Become a Billionaire in One Day



2Two large black gates stood tall at the entrance of the valley, completely covering the entrance.    


When Chen Yang saw that this was the Medicine King Valley's main entrance, he felt a little excited. This was because he could finally see Zhao Xinyue, who he missed so much in his heart.    


He fixed his clothes and hair, then Wu Ming knocked on the door.    


"Coming, coming."    


The door was opened by a child dressed as a child. He looked to be no more than twelve or thirteen years old.    


"Who are you?" He stuck his head out and looked at the two of them in confusion.    


"I am Chen Yang, here to visit Medicine King Valley."    


Chen Yang took out the Medicine King Valley badge and handed it to the boy.    


The boy took the order badge and checked it. After confirming that it was their Medicine King Valley, he said to Chen Yang: "Wait a moment."    


With that, he closed the door. Chen Yang and Wu Ming looked at each other, not knowing what to do. They stood at the door and waited.    


Not long after, the child returned and he opened the door.    


"My master said he can let you in."    


Chen Yang and Wu Ming entered Medicine King Valley, following the boy through this colorful cave, their vision suddenly widened.    


Calm and peaceful, a paradise.    


This was the scene Chen Yang had seen in his dreams before. It was a beautiful mountain, a beautiful grass hut, and a peaceful little village that didn't care about worldly affairs.    


Chen Yang followed the boy to a straw hut. Chen Yang knocked on the door and walked in respectfully.    


"Master, they are the ones who are holding our Medicine King Valley medallions."    


Inside sat a middle-aged man. His hair looked slightly disheveled. His left hand held a yellowed medical book, while his right hand was fiddling with a medicine jar. He was so concentrated that he didn't even lift his head.    


"Master! I have brought him! " The boy was used to such things, so he raised his voice and said it again.    


This time, the middle-aged man finally reacted. He embarrassedly put down the medical book and the medicine jar, and stood up to straighten his white robe.    


"May I ask why you two have brought your tokens to me?"    


Chen Yang finally saw the man's face clearly. He seemed to be around forty years old, had a gentle face and a pair of bright and spirited eyes.    


"I want to see Zhao Xinyue."    


Chen Yang did not beat around the bush and directly stated his request. When the man heard Chen Yang's request, he frowned slightly.    


Seeing that he couldn't make a decision regarding Zhao Xinyue, he looked at Chen Yang awkwardly and said, "I can't make a decision about this."    


When Chen Yang heard this, he was so happy that a bucket of cold water splashed on his face.    


"We need to ask the Grand Preceptor's ancestor. He was responsible for Lady Zhao's illness."    


The man's words came to a halt, causing Chen Yang's mood to rise and fall like riding a roller coaster.    


"However, what is your relationship with Lady Zhao? Take the order badge of our Medicine King Valley and request to see a woman. "    


With a change of topic, this man who seemed to only have medical skills started gossiping.    


Chen Yang's face turned slightly red. He didn't answer, it would be bad if it brought trouble to Zhao Xinyue.    


The man gently smiled and didn't ask any further. He told Chen Yang to wait here and left the room by himself.    


The Grand Tutor that this man spoke of was currently examining Zhao Xinyue's pulse when he arrived at her side without saying a word.    


"Mmm, your illness is almost under control. You need to treat it properly and your body will recover soon."    


The ruddy old man let go of the finger on Zhao Xinyue's wrist and smiled as he stroked his beard.    


A pleasant smile appeared on Zhao Xinyue's delicate face.    


"Cheru, is there something you need?"    


"Grand Preceptor's ancestor, a young man named Chen Yang has brought the Medicine King Valley medallion to request an audience with Miss Zhao."    


Zhao Xinyue immediately stood up with disbelief in her eyes. She then asked, "Uncle Zhong, who did you say would come see me?"    


It was the first time that Zhong Qilu had seen Zhao Xinyue lose her composure like this. He repeated Chen Yang's name again and Zhao Xinyue revealed a sweet smile like a blossoming flower.    


"Uncle Zhong, quickly take me to see him!"    


Zhao Xinyue, seemingly impatient, walked to the door in three quick steps. When she heard that Zhong Qilu wasn't following her, she turned around and looked at him.    


"Uncle Zhong, let's go!"    


Zhong Qilu looked at his Grand Preceptor's grandfather and nodded before leading Zhao Xinyue to the thatched cottage Chen Yang was waiting for.    


Chen Yang and Wu Ming did not wait in the room. They stood outside the house and looked at the scenery.    


At this moment, Zhao Xinyue broke into Chen Yang's line of sight. He couldn't believe that he had just seen his girl like that as he rubbed his eyes.    


"Brother Chen Yang!" Zhao Xinyue's voice was as pleasant to listen to as a skylark, she waved her arms excitedly at Chen Yang.    


Chen Yang no longer hesitated. He was sure that this was his lover, Zhao Xinyue, whom he had been dreaming about day and night.    


