Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C73 The Truth Can Shake Heaven and Earth

C73 The Truth Can Shake Heaven and Earth

1The next day, Xiao Wu and Er Zi continued to accompany Zhang Xiaotian in the dormitory, I went to the hospital ward to accompany Yun.    


I talked to the doctor in the corridor of the hospital when he came to see me.    


"Doctor, with cloud as it is, are we sure it's vegetable?" I asked the doctor.    


The doctor shook his head, "We are still in the process of being treated. We cannot be sure that we are a vegetable. There is a disagreement among the international academic community regarding the definition of a vegetable. Some people believe that they have been in a coma for more than three months, while others believe that they have been in a coma for more than six months.    


"Most of the views maintain that only people who have remained unconscious for more than 12 months can be defined as vegetative. From this point of view, the girl's situation did not meet the criteria for the definition of a vegetative person.    


"This girl is breathing autonomously. Her pulse, blood pressure, and body temperature are all normal, but she doesn't have any speech, consciousness, or thinking abilities. Her vegetative state is actually a special kind of unconscious state. She can only be said to be half vegetative."    


"Oh …" I nodded. "How can we get her out of her coma faster? "Is there any new good medicine or method?    


The doctor said: "So far, we have given her the best medication in our hospital. In addition to the medication, she can also be treated through five sensory pathways in the brain that receive information from the outside world... For this treatment, the patient's relatives must cooperate actively. "    


"Which five paths?" I said urgently, "Is it one of the things I often play familiar music and talk to her about?"    


"Yes, this is an auditory pathway. It is feasible and necessary for you to do so by talking to the patient about topics of interest, playing familiar music, and doing auditory awakening and memory stimulation." The doctor nodded. "The other thing is visual stimulation, which allows visual and memory awakening by placing bright pictures, posters, and familiar photos, videos, and so on in a very close environment with the patient.    


"Taste and olfactory stimulation are not recommended in the current condition of the patient. "The last one is tactile stimulation. Tactile awakening can be accomplished through many different methods, such as washing hair or bathing. This can be used to improve and enhance tactile stimulation."    


I nodded. "Oh, okay, I'll do my best!"    


The doctor patted me on the shoulder. "Young man, true emotions can shake the world. The awakening of a vegetative relationship is unprecedented at home and abroad. The heavens will not disappoint those who wish for it."    


My confidence was boosted by the doctor's encouragement, and I nodded gratefully. "Thank you, Doctor!"    


The doctor started to turn away, then stopped and looked at me. "By the way, young man, I'll tell you a case of tactile arousal of the vegetable."    


I said, "You said —"    


"In a recent case published in the medical journal, a vegetable husband in Jinling was awakened by his wife's tactile stimulation. The wife's approach was to repeatedly touch the sensitive parts of the vegetable husband, persevere and eventually wake him up." The doctor said, "Touching sensitive areas is a good idea from a medical point of view. You might as well try it.    


I didn't understand for a moment, so I said, "Sensitive parts? "Which parts are they?"    


The doctor smiled. "Young man, you should think about it yourself. You should know which parts of her body are sensitive, right?"    


With that, the doctor left. I woke up with a start, feeling awkward and hesitant. I knew that the doctor was hinting that I was touching the sensitive parts of the cloud's body to arouse her by tactile stimulation. The most sensitive parts of the cloud were naturally those few parts.    


However, I also feel that there is a huge psychological barrier, after all, which goes against the traditional secular and moral idea.    


Although I had that sort of relationship with the clouds, I was in a state of high euphoria, with no memory of the process and no memory of it at all. To my senses, I still seem to have that pure relationship with the clouds.    


I hesitated, unsure of what to do.    


While I was thinking, I turned on the computer and downloaded a portion of the videos. They were all beautiful prairie videos with beautiful music and songs. They were placed on top of the bed of clouds.    


When I was done, I sat at the head of the cloud and watched it sleep. I thought back to what the doctor had just said, and finally, gathering my courage, I reached out my hand and began to stroke the cloud's earlobe.    


After caressing it for a long time, there was no response. I began to slowly move my hand down the cloud's lips and neck again, still unresponsive.    


Gritting my teeth, I slowly slide my hand down to the cloud...    


At that moment, the door was suddenly pushed open and Qiu Tong stood in the doorway.    


I was so flustered that I didn't even have time to take my hand out.    


"Yi Ke — you — what are you doing?" Qiu Tong looked at me with her eyes wide open. Her expression was strange. It was hard to tell if it was anger or disbelief.    


I quickly withdrew my hand and looked at Qiu Tong. "I …" I... "I didn't do anything?"    


"Y-y-y-you!" Qiu Tong's face reddened a little. She walked in and looked at me with eyes filled with anger. "How can you do such a thing?" How can you treat clouds like this? You disappoint me. "    


"I... I'm not doing any dirty work. I'm trying to heal the clouds and wake her up by tactile sensation. " Then I told Qiu Tong what the doctor had said.    


When Qiu Tong heard me finish, she said skeptically, "Is what you said true? "Why haven't I heard of this?"    


"I only found out about it when the doctor told me about it!" "No," I said.    


