Starts With A Full Level System

C106 And It Was Still the System Yes

C106 And It Was Still the System Yes

3"Is that really okay?"     1


Van Hui explained his method to the surrounding people in detail, but the surrounding people were still hesitant about it.    


It was too risky to hand over the task of merging the two divine trees to Van Hui, a junior.    


Enforcer Soong thought for a while and finally decided.    


"Everyone, listen to me. The ring on Mr Van Hui's finger is not an ordinary item. Everyone has sensed the powerful and vigorous Chaos Qi in it just now. This is something that none of us can compare with!    


Moreover, this kind of Chaos Qi is able to attract the Qi of the two divine trees. This is a height that we can't reach even if we work together!    


Perhaps, Mr Van Hui can indeed be compared to the rest of us! As for Mr Van Hui's own strength...    


Everyone had seen it before in the Land of the Divine Tree of Life. Mr Van Hui had relied on his own strength to beat Ruo Yu until she was in an extremely miserable state! This was the display of Mr Van Hui's strength!    


This kind of critical situation was targeted at everyone. If there was no way to resolve the dispute between Hun Hun and the Handan... All of us will suffer a devastating blow. Even though Mr Van Hui's background is mysterious... There is no reason for him to cause trouble!    


Therefore, we might as well... let Mr Van Hui give it a try. We just need to protect Mr Van Hui properly!    


Right now, we should all be united, and not be suspicious of each other!"    


What a wonderful explanation!    


Enforcer Soong's explanation was straightforward and straightforward, and it made everyone present have no reason to refute him!    


That's right. Why didn't he believe him just because Van Hui was too young? As the saying goes, a young man has a hero. It was precisely because of a young man like Van Hui that there were more and more heroes in the world!    


After pondering for a moment, everyone finally understood!    


They would trust Van Hui!    


They looked at Van Hui and saw that their eyes were filled with determination!    


Everyone was filled with confidence again.    


A team that was full of confidence was difficult to defeat!    


"Then everyone, I'll go and draw the power of those two divine trees!"    


Van Hui looked at the two divine trees in the distance and said excitedly.    


A majestic spiritual energy was emitted from everyone's bodies. A huge embryonic form of a shield was actually formed.    


"Do your best!"    


Everyone replied to Van Hui with determination. After which, they spread it around Van Hui in an orderly manner. An indestructible aura was shockingly displayed!    




In the distance, the Handan and mixed soul that had been staring at each other finally unleashed their own power. Following a furious roar that resounded across the world, the Handan and Hun Hun's figures began to distort. The space continued to collapse as waves of powerful energy continuously surged outwards.    


The entire Chaotic Ocean began to shake. Van Hui glanced at the Ring of Chaos in his hand and knew that there wasn't much time left for them.    


Circulating his spiritual Qi, Van Hui went straight to the center of the protective shield created by the surrounding people, and started to draw the power of the Divine Tree of Chaos and the Divine Tree of Order.    




Van Hui originally thought that he could easily draw the essence of the two divine trees with the Ring of Chaos in his hand. However, when Van Hui started to operate the Ring of Chaos, he encountered a lot of trouble.    


The energy coming from the Chaotic Divine Tree was too violent. Even if Van Hui was a Great Completion Stage, it would still be difficult to see its effect.    


The energy coming from the Divine Tree of Order was too calm. No matter how hard Van Hui tried, it would be difficult to control it.    


"Are you playing with me on purpose?"    


Van Hui could not help but curse. Why was it that it was difficult to control the energy of the two divine trees even with the Ring of Chaos?    


Could it be that the system didn't consider Van Hui's own strength when it was searching for this method?    


However, Van Hui had already said all his big words. If he really couldn't complete the task that everyone had entrusted him with, wouldn't he be mocked, dissatisfied, and complained?    


Helpless, after Van Hui made some more effort, he could only seek help from his own system here.    


"Big brother! You are the big brother now! Help me! Why can't I draw the power of the Tree of Chaos and the Tree of Order at all? "    


Van Hui lowered his voice and asked for help, but the system answered slowly.    


"Master is not strong enough, so he can't use all the energy of the Ring of Chaos. That is why Master is in a difficult situation.    


Master can spend one million points to buy the automatic control function of the system. At that time, the system will take over the control of the Ring of Chaos for Master and let the system use all the power of the Ring of Chaos for Master.    


Master, are you sure you want to pay for the points? "    


Good heavens!    


It turned out that when the system was searching for a solution, it did not consider Van Hui's own strength at all.    


When he heard his own system's reply, Van Hui's face turned black.    


As expected of a profiteer, this system was always thinking of scamming money.    


A million points!    


Van Hui only had about 1.5 million points now. If he used one million points here, then later on, Van Hui would have to be careful and meticulous, and it would be difficult for him to take a step forward.    




If he did not pay this 1 million points...    


Van Hui was unable to unleash the full strength of the Ring of Chaos. If he was unable to unleash the full strength of the Ring of Chaos... Van Hui wouldn't be able to successfully fuse the power of the Chaotic Divine Tree and the Divine Tree of Order!    


Once the power of the Divine Tree of Chaos and the Divine Tree of Order couldn't be combined successfully, everyone would lose the way to repel the Handan and the mixed soul.    


At that time, the world would be destroyed, and people would be in deep trouble.    


All of this seemed to be more serious than Van Hui's loss of a million points!    


It seemed like Van Hui didn't need to spend this one million points.    


This system was really fraudulent!    


" Sigh!"    


In the end, Van Hui helplessly sighed. He still decided to spend this million points.    


Just take it that it was for the sake of this world!    


Very quickly, the System's cheap voice sounded.    


"Confirming that Master has consumed 1 million points, Master's remaining points are: 529000. Confirming that Master has consumed 1 million points, Master's remaining points are: 529000.    


Next, the System will automatically help Master control the Ring of Chaos. Master, please stay where you are and do not act recklessly until the System substituting mission is completed! "    


There was a strange aura surrounding Van Hui. Van Hui felt that the Ring of Chaos in his hand seemed to have slowly cut off its connection with him.    


Following which, the two divine trees in the distance suddenly charged towards Van Hui!    


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