Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C70 We Can't Afford to Let It Go

C70 We Can't Afford to Let It Go

1Zhang Xiaotian revealed a nervous expression and waved to the two guys: "You two go out first, I need to talk to the customers about work."     0


The boys got up, looked at me, and went out, closing the door at the same time.    


Zhang Xiaotian took a deep breath and looked at me with a disgusted expression. He said coldly, "Yi Ke, you came to find me about the cloud business. You ran out of money, so you want to ask me for money, right?"    


I looked at Zhang Xiaotian with a smile and didn't say anything.    


Zhang Xiaotian gritted his teeth: "About the cloud, I've already spent all the money I should have. My savings of a few years have all been used up, what else do you want?" [I just found a job and you want to earn some money. Are you done? "I told you before, that is a bottomless pit. No matter how much money you put into it, it will be useless. Since you want to take it, then think of a way to earn some money to work with Lei Feng. What are you looking for me for? Are you annoyed?"    


I continued to say nothing. I reached for the cigarette on Zhang Xiaotian's desk, took one out, lit it, and slowly smoked it.    


"Damn it, it's my turn to be unlucky. I've met a poor guy." Zhang Xiaotian muttered, took out a stack of money from his desk drawer, and threw it in front of me: "This is 5,000 yuan, the boss just sent me the living expenses, quickly take it and leave, in the future don't bother me anymore, I'll tell you, the matter with the clouds, in the future it has nothing to do with me. If you dare to cause trouble for me again, I'll let you, Yi Ke, have a hard time. Don't think that just because you know how to do things that no one can do anything to you, my people aren't vegetarians, and the boss I'm following right now is also a gangster. If I told him that you couldn't walk through Hsinghai while standing, would you believe me? "    


I stood up, picked up the pile of money, shook it in my hand, and studied it.    


"Hurry up and leave. Let's go —" Zhang Xiaotian said impatiently, "If you don't get lost now, I'll call for help!"    


I suddenly grabbed the stack of money and viciously threw it at Zhang Xiaotian's head, scattering the money all over the floor.    


"F * ck — you're courting death, f * ck!" Zhang Xiaotian cursed and stood up abruptly: "Yi Ke, are you done living? If you keep making trouble, I'll call for more people! "Come!"    


Zhang Xiaotian didn't even have the chance to shout when my left hand instantly stretched out and pinched Zhang Xiaotian's chin. Zhang Xiaotian's mouth suddenly stopped open as he struggled while groaning.    


I took out my gun with my right hand and pointed it at Zhang Xiaotian's head. Zhang Xiaotian's face instantly turned pale and his body started to tremble.    


"Director Zhang, are you still planning to call for reinforcements?" I smiled as I pointed the gun at Zhang Xiaotian's head, "If you dare to scream, I will immediately make your head burst open. Do you believe me? Let me tell you, this is a real thing. Do you want to try it? "    


"Err... No, no..." Zhang Xiaotian mumbled, shook his head, and nodded again.    


I let go of Zhang Xiaotian's chin with my left hand, and pointed the gun at his head. "Director Zhang, are you still going to chase me away?"    


"No, no," Zhang Xiaotian said tremblingly: "Yi Ke, good brother, you sit, you sit, we have something to discuss."    


"How?" I put the gun away and sat down and looked at Zhang Xiaotian.    


"I... I'll give you some more money! " Zhang Xiaotian opened the drawer again and took out a thick bundle of money, which amounted to 50 thousand yuan. He pushed it in front of me: "Yi Ke, here's 50 thousand yuan. "I only have this much on hand right now. This is for the Finance Department to prepare this gift."    


"And those?" I pointed to the scattered heads on the floor.    


"Alright, I'll give you those too!" Zhang Xiaotian quickly bent down to pick up the money.    


I watched Zhang Xiaotian finish picking up the money and place it neatly in front of me. I sighed and said, "Director Zhang, how do you only know about money? You think that I came here today to ask for money? "    


"Then... What do you mean, you don't want money? " Zhang Xiaotian looked at me in confusion.    


"Put the money away! I don't want any of this money! " "No," I said.    


"This …" Zhang Xiaotian did not dare to touch the money.    


I stood up, picked up the money and opened Zhang Xiaotian's drawer. I put the money in and closed the drawer. Then I put my arm around Zhang Xiaotian's shoulder and patted him affectionately: "Director Zhang, I said I don't want money, I just don't want money."    


"Then... What do you want? "    


"We haven't seen each other in such a long time. I want to invite you out to have a nice chat. Are you giving me this face or not?" "No," I said.    


"You … What do you want? " Zhang Xiaotian said nervously.    


"Didn't I say to ask you out for a chat? Why are you so nervous?" "No," I said.    


"I'm not going out, I'm right here. If you want to talk, then do it here!"    


"Zhang Xiaotian — you have to come with me!" I stopped smiling and looked at Zhang Xiaotian.    


"Why? What are you trying to do? " Zhang Xiaotian said.    


"Don't ask so many questions, I want you to come with me right now!" I let go of Zhang Xiaotian's shoulder: "Brother Zhang, you're also a smart person. Don't refuse a toast and eat a forfeit. Don't make things difficult for me, alright?"    


"Yi Ke, if you want to take me with you, will you be able to?" Zhang Xiaotian looked at me and said: "Other than those two guys here, there are quite a few security guards outside the door. Outside the door, I only need to shout, and you won't be able to escape." When he said this, Zhang Xiaotian seemed to have gained a bit more confidence.    


