Young Martial God

C532 Alone

C532 Alone

1At this moment, outside the super teleportation portal in the center of the Wu County, there was a group of white armored warriors guarding it, surrounding it so tightly that not even a drop of water could leak out.    


There were six people outside, looking anxiously at the super teleportation point.    


"It's already been five days, why is there still no change?"    


"Don't worry, it will come. "    


"Look. "    


The six of them looked at the teleportation point.    


They saw the teleportation point emit a brilliant light out of thin air. The white-armored martial artist raised his guard and looked at the teleportation point with a vigilant expression.    




The light retreated and all 180 people appeared.    


"So it's one of us. Spread out. Spread out. "    


At this moment, the six people outside finally relaxed. The leading man in white shouted loudly, and the white armored warriors retreated one after another.    


The ones who appeared at the teleportation point were Ye Zhi and the others.    


Everyone observed their surroundings, their expressions vigilant.    


Six people from the outer circle arrived in front of them.    


The leading man in white looked at them and smiled, "Welcome to the Forgotten Battlefield. This is the fifth region of the Forgotten Battlefield, the Desolate Province. I am Xiao Leng. "    


"The fifth region?"    


Everyone was stunned.    


"Follow me, I will explain the situation here in detail. "    


Xiao Leng smiled.    


Everyone looked at each other, unsure of what to say. In the end, they still said: "Then let's go with him. "    


Everyone left the transmission point one after another, following Xiao Leng to the Desolate City.    


Not long after, they arrived outside a county.    




They saw a plaque hanging high on the roof with the word Wu written on it. The handwriting was vigorous and powerful. One look and one could tell that it was written by an expert. It was shocking.    


"In the end, there was also the Origin Martial Venerable level. " Ye Zhi thought to himself.    


Once they entered the Manor, Xiao Leng brought them to a hall.    


In the main seat of the hall, a middle-aged man sat upright.    


"You are all disciples of the Demon Realm, right?" As soon as the middle-aged man finished speaking, everyone's eyes tightened.    


"Don't be nervous, I am also a disciple of the Demon Realm, my name is Suibo. "    


"Flowing Wave? Could it be that you are Flowing Wave's Senior Brother?"    


Someone exclaimed.    


"I didn't expect that after such a long time, there would still be people who would know about me. " The smile on his face became even wider.    


"Senior Brother Zhi, who is Suibo?" Ye Zhi was a little confused.    


Zhe Xia let out a long sigh. "Follow the waves. He was once the most outstanding genius in the Demon Realm. At the age of twenty-four, his strength reached the peak of the Natal Opening Realm. After that, he even went through the trial of the Origin Gate. When he came out, there was no news of him. "    


"Never would I have thought that he would be here. "    


Suibo's gaze swept across the crowd with a solemn expression.    


"I think this is the place you guys are most concerned about right now. Let me tell you about the situation in the Forgotten Battlefield. "    


Everyone held their breaths and focused.    


"The reason why it's called the Oblivion Realm is because this place is located at the edge of the universe, and it's hidden in the void. It has been deserted for a long time, so it's hard to avoid being forgotten. In the ancient times, a certain expert created a super teleportation point, and only then could martial artists enter this place. "    


"The Oblivion Realm itself has four spatial rifts that intersect with the Spiritual Ape Clan, so the people guarding this place established the prefectural city and divided it into four districts. They also sent the remaining experts to defend the four spatial rifts, forming four home defensive lines. "    


"As for the Desolate Province, it's in the fifth district. "    


"You mean there's still a fifth spatial rift?"    


Ye Zhi found it unbelievable.    


"Yes, there is indeed a fifth spatial rift. Before entering the Oblivion Realm, you should have come into contact with the Spiritual Ape Clan. " Following the waves, he stared at everyone.    


Everyone looked at each other and nodded.    


