Starts With A Full Level System

C82 Transfer

C82 Transfer

4"Don't be in such a hurry to leave. Come and have fun with me!"    


Van Hui slowly came to the front of the group of cultivators. He couldn't help but laugh at the group of cultivators who had lost their will to fight.    


In Van Hui's hand, the Yin and Yang Qi of the Ring of Chaos was separated from the group of cultivators, isolating them from the Qi inside their bodies.    


It could be said that the group of cultivators Van Hui was facing had become ordinary people without any spells!    


It was all thanks to these cultivators who had lost their fighting spirit first, allowing Van Hui to take advantage of the opportunity to attack!    


The cultivators who had wanted to escape and were unwilling to fight became even more terrified after realizing that their spiritual energy had lost contact with each other.    


They stared blankly at Van Hui, who was constantly approaching them. Those cultivators finally gave up resisting and closed their eyes, waiting for death to arrive.    


This time, they had really encountered an iron board.    


It could only be said that his destiny had come to an end!    


As for Van Hui, he didn't let down the expectations of this group of cultivators. A bolt of lightning accumulated in his hand, and a buzzing sound of thunder could be heard.    


Balls of brilliant blood fog exploded once again.    


The entire Chaotic Ocean roared because of this!    


Wuu ~    




"Congratulations to master for killing 31 to 12 Transcendency Stage and Divinity Stage warriors. Received experience: 1340,000, automatically converted to legendary experience for master. Received points: 13,400."    




In the fog, Van Hui and the people from the Tiance Sect were shuttling back and forth.    


There was no longer any reason for them to stay in the Chaotic Ocean.    


The devil dragon had already left, and all the opportunities in the ___ had been robbed by Van Hui and the others.    


After Van Hui, Soong Qi, Yang Yilan, and the others had a discussion, they decided to go to other places that might have great opportunities to take a look.    


Perhaps there were other Devil Clan in this sacred land, and they had to eliminate all of them.    


Soong Qi, Yang Yilan and the others had come to this holy land. Since then, it could be said that Van Hui had been obtaining opportunities. There weren't many opportunities that fell into the hands of the people of Tiance Sect.    


Therefore, since Van Hui had accidentally obtained the recognition of the devil dragon, he would have to protect the people of Tiance Sect to obtain other opportunities.    


Since the people from the Tiance Sect had gone to the Chaotic Ocean before, they would definitely leave behind some of their auras.    


The awakening of the devil dragon would not only attract the Blood River Sect and Time Wheel Palace.    


Perhaps, more and more powerful cultivators would take the initiative to look for the people from the Tiance Sect.    


Van Hui had to protect them well for this reason.    


After all, when Van Hui obtained all kinds of opportunities, the people of Tiance Sect would never leave him!    


Although the people of Tiance Sect didn't help much, the people of Tiance Sect couldn't help Van Hui in a battle of this level.    


"We should be arriving at the valley marked on the map. If the information is correct... There should be a towering tree in that valley that gathered a myriad of Spiritual Qi. Perhaps we will be able to encounter some opportunities there.    


Let's talk about this first. You are not allowed to snatch any opportunities from us after this. Otherwise, wouldn't it be a loss if we did not obtain anything after coming to this Sacred Ground?"    


In the dense forest, the people from the Tiance Sect were advancing. Soong Qi opened the map with both hands and discussed with Van Hui who was beside her.    


Van Hui just kept nodding and smiling. However, he still had some yearning for the towering tree described by Soong Qi.    


What kind of scenery would that be?    


He hoped that there wouldn't be any more accidents!    


But the opportunities there...    


Uh... He would definitely not take them all.    


Otherwise, even if Soong Qi and Yang Yilan did not think that anything would happen, the other disciples of the Tiance Sect would also have some complaints!    




After travelling along a dense forest for a long time, Van Hui and the rest were finally closer to the valley marked on the map in Soong Qi's hands.    


However, along the way, there was originally a dense forest with lush branches and leaves, but there was not a trace of life aura.    


There were no pedestrians or animals that lived here.    


Even though this was a holy land, not the world that everyone lived in.    


But this was too strange!    


This place gave Van Hui a very bad impression. The dense forest was like a bloody mouth, waiting for the prey to take the bait.    


"Warning! Warning! Detecting abnormal life energy fluctuations around the owner! Master, please take precautions! "    


The surrounding environment was terrifyingly quiet. Other than the continuous footsteps of the crowd, Van Hui's system suddenly issued a notice to Van Hui. This caused the slightly tensed Divine Level Van Hui to be startled.    


"An abnormal life energy fluctuation? What the hell?"    


Van Hui was more or less confused by the content of the system prompt.    


What exactly did it mean?    


"What's wrong?"    


It seemed like Soong Qi and Yang Yilan had also noticed Van Hui's unusual behavior. This was the reason why they ordered the people of Tiance Sect to stop in their tracks. Then, they turned around and asked Van Hui.    


"I... I can feel an unusual life force around me!"    


Van Hui did not know how he should answer Soong Qi and Yang Yilan. He could only tell them the system prompt.    


Just like Van Hui, Soong Qi and Yang Yilan were also confused by Van Hui's prompt.    


"Huh? What is... an abnormal life force?"    


"How should I put it? It's... Er..."    


This question had put Van Hui in a difficult position, because the system did not give him a specific explanation. But looking at Soong Qi and Yang Yilan, who looked confused, Van Hui could not be like his own system. He could not just shut his mouth and not talk anymore, right? After hesitating for a long time, in the forest not far away, a strange sound suddenly rang through the clouds.    




"Damn, speaking of Cao Cao! Don't play like this!"    


Van Hui didn't expect the system's warning to arrive so quickly. Although he wasn't sure, he couldn't help but exclaim. After that, he and the rest of the Tiance Sect vigilantly looked into the distance.    


Wisps of smoke slowly drifted over.    


Something seemed to have happened in that place.    


"Should we go and take a look?"    


Soong Qi, who was beside him, suddenly nudged Van Hui, but Van Hui was also hesitant about it.    


After thinking for a long time, Van Hui hesitantly replied.    


"That ~ We will slowly sneak over and do not expose our presence!"    


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