Strongest Guard

C798 The Tank in Heaven

C798 The Tank in Heaven

0I'm here to rescue Min Rou.    


She was still bitterly praying that I would be able to stand on the rainbow clouds and appear in front of her.    


I'm not here to protect Hu Laoer's wife, I'm going to be hunted down by Hu Laoer.    


What does Arena's life have to do with me?    


It would not be too much for a woman who had done such a bad thing.    


But — but if I don't protect her properly and let the crazy Hu Laoer kill her, then not to mention saving Min Rou, even I will suffer the reality of being hunted down by that madman all over the world.    


Was there still any logic in this world?    


Looking at the setting sun that was already setting towards the west mountain, Lee Nanfang, who was strolling on the street, felt powerless.    


He walked in front while Arena followed behind, keeping a distance of two meters between them.    


He left, she left.    


He stopped and she stopped.    


Even a fool could tell that Arena was his tail. No matter what he did, he would not resist.    


Although this woman is a bit old, she has the charm of a parent, especially her figure. Tsk tsk, your sister, this is the sexy goddess in the hearts of many men.    


Every time Lee Nanfang saw someone looking at him with such dirty eyes, he would have the urge to rush over and punch that person's nose until it was crooked: "F * ck, since you like it, then take it away, laozi will not stop you." "But you don't have that kind of courage, and yet you have this kind of lust. It's like you really deserve to be beaten up."    


What made Lee Nanfang even more depressed was that after he left the bathroom, he called Lao Xie and asked for help.    


He wanted to ask Lao Xie to contact Qin Laoqi, Jinghong Ming and the others and rush to Macau within eight hours to work together with him to resist Hu Mietang's pursuit.    


Although these three birdmen were not as fierce as they were when they were young due to such reasons, Teacher Kong had once said that these three smelly craftsmen were able to match Zhuge Liang's strength, hadn't they?    




Teacher Kong didn't say that?    


Confucius said that Zhuge Liang had not been born in the morning?    


What the heck!    


The depressed Lee Nanfang. Since Teacher Kong was the one who said this, then it must be him!    


Just like how, after he called Lao Xie for help, Lao Xie told him: "I have a fever of 39 degrees and I can't even stand up, yet you want me to go to Macau and fight that crazy Hu Laoer. Lee Nanfang, do you still have any conscience? "    


It wasn't that Lee Nanfang had no conscience, it was because Lao Xie was too shameless.    


For a strong body like Lao Xie, living in the eight hundred fresh, green, paradise, and coughing a few times within a year was enough to make the Xie family's wife worry to death.    


A fever of 39 degrees 8?    


Why don't you say eighty-nine?    


Only a person with a high fever who had yet to be combusted into a demented state could possess such an outstanding status.    


Xie Qingshang's shameless attitude made Lee Nanfang understand a cruel reality.    


That was, because Lao Xie was afraid of Hu Laoer, he did not want to be involved in this matter.    


Not only him, even Qin Laoqi and Jinghong's tenth place was the same.    


When the country needed them, these Avians would stand out without hesitation and climb mountains of blades and sea of flames. Their bodies would be wrapped in horsehide and their eyebrows would not even furrow.    


But to make them fight against Hu Mietang for such a thing — did they really think that slippers were floating in the heads of the various masters?    


Nothing could be gained from it. Only by offending people could he be a fool.    


Since Lao Xie's attitude made people want to curse, what else could Lee Nanfang do?    


He could only take Arena and stroll around the streets.    


He hoped that the sky would turn dark soon.    


He really didn't dare to leave Macau.    


The madman who killed his wife just because he said he was going to kill her had warned him.    


If Lee Nanfang really dared to escape from Macao, Hu Laoer would go to Qingshan and have a good chat with the girl surnamed Yue.    


Wu la, wu la!    


A soft siren sounded from behind him.    


Instinctively, Lee Nanfang turned around and saw several police motorcycles with the word "Police" painted on the trunk speeding over from the left side of the intersection.    


Just as they turned the corner, the policeman on the motorcycle in front picked up the microphone and started shouting, "Move to the side, move to the side!"    


Macao had always been a place that emphasized equality. Even if the police came from a powerful department and had the responsibility to protect the lives and property of the people of Macao, they still had no right to barge into the streets.    


I won't buy it, citizens.    


Hehe, do you really think that Macao is a continent?    


We are taxpayers, and we are the ones who support you. What are you going against us for?    


The cars in front were still moving normally. They were not affected by the police car in the slightest.    


This was the social status sought by the citizens of Macao.    


What happened to the police?    


I won't let you go!    


If you have the ability, why don't you come and deal with us taxpayers?    


Not afraid to be accused and lose your job.    


The Macao police were used to this extreme public demand for equality.    


If it was any other time, they would only shout, making use of the small, agile body of the motorcycle. Like a fish, they turned left and right in the middle of the traffic flow, quickly charging out of the encirclement and into another area of traffic.    


