Nine Yin And Nine Yang

C1036 The Wonderful Thing

C1036 The Wonderful Thing

0After seeing Yang Feng nod his head, Silver Shark King snorted coldly and his figure flashed towards the ocean. He wielded the blood colored great blade and stood in the ocean, waiting for Yang Feng to rush to his death. As for Yang Feng, he looked at the Silver Shark King, and leisurely walked towards Silver Shark King, similarly stepping on the ocean waves, standing in front of Silver Shark King.     1


Seeing Yang Feng calmly standing in front of him, Silver Shark King's heart trembled. Suddenly, an uneasy feeling rose in his heart, but he was quickly thrown away by the Silver Shark King. After that, he brandished his large blade and slashed it towards Yang Feng.    


His body shook, and Silver Shark King swung his blade at Yang Feng. If this blade were to strike, then Yang Feng would definitely be cut into two halves, and facing this blade, Yang Feng could easily dodge using the Spiral Nine-Shadow Movement Technique, and then use the Great Subduing Demon Palm to slap towards Silver Shark King.    


The reason why Yang Feng had unleashed the Great Subduing Demon Palm was so that the children of Little Tiger and the others could display the power of the Great Subduing Demon Palm, so that they could practice even harder in the future. However, the Great Subduing Demon Palm was still a little common, after all.    


The Silver Shark King, on the other hand, became even more ferocious after returning to the ocean. He continuously waved the blood colored long blade in his hand and slashed at Yang Feng, although his blade technique was not good, and was completely disorderly, but because the Silver Shark King was born and grew on the cloud star, and had trained until now, and adding the fact that he was in the ocean, he gained the upper hand.    


The power of the Silver Shark King was very strong, and it was not affected by the cloud star's terrifying gravity either, so it became more and more valiant. Although Yang Feng had a strong physical body, the majority of his power was used to counteract the gravity, and using a normal move like the Great Subduing Devil Palm naturally placed him at a disadvantage.    


Yang Feng saw that he had already used the Great Demon Subduing Palm and fought with the Silver Shark King for a long time, and it was enough for the children of the Little Tiger to experience the power of the Great Demon Subduing Palm, so he stopped using the Great Demon Subduing Palm. He turned his finger into a claw, and directly used the nine yin white claw!    


Once the nine yin white claw was used, waves after waves of chilly winds blew through the air, accompanied by mournful howls. At the same time Yang Feng executed the nine yin white claw, it seemed as if the entire sky had turned dark, causing Silver Shark King who was directly facing Yang Feng to immediately realize that it was not good, but it was too late for him to dodge!    


After Yang Feng unleashed his nine yin white claw, one claw after another grabbed towards Silver Shark King. Traces of white light shot out from his fingertips, and when the white light swept over Silver Shark King's body, it left numerous wounds on his body!    


Having suffered such a heavy injury, Silver Shark King was immediately angered even more. He did not think that Yang Feng could actually scratch his body, because his original body was a Silver Shark and had the strongest defensive power in the ocean. However, he was clawed by Yang Feng with his ten fingers, which made Silver Shark King somewhat unable to believe it.    


However, the acute pain coming from his body told Silver Shark King that all of this was real and that his body had indeed been torn apart by Yang Feng! Silver Shark King roared, following that, his figure flashed, transforming into a body that was a few hundred metres long, he opened his big mouth and bit towards Yang Feng!!    


Although Yang Feng used the nine yin white claw to leave wounds on Silver Shark King's body, after using the nine yin white claw, Yang Feng's physical body had already consumed too much energy and he did not have much strength left. Under that helplessness, he could only use the Ancient Witchcraft!    


The Silver Shark King's strength was not bad, Yang Feng just so happened to be lacking a sparring partner during this period of hard training, so Yang Feng would not easily let him go, thus Yang Feng wanted to use the Ancestral Art to leave the Silver Shark King behind, thus with a thought, the surrounding water started to boil!    


Under the effect of Yang Feng's water controlling sacred art, the entire ocean surface started to churn, but this was only directed towards Silver Shark King. The water beneath Silver Shark King continued to churn, causing Silver Shark King, who was about to swallow Yang Feng, to feel dizzy from the shock.    


The only thing was that Silver Shark King was the overlord of the ocean and still had the ability to control water. With a flash of silver light, the water beneath Silver Shark King's body immediately calmed down and with a roar, he opened his mouth wide and bit at Yang Feng.    


After Yang Feng saw this situation, he flipped his palm and a black rock appeared. It was none other than the Nine Heavens Swelling Soil, with a shake of his hand, the Nine Heavens Swelling Earth shot towards the sky, in the blink of an eye turning into a mountain, and then smashed towards Silver Shark King.    


