Become a Billionaire in One Day



0Wu Tie closed his eyes and started to read a martial arts secret manual. He couldn't wake up right after Isido left and reveal some flaws, but he couldn't fall asleep either, so he had to make good use of this time.    


Chen Yang successfully finished reading a martial arts secret manual. After he understood everything, he opened his Sea of Consciousness to search for Isido's figure and saw Isido receiving a beautiful woman in the office.    


Chen Yang calculated the time, and since Isido left, he had been lying here for more than an hour. He felt that it was okay, so he pretended to be awake and slowly opened his eyes.    


As soon as he woke up, the door opened and a staff member came in.    


He handed Chen Yang a glass of water and said that President Isido was in the office receiving another patient and asked Chen Yang to wait a moment.    


Chen Yang drank some water. Seeing the incense that was lit on the side burnt out, he understood that this incense could help him sleep. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been drowsy at the beginning.    


After a while, Isido walked in and smiled at Chen Yang.    


"Mr Chen, how do you feel?" Do you remember anything? "    


Chen Yang nodded and said in a serious tone, "I remember it. It seems to be a bad memory."    


"This kind of situation happens quite often. Some people's brains automatically block out bad memories. It seems like Mr Chen, you are such a person."    


Chen Yang placed the cup on the table and stood up. He was dispirited and feigned weakness as he said, "Thank you, Principal Isido. You have a well-deserved reputation."    


"Of course not, solving problems for the patients is our goal. It's my honor to help Mr Chen solve his problem."    


Isido handed Chen Yang a business card and said, "Mr Chen, this is my business card. If you have any other questions, you can come and find me. Of course, if you can't communicate with others, you can also come and find me.    


Chen Yang took the business card, looked at the pocket in his clothes, gratefully shook hands with Isido and took his leave.    


Chen Yang had started to use the tracking device given by the Taotie System to monitor Isido's every move on the way here. He believed that a flaw would be revealed.    


At the company, Chen Yang went back to his office and told Chen Yanran to come and find him.    


"Why did you call me here?" Chen Yanran asked impatiently.    


"Hehe, there's something I need you to help me with."    


"Un, go ahead, what is it? It's not your style to stutter. " Chen Yanran glanced at Chen Yang.    


"I want you and me to spread the news that we are at odds."    


"Hmm? This way, the company's shares will fall, and Grandpa will be worried, and, what's the purpose of this? " Chen Yanran looked at Chen Yang with a puzzled expression.    


"This matter is a little complicated to talk about. I'll explain it to Grandfather, as long as Luo Liu and the people from the company know about it, we can hold a meeting. When we start to argue, they will naturally think that we are not on good terms with each other."    


Chen Yanran nodded thoughtfully and did not ask any further. Chen Yang must have his reasons for doing this. He just needed to do as he said.    


Chen Yanran was extremely efficient. Chen Yang and Chen Yanran just finished talking about this in the afternoon and the meeting was ready by 3 o'clock in the afternoon.    


Chen Yang and Chen Yanran walked into the meeting room one after the other. All the shareholders and some of the department heads were already there. The noisy meeting room instantly quietened down when they saw the two enter.    


Chen Yanran sat on the upper side while Chen Yang sat on the side seat. Chen Yang looked at Chen Yanran with an unconvinced expression.    


Chen Yanran raised her eyebrows and glared at Chen Yang. She wasn't used to it suddenly. Luckily, Chen Yang told her in advance that he was only putting on a show for an outsider. Otherwise, her heart would be in a lot of pain …    


"The reason I called everyone to this meeting was to ask for everyone's opinion on the current situation of the company." Chen Yanran looked at everyone with a pair of sharp eyes.    


No one spoke for a while.    


"Cough …" About that, I feel that we should start working on all the projects now and try our best to open up new fields. Our Chen Group is just too conservative, and we don't have the slightest bit of Richest Man's looks. "    


Everyone's eyes turned to look at the protagonist who said this — Chen Yang.    


"Heh, what do you know? Chen Family is a big business, but if you were to open up more markets, you would be suppressed by other enterprises working together." Chen Yanran snorted coldly and retorted Chen Yang's ignorance with disdain.    


"Yanran, Yang's suggestion is good enough." Luo Liushi said with a benevolent expression.    


He was just worrying that he would not have the opportunity to take over Chen Family funds. Chen Yanran was using a conservative style and he would only have the chance to make a move if the company started the project, so Chen Yang's suggestion was just to his liking.    


As Luo Liu finished speaking, a lot of people echoed his words. The department heads who were in charge of handling the situation nodded in agreement when they saw the leaders in front of them.    


Chen Yanran's pretty face darkened. She silently listened to the discussion below until it quieted down. She slammed the table in anger and stood up.    


"Humph, stopping all the projects in the company was my order, are you guys unhappy with me now?!"    


With that, she turned her head towards Chen Yang and looked at him with eyes full of disdain and mockery.    


"Oh ~ I forgot, it was actually the real successor of Chen Family who suggested this. No wonder everyone agreed."    


Chen Yang also stood up in anger and pointed at Chen Yanran.    


"Who do you think you are?!" "If it wasn't for my grandfather who took you in, you wouldn't even know which orphanage you're in right now!"    


The people below did not even dare to breathe. Ever since Chen Yang came back, the two of them seemed to have a pretty good relationship. There had never been any conflicts before, yet today, they started to argue in front of everyone.    


Luo Liu quickly stood up and fiercely knocked the ground twice with his walking stick, as if he hated the fact that he had failed.    


"You two, what are you arguing about, is it good to let the people below see your joke?!" How am I supposed to explain this to your grandfather? "    


Don't look at Luo Liu's pained expression, but if you look closely, you can see that his eyes are full of schadenfreude.    


"I'm sorry, I lost my composure. This is the end of the meeting!"    


With that, Chen Yanran walked out of the meeting room. Chen Yang sat back down on his chair with a complacent look, looking like a playboy.    


The rest of the people in the room did not dare to speak. They could only hear the sound of footsteps as they walked out of the meeting room one by one.    


Luo Liu was the last to leave. He walked to Chen Yang's side and patted his shoulder. Chen Yang stood up with a grateful look on his face.    


"Thank you, Uncle Luo, for speaking up for me."    


"Sigh …" Your grandfather and I are old now, and in the future the company will be entirely dependent on you two to manage it well. If you have something to talk about, we can discuss it properly.    


Chen Yang nodded heavily and revealed a secretly delighted expression. He was almost disgusted by the old man's words.    


On the surface, it seemed like Chen Yang was trying to persuade him and Chen Yanran to run the company together, but in reality, his words couldn't stand scrutiny. Chen Yang had already expressed his strong dissatisfaction with Chen Yanran's company, but Luo Liu was still trying to instigate their relationship.    


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