However, today, these officers did not rush into the traffic ahead in a straight line like usual. Instead, they continued to shout: "Move aside!" "The car in front, move to the side!"    


The voice that shouted sounded much more severe than before.    


The four police motorcycles had only slowed down a little, but they were still moving side by side.    


The officer's attitude had angered the cars in front. Not only did he not step aside, he even slowed down the car.    


An arrogant car owner actually dared to extend his hand and middle finger towards the policeman behind him, implying that he wanted to come, to hit me, to hurt me.    


Lee Nanfang, who stopped after seeing something interesting, saw something even more exaggerated.    


The car blocking the front of the motorcycle was a white sports car.    


The owner of the car was a young man whose hair had been dyed gray. He was driving with one hand and carrying a girl who was out of the mainstream with the other. The two of them stuck their heads out of the window to the left.    


The officer on the bicycle quickly turned the handlebar and got on the sidewalk.    


"The people of Macau are really blessed. If it was on Qingshan, who would dare to provoke the police? The bureau chief would definitely have him recite the entire Penal Code backwards within three days, making it convenient for him to defend himself during the trial. and asked the judge, on account of his better attitude of admitting his guilt, to grant him leniency. "    


Seeing several policemen being forced onto the sidewalk by taxpayers, Lee Nanfang sighed with emotion and considered coming to Macau to settle down.    


Not only were there casinos all over the place, but there were showers and centers that didn't take the police seriously — as long as you paid good taxes, didn't commit murder, and lived whatever life you wanted to live.    


"This is the heaven of my dreams."    


As soon as Lee Nanfang finished this sigh, he heard a shocking sound that made him a little dazed.    


This was the sound of a tank tread. It was only made when walking on a road.    


He was no stranger to this. He had fired a few times and fired a few times.    


"Damn, why would there be tanks on the streets of Macao?"    


Just when Lee Nanfang was wondering if there was something wrong with his hearing, a camouflaged tank turned around the corner with a rumbling sound and pointed at the cannon in the sky at a 45 degree angle, swinging up and down.    


In times of peace, not to mention Macao, which had a different political and urban status, even in the Mainland, it was not easy to find tanks on the streets.    


But in fact, Lee Nanfang was not mistaken.    


There was indeed a tank, turning left at the intersection, heading in this direction.    


"Ah, a tank?"    


Beside him, someone cried out in alarm.    


There was someone else who was actually able to call out the model of this tank. He appeared to be a war maniac: "Damn, isn't this the military's Type 99 main battle tank?" Why are you here? "    


When this new Type 99 main battle tank suddenly appeared on the streets of Macao, not only were the citizens shocked, even Lee Nanfang, who was preoccupied with his worries, thought it was very strange: "This doesn't seem like a drill. There are even bullets on the machine guns above."    


"Move aside, all of you move aside!"    


Just when this tank, with its shocking posture, suddenly broke into everyone's line of sight and shocked a lot of people, the policeman who was forced to the sidewalk by the white palanquin suddenly used his trumpet and shouted harshly.    


There were even profanities on it.    


It seemed that he was extremely anxious, as though the next moment would come. He did not need to wait for the next moment, because under the close attention of over a hundred citizens, the 99 type main battle tank did not stop at all. It continued charging forward at a speed of 50 mph.    


To the arrogant young man, the arrogant white palanquin ran.    


"Dig in the trough. Don't tell me you want to run over the car?"    


While someone was exclaiming in shock, the tank tube suddenly lifted up, and the tracks pressed down onto the trunk of the white palanquin.    


Inside the palanquin was a pair of arrogant young men.    


However, their arrogance didn't even amount to much in front of a killing machine like the tank.    


The tank that was moving forward would not stop its tracks just because of the car owner's arrogance.    


"Come out, come out quickly!"    


Many people shouted in unison.    


The two young men in the white palanquin must have already seen the tank coming.    


But they didn't care!    


Because they were taxpayers!    


However, when the tank's tracks unhesitatingly rolled onto the palanquin's trunk, they realized that their arrogance was nothing but trash.    


As it turned out, if they didn't come out, the tank would crush them, along with the car.    


A tank that weighed tens of tons could not be too simple if it wanted to grind a car into a cake.    




With two miserable shrieks, the door of the sportscar opened.    



The two youths who had dared to provoke the police earlier tumbled out of the car like sh * t from a sheep.    


It was fortunate that they were all young and that their reaction speeds were still considered important.    


Angele jumped off the carriage and rolled to the side.    


Then, a lot of people saw the track of the tank moving past the girl's right shoe with a rumbling sound.    


After the tank, there was an irregular discus.    


Wu la, wu la!    


The siren sounded out again – it had actually been ringing all along, but everyone's attention was attracted by the sudden appearance of the tank, so they didn't notice that a black van was following behind them.    


Behind the MPV was yet another tank!    


Behind the tank were four police motorcycles.    


"What kind of big shot is in this car? It's actually using a tank to clear the way?"    


Many people muttered this question.    


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