Young Martial God

C318 The Method to Break It

C318 The Method to Break It

2However, he had never imagined that the other party would dare to plot against him under the premise that his strength was superior to his opponent's.    


Taking a deep breath, Ye Zhi stared at Heaven Breaker with a gloomy expression. "I think you are mistaken. I only used the teleportation point of the Mo Family. It has nothing to do with the Mo Family. As for the grudge between you and them, it is your business."    


"You're not from the Mo family?" A smile appeared on Heaven Breaker's face as he coldly snorted. "Do you think I'm stupid?"    


"Get down."    


Heaven Breaker shouted. He kicked the ground, turned his palm into a claw, and thrust it toward Ye Zhi's shoulder.    


Ye Zhi's eyes narrowed, but he didn't move at all.    




His palm landed heavily on Ye Zhi's shoulder.    


Right at this moment, Ye Zhi's shoulder suddenly trembled.    


Heaven Breaker's pupils constricted, and a trace of shock appeared on his face.    




His body staggered backwards, and he retreated seven or eight steps before barely managing to stabilize his body.    


His eyes were wide open as he stared at Ye Zhi's trembling hand. There was a hint of shock in his eyes as he looked at Ye Zhi.    


"I finally understand why the Zhen family only sent so few people. Because of you."    


Ye Zhi said coldly. "I have nothing to do with the Zuo family. I hope you can find out."    


"Heh, a mere peak Clear Mind Stage can actually force me back. It's really not simple. It seems like I have something on me." Not only did Ye Zhi's words not make Heaven Breaker give up on his thoughts, he was even more certain that Ye Zhi was a member of the Mo family.    


He grinned hideously and waved his hand. A tyrannical aura burst out from his body and surged through the void.    


Although he was only pushed back by the impact, he still did not put Ye Zhi in his heart.    


Despite his young age, no matter how powerful he was, how powerful could he be?    


As for the previous scene, he did not take it to heart. He only used about ten percent of his strength.    




The void trembled. A wave of masochistic energy surged through the void, stirring up a storm that extended several hundred zhang away.    


The martial artists below all looked at Heaven Breaker with reverence, not daring to breathe too loudly.    


"Hand over the things, and if I'm happy, I might be able to let you off." Heaven Breaker looked down at Ye Zhi with a cold face.    


Ye Zhi's expression became even gloomier. He was eager to return to Nine Heavens City and beat up Wufeng.    


"So what if I don't hand it over?" At this moment, he didn't want to say anything.    


"Then you are courting death."    


Heaven Breaker's gaze became sluggish. He waved his hand, and his fingers protruded out. One fingernail after another was more than three feet long, and it was suffused with a cold light. It was like a sharp weapon, and it burst forth with a tyrannical aura.    




He leaped up, and his hands tore open numerous cracks in the air. They interweaved into a net of claws, and it rushed towards Ye Zhi.    


The terrifying power was like a storm. It was very fast. It left an afterimage in the air. The wind was blowing. A claw shadow suddenly covered Ye Zhi.    




Ye Zhi's figure disappeared.    


"What did you say?"    


Heaven Breaker's pupils contracted. His eyes were filled with shock. His speed was so fast that he couldn't even catch a trace of him.    




At this moment, a wave of shock rolled up in his heart.    


"Too slow." Ye Zhi's voice suddenly rang out from behind.    


"F * ck."    


Heaven Breaker cursed. He quickly turned around and swept his two claws behind him with a strong gust of wind.    




The void trembled. His two claws were as sharp as the claws of a wolf.    






Heaven Breaker felt his two claws hit a metal plate, and instantly, a sound of friction rang out, causing him to tremble with fear, and his hair stood on end.    


That metal plate shook, and an extremely powerful force burst out. Heaven Breaker's expression changed. He took a deep breath, and was actually forced back three or four steps.    




Stabilizing his position, Heaven Breaker let out a snort. His arm trembled, and that foot long sharp claw was actually forcefully torn apart, and bits of blood scattered down.    


"You, who are you?"    


Heaven Breaker looked at Ye Zhi with a shocked expression. His cold eyes were filled with deep fear.    


He had underestimated Ye Zhi for the first time. But this time, he had used seventy to eighty percent of his strength. With his high Unforgetful Stage cultivation base, his opponent was able to easily force him back.    


Even if they were both high Unforgetful Stage experts, it would be very difficult for them to do this.    


A wave of emotions arose in Heaven Breaker's heart, and he wore an unsightly expression.    


Looking at Ye Zhi's calm and clear face, an ominous feeling rose in his heart.    


