Strongest Guard

C544 Comrade Please Save Me

C544 Comrade Please Save Me

0Myanmar, especially the stone gambling industry in Gray Valley, had always attracted many citizens to come here to play.    


The woman whose hair had been plucked by the two white men used Mandarin to scold someone. She had a very authentic Jinmen accent, as if she was singing.    


If it was at home, Lee Nanfang would not meddle in other people's business, but since he was in a foreign land, he had to meddle in it.    


Otherwise, Jinghong Ming would probably beat him up again after knowing that he was watching his compatriots being bullied by foreigners.    


As soon as Lee Nanfang got off the car, two Burmese police officers in police uniform rushed in from the crowd and shouted, "What happened, stop!"    


In the whole of Myanmar, the security forces on the side of Gray Valley were very few. After all, not only were there a large number of Stone Gamblers on this side, even the people on the side of Golden Triangle walked on this path.    


Next to the stop sign where the bus stopped was a police station similar to a domestic police station. When the police officer on duty saw that there was someone causing trouble here, he immediately rushed over.    


Without waiting for the policeman to say anything, the burly man holding the light yellow scroll immediately took out a book, waved it in front of their eyes, and said something in a low voice.    


The two policemen immediately froze for a moment, then retreated and started to act as bystanders.    


For the sake of a foreign woman, he really didn't have the guts or the guts to offend the FBI.    


"Come with us!"    


Seeing that there were more and more onlookers, the white man with the women's hair gave his companion a look.    


His companion immediately understood, immediately grabbing the woman's left arm, the two men were like two big chickens, allowing the woman to kick them, scold them, and quickly walk out of the crowd.    




Just as the woman was about to lose all hope, Lee Nanfang raised his hand and blocked their path.    


After hearing the familiar language, the woman suddenly raised her head. Her face was full of excitement, like a woman who had been isolated for eight years and had been waiting for a man to return. She shouted, "Comrade, please save me! Call the embassy for me and sue these two bastards! "    


The heck, what era was this, and he still wants to be a comrade?    


Eh, why does this woman look so familiar? I seem to have seen her somewhere before.    


Before Lee Nanfang could recall where he had seen the woman before, the man holding the yellow roll couldn't be bothered to argue with him. He waved the work permit in his hand again and pushed it towards Lee Nanfang: "Get out of the way, deal with the FBI case, get out of the way!"    


A CIA man coming to Burma to handle a case?    


F * * k, looking at your arrogant expressions, do you really think that the whole world is opened by your family? As long as you show your identification card, everyone will have to avoid it.    


Lee Nanfang smiled silently. When he raised his hand to lock the wrist that the agent pushed over, he smelled a strange smell. His eyes lit up. Antiques?    


In an instant, Lee Nanfang was sure that the unique smell came from a thousand years ago. It was so faint that even advanced instruments could not detect it, but it could not hide from his nose.    


Collecting antiques was Lee Nanfang's favorite collection before he returned to Qingshan, even though the antiques he had "collected" were basically free.    


Lee Nanfang's eyes flashed. He pushed both his hands forward and pushed the detective's chest first, pushing him back a few steps. His face was full of righteousness: "What? "Even if you're the FBI, you can't bully women in broad daylight!"    


At this moment, Lee Nanfang, as a true man who protected women, was not afraid of the heroic and witty FBI. As he took a step forward, he used his shoulder strength and crashed into another agent, forcing him to retreat. When he was about to grab the woman, he had already pulled her over and shouted sternly, "If you want to take her away, you can, but first you have to explain what happened!"    


The two agents didn't expect to get a bite out of this. They seemed to be very fearless and even the famous FBI was not scared. Didn't he know that the FBI was on Myanmar's side?    


If it weren't for the fact that there were so many people around and he was used to being domineering, he would have taken out his gun and smashed his head.    


The agent who picked up the woman's hair looked around, and said to Lee Nanfang in a deep voice, "Sir, this lady stole our country's highly confidential documents. Please do not interfere with our work in case of unnecessary misunderstandings. "    


"Nonsense! Bullshit! When did I steal your highly confidential documents?"    


Before Lee Nanfang could react, the woman behind him swore.    


The woman was obviously afraid that the two investigators would use violence against her, so she didn't dare to take even half a step away from Lee Nanfang. She just firmly hugged his left arm and rubbed it along with her jumping foot as she scolded him.    


The woman's actions made Lee Nanfang suspect that she was eating his tofu. When he was about to push her away, an agent raised the yellow paper in his hand and sneered, "Hmm, Lady Lian Meiliang, this is the confidential document you stole and hid in your bag in an attempt to bring back your country's documents!"    




The woman called Lian Mei raised her head and looked at the scroll in the detective's hand. She had a look of disbelief on her face. "You said that this item was found in my bag. It's a highly confidential document?"    


This was just a newspaper roll. She couldn't understand how this could be considered top secret, and she didn't remember putting the newspaper in her bag.    


There might be three or five Durex in the satchel. Who would put a broken newspaper in it?    


"Yes, this is the one you tried to take away."    