"Speaking of which, we had arranged for a large number of soldiers to guard the four gaps, but we didn't expect the fifth gap to appear. This is unbelievable. There were more than a hundred Origin Martial Venerables defending here, so it wouldn't be a problem for us to guard the line. However, now that there's another line of defense, we don't have enough manpower. A few dozen Spiritual Apes have infiltrated the universe through this place. "    


" However, the prefecture still transferred some experts from the four districts to form the fifth line of defense, which is the origin of the fifth zone. The Wu County is the capital of the fifth zone, with the Wu County as the center. There are 35 counties within a thousand kilometers radius around it, forming the fifth line of defense, which basically covers the space crack. Every county has experts guarding it. "    


"As the representative of the fifth district, I am in charge of all the matters here. "    




Just as Suifeng finished speaking, everyone sucked in a breath of cold air.    


Everyone's eyes were filled with respect.    


Over a hundred Origin Martial Highness Realm cultivators, even if the Four Great Realms were to combine their strengths. They did not have that many experts.    


What was even more shocking was the true identity of Wind Following Wind.    


There were only five regions in total. As the representative of the fifth region, what level of cultivation had Suifeng reached?    


Peak of the Root Realm?    


Surging Waves swept past everyone and said, "Although there are many experts in the Forgotten Battlefield, there are also many people who perished in the battle with the Spiritual Ape Clan. As such, we urgently need to replenish our manpower. Moreover, we have an additional home defensive line, so the situation is critical. "    


"Although your cultivation levels aren't high, the heavy responsibilities of the battle in the Forgotten Battlefield are basically decided by the Element Opening Martial Venerable. However, you must cultivate and improve yourself. Time is tight, and you will also join in the battle. "    


"Even the weakest of them is equivalent to the Origin Martial Highness Realm, how can we defend against them?"    


Someone asked.    


Suifeng smiled. "Don't be too nervous. "    


"Everyone should know that the universe is very big. Not only this world, but also a large number of worlds. Their cultivation system is completely different from ours, and they have the trick of suppressing the Spiritual Ape Clan. "    


"There is another problem. The spatial rifts are very fragile, and they can't carry too many things. As a result, the number of Spiritual Apes that enter the Forgotten Battlefield through the spatial rifts is also not large, or else it will cause the spatial rifts to collapse. Thus, the number of Spiritual Apes is very small, but the majority are Dark Spirits, which are spiritual monsters controlled by the Spiritual Ape Clan. "    


"They are our main enemies. "    


Then, he waved his hand and looked at the edge of the hall. He said to Xiao Leng," Leng, tell them the specific details so that they can prepare well. "    




Xiao Leng bowed and then looked at everyone. "Let's go. "    


Everyone followed Xiao Leng and left.    


In the hall, the smile on Suifeng's face gradually faded, replaced by a hint of heaviness.    


"I wonder if the Chosen One mentioned by the Rare Emperor is among these people. "    


"A new space-time crack cannot be created in the fifth region, or else it will not be able to be defended. "    


. . .    


Ye Zhi sat cross-legged inside, staring at the things on the table.    


A dark spirit tablet was the symbol of his identity. It was very important in the Oblivion Realm. If he encountered any danger, he could use this tablet to send a signal, and the people around him would rush over to help.    


There were also three palm-sized spiritual tablets. According to Xiao Leng, they were treasures of another dimension. As long as he activated them with spiritual energy, he would be able to use a formation to imprison the Spiritual Apes, and some formations would be able to kill the Spiritual Apes.    


Of the three formations, two of them were the Prison Formation of the Prison Formation, and the Sky Decimating Sky Formation.    


The other three were white pearls that emitted a strong dark power.    


The white pearls were refined from the Spirit Ape Clan's hidden force. They had a certain advantage when used against the Spirit Ape Clan.    


The White Pearl was classified into the Middle Stage, the Good Level, and the Superior Stage. The White Pearls in front of them were all Middle Stage White Pearls, but when they exploded at the same time, their power was equivalent to half of the Origin Martial Highness Realm, which was quite shocking.    


On the other hand, these things were distributed to everyone on average.    


If one wanted to get more things, they could only exchange it with Honour Points.    


