Young Martial God

C203 Mysterious

C203 Mysterious

3His body was being tortured like hell, but under the pain, Ye Zhi became very calm, and his mind flew away.    


"Tyrant Fist, these 36 basic moves seem to be just to temper my body, but I keep feeling that it's not that simple."    


"The Tyrant Body is so terrifying. The 36 basic moves of the Fist Skill can be used as the foundation. I'm afraid that there are some hidden secrets behind it."    


A light flashed in Ye Zhi's heart, and he couldn't help but place all his attention on the 36 basic Fist Skill techniques. He used his fists one after another, and he seriously sensed the differences within them.    


The Black Tiger Mountain was like a blade, and the ground was littered with broken stones. There was a faint light flickering in the darkness.    


A violent aura covered the sky, and the clouds rolled. It was as if an invisible hand had reached into it.    


The air was distorted, and the rocks that shot into the sky were like red dragons that shot up dozens of feet into the sky. Then, they scattered all over the mountain, making crackling sounds.    


The terrifying high temperature and the invisible energy sealed off the sky and the earth, and a suffocating power emanated from them.    


Sou! Sou!    


Suddenly, several air currents whistled past, and over ten black shadows swooped down from the distant horizon, approaching Black Tiger Mountain. They descended rapidly, and as if they were flying, they instantly arrived at the peak of Black Tiger Mountain.    


Each of the ten people in the group was filled with an extremely violent murderous aura. The person in the lead had a face full of beard and a rough face. His brows revealed an extremely cold aura. His eyes were like that of a poisonous snake.    


The murderous aura on the man's body had already become extremely dense to a terrifying extent. It was even to the extent that one could see a murderous aura burst out from his body and wreak havoc in the sky in the distance.    


The eyes of the man flickered coldly from time to time. They were as sharp as blades, brutal and ferocious. It seemed like it wasn't a person, but a ferocious beast.    


If the people of Green Region were here, they would be scared to death when they saw them.    


The leading man was actually the first one to receive three strikes from the Bad Guy Ranking.    


After receiving three attacks, his cultivation base had already reached the Early Clear Mind Stage realm, and his strength was equivalent to the Mid Clear Mind Stage realm. He had once killed a Middle Rank of Clear Heart Stage warrior within three strikes, which made him famous for receiving three strikes.    


Countless warriors had died under his hands, and his fierce reputation had spread far and wide in Green Region. When everyone heard of him, their expressions changed.    


The nine people behind him were Ji Bai, who was ranked second in the Bad Guy Ranking. He was called the White-Faced Devil, and his strength was at the early Clear Mind Stage realm.    


Third in the Bad Guy Ranking was Shen Hou.    


The fifth in the Bad Guy Ranking was Jin Xue.    


Bad Guy Ranking number eight, Arrow Warrior.    




The top ten of the Bad Guy Rankings, except for those who were killed by Ye Zhi, were all here.    


The ten of them stood at the peak of the mountain. A faint spiritual light appeared, and strands of murderous aura gathered, driving away the high temperature in this area. Only the ruthless murderous aura remained.    


"The top ten of the Dragon Elephant Ranking are all in this volcano. Tsk tsk, my blood is boiling."    


Receiving three moves, he stared at the lava that was gushing out in front of him. His eyes were as wide as copper bells, and they emitted an intense baleful aura.    


Accompanied by a sound, the baleful aura that surged around him seemed to have been twisted into a ball by a giant hand. It suddenly exploded, causing ripples to appear in the air.    


"The top ten martial artists on the Dragon Elephant List. Hehe, they are the most outstanding geniuses in Green Region. Their blood and qi must be extraordinary."    


Ji Bai, who was ranked second on the Bad Guy Ranking List, had fair skin and a thin body. He looked like a weak scholar. But just as he said it, it made people feel horrified, as if they had fallen into an abyss.    