Although the Nine Heavens Swelling Earth did not weigh anything in Yang Feng's hands, but the Nine Heavens Swelling Earth contained all of the power of the Pangu's Circulatory World. With the addition of the gravity of the cloud star, it was extremely terrifying.    


If this attack had hit, then Silver Shark King would definitely have been smashed into a meat patty. But Yang Feng's goal was not this, because in the future, Yang Feng would need Silver Shark King as his sparring partner, so naturally, he would not be able to smash Silver Shark King to death so easily. Thus, he could only let the Nine Heavens Swelling Earth lightly touch Silver Shark King's head, and even then, he had already knocked Silver Shark King unconscious.    


Little Tiger immediately rolled over, his white belly shining brightly in the sunlight. Little Tiger and the other few children, seeing that Yang Feng had defeated Silver Shark King, cheered excitedly, while the other fishermen were extremely shocked by Silver Shark King's current appearance. Their eyes were wide open as they looked at Yang Feng in disbelief!    


The Silver Shark King, who dominated the entire ocean and caused endless trouble for their ancestors, was taken care of by Yang Feng just like that. This sudden incident caused all the fishermen to not know what to do, and after a long while, Little Tiger's father was the first one to kneel on the ground, kowtowing to Yang Feng. His eyes were full of respect!    


Seeing Little Tiger's father kowtow towards Yang Feng, the other fishermen also kowtowed towards Yang Feng. Everyone had an extremely respectful look on their faces, and just as these fishermen were kowtowing to Yang Feng to express their admiration, the Merit Cauldron of Good Fortune in Yang Feng's dantian suddenly trembled, and then, strands of line of confidence extended out from the Merit Cauldron of Good Fortune, and drilled out from the hundred acupoints on Yang Feng's head through his meridians!    


When Yang Feng realized this, he was also startled. He thought that the moment Yang Feng had become a saint, his primordial spirit had turned into billions of incarnations, and had merged into every single cell in his body. Furthermore, every single line of confidence was also separated from the Merit Cauldron of Good Fortune s, and the primordial spirit in Yang Feng's body was directly connected to the world seed, absorbing the incense fire force s in the Pangu Genesis World.    


However, another line of confidence had appeared on the Merit Cauldron of Good Fortune today, which naturally surprised Yang Feng a bit. Seeing the line of confidence that was extending out from the Merit Cauldron of Good Fortune stretch towards all the fishermen, including Little Tiger and the other children, Yang Feng naturally knew what it was trying to do.    


From the looks of these fishermen, Yang Feng could tell that because he had dealt with the Silver Shark King, these fishermen all worshipped him. However, Yang Feng never thought that the Merit Cauldron of Good Fortune would actually extend their line of confidence under such circumstances. One must know that the Merit Cauldron of Good Fortune was born from the Pangu's World of Circulation, and this was the God Realm!    


Yang Feng did not know what was going on with this situation, but Yang Feng did not stop them. After all, if the line of confidence s that extended out from the Merit Cauldron of Good Fortune could successfully absorb the incense fire force s from the fishermen, it would be a good thing for Yang Feng, and he had no reason to stop them!    


The situation developed very smoothly. The line of confidence extended out from the Merit Cauldron of Good Fortune and extended towards the fishermen, and then burrowed into the eyebrows of the fishermen. Following which, a few incense fire force s were transferred over to Yang Feng from the fishermen's bodies, and were finally absorbed by the Merit Cauldron of Good Fortune!    


Yang Feng's mind had been observing the movements of the Merit Cauldron of Good Fortune the entire time. He wanted to see what would happen after the Merit Cauldron of Good Fortune absorbed the incense fire force s from the fishermen in the God Realm.    


Being bathed in the golden light, the world seed that had already sprouted and sprouted into a small sprout started to show signs of growth. Although it was not very obvious, it was actually growing, and the situation immediately attracted Yang Feng's attention. After that, Yang Feng also noticed that after the Merit Cauldron of Good Fortune released that golden light, the Pangu Wing World within the world seed seemed to have developed even faster, and the number of incense fire force that came out of the Pangu Wing World had increased!    


Seeing this situation, Yang Feng was immediately pleasantly surprised. Yang Feng knew that the Merit Cauldron of Good Fortune absorbing the fishermen's incense fire force was definitely a great thing, because those fishermen's incense fire force were like the nourishment of the world seed, able to help the world seed grow!    


And the growth of the world seed would naturally allow the Pangu World to develop rapidly as well. This way, the number of incense fire force that would come out of the Pangu World would increase, causing every primordial spirit in Yang Feng's body to grow stronger as well, and thus Yang Feng's strength would increase as well!    


This was simply too wonderful! Yang Feng shouted loudly in his heart!    


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