"Oh, okay. Just you wait, I'll go ask the doctor right now." Qiu Tong pointed at me with her hand and pouted her mouth: "Yi Ke, I'll tell you. If there's no such thing, I'll come back and beat you up! "Just you wait …"    


With that, Qiu Tong turned around and walked into the doctor's office.    


Qiu Tong's expression made me want to laugh. I felt like Qiu Tong was sometimes childish and when she said she was going to hit me, I couldn't help but think back to that night when I was chatting with Ruo Meng. She also said, "I hit you, I hit you …" The two actually felt the same.    


After a while, Qiu Tong came back. Her expression changed and she had a slight smile on her face. After entering the door, he said, "Okay, I asked. It's like that!"    


I wiped the sweat off my forehead. "That's good. I can avoid a beating!"    


"Pfft —" Qiu Tong laughed, "I'm just trying to scare you. Do you really think I'll hit you? "I dare not to, how can I beat you!"    


I smiled back and suddenly felt very happy.    


"Hey — Yi Ke, you go out for a while. I'll try out this Tactile Stimulation Therapy. If it works, I'll do it for you in the future. I'll try to stop you from doing it!" Qiu Tong said.    


I went out and took a walk on the front lawn. After a while, I suddenly thought of Boss Ping, so I took out my phone and called him.    


Boss Ping told me over the phone that the group is currently convening a party committee to study the selection of the General Manager of Issuing Company.    


When I heard that, I became anxious. Holy sh * t, they were discussing about Qiu Tong over there, but Qiu Tong ran over here like she had nothing to do.    


"Is the result out yet?" I asked Boss Ping.    


"None... It's not convenient for me right now. Let's talk later. " Boss Ping hurriedly hung up the phone as if it wasn't convenient for him to talk.    


I walked in circles on the lawn, my heart in turmoil.    


After a long while, Qiu Tong came out. She wiped the sweat off her forehead and shouted at me, "Yi Ke, come over here!"    


I immediately ran over: "Boss Qiu, how is it? Is it working? "    


As Qiu Tong walked into the ward, she said, "Ai — — I tried all the parts that the doctor told me. There was no reaction at all …" As we spoke, we entered the ward together.    


When I heard that, I couldn't help but frown and say, "It looks like I have to take it slow and not rush it!"    


Qiu Tong didn't say anything as she looked at the clouds, seemingly thinking about something.    


I said: "Boss Qiu, I just heard a piece of news. Group Party Committee is convening a Party committee to study on the selection of the general manager of Issuing Company!"    


Qiu Tong acted as if she did not hear him, deep in her thoughts.    


"Boss Qiu —" I raised my voice.    


"Why-what? What did you just say? " Qiu Tong came back to her senses and looked at me.    


"I said, the Media Group Party committee is convening a committee to study the selection of the Issuing Company's general manager! I just got the news! " I repeated it.    


Qiu Tong tilted her head and looked at me, "Yi Ke, you seem to be well-informed. I already know about this. I'll just study it. What's wrong?"    


"You — why are you so unconcerned?" I was anxious.    


"How do you want me to care? What do I care? " Qiu Tong said carelessly, "I've done everything I can, and the next step is not something I can control. What's the use of caring? "Sigh — I am a Party member, I have to obey the decisions of the organization, I have to obey the distribution of the Party, the Party's needs are my voluntary, I have to believe in the Party committee, I have to believe in my superiors, I have to believe in the organization."    


After she finished speaking, Qiu Tong couldn't hold back her laughter any longer. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.    


At this moment, Qiu Tong stared straight at me, causing me to feel a little scared.    


"Hey — Yi Ke, come over here and treat the cloud with your touch!" Qiu Tong said, "I didn't react for a long time. I was thinking, is it because I'm a girl and this little girl doesn't like me, so I purposely didn't react. Hur Hur …" If it's another man, such as you, the clouds are very good to you, and you're so good to the clouds, then it might be effective for you to stimulate them with your sense of touch. "    


I said, "Your words are illogical and illogical. Clouds are unconscious, so how could she know if it's a man or a woman touching her. If you can't do it, I'm afraid it won't have any effect!"    


"That might not be the case. Let's just give it a try. What if it works?" If you don't want to try, how do you know that it won't work? " Qiu Tong said to me in a half-commanding tone, "Alright, don't say too much. Come here, let's get started."    


Actually, there was also a trace of hope in my heart, but, with Qiu Tong here watching, how could I do it?    


I looked at Qiu Tong and said, "Boss Qiu, you... Can you step aside for a moment? "    


Qiu Tong's face reddened. She turned around and left, closing the door softly and leaving behind a sentence, "I'm waiting for your good news …"    


After Qiu Tong went out, I gently lifted the blanket of the cloud. Looking at the snow-white cloud, my heart beat faster and I felt a little dizzy.    


Cloud's body was very clean, because the paramedics regularly bathed her every day and cleaned her, treated her, and changed her bedding and sheets. Of course, I paid for all this.    


I took a deep breath and began stroking the cloud with my right hand...    


As he concentrated on the reaction between the surrounding muscles and skin...    


After stroking the other party for a long time, he didn't see any reaction. I touched the other cloud, and after a long time, there was no response.    


Half an hour passed, and I continued to move with anxiety.    


Suddenly, I felt the muscles in the cloud tremble.    


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