Young Martial God

C11 Deceiver

C11 Deceiver

3Two pairs of eyes met in the air.    


Putong! Putong!    


Baili Tong did not know why, but her heart suddenly started beating like it was going to jump out of her body.    


"Ye Zhi, look at me again. Do you believe that I will dig out your eyes?"    


Baili Tong's angry shout sounded in the secret room.    


Ye Zhi frowned slightly and quickly looked away. The good impression he had earlier disappeared.    


"What? Training ground?"    


In the same secret room, Baili Tong frowned and stared intently at Ye Zhi.    


"You want to use the training field?"    


Ye Zhi nodded and said, "Is there a practice field in Spirit Fire Pavilion?"    


"Yes, but it is not an ordinary practice field. Do you really want to enter?" A trace of slyness suddenly flashed across Baili Tong's eyes and she said without batting an eyelid.    


"Not ordinary?" Ye Zhi was slightly stunned. How extraordinary could the practice field be?    


He said, "Miss Tong, if I am qualified to enter, please tell me the location of the practice field."    


Tsk, who do you think you are?    


Ye Zhi's words made Baili Tong very unhappy, but she had a plan in her heart. A rare smile appeared on her face and she said, "Okay, let me lead the way."    


Ye Zhi was stunned for a moment, then he said, "Thank you, Miss Tong."    


"You're welcome."    


Baili Tong left the secret room.    


Ye Zhi followed Baili Tong through the corridors of the Spirit Fire Pavilion. All the servants passing by were respectful. Ye Zhi could not help but sigh at the noble status of the Spirit Wielding Cultivator.    


A Spirit Wielding Cultivator that could refine spiritual water, even warriors would not dare to provoke it.    


Baili Tong walked to the end and stopped outside a certain room. She took out the key, opened the door, and entered.    


Ye Zhi followed behind her with a hint of surprise in his eyes.    


This was an extremely spacious room, just like a square. The ground was made of pure white stone slabs, divided into dry areas by red lines.    


"This is the training ground that you are looking for." Baili Tong pointed inside and smiled strangely at Ye Zhi.    


"This is the practice field?" Ye Zhi found it hard to believe.    


It was empty inside. There was nothing inside. How could it be a practice field?    


"Yes, I just said it. The training grounds of our Spirit Fire Pavilion isn't an ordinary training ground. You will understand once you enter." Baili Tong smiled and guided Ye Zhi into the training grounds.    


Tsk, although the Nangong family is famous, a servant like you will know about the pressure training grounds. I won't believe it even if I beat you to death.    


I must let you understand the consequences of offending me.    


Baili Tong stared at Ye Zhi, her eyes flashing with a strong light, as if she was saying, "Don't just stand there, quickly go in.    


She could not wait to see the tragic scene of Ye Zhi stepping into the stressful training field.    


The Pressure Training Field, even if it was the lowest level of double the pressure, was not something that a First Rank of Blood Soul Stage could withstand.    


Ye Zhi frowned and glanced at Baili Tong. He always felt something was wrong, but he couldn't say it out loud.    


Looking at this strange training field, he hesitated for a moment, but still walked forward slowly. There was a red line under his feet. The area inside the red line was double the pressure.    


"Wait, that girl is cheating."    


Just when Ye Zhi was about to step over the red line, Unparalleled Old Devil suddenly spoke.    


Baili Tong was playing tricks?    


Ye Zhi quickly stopped and turned his head to stare at Baili Tong.    


"This is called the pressure training field. It is a high level martial artist who blends his own thoughts into it and creates a shocking pressure suppression. To use it to train his body, the effect is several times more effective than normal training fields."    


"Normally speaking, a First Rank of Blood Soul Stage can't withstand even the most basic double pressure, but you are different. Although you are a First Rank of Blood Soul Stage, the strength of your Qi and blood is equivalent to a Second Rank of Blood Soul Stage, just that it hasn't been activated yet. " Adding on the fact that you've devoured General Manager Ma's Qi and blood today, you won't be able to withstand the double pressure. "    


Cold sweat appeared on Ye Zhi's forehead.    


Staring at Baili Tong, his gaze became even colder. If he entered without knowing anything, the outcome could be imagined.    


This woman's heart was like a snake's and a scorpion's. She was full of tricks.    


Being stared at by Ye Zhi, Baili Tong felt guilty and stepped back. She thought that she would not let him discover her, right?    


It couldn't be. How could a mere servant know about the pressure training ground? Furthermore, looking at his appearance just now, he was completely clueless.    


It should be that I'm worrying for nothing.    


Baili Tong swallowed her saliva. Her eyes flickered and she said indifferently, "Ye Zhi, if you don't want to use it, then forget it."    


"Yes, why not?" Ye Zhi replied calmly.    


He looked away and looked at the red line under his feet.    


Baili Tong let out a long sigh. Under Ye Zhi's gaze, she felt her heart tremble. It was as if that gaze could see through her heart.    


Seeing Ye Zhi's actions, The corners of her lips rose, and a smug smile appeared on her face.    


Taking a deep breath, Ye Zhi focused and held his breath. Suddenly, he took a step forward and entered the double pressure zone.    




As soon as he entered, there was a strong pressure on his shoulder. Ye Zhi's body swayed and he bowed slightly. His handsome face was in pain.    


"Ah, he didn't fall?" The imagined scene of a dog eating mud did not appear. Baili Tong's eyes were like copper bells as she looked at Ye Zhi in disbelief.    


What a terrifying pressure. When she was in the scene, she felt all the blood in her body seemed to have condensed.    


Training here would definitely have a better effect.    