The expression on his face was even more horrifying. His fair skin seemed to have been piled up, and when he smiled, it was extremely hideous. His protruding cheekbones became even more terrifying.    


"That Yu Feng ranked third is mine."    


The fifth Bad Guy Ranking, Jin Xue's eyes revealed a shocking bloody light as she said through gritted teeth.    


"Just you? I'm afraid you're not a match for that guy. Last time, someone was almost beaten to the ground." Shen Hou, who was ranked third in the Bad Guy Ranking, glanced at Jin Xue mockingly and sneered without end.    


"Shen Hou, what do you mean by that? Don't think that I'm afraid of you." Jin Xue was furious, and her entire body was filled with a murderous aura. An intense bloody smell was emitted from his body, and it was like a sharp blade was pressing down on Shen Hou.    


Shen Hou's expression did not change, as if he did not hear Jin Xue's oppressive aura.    


"Who are you trying to scare with this? If you want to die, I can fulfill your wish. " Just nice to warm up. "    


Shen Hou snorted coldly. His eyes were filled with killing intent as he looked at Jin Xue with ridicule and contempt.    


"You actually..."    


Jin Xue's entire body trembled. Her face was livid and she was burning with rage. He stared at Shen Hou but restrained his impulse.    


Shen Hou was ranked third in the Bad Guy Ranking. Although they were both Simulate Clear Heart Stage warriors, his opponent's strength was clearly stronger.    


"All of you shut up. We haven't even started the war yet, but our own people are already in chaos. Aren't you afraid of being laughed at by others?"    


After receiving three moves, he suddenly turned around and stared at the two of them.    


Jin Xue and Shen Hou's hearts trembled, and they didn't dare to make any more noise.    


Receiving the three moves' intimidation immediately took effect.    


"Crazy Young Master, who is ranked first on the Dragon Elephant List, is my dish. The rest of you can discuss about the points."    


After receiving the three moves, he coldly glanced at everyone. Then he smiled coldly and said, "If we can wipe out the top ten martial artists on the Dragon Elephant List, then our reputation will spread far and wide."    


"Moreover, their net worth is not simple."    


Saying thus, he greedily licked his lips.    


"Yeh Nan, who is ranked second, is my dish." Ji Bai's face wriggled like a worm. It was nauseating.    


"Woof, woof, it's mine. Don't fight for it. Otherwise, I won't be polite."    


"Let me deal with Yu Feng."    




Listening to the people behind them dividing up the top ten warriors of the Dragon Elephant Ranking one by one, they laughed sinisterly after receiving three moves. Then, they spread out their bodies and rushed towards the biggest crater like a wild goose.    


"Whoever finds that thing first will get it."    


Shen Hou glanced at Jin Xue mockingly. Then, he smiled coldly and followed closely behind Jin Xue after receiving three moves. Then, he also rushed into the volcano crater.    


"Just you wait."    


Jin Xue's eyes were fierce, and a hint of fear appeared in her eyes. Then, she activated her spiritual power to protect herself and rushed into the volcano.    


The remaining people all released terrifying murderous auras and entered the volcanoes one by one.    


For a time, the murderous aura spread and splashed all over the sky.    




"Yo, it's actually a fire pearl."    


Lang Ye blasted open a piece of lava and an egg-sized bright red pearl rolled out from within, causing him to widen his eyes. He inhaled a mouthful of air and his eyes became extremely fervent.    


A fire pearl could only be formed in places with abundant fire elemental spiritual energy for a hundred years, and it contained pure fire elemental spiritual energy.    


Fire beads were extremely beneficial to some fire-related spirit fire martial artists. They could usually be sold at the price of over a thousand middle-grade medicinal Spirit Stones.    


"Fire beads, there should be more here."    


Lang Ye kept the fire beads and licked his lips. He supported his spirit energy to protect himself as he carefully walked around the edge of the rock flow.    




Not long after, Lang Ye found another one, and he was grinning from ear to ear as he muttered, "I'm rich, I'm rich, I'm rich this time."    