If one wanted to obtain merit points, one could only kill the Dark Spirit and the Spiritual Ape Clan.    


The Dark Spirit were divided into one to nine levels. Those who entered the Forgotten War Realm would most likely be around the first to third level.    


Level One Dark Spirit was equivalent to the peak of the Natal Opening Realm, Level Two Dark Spirit was equivalent to the low level of the Origin Source Realm, and Level Three Dark Spirit was equivalent to the middle level of the Origin Source Realm.    


First level dark spirits could be exchanged for 100 merit points, second level dark spirit could be exchanged for 200 merit points, and third level dark spirit could be exchanged for 300 merit points.    


The division of the Spiritual Ape Clan was that the Spiritual Ape Guards could be exchanged for 1,000 merit points, the Spiritual Ape Warriors could be exchanged for 2,000 merit points, and the Spiritual Ape King could be exchanged for 10,000 merit points. . . .    


"Looks like the Oblivion Realm has already become a battlefield filled with smoke and smoke. "    


Ye Zhi sighed.    


From the rules, everyone here was preparing for war.    


From Xiao Leng, they learned that in the Oblivion Realm, a large number of Natal Opening Realm experts had snuck into the center of the battlefield in the form of assault teams. They had used the formation plate and the White Pearl to search for traces of the Dark Spirit and the Spiritual Ape Clan.    


Only those who encountered high-level Dark and Spiritual Apes, the Origin Martial Highness, would appear.    


However, the cruelty of the battle caused people to die every single time.    


However, no one escaped in the nick of time.    


Because it was for the Realm Clan, for the sake of their homeland.    


This was the last line of defense for their homeland. Once it was broken through, the entire universe would fall into an irrecoverable state.    


After a long time, Ye Zhi waved his hand, put away the treasures, and left the room.    


"Senior Brother Zhi, Senior Brother Leng, you're all here. "    


As soon as he came out, he ran into Zhexiu and the Cold Wall.    


"I think we should form a team. Since we're all familiar with each other, we can take care of each other. " Broken said.    


They quickly entered the battlefield. Everyone was separated into different assault teams.    


The first team usually consisted of three to five people.    


Ye Zhi was a little hesitant. "Senior Brother Zhe, I request to act alone. "    


"Move alone?"    


Cold Wall and Zhexiu had a look of disbelief on their faces.    


Zhexiu frowned and said, "Junior Brother Ye, it's not that I don't trust you, this place is too dangerous. Dark Spirit and the Spiritual Ape Clan are not easy to deal with. "    


Ye Zhi smiled bitterly and said, "Senior Brother Zhexiu, my path of martial arts is very special, and I have a helper. "    


"My own strength is not low. "    


Cold Wall and Zhexiu looked at each other and were stunned.    


After coming out of the Origin Gate, Ye Zhi was like a cloud of fog, making it hard for people to see through his strength.    


"Senior brothers, my strength has reached the peak of the Natal Opening Realm, and my pure Yang body has also reached the Transformation Realm. There's also this thing. "    


Finally, Ye Zhi raised his hand, and the lotus clone appeared beside him.    


"How could this be. . . "    


Both of them took a deep breath and stared at the lotus clone.    


"My other clone has the same strength as mine. " Ye Zhi smiled.    


"Do you really want to act alone? Do you want to think about it again?"    


Outside of the Wu County, Xiao Leng looked at Ye Zhi with a serious expression.    


Ye Zhi smiled bitterly. This was the third time.    


So he nodded. "It's fine. I know the danger here. "    


Xiao Leng had a complicated expression.    


This was the first time he had encountered someone who dared to act alone in the Oblivion Realm.    


Even if they teamed up and snuck into the battlefield, it would be difficult for them to survive. If they encountered the Dark Spirit or the Spiritual Ape Clan, the consequences would be unimaginable.    


"Where did your confidence come from? Sigh, I've already said what I should say. Take care of yourself. " After a long while, Xiao Leng let out a long sigh.    