He hugged Zhao Xinyue tightly. Zhao Xinyue's petite body was hugged by him, and she also hugged Chen Yang tightly.    


Chen Yang sniffed Zhao Xinyue's body greedily. It was still a familiar smell, just like before they parted ways.    


At this moment, Zhong Qilu saw Zhao Xinyue, who had always been cold and indifferent, leap into the arms of a man.    


However, he thought of the fiance that Zhao Xinyue's family had chosen for her, Ao Chiyi. If he saw this scene, he probably wouldn't let Chen Yang go so easily. He would accompany Zhao Xinyue every two days.    


However, Zhao Xinyue never admitted to his identity. She always acted as if she didn't care about anyone at all. Ao Chiyi didn't make any progress at all, but Ao Chiyi paid more attention to Zhao Xinyue.    


"Brother Chen Yang, you're hugging me so hard that I can't breathe." Zhao Xinyue's soft and gentle voice sounded from Chen Yang's chest.    


Chen Yang let go of Zhao Xinyue as ripples appeared in his eyes. He quickly said, "Sorry, Xinyue, I was too excited to see you in such a happy mood."    


"Idiot, how could I blame you? I'm still not happy yet." Zhao Xinyue's eyes sparkled as she looked at Chen Yang, full of love.    


Chen Yang couldn't help but smile. He swept away the recent haze and touched Zhao Xinyue's head.    


Zhao Xinyue had a gentle smile on her face. The two of them held hands and looked at Zhong Qilu embarrassedly.    


"Uncle Zhong, let me introduce you. This is my boyfriend, Chen Yang."    


Hearing that Zhao Xinyue had made the Medicine King Valley people acknowledge her identity, Chen Yang was even happier.    


He hadn't realized before that this little girl was so open-minded and had the courage to directly admit to his boyfriend.    


"Brother Chen Yang, Uncle Zhong is the next Valley Master of Medicine King Valley, he took great care of me." Zhao Xinyue introduced to Chen Yang the identity of Zhong Qilu.    


Under Zhao Xinyue's gaze, the two of them shook hands and greeted each other.    


"So it's you?!"    


An elderly voice suddenly called out from a place not too far away. It was the old man who was known as the Grand Preceptor's Ancestor.    


His hands were clasped behind his back, and he wore a white robe, giving off the appearance of a celestial being.    


"Grand Preceptor's Ancestor."    


"Pill King Grandpa."    


Zhong Qilu and Zhao Xinyue greeted the old man respectfully.    


"You are Chen Yang?" Pill King's voice was not angry, but it was powerful.    


Chen Yang was not scared by the Medicine King's reputation and nodded his head in a neither humble nor arrogant manner.    


"My name is Chen Yang, greetings to the Medicine King." He politely bowed towards the Pill King.    


The Medicine King looked Chen Yang up and down, then said: "The one who was spying on my Medicine King Valley back then was you, right?" His tone wasn't one of inquiry, but of certainty.    


"This one had no intention to spy on you. I don't know how I came across such a scene from afar. At that time, I thought it was just a dream, but I didn't expect it to be true."    


Zhao Xinyue said excitedly, "Then Brother Chen Yang, did you see me?"    


Chen Yang gave Zhao Xinyue a doting smile and nodded his head. Zhao Xinyue became even happier.    


"Since that's the case, I won't hold it against you for having such a soul."    


"Are you the one that Zhao Jingzhi longed for?"    


"I am untalented, favored by Xinyue, and blessed by the heavens."    


The Medicine King looked at Chen Yang again. Other than being good-looking, he didn't know what Zhao Xinyue had taken a fancy to him.    


"Pill King Grandpa, don't scare him like that." Zhao Xinyue said coquettishly.    


"Yo, he's so protective. If he's scared by me, then you don't have to worry about it." The Medicine God truly loved Zhao Xinyue.    


The Medicine King Valley and Zhao Xinyue's family were all old friends. When she was young, Zhao Xinyue's body wasn't well and she spent most of her time in Medicine King Valley to recuperate, so the relationship between her and the Medicine God was like that of a biological grandson.    


Zhao Xinyue smiled daintily and left the place with Chen Yang. When they reached a pavilion by the stream, there were only the two of them.    


"Xinyue, how is your illness?" Chen Yang asked in concern.    


"Brother Chen Yang, don't worry. Today, Medicine King grandpa said that I have controlled my illness and that as long as I take good care of my body, it will be fine. So, I am healthy now!"    


Zhao Xinyue was originally very calm when she heard the news, but she was very happy to share the good news with her beloved.    


Chen Yang took out a small white porcelain bottle and handed it to Zhao Xinyue.    


"Xinyue, take this pill. It will help you recover."    


Zhao Xinyue didn't hesitate to ask. She opened the bottle and swallowed the pill, showing her trust in Chen Yang.    


Chen Yang felt warm inside when he saw how much Zhao Xinyue trusted him. He held Zhao Xinyue in his arms.    


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