Become a Billionaire in One Day



2Ten bottles of Lafite, how much would that cost? Although 97 years wasn't any special year, it had already been more than 20 years.     4


This bottle doesn't even get ten thousand pieces?    


"You're crazy!" Xie Liang had completely lost hope in Chen Yang. Even if his family background wasn't bad, he still wouldn't be able to get this hundred thousand yuan.    


What would Chen Yang buy the other half of the order?    


"Ten-odd bottles of Lafite, sprinkled with water."    


Chen Yang smiled as he held Xie Liang's shoulder and walked into the room once again.    


As the 10 bottles of Lafite entered the room, the atmosphere in the room became more and more lively. The conflict between Liang Dazhuang and the rest of them was getting bigger and bigger, and now they all wanted to leave.    


Liang Dazhuang looked at the brand of red wine and realized it was Lafite. He didn't care much about Lafite since she was only a few thousand bottles of red wine in recent years. To him, this was nothing.    


Adding on the fact that he was drinking in a daze, he didn't look at the year that was written in small letters under the label.    


The bottles of red wine were opened. When there were only a few bottles left, a commotion broke out at the door.    


Chen Yang turned around and saw that Zheng Xiaoxiao had been pestered by two men when she came back from the toilet.    


Zheng Xiaoxiao's face was red as she was held tightly by one of the men.    


"Let go."    


Zheng Xiaoxiao had an arrogant personality, and after drinking quite a lot, she seemed even more domineering.    


The man holding her hand might have felt embarrassed, but his face was a bit dark.    


"Beauty, I'll let you go to the neighboring room to have a drink. You're not even giving me this much face?"    


The man was dressed in bright clothes. Although he looked like a student, one could tell from his identity plate that his identity was not simple at all.    




Zheng Xiaoxiao shook off the man's hand and walked straight towards the box.    


With his arm flung off, the man looked at his teammate who was laughing so hard, and lost all face.    


He reached out to grab Zheng Xiaoxiao, and the moment he touched Zheng Xiaoxiao's hand, a crisp slap sounded.    




The man let go of his hand in a daze and covered his face in disbelief.    


Zheng Xiaoxiao sniggered. "These days, any cat or dog would want to strike up a conversation. Why don't you check your own status?"    


After saying that, she threw off the man and walked into the room.    


The man glanced at the box. When he realized that most of the people in the box were boys, he stopped his chase and said something vicious.    


"Little brat, if you dare hit this father, this father will definitely let you enjoy being under me one day. Just you wait!"    


"Stupid dog, a chicken like you can learn from others to speak so harshly. Come in now if you have the guts. Daddy will teach you to be a human."    


Liang Dazhuang immediately stood up when his goddess was threatened.    


His weight of 160 kilograms was quite intimidating. After seeing the man say he was going to wait, he ran off with his tail between his legs.    


When Liang Dazhuang saw that Zheng Xiaoxiao had left, he immediately ran to her like a pug to claim her credit.    


"Lili, if you meet someone like him in the future, just hit him. Brother Dazhuang will support you."    


Zheng Xiaoxiao smiled, her originally beautiful face appeared even more charming. "Thank you, Brother Dazhuang."    


After the farce ended, those who wanted to leave saw Chen Yang's gaze sat down and continued drinking. However, the topic was related to the man who was chased away.    


"It's true. If he dares to hit on Xiaoxiao in front of us, he might just die."    


"That's right. Xiaoxiao is a goddess. Is she someone anyone can seduce?" Some people flattered him. After all, if they wanted to act out a show, they had to do it well. If not, who would be the kind of person to eat themselves to the point where not even their dregs remained?    


The moment he said that, the three of them looked at Chen Yang. Chen Yang was treating everyone to a meal today. It couldn't be that he wanted to pick up Xiaoxiao as well, right?    


"Chen Yang, you called Xiaoxiao over for dinner today, could it be …"    


"What? If Chen Yang had the guts, he wouldn't dare to chase after Xiaoxiao."    


"That's right, Xiaoxiao is also something Chen Yang can be contaminated with. Only Brother Dazhuang is more or less the same."    


Skinny Monkey and Big Head said one after the other, causing Zheng Xiaoxiao's expression to change. However, they didn't notice the changes in their surrounding classmates.    


"Can you not put Chen Yang and me together? I feel disgusted just by listening to it."    


Zheng Xiaoxiao threw her chopsticks on the plate with a displeased look on her face.    


"Just someone like Chen Yang, he's even worse than that man. Not only did he chase after me, I even feel disgusted just by looking at him."    


"Hahaha, it can't be Goddess Xiaoxiao."    


When the three of them heard Zheng Xiaoxiao criticizing Chen Yang, they immediately burst into laughter. Liang Dazhuang was still staring at Chen Yang.    


The look in her eyes seemed to say, 'See, Zheng Xiaoxiao hates you. Don't think he'll like you just by pretending to be a big tailed wolf and asking Xiaoxiao to dinner.    


Chen Yang touched his nose helplessly. Who the hell did he offend? It was as if someone was sitting on a stool and the pot was coming from the sky.    


Since when did he call Zheng Xiaoxiao over for dinner …?    


Forget it, forget it.    


Zheng Xiaoxiao raised her glass and looked at Chen Yang with disdain, "Chase after me? Don't you have any points in your heart?"    


Chen Yang didn't know what to say. He silently picked up the glass of wine and drank up the water in one gulp.    


He still didn't understand when he was going to chase after Zheng Xiaoxiao.    


Liu Yunyan was someone on the same level as Ann Qian. He had been in the same class with her for so long, he hadn't gone mad from chasing after her …    


"These days, as long as we save some money, all sorts of good customers can come, causing our Goddess Xiaoxiao to feel nauseous. Seriously."    


"One day, I must have a good chat with the boss."    


Liang Dazhuang finished the red wine with a smile and glared at the door viciously.    


Although he looked like he was scolding a man, everyone with discerning eyes knew that he was scolding Sang Kui.    


The more they drank, the less they drank. The three of them ignored Chen Yang and chatted happily. However, the other classmates were very restrained. After all, this was the time to pack up their nets.    


Xie Liang had been observing Chen Yang's actions the entire time. Afraid that Chen Yang would be embarrassed, he would even accompany Chen Yang to talk. At the same time, a bewitching smile also came from the surrounding people.    


But after he observed, no matter who mocked Chen Yang, Chen Yang seemed to be laughing as if he didn't understand what others were saying. Moreover, everyone else seemed to be scared of Chen Yang.    


When there was only one bottle of red wine left, Chen Yang secretly asked Xie Liang for a card number and slipped out.    


Although Xie Liang didn't know what Chen Yang was planning, he still didn't expose his intentions of slipping away.    


After all, in his heart, Chen Yang shouldn't have paid that half of the money.    


Ten minutes later, the last bottle of red wine was empty. Other than the few of them, the rest of the students were also a little drunk.    


The skinny man casually scanned his surroundings, trying to find the figure that everyone ignored. However, he scanned his surroundings twice, but didn't find any trace of Chen Yang.    


"He couldn't have gone to the toilet, right?"    


The thin guy smacked his lips and didn't take Chen Yang's disappearance to heart. After all, Chen Yang didn't exist in the class, who knows if Chen Yang went to the dead toilet?    


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