Strongest Guard

C484 I Can't be Your Secretary Anymore

C484 I Can't be Your Secretary Anymore

2Everyone could tell that Yue Zitong was pretending, but no one said anything about it.    


However, her anger was not an act. Especially when she looked at Ye Xiaodao, her eyes were filled with a hidden bitterness and coldness.    


At this moment, Ye Xiaodao also started to act. He stood behind Helan Xiaoxin with an indifferent smile, not even looking at her.    


"Deputy Director Helan, I need to go out for a while. Let's talk when I come back."    


Yue Zitong forced out a smile as she turned around and whispered to Little Du. She took the bag and put on her sunglasses before walking to her car. She started the engine and quickly drove out of the parking lot.    


Watching Wu Junzi drive away, Helan Xiaoxin smiled at Ye Xiaodao, indicating for her to follow her.    


Ye Xiaodao held his head high and stuck out his chest, following the elegant Deputy Director Helan. As he walked up the stairs, his right hand, hidden behind his back, waved at the spurs that were about to follow him, indicating that he should roll away for now. Didn't you see that this brother-in-law was busy picking up girls?    


The pitiful spurs scratched the back of his head and went back to cleaning up his car.    


"What are you planning to do with your brother?"    


Helan Xiaoxin casually asked as she walked into the office.    


"What kind of blind spot is he? But as a driver, the security guards are pretty good too."    


After putting his bag on the desk, Ye Xiaodao immediately walked over to the liquor cabinet and asked, "Sister Xin, do you want some coffee or tea?"    


"Coffee — tea."    


Helan Xiaoxin was about to start drinking coffee, but then she remembered Dean Lv's advice, saying that always drinking this would easily cause her nerves to be in a state of excitement and then cause her nerves to weaken, unlike drinking tea, which could calm her nerves.    


Ye Xiaodao's words made Sister Xin sad again.    


When she thought about how she might never be a mother again and how she was not a complete woman, she felt an indescribable sense of loss, feeling that it was only natural for people to be alive.    


The reason why life was short and bitter was because it allowed one to reproduce, allowing one's life to continue on. Only then would one have the motivation to continue to work hard.    


But once life cannot continue, what's the point of it, no matter how much you accomplish in your life?    


Humans weren't just living. The ancients had long figured out the true meaning of life. The geese left their voices and the people left their names.    


Leaving a legacy with a well-remembered fortune was the foundation of a person's hard work when he was still alive.    


Thinking about how she was such an outstanding gene, yet was unable to pass it down for generations, Helan Xiaoxin felt an immense sense of pain.    


All of this was the aftermath of her revenge on her ex-husband, her revenge on her life and society.    


She did it herself. No wonder anyone did it.    


Humans were like this. They rarely cherished things that they naturally possessed, such as health.    


There were too many young people these days, who put most of their energy into the rich night life, who would always scoff at people who talked about their daily routine, who sneered at the fact that the people who spoke of it were old people, and were no longer in keeping with the trend of the times, and so on.    


But when their bodies got worse and worse as they grew older, and they could no longer happily enjoy their increasingly better lives like other people who worked regularly, they realized how foolish they were when they ridiculed others.    


In people's lives, there were many things that they would always wait until they were lost before feeling regret and cherishing.    


It was already too late.    


"Deputy Director Helan."    


Just when Helan Xiaoxin stared blankly at the table, savoring her 30 years of life and the bitter wine she brewed, Ye Xiaodao noticed that something was wrong and asked softly, "Sir, is there something on your mind?"    




Helan Xiaoxin blinked and woke up from her daze. She didn't hide anything as she smiled silently. "I have something on my mind. It's very heavy. Something so heavy that I can't seem to bear it."    


"Can I help you?" Ye Xiaodao asked.    


Helan Xiaoxin retorted, "What can you do?"    


"There are a lot of things I can do."    


Ye Xiaodao thought about it and said sincerely, "For example, killing someone."    




Helan Xiaoxin raised her eyebrows slightly, lowered her head and opened the drawer. She took out a pack of cigarettes and put one in her mouth.    


Ye Xiaodao immediately took out the engine, held it with both hands and handed it to her.    


Helan Xiaoxin lowered her head and moved forward. Just as she was about to ignite the flame, she suddenly paused and moved closer to the flame.    


After taking a sniff with what seemed like satisfaction, she kicked the cigarette case forward. "One?"    


Ye Xiaodao did not stand on ceremony. He picked up the cigarette and knocked it skillfully on the tiger's mouth. After the cigarette popped out, he opened his mouth and caught it.    


However, when he lit the cigarette and took a single puff, he raised his eyebrows slightly and put out the cigarette in the ashtray.    


Helan Xiaoxin asked faintly, "What's wrong?"    




Ye Xiaodao shook his head and explained, "I never smoke cigarettes with seasonings."    


"You added the ingredients?"    


Helan Xiaoxin's heart skipped a beat and her eyes became cold again. "What are you talking about? I don't understand."    


There were only five people who knew about the fact that she added a different material to her special cigarette, including herself.    


Back then, in order to prevent others from finding out that Sister Xin was taking drugs and mixing the diluted number one with tobacco, the researchers in the secret research room of Southern Frontier had to spend a lot of effort to figure out how to test the drugs. They couldn't even find the technology.    


It was a drug that couldn't be tested, but Ye Xiaodao could already tell something was wrong just by taking a sip.    


