile.    


Another method is to roll the tongue from both sides to the middle. Our tongue rolls this way in our mouth is very simple, but what we need to do is to extend the tongue as far as possible and then roll it into a tube from the two sides.    


The teacher also gave us a demonstration. He picked up the glass full of water, stuck his tongue out, rolled it into a tube and stuck it into the glass.    


His tongue was like a straw, sucking the water out of the cup in a moment.    




This brother is convinced.    


"I have to practice both of these techniques. The first method does not have a time limit, so as long as I can roll up the scroll, I'll be okay. But the second method requires 5 minutes of practice."    


I was a little depressed. This training content, why did it get so heated up with my tongue? It's not over yet.    


There was no helping it, this was a request from someone else, they could only follow it.    


The day passed quickly and the training ended at 6 PM on time.    


I'm going to the supermarket to buy some food. I've worked hard these past few days at the hospital, so I'm going to cook some good food for her and treat her a lot.    


After I finished buying my things, I walked out of the mall. Suddenly, I saw someone I knew. I hastily hid myself.    


He might be called an acquaintance, but he was more of an enemy.    


I peeked into the parking lot and saw Wang Long get in the car with a woman in his arms.    


This was really a narrow path for enemies to tread!    


Last time, this bastard almost took my life.    


When I saw their car drive away, I quickly followed.    


They arrived at the Starbucks International Hotel, but didn't book a room at the front desk. They just went straight to the elevator.    


In my opinion, they should have booked a room in advance, or a private room for a long period of time.    


That woman, she looks over forty years old from the back. Wang Long is only in his twenties.    


I rolled my eyes and immediately had an idea as I quietly followed him.    


They arrived at the door of a room on the 8th floor and hugged and kissed each other before even entering the door. The more they kissed, the more excited they got, and they even started to take off their clothes outside the door.    


F * ck!    


They're not in the corridor, are they?    


I was excited. I didn't expect that I would be able to see a reality show on the spot, so I quickly took out my phone and started shooting.    


Wang Long was still relatively calm, but the woman seemed to be in a bit of a hurry.    


She was like a hungry wolf, fiercely kissing Wang Long, and while she was kissing, she was also stripping Wang Long's clothes.    


After a while, Wang Long and the woman were stripped to their underwear.    


After all, the woman was still a bit old. Without the protection of her bra, the balls hung down heavily while her skin was very white.    


I can vaguely see a trace of disgust in Wang Long's eyes. It seems that this brat is trying to curry favor with this woman for money.    


The fire between the two grew fiercer and fiercer. Wang Long was very cooperative as the sound of the woman's breathing grew louder and louder …    


The more I looked at her, the more familiar she seemed to me.    


At the same time, the image of a woman appeared in his mind. If he looked carefully, he would see that it was her.    


Ga Ga!    


Wang Long ah Wang Long, you're amazing, you actually started fighting with my sister-in-law.    


Last time, you almost caused me to see the King of Hell, watch your father play this time until you die.    


They didn't start a real fight in the corridor, which made me feel bad, and I wanted to give them a close-up.    


I secretly memorized the room number, then went back to my car and pulled out a camera, the same one I'd used to follow Chief Zhang.    


They waited for a long time, but no one came out.    


F * ck!    


They wouldn't do it all night, would they?    


My stomach rumbled from hunger. I took out the cooked food I had bought at the mall and started eating.    


At this moment, my phone rang. I saw that it was Han Bing calling.    


"Lin Yang, didn't you call us to cook something delicious? Why are you not back yet! "    


"Wife, I'm sorry, I'll cook for you guys another day, you guys can order takeout."    


"Brother-in-law, are you flirting with girls outside?"    


Xia Tongtong suddenly interrupted.    


F * ck!    


This girl was eager to stir up some trouble, and she didn't want to miss a chance to ignite the flames.    


"Wife, don't listen to Tongtong's nonsense. I'm already crippled over there, what kind of girl are you talking about?"    


"Then why aren't you going home!?"    


Han Bing seemed to take it seriously.    


"I was just about to go home after buying some food, but I met that bastard who stabbed me last time. I'm following him right now."    


Just as he finished speaking, he heard Xia Tongtong's excited voice.    


"Brother-in-law, you're too ungrateful. How can you not call me for something so exciting!"    


"Child, don't make a ruckus. Go back to your room and study."    


Han Bing said to Xia Tongtong on the other end of the phone, then said to me, "Then be careful of your safety, don't get dragged into the hospital. If that happens, I won't care about you anymore."    


"Don't worry, I'm in the dark this time. He's in the light."    


After Han Bing hung up the phone, I continued to follow her.    


After a long time, I began to doze off. Just when I was feeling really tired, Wang Long and his wife walked out of the hotel.    


I immediately got my spirits up, picked up my camera and began to take pictures.    


They kissed in front of the car for a while, and I took the opportunity to give them a close-up.    


Then, the woman got into the car, while Wang Long walked into the hotel.    


I started the car and followed the woman.    


The woman drove into a villa in the northern part of the city. It seemed like this villa was her home.    


Instead of going home, I went to the mall and bought a black leather jacket and shoes and changed my casual clothes.    


Then, he took his fake ID and went straight to the Starlord International Hotel.    


I went to the front desk, took out my ID, and showed it to the front desk.    


"Hello, I'm Captain Lin from a certain bureau. I'm here to investigate the information of a resident, and I hope you can cooperate."     1


They looked at my ID and quickly said, "Tell me, how do you wish for us to cooperate?"    


I smiled. "Help me check Room 803."    


"Please wait a moment."    


Soon, a receptionist found out about Wang Long's room. The person who opened the room wasn't Wang Long, but a woman named Li Mei.    


I think this Li Mei must be that woman.    


"Is it a long-term room?"    




"Thank you for your cooperation. I would like to remind you that you are not allowed to tell anyone about my investigation, including your leaders and their colleagues. Otherwise, if anything happens, you will be suspected of covering up for them."    


They didn't even look that old. Seeing how serious my words were, they all nodded their heads to promise not to spout nonsense.    


After I left the hotel, I hurriedly ran back to the car. Although I looked very hasty just now, I was actually very nervous and was afraid that I would be exposed. Fortunately, those girls were experienced.    


I went to the photo shop, printed out the picture from the camera, and then went to the North End to squat at Li Mei's house.    


I called Han Bing and told her that I wouldn't be back tonight. Then I lay in the car and prepared to sleep for the night.    


Sleeping in the car was just not a good idea. After sleeping for a while, he would wake up. He felt that the night had been too long.    


Around 6am in the morning, the gate of Li Mei's villa finally opened. The person who came out was not Li Mei, but a middle-aged man wearing a sports coat.    


The moment I saw this middle-aged man, I got angry. The last time I was hospitalized, it was this bastard who ordered Wang Long to do it. From the looks of it, he wants to run in the morning.    




I drove slowly after him, but he didn't notice at all.    


When he reached the North Qishan section of the road, I gunned him down.    


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