Young Martial God

C20 Questions

C20 Questions

2As a member of the Meng family, Meng Qi's body must not be simple. If the Meng family found out that he had died in the Nangong family, it would cause a lot of trouble, and the Nangong family would try their best to catch him.    


If he was found out, he would be in a dangerous situation.    


What should he do?    


Ye Zhi's mind was blank. He could not calm down no matter how hard he tried.    


"Zhi, there's the Qi of the cultivator of One Thought Stage here." Unparalleled Old Devil said calmly.    


"cultivator of One Thought Stage?" Ye Zhi was dumbfounded.    


"Yes, cultivator of One Thought Stage has two possibilities. Firstly, it was discovered by the people of Nangong family, and secondly, it was discovered by the people of Meng family. " However, no matter which one it is, it doesn't matter. "As long as you are careful, there shouldn't be any danger."    


Ye Zhi's eyes lit up.    


"Remember, you are just a servant. No one will think of you. Furthermore, if you are a disciple of the Nangong family, although the Meng family is a subordinate of the Nangong family, he will still die outside the Nangong family. The Nangong family will handle this matter in a low profile manner."    


But if they are from the Meng family, then you will have a lot of fun. They will definitely hunt you down. Although you are a servant, you are also a servant of the Nangong family. The Meng family won't dare to make a public announcement. Besides, this matter was originally ordered by Meng Qing, so he won't reveal it. "    


Ye Zhi let out a long sigh of relief. A huge rock in his heart fell to the ground.    


"Except for Meng Qing, even if others discover it, they won't think of themselves."    


"You have to be careful recently, and Meng Qing too. Who knows what kind of tricks he will play?" Ye Zhi narrowed his eyes. A cold light flashed past and then disappeared into the night.    


His strength had finally broken through. Ye Zhi was excited, but he also noticed that the danger came from Meng Qing.    


Putting aside the fact that Meng Qi's corpse was taken away by someone else, he needed to increase his strength as soon as possible.    


Blood Soul Stage warriors were only at the beginning of the martial path. Only those who entered the Metamorphosis Stage realm could be considered as qualified warriors.    


After he returned to his room and cleaned it, he sat cross-legged on the bed and used the Blood Rejuvenating Water to enter the training.    


Training in martial arts, two points of talent, eight points of hard work, only those who possessed a firm perseverance and perseverance would improve. Those who were able to do as they pleased could not remain the same. Their strength was like a boat sailing against the current, and they would retreat without advancing.    


As a servant, Ye Zhi understood the cruelty of the martial path. Five years ago, after his sister was taken away, he had understood the rules of life in Heavenly Spirit Martial Realm.    


Only those with great strength could protect themselves and others, and only then could they do something.    


The next day, Ye Zhi slept until noon before waking up.    


The light outside was hot, and a dazzling light shone through the window onto his face.    


Narrowing his eyes, he moved his body to avoid the dazzling light.    


He focused on sensing the abundant lifeblood in his body. As his muscles trembled, they contained the power of crushed stones.    


"Second Rank of Blood Soul Stage, although I absorbed Meng Qi's blood and Qi yesterday, my foundation is still not firm. Today, I need to go to the Spirit Fire Pavilion's pressure field to train myself."    


Ye Zhi murmured softly. Then, he got out of bed and stretched his limbs.    


After a long time, he sat cross-legged on the ground and opened the ring filled with herbs. There were hundreds of crystal boxs and crystal bottles inside.    


Looking at the large pile of things, Ye Zhi was stunned.    


"What do they think of me as? With so many herbs, how long will it take to refine them?" He smiled bitterly.    


Looking around, he discovered that there were two ancient books between the crystal boxs. Confused, he pulled them out.    


Looking closely, it turned out to be the Spirit Water Secret Formula and the Refining Experience - Loo Jun.    


Seeing these two books, Ye Zhi was excited.    


"It's good to have the Secret Spirit Water Formula. There's actually Master Loo Jun's Refining Experience as well. Together with this Refining Spirit Water, I can study it myself." Ye Zhi licked his lips and impatiently opened it to experience it. He looked carefully.    


It recorded that Loo Jun personally refined all the steps from the first level to the third level of spirit water, as well as the related matters that he paid attention to, and it was extremely detailed.    


Ye Zhi's eyes shone. He was completely immersed in it as he seriously studied the related knowledge of medicinal Spirit Wielding Cultivators.    


Dong dong dong dong!    


After an unknown amount of time, a hurried knock on the door woke Ye Zhi up.    


He frowned slightly. Who was knocking on the door?    


He closed the book and got up to open the door.    


The person at the door was very familiar. Ye Zhi's face darkened.    


"General Manager Ma."    


Ye Zhi glanced at General Manager Ma and smiled. "What is it?"    


Ye Zhi's attitude made General Manager Ma angry, but when he thought of Ye Zhi's horrifying martial art of swallowing blood and blood, his heart jumped and he couldn't help but shiver.    


Swallowing his saliva, General Manager Ma revealed a strong smile and said, "Haha, Ye Zhi, Miss Xue asked me to look for you. She asked you to quickly go to the Snow Garden."    


"Miss Xue is looking for me?" Ye Zhi raised his eyebrows and his heart tightened. Thinking about that matter, his face could not help turning pale.    


Could it be that matter?    


He started to feel uneasy.    


Seeing Ye Zhi in a daze, General Manager Ma hesitated for a moment and said, "Ye Zhi, Miss Xue seems to be in a hurry. You should go as soon as possible."    




Ye Zhi became even more uneasy and said to General Manager Ma, "I understand."    




He closed the door.    


"F * ck."    


Seeing the closed door, General Manager Ma cursed and left.    