Ye Zhi gritted his teeth. The heavy pressure made it difficult for him to move. He was in unbearable pain, but his eyes were bursting with joy.    


He was so focused that he even forgot about Baili Tong. He looked ahead and gritted his teeth as he walked forward with difficulty.    


One, two, three...    


Ye Zhi's movements were very slow. He had only taken three steps when he was covered in sweat. His body swayed, his face was red, and his breathing was rapid.    


His shoulder seemed to be pressed by something that weighed over a hundred kilograms. It was extremely heavy, and it pressed him to the point he wanted to fall to the ground.    


However, he felt that his body was quietly undergoing a transformation under this shocking suppression.    


His Vitality slowly grew stronger, and his body also began to heat up.    


This indicated that his Vitality was about to ignite.    


Igniting his Qi and blood and activating the power of his body was the effect of a Blood Soul Stage.    


He continued forward.    


Gritting his teeth, Ye Zhi started moving again.    


Baili Tong, who was standing behind him, was stunned. She could not believe that this was real. Not only did Ye Zhi not fall, he even managed to hold on.    


And his cultivation base was only at the First Rank of Blood Soul Stage realm. It was impossible!    


She felt a deep fear in her heart.    


"Four, five, six..."    


"Seven, eight, nine, ah!"    


Ye Zhi stopped when he reached the ninth step. He bent over and gasped for breath. His mind was blank, and he was sweating profusely. Even his vision became blurry.    


He knew that he had reached his limit.    


"Has he reached his limit?"    


"Then let's surpass it!" Ye Zhi was exhausted, but his eyes were firm.    


"Can't take it anymore? Tsk, I don't believe you can hold on!" Seeing Ye Zhi stop, Baili Tong's entire body trembled as if she was about to fall to the ground at any moment. A hint of complacency appeared in her eyes as she gritted her teeth and muttered.    


"Ten, eleven, twelve..."    


Ye Zhi moved again. His movements were even more difficult and slow, but he was like a pine tree. He looked like he was about to fall, but strangely, he straightened his back.    


Twelve steps. Under the strong pressure, Ye Zhi could not even raise his hand. His heart seemed to be filled with something, and it was difficult for him to breathe. His muscles bulged all over his body, and his vision became even more dazed.    


There seemed to be a voice in his heart, "If you can't do it, give up.    


No, I can't give up.    


If you can't even persevere, give up if you encounter any difficulties. No matter how talented you are, you can't become an expert. How can you control your fate? How can you go to Nine Empyrean Palace to find your elder sister?    


Ye Zhi's teeth pierced into his lips, and blood seeped out. His eyes were red, and he shouted madly in his heart, "Thirteen!"    


"Fourteen, fifteen..."    


Baili Tong was stunned as she stared at Ye Zhi's bent back. She was extremely shocked.    


She could tell with one glance that Ye Zhi had already reached the limit of his body, but he was still persisting and moving forward.    


That frail body seemed to have a great power hidden within it.    


What was that power? To allow him to surpass his limits?    


Could he be a monster?    


Baili Tong could not laugh anymore. She was greatly shocked in her heart.    


She gritted her teeth and followed Ye Zhi into the pressure zone.    






Ye Zhi stomped heavily on the ground. His entire body was in intense pain. His heart and lungs were about to explode. Sweat blurred his vision and he was on the verge of collapse.    


Spit out!    


He spat out a mouthful of blood and his body suddenly fell to the side.    


Behind him, Baili Tong's expression changed. She stepped forward and hurriedly wrapped her arms around Ye Zhi's body.    




Baili Tong felt a strong male aura coming towards her. Ye Zhi fell into her arms. His hot body made her face blush.     2


"I, I can do it."    


Ye Zhi opened his eyes with difficulty and murmured.    


Baili Tong's entire body shook. She looked at Ye Zhi's face in a daze and was inexplicably surprised.    


What kind of person was he? Was he really a servant?    


At this time, Baili Tong did not know why, but she suddenly realized that this person was not too bad. He seemed to have some extraordinary qualities.    


A sudden feeling of numbness came from her heart. Baili Tong trembled and bit her lips as she looked down.    


One of his hands coincidentally pressed on her heart.    


"Ya ~"    


A scream echoed in the field, but Ye Zhi had already fallen into a coma.    




Baili Tong let go of Ye Zhi and the latter fell heavily to the ground.    


"Scoundrel!" Baili Tong blushed and kicked Ye Zhi twice.    


After a long time, she finally came back to her senses. She stared at Ye Zhi who was lying on the ground and suddenly remembered that this was a pressure field. Her expression changed. She clenched her teeth and dragged Ye Zhi outside.    


"Scoundrel, you dare to touch me? "I will not let you off lightly. " You, never! "    




"Mhmm ~"    


You're finally awake. " Qii Mu looked at Ye Zhi, who was slowly opening his eyes, and smiled.    


"Pavilion Master Qi." Ye Zhi was startled when he saw Qii Mu. He suddenly sat up and looked around. He found himself lying on the bed.    


"Uh ~"    


This action made him feel a bone-piercing pain all over his body. He couldn't help but take a cold breath.    


Qii Mu smiled and said, "Under pressure, igniting medicinal Bloodsoul Turtles and activating potential is very normal."    


"This is Soul Recovery Spirit Water. After consuming it, it will recover very quickly."    


Qii Mu said as he pointed at a bottle of Spirit Water on the table.    


Ye Zhi forced a smile. "Thank you, Pavilion Master."    


Qii Mu waved his hand. "Since you have joined the Spirit Fire Pavilion, this is what you deserve."    


Ye Zhi stared at the crystal bottle. Suddenly, he saw a ring and a token beside it. He was stunned.    


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