What did this prove?    


It could only prove that he was a drug expert.    


Ye Xiaodao didn't answer Helan Xiaoxin. He walked in front of the water dispenser, poured a cup of cold water into a paper cup and gulped it down a few times before lowering his head and spraying it into the wastebasket.    


He then put his hand in front of his mouth and took a deep breath, sniffing the air as if he had not smelled anything unpleasant before smiling in satisfaction. "Sister Xin, how long have you been smoking this cigarette for?"    


Helan Xiaoxin stared at him. After a moment of silence, she answered slowly, "More than four years."    




Ye Xiaodao casually replied with an "oh" and shrugged his shoulders, "Deputy Director Helan, I'm very sorry. I think I can't be your secretary anymore."    


Helan Xiaoxin's gaze gradually turned cold. "What do you mean?"    


Ye Xiaodao's face was filled with regret, but he said very straightforwardly: "I don't want to be with a Great Poisonous Owl, otherwise someone would look down on me. Even though you're the most tasty woman I've ever met. "    


Helan Xiaoxin's expression finally changed. She slowly opened the middle drawer with her right hand hidden under the table.    


In the drawer was a loaded pistol that could be sent to the Elysian world with the safety off.    


Ever since she met the greetings of the Death Killing, Sister Xin had been able to casually obtain firearms no matter where she went.    


"Don't take a gun."    


Just as Sister Xin touched the cold handgun with her right hand, Ye Xiaodao spoke up, "Lee Nanfang never told you that women can play with guns, but can't they play with guns?"    


Sister Xin's delicate body trembled as she asked, "You, what is your relationship with Lee Nanfang?"    


"Sister Xin, stop pretending."    


Ye Xiaodao raised his leg and sat at the corner of the table. He took out his cigarette and took one. When he lowered his head to light the fire, Helan Xiaoxin suddenly raised her hand.    


In her hand was a small pistol made out of a lady. It was shiny like a work of art. However, breaking Master Dao's head was indeed not a difficult task for her.    


The moment she raised the pistol, Sister Xin's right index finger had already pressed down on the trigger.    




A crisp sound echoed out in Helan Xiaoxin's ears.    


Pa! It was the sound of a slap.    


Bang! It was the sound of a gunshot as the bullet left the muzzle.    


The bullets shot into the wall at a speed of over two hundred meters per second.    


The speed at which the bullets came out was so fast that it couldn't keep up with the speed of Ye Xiaodao slapping her face.    


After that slap, Ye Xiaodao's right hand retracted and slid down Helan Xiaoxin's arm with his fingers spread wide open, just like a breeze passing by the water.    


When Helan Xiaoxin, whose head had been knocked to the side, suddenly turned around, the pistol was already in Ye Xiaodao's hand.    


Ye Xiaodao looked at her with an indifferent expression, as if he had never been rough with a beauty before. He lifted his right hand's five fingers over his shoulder and moved them nimbly like a dancer — it definitely didn't last more than three seconds. That pistol was torn apart by Ye Xiaodao with one hand and fell onto the table with a crackling sound.    


Master Dao had shown Sister Xin what an expert with a gun was by using his actions.    


Indirect also let her understand, beautiful women like to play with guns can, but definitely can not play with this kind of gun principle.    


After hooking up the basket, Ye Xiaodao swept the pile of parts on the table into the basket as if he was cleaning garbage. He slowly said, "Sister Xin, do you think that Lee Nanfang has already told me all of your details? That's why I approached you of my own accord? "    


Without a word, Helan Xiaoxin lowered her head and opened the drawer again.    


Ye Xiaodao didn't even look at her, as if he already knew that she opened the drawer. He just took out a wet towel and wiped his burning cheeks.    


After wiping them slowly a few times, Helan Xiaoxin raised her head and looked at him. "I don't believe that if he didn't tell you my secret, you would have come over to please me with a single look at me while crying and shouting to be my secretary."    


"You are quite interesting."    


Ye Xiaodao laughed, "That's the only thing Lee Nanfang said about you when he mentioned you to me. "Do you believe me?"    




Looking at this confident man, Helan Xiaoxin's mouth was filled with a bitter taste. She pouted her lips, lowered her head, and vomited into the wastebasket.    


The saliva was red, and Ye Xiaodao's slap was really strong. Although it didn't break her teeth, it still broke the root of her teeth.    


"I didn't know you before I saw you."    


Ye Xiaodao looked at the cigarette in his hand and explained, "Perhaps you're right. After I saw you, I actually ran over to please you and started crying as a secretary. But it was your beauty that attracted me. The first moment I saw you, I had the thought of taking over you. No matter the cost. "    


"And now?"    


Helan Xiaoxin took a light breath and asked with a gentle smile, "Do you still want to seize me?"    


Ye Xiaodao shook his head.    


Helan Xiaoxin sneered silently. "Hehe, just because I wanted to kill you?"    




Ye Xiaodao continued to shake his head: "After you agreed to my presumptuous request, I knew that I had to eliminate this thought."    




"Because you are Lee Nanfang's woman."    


Ye Xiaodao sighed regretfully, "Sigh, although I always dislike that guy, I will definitely not fight over his woman."     0


"I-I am Lee Nanfang's woman?"    


Helan Xiaoxin, who had always been proud of her high IQ, suddenly narrowed her eyes and asked with a cackling voice, "How do you know?"    


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