After saying that, he opened his hand and handed a piece of formation and a white pearl to Ye Zhi.    


"This is the Eight Trigrams Sky Locking Formation and a Good Level white pearl. Here you go. "    


Ye Zhi's expression changed, and he looked at this thing with a surprised expression.    


This was too expensive.    


The Eight Trigrams Sky Locking Formation was a higher level formation plate than the Prison Imprisonment Formation, and it was only a single one. The Eight Trigrams Sky Locking Formation is a higher level formation plate than the Prison Imprisonment Formation, just one is enough to take down a First Level Dark Spirit.    


As for the Intermediate White Pearl, it was also very rare.    


Xiao Leng's actions touched Ye Zhi. After a moment of hesitation, he grabbed the pearl.    


"Senior Brother Xiao, thank you very much. "    


There was no point in saying too much. Ye Zhi bowed and walked forward.    


Xiao Leng stared at Ye Zhi's figure. After a while, he sighed and said, "Take care of yourself along the way. "    


Many a time, the person he sent off never came back.    


Outside of Wu County, Ye Zhi looked at a wasteland. His expression was indifferent, and his eyes revealed a trace of ruthlessness.    


Since he had come, he could only be at ease. Now that he had reached the Oblivion Realm, he could only go all out.    


The details of the fifth region quickly flashed in Ye Zhi's mind.    


This was only established after the appearance of the space-time gap. The entire region was very large. There were also many areas that were unknown.    


Currently, there were three places that had been explored.    


The Green Zone was located at the outskirts of the 35 prefectures, and was guarded by the Origin Martial Highness Realm, which was considered a safe zone.    


The Red Zone was located to the west of the 5th district, and it was extremely dangerous as it was close to a spatial rift.    


The Blue Zone was right next to the Spatial Rift, so the risk wasn't high yet.    


Ye Zhi's destination was the blue region, because according to the records, there was a place called the Pure Yang Lake that contained strong pure Yang energy. It was a treasure land.    


It was especially helpful for his cultivation of the pure Yang body.    


Putting everything else aside, as long as he could cultivate the Pure Yang Body to the high level, he would be equivalent to an Origin Martial Venerable.    


"Spiritual Ape Clan, let's meet up. "    


After a while, Ye Zhi murmured softly. His body floated up and disappeared in an instant.    


Following Ye Zhi's departure, two or three warriors walked out of the County of Desolation and entered the vast wilderness.    


A moment later, Ye Zhi truly entered the fifth region.    


What entered his eyes was the gloomy sky. Dark clouds covered the sky, making one feel stifled.    


The ground was covered with blood and broken limbs.    


Ye Zhi walked with killing intent in his eyes.    


There was no way to know how much blood the Realm Clan had lost.    


"Spirit Ape Clan!"    


Ye Zhi muttered to himself as he increased his speed. This was truly a horrible sight to behold.    


As he went deeper and deeper, the ground gradually darkened.    


Ye Zhi followed the planned route and headed towards the Blue Domain.    


Half a day had passed, but he hadn't seen the Spirit Ape Clan, Dark Spirit Clan, or Realm Clan at all.    


This place was like a forgotten place, devoid of life.    


However, Ye Zhi didn't dare let his guard down.    


He must not be careless.    


"Uh. "    


At a certain time, Ye Zhi stopped. He raised his hand and clenched his identity card.    


The black card shone with light, and the temperature suddenly increased.    


"Oh no, a World Clan has been attacked. "    


Ye Zhi's eyes tightened, and he hesitated for a moment. Then, he focused his attention on the black card and browsed through the information.    


"It should be in the southwest. "    


After Ye Zhi confirmed the direction, he put away the black card and instantly ran towards the southwest.    


Half an hour later, Ye Zhi appeared somewhere in the void and looked into the distance with an embarrassed expression.    


The Spirit Qi Wave in the identity card disappeared without a trace.    


Looking at the traces on the ground, Ye Zhi clenched his fists.    


Was he still a step too late?    


