Starts With A Full Level System

C4 Can I Finally Unlock the Cultivation Technique?

C4 Can I Finally Unlock the Cultivation Technique?

0"Congratulations to the masters for killing an Early Stage Fusion Stage cultivator - King Mountain, experience gained: 1000, automatically converted to legendary experience for the masters. Points gained: 10. "    


"Congratulations to the masters for killing an Early Stage Fusion Stage cultivator - Iron Crusher, EXP gained: 1750, automatically converted to Legendary EXP for the masters. Congratulations to the masters for killing an Early Stage Fusion Stage cultivator - Iron Crusher, EXP gained: 1750, automatically converted to Legendary EXP for the masters. [Acquired Points: 17]"    


"Congratulations to the masters for killing an Early Fusion Stage cultivator - Heavenly Orchid. EXP gained: 1,400, automatically converted to Legendary EXP for the masters. Congratulations to the masters for killing an Early Fusion Stage cultivator - Heavenly Orchid. EXP gained: 1,400, automatically converted to Legendary EXP for the masters. Obtained Points: 14 Congratulation to the masters for killing the Early Fusion Stage cultivator - Tian Lan. Obtained EXP: 1400, automatically converted to Legendary EXP for the masters."    


... ""    


A string of system notifications suddenly sounded in Van Hui's mind, and only then did Van Hui react. All the Immortal Cultivators and mutated beast that he killed in this world would eventually be converted into his own experience points. Furthermore, he would be given some additional points.    


After eliminating all the Fusion Stage cultivators in a row, Van Hui's legendary experience had actually reached 7,500!    


The number of points that could be used to purchase items in the System Merchant Shop had also reached 70.    


"Not bad, not to mention that small amount of points, but with so much experience, it should be enough for me to unlock a skill!"    


Looking at the number of legendary experience points in his System Interface, Van Hui could not help but nod his head happily.    


But suddenly looking at his experience bar, it showed 1 trillion / 1 trillion. Van Hui felt that something was not right.    


Compared to 1 trillion experience points, his 7500 experience points seemed insignificant.    


Could he really unlock a skill?    


He hurriedly looked at the frozen skill sections. When Van Hui obtained the legendary experience points, the frozen skill sections were also filled with question marks.    




Could it be that there was an explanation for these thawing skills?    


The curious Van Hui slowly clicked on these question marks, but these question marks were all explaining to Van Hui without exception. To thaw these skills that he had learned, it actually required 1000 legendary experience points. Only then would he be able to obtain 0.1% of the unlocking progress!    


And once there was unsealing progress, those frozen skills would recover a certain amount of effect.    


However, those techniques would also be able to use the unlocking progress. At most, they would only be able to unleash the maximum amount of power that they were supposed to unleash.    


In other words, if Van Hui wanted to completely unseal the cultivation technique, he would need at least one million legendary experience points!    


However, once Van Hui used up these legendary experiences and prepared to unseal the skills he learned, he would gradually start to grasp the functions and effects of these skills.    




"Isn't this a scam? Even with so many fusion tools, they only gave me 7,500 Legend experience points, If I want to completely unlock a technique, it will cost me 1,000,000 Legendary EXP. Isn't this forcing me to kill those high-level cultivators?    


However, with my Great Completion Stage cultivation base, how am I supposed to deal with those high level opponents?    


As a dignified Great Completion Stage expert, if I can only use the power of the cultivation technique I can use, isn't this just a joke?    


It's impossible for me to continuously farm those Integration Stage cultivators, right? However, for no reason and no reason at all, I have to kill indiscriminately. Then, what's the difference between me and these cultivators who don't deserve to be human cultivators?    


Moreover, I don't know how many Integration Stage cultivators I will have to kill..."    


Looking at the main page of his system, Van Hui couldn't help but express his anger when he saw the notifications of these frozen cultivation techniques being unfrozen.    


This was going to take Van Hui's life!    


One million legendary experience points, this wasn't just a saying. Furthermore, this was a cultivation technique that could only be unlocked by Van Hui!    


Van Hui suddenly had the desire to go to his system's shopping center and learn a new spell.    


But if he didn't unlock the progress bar for a spell, then the feedback wouldn't be able to enter the system's shopping center.    


Moreover, with the spells that Van Hui could buy with these points, perhaps in the end his strength wouldn't be able to compare to it. Van Hui relied on his legendary experience to unlock those powerful skills.    


After all, the skills that Van Hui had frozen were only completed when he was at the Great Completion Stage.    


However, if he were to rely on his pitiful points to learn a new skill now, the power of the skill might be greatly reduced. At that time, Van Hui would still need to consume more legendary experience points and convert them into essence. He would have to increase the realm of those newly learned magic techniques!    


Thinking about it carefully, it seemed to be even more of a loss!    


After a moment of helplessness, Van Hui finally decided to first thaw all the frozen cultivation techniques he had learned.    


"Inner force can only be learned in one category at the same time. At the same time, inner force is also the most fundamental foundation for every cultivator to release magic.    


Leave 1000 experience points to unseal another outer force cultivation technique. As for the other 6500 experience points, let's temporarily unseal this inner force cultivation technique of mine!"    


After carefully calculating his own experience points and those frozen cultivation skills, Van Hui finally made this arrangement.    


He only saw the few skills that Van Hui was currently learning, the inner force skill was the Grand Desolate Universe Spell. The system's explanation was:    


An internal force cultivation technique that came from the ancient wilderness, jointly developed by the gods. It could strengthen the perception of all information in the outside world, and it could also facilitate the cultivator's ability to attract and control the aura of the outside world.    


If cultivated to perfection, it could overturn the universe and reverse the world!    


"Phew, is this inner force technique really domineering!?"    


He did not expect that the inner force skill he had learned would have such a great background. While sighing, Van Hui did not hesitate to inject 6,500 legendary experience points into it.    


As for the remaining three outer force skills, due to the consumption of the legendary experience points, the lowest value of the frozen skills was 1000. Therefore, Van Hui could only choose one out of three difficult skills.    


Dragon God Nine Son Spell: A powerful spell derived from the essence of the legendary Dragon God in Grand Desolate. It was a total of nine legendary elements that could be used through the Sacred Dragon's Divine Might, including wind, fire, water and lightning.    


They were mutually reinforcing and countering each other, causing one to fall from the sky and fall to the ground!    


Four Directional Beast Town: A powerful formation derived from the essence information left behind by the legendary Four Divine Beast of the Grand Desolate by the gods.    


It can allow one to obtain the divine power of the Four Divine Beast in a short period of time!    


White Tiger: The most extreme and crazy lightning! A cruel and swift predator.    


Azure Dragon: A legendary creature that flies in the sky! A mighty guardian of all things.    


Black Tortoise: The absolute iron wall! The firm and absolute protector.    


Vermilion Bird: The Burning of Ultimate Flames! A savage attacker.    


Yin Yang Five Elemental Formula: A powerful spell derived from the legendary chaotic Yin and Yang aura of Grand Desolate by the gods.    


Cultivators can use the five basic elements of metal, wood, water, fire and earth skillfully to make their spiritual energy reach a state of mutual augmentation and suppression. Combining and deriving, adjusting Yin and Yang, and turning the world around!    


- - Looking at his three frozen external techniques, Van Hui began to hesitate.    


"These spells look very fierce. Which one should I choose?"    


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