I reached into my pocket with my right hand and held the gun, pointing the gun in Zhang Xiaotian's direction. "Director Zhang, do you think I can get out? I'll tell you the truth, since I dared to come here today, I have something prepared. There are still two of my brothers at the door, and they both brought people with them. If you don't want them to move, then I advise you to be more tactful … When the time comes, you will be shot. If you don't know what's good for you, you can go and see the King of Hell if you die. If you don't die, you will suffer for your entire life, and I will still be able to escape. If you don't believe me, let's go out and try it out! "    


Zhang Xiaotian's face was pale. He lowered his head and said: "Ok, I'll go with you!"    


"Sigh — that's right, obedient is a good child!" I took Zhang Xiaotian's shoulder and said warmly, "Brother Zhang, let's go. The car is waiting at the door!"    


Thus, Zhang Xiaotian and I walked out of the door with our arms around each other's shoulders. The two young men at the door looked at us in a daze. I smiled at them and said, "Brothers, thank you for your hard work. I've invited Director Zhang out to have some tea. You guys can rest."    


Saying that, I warmly put my arm around Zhang Xiaotian's shoulders and walked downstairs. When the security guards at the entrance saw Zhang Xiaotian, they all greeted him respectfully. Zhang Xiaotian nodded with a wooden expression and followed me into the car without saying a word.    


The moment the car started up, Xiao Wu took out a black mask and put it on Zhang Xiaotian's head.    


The car quickly arrived at Wanda Plaza. It was already night time, and the surroundings were pitch black.    


Er Zi and Zhang Xiaotian took advantage of the night to bring Zhang Xiaotian to my dormitory. The moment they entered the door, Xiao Wu removed Zhang Xiaotian's hood.    


Zhang Xiaotian rubbed his eyes. It took him a long time to adjust to the lights inside the room. When he saw Er Zi and Xiao Wu, he was shocked and looked at me again. "Yi Ke, you — you and them —"    


"Malgo Wall's Zhang Xiaotian, you dare to call Brother Yi by his name, are you trying to beat him up?" Xiao Wu raised his fist and was about to hit Zhang Xiaotian.    


"Stop — —" I shouted to stop Xiao Wu, then said to Zhang Xiaotian, "Brother Zhang, I'm working with Boss Lee now."    


Zhang Xiaotian immediately understood something and his expression changed: "You …" You... So it wasn't you who asked me out, it was … It was Li... "Boss Lee wants to find me …"    


I nodded my head: "Yes, I ate Boss Lee's food. Since I took Boss Lee's money, I have to do something for him. Sorry, I let you suffer. Boss Lee wanted to see you, so I invited you over."    


"Where's Boss Lee?" Zhang Xiaotian said in a trembling voice.    


"Boss Lee is busy outside. Once I'm done, he'll come here to see you," I said. "Before Boss Lee came, you should stay here and suffer. We'll keep you company …"    


"Zhang Xiaotian, you actually dared to betray the boss and came to work at our enemies' place to compete with us." What, the general manager is a grade higher than the assistant general manager? It's a lot of money, isn't it? "I think you're obviously not putting Boss Lee in your eyes and going against him. Just you wait. When the boss arrives, I'll definitely pull your tendons out!" Er Zi threatened Zhang Xiaotian.    


Xiao Wu also said bluffing: "Zhang Xiaotian, let me tell you, if it wasn't for Brother Yi blocking you just now and not out of respect for Brother Yi, I would have broken your leg already. We are angry with you, Keke, so we will accompany you well, and wait for the boss to come, hmph — just you wait! "    


Hearing that, Zhang Xiaotian's legs went soft and he collapsed onto the ground.    


Although Er Zi and Xiao Wu scared Zhang Xiaotian, my intuition is that Lee Shun will not do anything to Zhang Xiaotian in the end. He will not take Zhang Xiaotian's life, after all, this year, it is a legal society. He must have had other, deeper plans.    


Of course, I don't know what Lee Shun is thinking at the moment.    


I helped Zhang Xiaotian up, sat him down, poured him a cup of hot water, then offered him a cigarette and lit it.    


Zhang Xiaotian took two puffs of cigarette smoke and calmed down a little. He said, "You guys have locked me up here illegally. If Boss Bai can't find me, then there will be trouble."    


I said, "Don't you have a cellphone? When Boss Bai calls you, I believe you will be able to handle it well. How can you, Director Zhang, not even have this kind of ability?"    


Zhang Xiaotian fell silent.    


What Zhang Xiaotian said about illegal detention made my heart tremble. Damn, I really did break the law and restricted others' freedom. In other words, this is kidnapping. This is a violation of the law and if I get caught, I have to go to jail.    


I couldn't help but feel sad. I started to slide into the mud, but I couldn't stop.    


In the evening, after the four of us had dinner together, Xiao Wu and Er Zi were in the dormitory accompanying Zhang Xiaotian to watch TV. I excused myself to go out on an errand.    


Before leaving, I once again warned Er Zi and Xiao Wu not to abuse Zhang Xiaotian. Both of them nodded in agreement.    


I went to the hospital to accompany Yun Yun. At the same time, I called Lee Shun to inform him that Zhang Xiaotian had been successfully invited by me without alerting anyone.    


"Haha, Yi Ke, well done. I knew that you would be able to do this." Lee Shun said in satisfaction, "Take care of him. Treat our guest well. I will see him soon!"    


"Yes," I promised.    


"Did Qiu Tong contact you to ask you about what happened?" Lee Shun asked again.    


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