Become a Billionaire in One Day



3After a while, however, he began to frown. He thought of something depressing.    


If the stone was opened, the liquid inside would flow out, and he wondered if the dragon would live. If he failed, wouldn't it be a waste of his effort?    


Chen Yang still didn't have the guts to open the stone. He decided to let nature take its course. He placed the stone with the dragon in the basement, just in case one day the dragon came out by itself.    


Chen Yang stood up and circled around the stone wall, preparing to find a hidden place to hide the stone.    


Fortunately, there were many secret spaces between the walls, which saved Chen Yang a lot of trouble.    


He randomly chose one and placed it inside.    


Then he left the basement.    


Chen Yang, who had reached the ground level, looked at the sun in the autumn sky and couldn't help but sigh at the wonders that followed the world. There were many things in this world that he did not know.    


In this world, people were truly lowly! In his whole life, all he knew was a pathetic little corner. Wouldn't it be very pitiful for someone to become complacent and complacent just because he had a little achievement?    




Chen Yang sighed.    


Then he shook his head and pushed these thoughts out of his mind.    


What was there to think so much about? Being alive was the most important thing to be happy about!    


Chen Yang spread his hands and felt the autumn wind. A happy smile appeared on his face.    


Because he thought of a person.    


A woman he had decided to cherish for the rest of his life.    


No longer bothering Lee Da, Chen Yang caught a taxi and rushed to school.    


The chauffeur was a talkative person, talking non-stop along the way. He talked about the local customs and customs of M city, the economic development of C province, the resources of his family, and the outside world.    


Chen Yang listened quietly and looked ahead from time to time to calculate the rest of the journey.    


"Young man, are you going to meet your little girlfriend?" The chauffeur casually asked as he looked at the road ahead with his weathered eyes.    




Chen Yang nodded.    


"That can't be rushed. We have to take this road slowly. It's been a long life. Two people can easily walk and then leave."    


Only then did Chen Yang turn his head and look at the driver. The driver didn't even glance at him, yet he remained calm.    


At this moment, "Xiaofang" was being played in the car.    


The driver hummed softly.    


Tears seemed to spill from his sunken eye sockets.    


"Thank you."    


Chen Yang said sincerely.    


"Hehe! Young man, you're not bad. You should cherish him well. Don't let this young lady down. You miss me back then. Ai."    


The driver said nothing, letting two streams of tears run down his weathered face.    


Only the sound system was still singing:    


"Thank you for your love."    


"I will not forget this for the rest of my life!"    


"Thank you for your kindness."    


"Walk with me through that time."    




Soon, Chen Yang arrived at the big door.    


He gathered his thoughts and walked in. As he picked up his cell phone, he dialed a number.    


Very quickly, the call connected.    


"Hey, it's me." Chen Yang said with a smile.    


"Ah, I'm in class." The owner of the other phone obviously lowered his voice.    


"I know, look out the window." Chen Yang said mysteriously.    


"Ah?" "Oh okay."    


Zhao Xinyue raised her head and looked out the window.    


She saw a scene that she would never forget for the rest of her life.    


The autumn afternoon sun was warm on him.    


He beckoned to himself.    


A smile that was warmer than the sun appeared on his face.    


He was wearing a white casual suit.    


He walked slowly towards him like a prince charming on a white horse.    


He took his hand, and all he could do was get up and follow him.    


"Student, you …"    


"Shh, I came to look for my girlfriend." The smile on Chen Yang's face became warmer.    


The other girls in the class fell into a trance when they saw this.    


The female teacher could only watch as he walked out of the classroom holding Zhao Xinyue's hand.    


"So handsome!"    


"How romantic!"    


Until the two figures completely disappeared from their line of sight, the girls in the class all called out together.    


They all tried to guess Chen Yang's true identity.    


He turned out to be the boyfriend of M University's freshman school belle!    


All of a sudden, they exploded social networking platforms.    


"Shocked!" "The new year's school belle actually has an owner!"    


"The handsomest guy in the past four thousand years is actually the boyfriend of the Moon Goddess!"    


All sorts of news came out, some even reaching the top on Weibo in an instant.    


This greatly infuriated Chen Yang.    


This was something Chen Yang did not expect.    




Chen Yang took Zhao Xinyue's hand and strolled to the school's lover bridge.    


"You, why did you suddenly come over?"    


Even now, Zhao Xinyue's small face was flushed.    


Ever since she was young, this was the first time she had made such a bold move. She had skipped class in front of her teachers and was held by the hand in front of everyone's eyes as she left the classroom.    


She didn't know why she suddenly followed Chen Yang.    


But when she heard Chen Yang say:    


"I came looking for my girlfriend."    


His heart was about to melt.    


"I missed you, Xinyue!"    


Chen Yang embraced Zhao Xinyue and whispered into her ear.    


Zhao Xinyue gently put her head on Chen Yang's shoulder and felt a warm feeling in her heart.    


The two of them quietly stood at the end of the bridge, watching the fish jumping in the lake.    


After an unknown period of time, Chen Yang said apologetically to Zhao Xinyue,    


"Sorry, you're still in class and I brought you …"    


Before Chen Yang could finish his words, a slender white hand covered his mouth.    


"Don't say sorry. I'm willing. I'm willing to do anything with you."    


Zhao Xinyue said emotionally.    


She decided to give the boy in front of her all her tenderness and love at the last moment.    


Because some people love, it has nothing to do with time; some people, if met, it is a lifetime.    


Chen Yang was the only one that belonged to her.    


She only hated that she couldn't accompany him for the rest of his life.    


"An illness I've never seen before."    


"An incurable disease."    


Two sentences had ended her life and death.    




Chen Yang caressed Zhao Xinyue's hair and said tenderly.    


"You're the fool!"    


Zhao Xinyue glared with a vicious expression.    


"Look, it's a gray machine."    


Chen Yang pointed to the sky and suddenly said.    


As Zhao Xinyue lifted her head to search for the plane, she quickly kissed her on the cheek.    


He turned around and fled.    


It took a long time for Zhao Xinyue to react. She rushed forward and chased after Chen Yang, this bastard.     0


The laughter lingered by the lakeside for a long time.    




Chen Yang and Zhao Xinyue walked aimlessly side by side.    


Although M University was not as famous as Tsinghua and Peking University, its overall strength was still only around the same.    


Regarding fame, it was mainly because of the stubborn old men of the school. They wouldn't go to Tsinghua University even if they were beaten to death.    


These old men were the authorities in their field, and it would not be an exaggeration to call them cowards. Several times, they had invited people to come back with a 'I don't like the soil and water', but it did not go away after a while.    


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