His words had already reached his ears. He didn't need to worry about anything else. He was still trembling with fear after what happened the last time. He didn't dare to provoke Ye Zhi.    


Ye Zhi soon arrived at the Snow Observing Garden, and his heart was beating wildly.    


Standing in front of the door, he took a deep breath and knocked on the door.    


"Please come in."    


Nangong Huanxue's indifferent voice came from the courtyard. Ye Zhi opened the door and went in.    


The moment he entered the courtyard, his pupils contracted. A trace of panic flashed in his eyes.    


Nangong Huanxue was sitting in front of the stone table. There was a person standing beside her.    


It was Meng Qing.    


Meng Qing stared at Ye Zhi with a pair of ruthless eyes. There was a trace of surprise and confusion in his eyes.    


"Second Rank of Blood Soul Stage?"    


Nangong Huanxue was surprised when she sensed the change in Ye Zhi's aura.    


"Miss Xue, Young Master Meng." Ye Zhi gritted his teeth and bowed to Nangong Huanxue with an indifferent expression.    


"Young Master Meng, Ye Zhi is here. If you have something to say, just ask." Nangong Huanxue glanced at Meng Qing, then looked at Ye Zhi and said, "Ye Zhi, if Master Meng has something to ask you, you can tell him what you know."    


Oh no, it was really because of Meng Qi.    


Ye Zhi's heart was high. He clenched his fists to calm himself down. He looked into Meng Qing's ruthless eyes and said slowly, "Ye Zhi will tell you everything. He will tell you everything."    


"Ye Zhi, let me ask you. I sent Meng Qi to look for you yesterday, but Meng Qi did not come back." Meng Qing narrowed his eyes and looked at Ye Zhi gloomily. "Do you know where he went?"    


Ye Zhi was stunned. He asked in confusion, "Meng Qi? I have never seen him before. Young Master Meng, Ye Zhi was at home yesterday and did not go out. No one came to find me. "    


Meng Qing stared at Ye Zhi, trying to find some clues from his face, but he still failed. It didn't seem like he was lying.    


Could it be that Meng Qi didn't look for this kid? Then where did he go?    


Meng Qing frowned. His eyes were fierce. He said gloomily, "Oh? Meng Qi is the son of an elder of the Meng family, Meng Feng. If anything happens to him, how can I explain it to him?"    


You really don't know? "    


Ye Zhi smiled bitterly. "Young Master Meng, I have never seen Young Master Meng Qi. I was at home all day yesterday. Miss Xue can testify for me."    


After saying that, he looked at Nangong Huanxue anxiously.    


Nangong Huanxue was stunned and did not expect that Ye Zhi would actually drag her into it.    


"Yes, I testify that Ye Zhi stayed in Snow Gazing Garden all day yesterday." Nangong Huanxue's beautiful eyes turned and glanced at Ye Zhi indifferently. She slowly said while Ye Zhi was trembling in fear.    


When Meng Qing heard this, his expression became very ugly.    


Ye Zhi let out a long sigh and looked at Meng Qing's embarrassed face. Suddenly, he said in confusion, "Young Master Meng, I am just an ordinary servant. I wonder why Young Master Meng sent Young Master Meng Qi to look for me?"    


Nangong Huanxue raised her eyebrows and a trace of light flashed across her eyes.    


She smiled and looked at Meng Qing.    


Under the gaze of Ye Zhi and Nangong Huanxue, Meng Qing's expression instantly turned awkward.    


Surnamed Ye, no matter if Meng Qi's disappearance is not related to you, this young master will not let you off lightly.    


Secretly cursing, he smiled awkwardly. "Miss Xue, this is a fact that cannot be said."    




Ye Zhi had a bad feeling. What was this man trying to do?    


"There are no outsiders here. Young Master Meng, please tell us." Nangong Huanxue's expression did not change as she looked at Meng Qing and said.    


"It's like this. I have interacted with Ye Zhi a few times and found that he is very talented in martial arts. It is a pity to be a servant. I thought that he could come to our Meng family and be nurtured by us." Meng Qing gritted his teeth and said with a sullen face.    


After saying this, he was filled with regret.    


As the young master of the Meng family, he had actually fought for a servant. If he wanted to get the true inheritance out, he was afraid that he would lose all his face.    


The hatred he had for Ye Zhi grew even stronger.    


"Ye Zhi, I didn't expect that you would be favored by Young Master Meng. If you want to go to the Meng family, I won't stop you." Nangong Huanxue looked at Ye Zhi and smiled.    


For some reason, Ye Zhi's feet felt cold. Nangong Huanxue's words seemed to carry sharp blades as they pierced through his body.    


He forced a smile on his face and quickly said, "Miss Xue has helped me a lot. I am willing to follow Miss."    


"You don't want this kind of opportunity?! Are you addicted to serving people? Idiot, you really anger this sovereign."    


Unparalleled Old Devil shouted in his mind.    


Ye Zhi's face stiffened, then he smiled blankly.    


Nangong Huanxue's beautiful face revealed a strange smile. She said lightly, "Young Master Meng, you heard it. He doesn't want to go. Do you have anything else?"    


Meng Qing's face froze. He looked at Nangong Huanxue with a trace of surprise.     1


The meaning was very direct. She wanted him to be moderate. In other words, regardless of whether this matter had nothing to do with Ye Zhi, he would not mention it.    


Nangong Huanxue actually spoke up for a servant. Could it be that he, the young master of Meng family, could not compare to a servant?    


A trace of unwillingness flashed across his eyes, but he did not have the courage to offend Nangong Huanxue. His dull face squeezed out a smile, "Miss Xue, since Meng Qi did not look for Ye Zhi, I will take my leave."    


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