The investigator who was waving a paper scroll proudly had a sudden change in expression when he said this, as if he had seen a ghost.    


This agent could swear on his girlfriend's favorite thing. Just now, he had personally searched Lian Mei's small satchel and found that light-yellow top secret document. He had hastily looked through it before. Although he couldn't be sure if it was genuine due to the lack of time, it definitely wasn't a rolled up newspaper.    


How did that paper become a newspaper in the blink of an eye?    


"Weir, what's wrong?"    


When the other agent noticed that his companion had suddenly turned into a woodchick, he immediately realized that things were not looking good and quickly whispered questions about what was going on.    


Weir blinked hard to make sure he wasn't seeing things. He held a newspaper in his hand and muttered to himself, "What the hell, what the hell? Why did it become a newspaper?" "I … I clearly saw it just now …"    


Just as he said this, Lian Mei interrupted him. "Is this crappy newspaper the highly confidential document in which you are going to seize my evidence?"    


Although Lian Mei didn't know what was going on, she was still able to discern something from Weir's stunned expression. Her courage was greatly boosted as she let go of Lee Nanfang's arm and rushed forward, snatching the newspaper from his hands.    


"Ha, 'Green Mountain Daily'?"    


The woman unfolded the newspaper, took a glance at it, and then raised it high, waving it towards the onlookers.    


It was as if he was waving a flag of victory: "Everyone look, this is the proof that they are going to take me away, a broken newspaper! "Ha, I've gained my knowledge … trash, if you don't give me a reasonable explanation today, I won't let you off!    


Looking at Lian Mei, who was cursing loudly as if she had been injected with chicken blood, Lee Nanfang suddenly thought of something.    


When they had just found that confidential document, no matter how charming and charming Lian Mei was, she had still dared to pick up her hair in front of the crowd and rudely brought her away.    


However, when the confidential documents in his hands suddenly became a piece of crappy newspaper, the balance of reason leaned towards the woman.    


Lian Mei obviously wouldn't miss this opportunity to take revenge. She threw the newspaper away and jumped in front of the detective who had picked up her hair. She raised her hand and ruthlessly scratched his face, then lifted her foot and kicked heavily onto his crotch.    


Without any evidence, the agent was at fault and did not dare to retaliate. He could only wrap his arms around his crotch and slump to the ground, groaning in pain.    


Looking at the woman that looked like the second reincarnation of the female giant bug Sun Erniang, Lee Nanfang slightly smiled and suddenly turned his head to look at the crowd.    


Among the onlookers, someone was watching him closely.    


However, when he looked back, the gaze had disappeared.    


When the two detectives revealed their identities and took care of Lian Mei, the Burmese police naturally didn't dare to meddle in other people's business.    


However, the situation on the scene had completely changed. They couldn't allow the two detectives to be so brutally abused by a woman. They hurriedly ran over and tried to persuade them, "Madam, please calm down."    


"Calm the f * ck!"    


Lian Mei, who was in front of the two detectives who were squatting on the floor and hugging their heads, immediately pointed her firepower at them. She raised her hand and viciously scratched the face of the person who spoke. "Where were you guys just now?"    


"Ah!" "Stop, if you attack again, we will torture you!    


A bloody wound appeared on the policeman's face. He screamed and quickly retreated. He picked up the whistle hanging around his neck and started to whistle.    


Immediately, seven or eight police officers rushed out from the police station. After rushing over, they quickly separated Lian Mei and asked her if she had anything to say in the police station.    


Lian Mei was a smart woman. She knew that they were not in the country, so even if they were in the right, they still had to be arrogant to a certain extent. She took advantage of everyone's persuasion to vent her anger, but her mouth still kept cursing incessantly as she was invited into the police station.    


Lee Nanfang, who was trying to stop the two investigators, could also be considered as having been involved, but he was also invited over.    


After a brief inquiry from the Burmese police, Lee Nanfang figured out what was going on.    


Early this morning, Lian Mei, who went to play in America, had just arrived in Myanmar. She had made an appointment with a friend here, and met up at Gray Valley in the morning to prepare a handful of gambling stones.    


Not long after Lee Nanfang's bus stopped, Lian Mei arrived at the stop sign on the bus from Yangon.    


She had just gotten out of the car and was still trying to figure out where she was when two American agents came out of nowhere. They grabbed her and started searching her body and bag.    


Lian Mei stole a top-secret document when she was in the United States. It took a lot of effort for them to intercept her here.    


Lian Mei was flabbergasted. She said she never stole your country's top secret documents.    


The two investigators did not explain, but after their search bags were rejected, they started fighting.    


As for the final result, they experienced Lian Mei's power. After getting beaten up, they had to smile and say that it was a misunderstanding. They had offered to give her an appropriate financial compensation.    


Don't just look at Lian Mei, who went to the White House to ask the head of the United States how she managed her subordinates. In fact, she was still a little smart, and knew that things were not going to be good for her. Furthermore, the two investigators had offered her ten thousand dollars as compensation for the misunderstanding.    


It was a foreign land after all. If Lian Mei really offended these two investigators, who could guarantee that she would be able to return home alive?    


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