With a thought, Ye Zhi didn't give up. Before he saw the corpse, everything was just a guess.    


He moved forward quickly.    




Suddenly, a loud roar was heard. Ye Zhi was shocked and jumped. He landed on the ground and ran towards the source of the sound.    


After about ten breaths, Ye Zhi hid his aura behind a big tree, and looked forward.    


"That. . . That's the Dark Spirit!"    


Ye Zhi's expression changed.    


He saw a 15 meter tall monster appear in his field of vision. The monster's entire body was black, and it had two arrows pierced into its body, giving off a bone-piercing cold light.    


A powerful hidden force was released from the monster's body, causing people to suffocate.    


First level dark spirit, Ye Zhi let out a sigh of relief.    


First level dark spirit, at most, was at the peak of the Natal Opening Realm.    


At this moment, a blue transparent barrier was erected around the Dark Spirits, and the barrier was emitting wisps of mist.    


Dark Spirit launched an attack, causing the mist to tremble and the Spirit Qi Wave to weaken.    


"So it's because the defensive formation has been activated. It seems like the one who deployed the formation has also locked himself inside. I'll wait for someone to help me. "    


Seeing this scene, Ye Zhi seemed to have understood something.    


Seeing that the defensive formation still needed time to be broken, Ye Zhi's gaze landed on the Dark Spirit.    


The massive body gave people a strong visual impact. Every round of attack was launched, and there was a strong bloody light on the claws, as well as a strong dark force.    


Compared to the monsters of the primeval universe, the dark spirits were more threatening and more brutal.    


Especially its red eyes, which contained endless killing intent, without any subjective consciousness.    


"It should be the spirit apes, making them only know how to kill?"    


Ye Zhi shook his head.    


While observing, he was also analyzing the strength of his enemies.    


His cultivation level was at the peak of the Natal Opening Realm, and although Dark Spirit was also at the peak of the Natal Opening Realm, due to the advantage of the Dark Force and the spirit monsters, a Dark Spirit normally required three Natal Opening Realm experts to work together to deal with it.    


As for himself, he had the Pure Yang Body and the Red Lotus Spiritual Energy. If he moved alone, it would still be difficult.    


But he also had two trump cards that he hadn't used yet.    


Ye Zhi analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of both friend and foe.    


There were now two ways to kill this dark spirit. He had four white pearls and four formation cards, and with his cultivation base, he had a success rate of about 60%.    


With the assistance of the Lotus Incarnation, the success rate could be raised to around 90%.    


Should he use the Lotus Incarnation?    


Ye Zhi shook his head.    


Bang!     2


A few breaths later, under the attack of Dark Spirit, cracks appeared on the blue barrier that was covered in mist, and it spread out in all directions.    


The mist churned and quickly tightened.    




Dark Spirit let out a loud roar, and a bloody light spread out from its claws as it clawed forward.    




An earth-shattering explosion resounded as the barrier collapsed in an instant. Fog spread out, revealing two human figures.    


One of them was a woman and the other was a man. As soon as the defensive formation collapsed, it burst out. A white pearl flew out from the woman's hand and heavily smashed onto the Dark Spirit.    




A powerful dark force exploded, and the Dark Spirit was blown away. A shocking bloody hole was left in its chest, and blood gushed out like a tide.    


Wu! Wu!    


Dark Spirit let out a mournful cry, and an even more intense bloody light burst out from his eyes. That power turned into a surging tide of blood that surged out and flew towards the two of them.    


"Let's go!"    


In an instant, their expressions changed as they continuously retreated.    


Unexpectedly, Dark Spirit's speed was even more astonishing. Even though she was heavily injured, her movements were not slow at all, and it made people feel despair.    




With a roar, Dark Spirit landed and grabbed at the two of them with a destructive force.    


Their defensive line had been forcefully torn apart.    


Ye Zhi could see the helplessness in their eyes.    


At this moment, he launched an attack.    


In the blink of an eye, he appeared behind Dark Spirit.    


A blue blade appeared in Ye Zhi's hand.    


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