Although he was a genius on the Dragon Elephant Ranking and his family background was not bad, over a thousand intermediate Spirit Stones was not a small temptation. After all, not everyone was as wealthy as Ye Zhi.    




The magma in front of him exploded, and a strand of scarlet red rock shot towards Lang Ye like an arrow.    


His expression changed drastically as he retreated. At the same time, he raised his hand and formed a thick mountain peak to meet the rock stream.    




The stream of rock instantly exploded, turning into pieces of stone that splashed outwards. However, Lang Ye's expression became extremely ugly.    


"Haha, Lang Ye, ranked tenth on the Dragon Elephant List, Although your strength is too weak, it is as if it is of little value. It is a pity that I met you. Consider yourself unlucky. Perhaps I can give you a quick death. "    


The cold and gloomy laughter was like a gust of astral wind that blew past, and it actually caused Lang Ye to feel cold from the depths of the scorching lava Stone Vein, causing his hair to stand on end while a feeling of terror surged into his heart.    


His eyes widened as he stared at Shun Yan who had suddenly appeared. That intense murderous aura made him swallow his saliva heavily. His face was pale as he said with a trembling voice, "The Bad Guy Ranking is ranked sixth. Shun Yan, it's actually you."    


"Yo, I didn't expect you to know me. That's easy."    


Shun Yan was dressed in black clothes. A thick black aura surged all over his body, blocking the erosion of the rock current's energy. He smiled malevolently and looked at Lang Ye as if he was looking at a treasure.    


"Just accept your death."    


A cold voice sounded. His body was like a ghost, and he floated towards Lang Ye with ease. His speed was very fast, and he instantly closed in on Lang Ye.    


"The Bad Guy Ranking is extending, why is he here..."    


Lang Ye was terrified. Seeing Shun Yan attack, he gritted his teeth, and with determination in his eyes, he used all of his spiritual power to charge forward.    




The sound of intense collisions resounded through the ground, and the scattered energy in the surroundings stirred up a torrent of rocks that filled the sky.    


After touching for a moment, the intense battle finally came to an end. At the same time, a mournful wail resounded.    




Bang! Bang!    


In a certain area within the thick and viscous lava pool, lava was constantly exploding and splattering in all directions. A frightening force was like a sharp sword as it scattered in all directions, causing the surrounding flowing lava to roll up and down.    


Amidst the crimson red glow, a wisp of a human figure stopped and executed Fist Skill after Fist Skill with each fist. Every single fist was simple and crude, yet it contained an indescribable profundity.    


"Dammit! Where is this?"    


Ye Zhi felt inexplicably irritated in his heart.    


He kept using the Fist Skill one after another. He almost touched the edge. He even had a vague feeling that he was not far from the true Tyrant Fist, but he could not cross the threshold no matter how hard he tried.    




Suddenly, a sound came from the distance. It stirred up a strong wave and rushed towards him.    


Ye Zhi's expression changed. He retracted his fist in an instant. He looked at the source of the sound alertly.    


His mind moved slightly. A powerful force surged out of his body and forcefully pushed the rock flow away. A layer of spirit energy protection was propped up by him. At the same time, his black clothes covered his body.    




A sharp cracking sound came out from the rock current, shaking one's mind.    


Ye Zhi's pupils constricted. In his field of vision, a ray of light passed through the stream of rocks, which was filled with a strong blood light. Around the blood light, streams of rocks started to crack at the edge of the stream, and forcefully opened up a passage.    


"What a powerful Qi and blood, but the murderous aura is even stronger. Who is it?"     4


Ye Zhi's heart trembled, and his brows furrowed tightly. This person was obviously not a warrior on the Dragon Elephant List. Could it be that there were other martial artists here?    


In particular, there was a familiar aura coming from this person's body. This aura was the same as the aura coming from the Bad Guy Valley's Ben Li. It was the accumulation of a murderous aura after killing countless people.    


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