Super Teacher

C3 Recruitment

C3 Recruitment

4Wang Feng couldn't think of a good way for a while, so he had to leave this place first.     4


Sitting in a restaurant, Wang Feng casually ordered a set meal. As he ate, he pondered on how to make Zhao Yulin like an ordinary girl.    


Wang Feng was never someone who was afraid of difficulties. It seemed like nothing was hard for him to fail Ye Zichen, but he had to admit that he was more of an idiot than ordinary people when it came to educating children.    


Why? He didn't have any experience!    


Fortunately, Wang Feng's learning ability was very good, so he used his phone to open the local education forum. He wanted to learn how to educate the rebellious girls, but an advertisement appeared on the forum: "Violet International School is recruiting a third year teacher and a foreign language teacher. "Requires..."    


"Violet International School?" When Wang Feng saw the school logo, he immediately thought of Zhao Yulin's school uniform. Wasn't it this school logo?    


"Haha, I got it!" Wang Feng's eyes instantly lit up, "Being able to come into contact with Zhao Yulin and at the same time be able to correct her character, is there anything more suitable than going to her school to be a teacher?"    


Wang Feng didn't even look at the job application requirements. He only wanted to immediately become a teacher at this school and then ask the principal to apply to teach Zhao Yulin's class. "Zhao Yulin, you good-for-nothing little girl, I, your brother, won't believe that I can't cure you!"    


Wang Feng was someone who could do whatever he wanted, so after lunch, he directly drove his car to the Violet International School to get ready to apply to be a teacher.    


There was a car park inside the school, but it was not open to the public, so Wang Feng parked his car outside the school and walked over.    


It was already class time, Wang Feng wanted to enter through the school's side door, but was stopped by a guard in his forties: "The school isn't a place to play. No one is allowed to enter!"    


The guard looked at Wang Feng warily, his smelly face making it seem as if Wang Feng was a bad guy.    


Wang Feng naturally wouldn't argue with a doorman, he was just acting the routine: "My name is Wang Feng, I'm here to apply for a teacher."    


"Request for the position of teacher?" The guard looked Wang Feng up and down. No matter how he looked, Wang Feng didn't seem like a teacher.    


However, the guard didn't make things difficult for Wang Feng. He was only responsible for guarding the door. Whether Wang Feng could apply for the position had nothing to do with him: "Register your ID card, let's go in!"    


"Hur hur, thank you." Wang Feng smiled as he thanked him and walked into the campus.    


Looking at the school's playground filled with vigorous boys and beautiful young girls, Wang Feng couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "It's so good to be young!"    


Although Wang Feng was only 26 years old, but ever since he was 18 years old, he had been on the battlefield abroad for 8 years.    


Seeing these students brimming with vitality, how could he not be filled with emotion?    


"Someone is about to jump off the building. Everyone, let's go over and take a look!" Wang Feng was about to go to the office building to look for the principal and the managing director when someone suddenly shouted loudly. The students who were taking physical education lessons on the sports field ran towards the laboratory building.    


The laboratory building was five stories high. A thin, bespectacled boy stood on the edge of the balcony on the top floor of the laboratory building. He could fall down at any moment.    


The ones who received the news were not only the students, but also the teachers of the school.    


Seeing that the student wanted to jump off the building, a male teacher standing below quickly shouted: "Zhao Xiaoming, don't be so excited! If there's anything you're worried about, just say it. Everyone, let's help out with it! "    


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