Become a Billionaire in One Day



0Chen Yang, who had opened his eye, stared closely at the rock on the stage. He didn't even look at it the first time, but he focused his mind and went straight through it. It seemed that this rock was a little different from a normal rock.    


A Five-Colored Flower!    


Chen Yang saw a multicolored flower in the rock! Weird and alluring. Chen Yang felt as if he was being attracted by something. He wanted this flower!    


"Master ~ Master!" Wake up! "    


Jade Spirit's childish and anxious voice sounded at the bottom of Chen Yang's heart.    


Only then did Chen Yang react. When he looked at the flower again, there was no longer that kind of reaction, but he still felt dizzy.    


Wu Ming noticed that something was wrong and patted Chen Yang.    


"Young Master, what's wrong?" His eyes were filled with concern.    


Chen Yang shook his head and said, "It's fine."    


He asked Jade Spirit from the bottom of his heart: "What is this Five-coloured Flower? "Why would it confuse my mind?!"    


"Master, this was something used to cultivate the willpower and sea of consciousness during the ancient times. Even during that time, it was not common. How could it have been preserved until now?" Jade Spirit was a little doubtful.    


"What is the Sea of Consciousness?" Chen Yang noticed that Jade Spirit had said a new word, one that he had never heard before.    


"Master, your Sea of Consciousness is your Sea of Consciousness. It allows you to have a strong and stable mind and will not cause any internal demons to appear. Furthermore, you can sense the surroundings and everything will be fine inside your Sea of Consciousness."    


Chen Yang was moved, if he had this Sea of Consciousness, then he wouldn't have to explore the environment on foot. As long as he had the Sea of Consciousness that Jade Spirit spoke of, Chen Yang felt that no one in this world could stop him.    


He didn't want to participate in this auction because he didn't want to attract the attention of Baird and others.    


That's not good for Chen Yang.    


"Master, this Five-Colored Flower will confuse everyone's minds and immerse everyone in their dreams. When these humans see it later, it'll be your chance!"    


Right! Even if he were to open a stone now, he would still be confused, needless to say, these ordinary people.    


In the end, the stone was sold to Baird for 20 billion dollars.    


"Chen Yang, what do you think of this stone? "What will happen?" The excitement on Baird's face was hard to suppress.    


"It should be worth it." Chen Yang said in a flattering manner.    


Baird laughed and became even happier. His two companions were also very happy.    


"This is an exciting time for us. We would like to invite the stonecutter to help us unravel the 20 billion!" Aubrey said excitedly.    


The moment the stone was opened, everyone was mesmerized by the strange multicolored flower. Chen Yang secretly stole the flower from the communication system in his heart.    


With a "shua" sound, the Five-Colored Flower disappeared from the eyes of the crowd, and everyone came back to their senses.    


A sigh came from the scene, causing Baird to stand up in anger.    


"My flowers! "Where did you go?"    


He pointed at Obispo and said fiercely, "Is it you? Did you hide it?!"    


As he said that, he left his seat and was about to go on stage when he was stopped by the security guards at the scene.    


"Mr. Buyer, everyone has indeed seen that astonishing Five-Colored Flower, but it disappeared in an instant. It wasn't made by me, you have to know, there are often some strange things that cannot be explained by the stone." Obispo Lisbon explained calmly.    


Baird was stunned for a moment before he snorted and returned to his seat.    


"Calm down everyone, there are still the last two stones left. Let us enter the midfield to rest for an hour before we begin."    


Baird did not notice Chen Yang walking into the resting room angrily.    


"Why don't you let me search that old thing's body?!"    


Baird threw out a small earphone the moment he entered the room. He didn't have the time to be polite and shouted angrily at the sunglasses wearing man.    


"Calm down. I've been watching the monitor on the screen. It has indeed bloomed with a gorgeous Five-Colored Flower, but it vanished in an instant."    


"I don't think that's something a human can do. The only explanation is that this flower disappeared on its own."    


Baird pulled on his tie in annoyance, sat on the sofa and drank a glass of red wine.    


"… …"    


Most of the people went to rest in the resting area, which was previously agreed upon. Only Chen Yang and Wu Ming were left on the field.    


"Master, I want to eat that stone." Jade Spirit said to Chen Yang in embarrassment.    


"Hmm? "Which stone?"    


"It's the one that contained the Five-Colored Flower. When I saw the Five-Colored Flower, I was so excited that I almost forgot to tell you, a Five-Colored Flower could be preserved on a stone. How extraordinary!"    


Chen Yang went up on stage helplessly and picked up the stone that was broken into four pieces. Anyway, no one would miss these useless things.    


Chen Yang took the stone in his hand and let Wu Ming stroll by himself. He went to the bathroom here.    


In a bathroom, these stones were all absorbed by Jade Spirit when Chen Yang was beside the jade pendant.    


"Master, you can also eat the Five-Colored Flower." Jade Spirit said happily to Chen Yang while gnawing on the stone.    


Chen Yang raised a question from the bottom of his heart, Jade Spirit continued to answer: "Master, the reason why the Rainbow Flower is so few and strong is because I don't need to use it to cultivate, I can just eat it."    


Jade Spirit ate another stone and burped.    


Chen Yang took out the flowers from the Taotie, closed his eyes after a glance and swallowed them in one gulp.    


Colourless and tasteless, Chen Yang didn't even have to bite into it before the Five-Colored Flower disappeared. He felt ice-cold.    


Immediately after, he felt dizzy and his brain swelled. After struggling for a moment, he fainted.    


When he woke up again, he felt that his mind was clear and there was something more.    


"Master, you're awake."    


"How long have I been out?"    


"Master, you've only been unconscious for less than an incense stick of time. Quickly feel the feeling of having your sea of consciousness." Jade Spirit said happily.    


Chen Yang focused his attention on his mind and closed his eyes. He found that the entire underground world was in his mind and he could clearly see everyone.    


It was a magical feeling. He saw Baird and the sunglasses-wearing man in the lounge, and he saw a monitor in front of them.    


The image was indeed from the gambling den. Luckily, he did not go up to get the Five-Colored Flower and instead spent money to get the Taotie to take it back, or else he would be exposed.    


Chen Yang looked again and didn't find anything special. He opened his eyes and was a bit excited.    


At this point, his eyes became extraordinary. He opened his eyes, allowing him to look through the surroundings. He could also slow down the other party's martial arts, and close his eyes to scan the surroundings and imprint everything into his mind.    


Chen Yang went out to wash his hands and walked out full of energy. He was looking forward to what was in the last two stones.    


"Young master, you're back." When Wu Ming saw that Chen Yang had returned, he stood up and greeted him.    


"Hmm, I think we still have some time. Should we go and gamble on two more?"    


"Young master, we just received a message from Bai Ye saying that an assassin is here to assassinate young master's grandfather."    


"What?!" How's grandpa? " Chen Yang grabbed Wu Ming's arms, his face full of anxiety and malice. This was the only family he had left.    


"Gongzi, don't worry. Your grandpa is safe. Bai Ye and Kris caught him the moment he appeared."    


Chen Yang let out a sigh of relief. As soon as he heard that someone tried to assassinate his grandpa, he panicked and forgot that his people had inner strength. It was definitely not something those assassins could get close to.    


"That's good." Chen Yang didn't have the mood to bet anymore. He sat on his seat and quietly waited for the show to start.    


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