Become a Billionaire in One Day



1Impossible!     0


The black cap man looked at his fist in disbelief.    




His full strength attack had been easily dodged by a little kid?    


The black cap did not believe it, but Chen Yang was still alive and kicking in front of him, so he could not help but not believe it.    


"Who the hell are you?"    


The black peaked cap man asked in a deep voice.    


"Me? I'm just a college student who hasn't graduated yet."    


College students?    


Are all the university students nowadays so amazing?    


The black cap obviously did not believe Chen Yang's words. How could a university student have such skills?    


He wouldn't believe it even if he was beaten to death.    


In fact, Chen Yang even felt his heart palpitate when he looked at that punch just now. In the end, he even saw the fire burning on his fist.    


Luckily, he had dodged it quickly, or else this punch would have... Chen Yang did not dare to continue thinking about it.    


Too terrifying.    


"Good kid, if you have the ability, dodge my punch again."    


After saying that, the black cap man threw another punch.    


When the punch was thrown, Chen Yang could vaguely hear the tiger roar by his ear. When he looked at the punch, it was as if there was a fierce tiger running and biting towards him.    


The ruler of the earth, the tiger as the ruler, this punch was called the Howling Tiger Fist. First, it disturbed one's mind with the roar of a tiger, and then it strengthened one's spirit, bringing forth the unparalleled might of a tiger. Its momentum was unstoppable.    


Chen Yang was shocked. He knew that if he could not dodge this punch, he would die for sure.    


Even though Chen Yang was somewhat dispirited by the tiger's roar, he still tried to dodge when his fist was right in front of his face.    


Looking at the wall behind him, there was a huge black hole.    


This was a testament to the power of this punch.    


Chen Yang hurriedly took a few deep breaths. It was his first time seeing such a life-threatening situation, so he was a bit nervous.    


The black cap was annoyed, he clearly knew how powerful his fighter was. Even someone stronger than him might not be unharmed even if he used his full strength. Chen Yang looked like he was playing a joke on him.    


It was an extraordinary shame and humiliation!    


The black cap was completely on fire. No matter what, he punched Chen Yang 13 times faster, and each punch was faster than the last. In the end, all he saw was a sky full of afterimages.    


Chen Yang saw this and became anxious. He used all his strength to channel his mental energy and clumsily shook his body. With the lesson from before, he didn't dare to use too much force. He was afraid that he would bump into the opponent's fist if he was careless.    


In the end, the battered Chen Yang narrowly avoided all of the opponent's fists.    


During this period, the fists of the black cap brushed past Chen Yang's scalp many times and almost shocked him out of his mind.    


Chen Yang hid on the side, alert of his black cap.    


He bent down and placed his hands on his knees. A drop of blood dripped from his forehead.    


In the end, he still lost!    


Chen Yang smiled bitterly.    


"Why aren't you fighting back? Do you only know how to dodge?"    


"You coward!"    


On the other side, the black cap man was panting heavily. Obviously, after the previous rounds of attacks, he had consumed quite a bit of his internal energy.    


I don't know how to!    


How am I going to fight back!?    


Chen Yang roared in his heart.    


If I had known your fist technique and my special ability, you wouldn't have known it hundreds of times.    


Chen Yang didn't dare to say that out loud. The only thing he could do now was to have a prolonged battle with this black cap man.    


He had his Discipline boosted anyway. He didn't believe that he wouldn't be able to wear him down.    


Chen Yang, who had made up his mind, glanced at the black cap man provocatively.    


The look in his eyes looked like he was calling him trash under his black peaked cap.    


He really couldn't tolerate it.    


However, when he thought about it, even though this brat didn't have any fighting skills, his Qing Gong was quite impressive. Not knowing Chen Yang's superpower, he could only put this movement technique into the category of Qing Gong.) I won't be able to tell who is the winner if I continue to fight with him. How about I leave today and find another opportunity to kill him?    


Just as the black cap was hesitating, Chen Yang suddenly took a step forward.    


This action startled the black cap man and he hurriedly assumed a defensive posture.    


"Your strongest move has been completed, right? It's my turn!"    


Chen Yang rolled his eyes and said with a profound expression.    


He suddenly had a bold idea.    


No, there's something wrong with this kid.    


"Wait …"    


Just as the black cap man was about to say something, he was met with a heavy punch from Chen Yang.    


This... What kind of speed was this!    


With a "peng" sound, a mouthful of blood spurted out from the mouth of the black cap. It flew out and then fell heavily onto the ground.    


In a trance, he felt as if he could see a meteor falling from the sky, blooming with a gorgeous radiance.    




It really worked!    


Chen Yang looked at his fallen enemy and was extremely happy.    


This was his bold idea from before.    


With the speed and power his Discipline brought him, he used the Meteor Punch that the black cap man had just released at him.    


He thought that he would fail, but to think that he would succeed.    


Chen Yang walked to the side of the black cap and squatted down to check his situation.    


At this moment, a black mass suddenly rushed out from the corner of the dead end. Facing Chen Yang, the fur all over his body stood up, his mouth was wide open, revealing a mouthful of sharp teeth.    


Chen Yang looked at the little thing. With a wave of his hand, the thing immediately backed off a little. It was obvious that it was afraid of him.    


Chen Yang smiled, stood up and prepared to walk towards the little thing. As soon as he got up, his foot was gripped tightly by a hand.    


"Don't touch it."    


The sound of the black cap became much weaker, it was obvious that Chen Yang's punch was not light.    


"Oh? "You woke up. I thought you were hanging up."    


Seeing that his black cap was still alive, Chen Yang said excitedly.    


He was afraid that the punch from before would accidentally kill him.    


He really almost died.    


The black cap man looked at Chen Yang deeply. The punch Chen Yang threw just now was obviously Meteor Punch.    


If he had practiced this boxing technique before, then his loss would not be a waste.    


However, if this was the first time this brat had used it to imitate him, then it would truly be too terrifying.    


Who was he?    


The more Chen Yang looked at the little thing, the more he liked it.    


He got up, freed himself from the black cap, and walked over to the little thing.    


The little thing saw Chen Yang approaching and still warned him in a low voice.    


At this moment, Chen Yang came to its side.    


"I told you, you can't touch it!"    


The black peaked cap yelled once again, but it was too late.    


Chen Yang smacked the black thing on its head.    


The little thing closed its eyes in alarm.    


From its point of view, this moment was no different from heaven collapsing and earth shattering.    


In the next moment, it felt a gentle yet warm caress.    


That feeling was extremely comfortable for him.    


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