"Like I said, I have nothing to do with the Mo family." Ye Zhi stared at the sky coldly.    


"You still don't believe me?"    


Heaven Breaker stared at Ye Zhi like a poisonous snake with a cold glint in his eyes. He gritted his teeth with a cold expression. "I'm more and more sure that you have something to do with my family."    


"I don't believe that I will fall on you."    




As soon as he finished speaking, the brutal aura in his entire body rose explosively once more. Strands of silver aura spread through the sky like blades, and it wreaked havoc in space until it warped endlessly.    


"Heaven Breaking Wolf."    




Heaven Breaking's body froze. With a roar, the sound was like the howl of a wolf, shaking the heavens and earth.    


Under this howl, the martial artists below all vomited blood, their faces dispirited.    


Peng! Peng!    


At this time, Heaven Breaker's body underwent a mutation.    


"Silver Wolf?"    


Ye Zhi's eyes narrowed slightly as he looked at the other party in surprise.    


At this moment, Heaven Breaker's body trembled. His face was ferocious. His clothes were torn and his silver hair came out of his body like steel needles and covered his entire body in an instant.    


At this moment, there was a change in his hands and feet. His thick fur was glowing with a sharp light.    




A brutal aura jumped up, and another wolf howl echoed in the endless wilderness.    




At this time, the sky was broken. Apart from his appearance, his entire body was covered by the fur of a wolf.    


Heaven Breaker's eyes were suffused with a fierce glow. He grinned, and his gloomy and cold voice was extremely hoarse. "Even if he isn't at the peak, he still won't be able to withstand five moves."    




As soon as he finished speaking, he used the force of the silver energy to crush the void. He held up a shadow and opened his hand to sweep at Ye Zhi. His two claws swept up a dense wave of claw shadows, as if they were going to tear Ye Zhi into pieces.    


In the face of the mutated Silver Wolf, apart from the shock on the surface, Ye Zhi didn't seem to have changed much.    


The Silver Wolf was very fast, almost reaching the Peak of Unforgetful Stage realm. It arrived in front of Ye Zhi in an instant.    




The Silver Wolf roared.    


Its sharp claws carried a tearing force as they covered the sky.    


Crack! Crack!    


A large area of space collapsed like a mirror under the claws.    




The distance between the two was only a few feet. Ye Zhi took a step, moved his body, and disappeared without a trace.    




The shadows of the claws interweaved, and the place where Ye Zhi originally stood instantly became distorted. Numerous cracks were torn open, and the surging current was terrifying and ferocious.    


The Silver Wolf's pupils constricted, and its reaction was very quick. The shadows of the claws rose once more.    


The sky was filled with afterimages, and the powerful wind crushed the sky into pieces.    


The scattered force landed on the valley. The mountain rocks collapsed and were buried in the energy. In an instant, more than half of the towering mountain peak was cut off.    


The martial artists below looked at the battle in the sky in astonishment.    


Whether it was the people from the Mo Family or Heaven Breaker's subordinates, they didn't dare believe that this fellow actually had such strength.    


The group of Clear Mind Stage warriors were shocked by the intensity of the battle, but they couldn't see which side had the advantage.    


Although the Silver Wolf was powerful, it did not even touch the corner of Ye Zhi's clothes.    


Ye Zhi didn't attack. He just dodged, but his face was relaxed. However, the Silver Wolf became more and more terrified as it fought, and a wisp of deep fear appeared in its eyes.    


He'd transformed into a Silver Wolf, and no matter if it was his strength or speed, his reaction had risen explosively by several times, yet he wasn't even able to touch Ye Zhi's clothes.    


What kind of background did this guy have?    


Where did Wei Feng find such a terrifying person?    


"Heaven Breaking Wolf, change."    


In an instant, the Silver Wolf suddenly stabilized its body. Its face was ferocious as it roared endlessly.     2




Black Qi surged, and its body suddenly swelled up. Behind it, spiritual energy surged and condensed into an afterimage of the Silver Wolf. Its wolf head was ferocious, and its wolf eyes were densely covered in a fierce light. It roared towards the sky, and its voice shook the heavens.    




The void collapsed. The Silver Wolf leapt up like a barbarian, shattering the void. The afterimage of the Silver Wolf behind it appeared in front of Ye Zhi. It opened its mouth wide and released a brutal force, blasting towards Ye Zhi.    


"Oh my god, where did that man come from? He forced Boss to use his ultimate move?"    


The Silver Wolf's subordinate was stunned.    


Seeing the sudden attack of the Silver Wolf, Ye Zhi quickly retreated. The Cloud Piercing Bow appeared in his hand.    


As soon as the Cloud Piercing Bow appeared, ripples appeared in the void.    


Ye Zhi narrowed his eyes and pulled the bow.    




A powerful destructive force condensed on the bow, and a dark arrow appeared between Ye Zhi's fingers.    


In his field of vision, the shadow of the wolf kept expanding.    




The bowstring moved, and dark arrows burst out. In an instant, it created a storm that covered the sky. Wherever it went, the void shattered, revealing a crack.    


It was like a terrifying torrent that flew out.    




The arrow collided with the medicinal Silver Wolf. In an instant, an explosion shook the heavens and the earth. The dark energy instantly suppressed the other party's strength.    




Following a series of wails, in the next second, the wolf shadow fell into a state of collapse. However, the momentum of the torrent did not change as it filled the sky and bombarded the wolf's body.    




A miserable cry caused Heaven Breaker's subordinate's heart to tighten. Then, he saw a figure descending from the sky and landing on the mountain.    


The messy mountain valley was completely silent. When everyone saw this scene, their minds went blank.    


It was even to the extent that under the circumstances that Heaven Breaker's subordinates were lax in their defense, the members of the Zuo family didn't dare act rashly.    


Ye Zhi slowly put away the Cloud Piercing Bow and stared coldly at the place where Heaven Breaker fell.    




Rocks flew everywhere. A figure slowly stood up. His entire body was covered in scars. He looked very miserable.    


At this time, Heaven Breaker had already withdrawn from his mutated state. There was a deep arrow wound on his chest, and fresh blood flowed in all directions.    




Heaven Breaker coughed weakly. His face was distorted, and there was a look of shock in his eyes.    


He slowly raised his head and looked at the cold face of Ye Zhi. His body shook, and his face was as white as a sheet of paper.    


Ye Zhi took a step forward and appeared not far from Heaven Breaker.    


Heaven Breaker's pupils contracted. He kept retreating with a face full of fear.    


At this moment, in his mind, he only had a deep fear of Ye Zhi. A high Unforgetful Stage cultivation base was as simple as a drizzle in Ye Zhi's eyes.    


His opponent had easily defeated him. Even his clothes showed no signs of being damaged, and his spiritual energy wasn't depleted at all.    


"Who are you?"    


At this moment, he suddenly remembered what Ye Zhi had said. Could it be that he really wasn't a member of the Wei Family?    


Based on the unfathomable strength of the other party, what ability did Mo Feng have to invite him to do something?    


Thinking up to this point, Heaven Breaker's expression stiffened, and a trace of bitterness appeared in his eyes.    


"I'm not from the Mo Clan." Ye Zhi stared at Heaven Breaker with an indifferent expression.    


Heaven Breaker's body trembled even more violently. At this moment, he finally believed it.    


Who could he blame for stopping him and not letting him go in the end?    


"Tell me about the matters of the Mo family."    


Ye Zhi took a deep breath and said calmly.    


Potian looked at Ye Zhi with respect. He gritted his teeth. "Wujia is a major power in the Nine Heavens City, a self-proclaimed lord."    


"On the edge of the city, there is a Stone Vein controlled by my family. I have offended them, and I was chased to this place. Later on, when I reached the Unforgetful Stage realm, I wanted to take revenge."    


"I accidentally found out where the Stone Vein of the Zuo family was located, so I went there and wanted to take it for myself."    


"However, the Zuo family set up a formation outside, so I couldn't enter no matter what. I had no choice but to seal off the surroundings so that the medicinal Spirit Stones wouldn't be able to be transported out. I would wait for the people from the Zuo family to come over, and then I would obtain the method to break the formation from them."    


Heaven Breaker clenched his teeth and said with a trembling voice.    


"Stone Vein?"    


Ye Zhi narrowed his eyes and a trace of surprise appeared in his eyes.    


If the Zuo family dared to plot against me and didn't help you get something, wouldn't it be too easy for them?    


Ye Zhi's lips curled up as he looked at Heaven Breaker and smiled. "If I'm not wrong, you should have fallen for their trick."    


"Did you fall for it?" Heaven Breaker was stunned. He looked at Ye Zhi in surprise.    


"Three days ago, I arrived in Nine Heavens City and used the teleportation point of my house. At that time, you should have received the news."    


"It can't be, right?"    


Heaven Breaker turned pale with fright. He had never thought that Wufeng would be able to play such a trick.    


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