Nine Yin And Nine Yang

C882 Shu Mountain Entering Buddha

C882 Shu Mountain Entering Buddha

3Lu Ya flew towards the imperial city of Youyun with a joyous expression on his face. Although he did not manage to get Mother Nuwa to deal with Yang Feng on this trip to the Nuwa Imperial Palace, Lu Ya was still very satisfied with the Demon Recruiting Banner. With the Demon Recruiting Banner, Lu Ya could command the demons in the world!     0


Although the gathered demons could not compare to a single Mother Nuwa, and after all, no matter how many demons there were in the world, they would still not be able to compare to The Great Saint, but Yang Feng was not his own The Great Saint. Although Yang Feng's strength was also extremely terrifying, in Lu Ya's eyes, Yang Feng was still far weaker than his.    


How many demons are there in the world?! Lu Ya did not know, because the number of Spirit Demon beings was too big, there were billions of North Ju Lu Chau s, and the Spirit Demon beings from the other three continents, in total, were more than the North Ju Lu Chau s, so how many of them could be considered quasi-Saint realm experts?! Lu Ya knew that this number was definitely not small.    


If all the quasi-Saint realm experts under heaven were gathered together to deal with Yang Feng, Lu Ya believed that no matter how terrifying Yang Feng's strength was, there was hope for him to win. And as long as they could defeat Yang Feng, the Great Song Kingdom would be easy to obtain!    


Therefore, although he did not manage to get help from Mother Nuwa, Lu Ya was still very happy to get his hands on the Demon Recruiting Banner. More importantly, with the Demon Recruiting Banner, he could control Sun Wukong and the rest and make them listen to his orders.    


Lu Ya had never been a magnanimous person, he had never held a grudge. This could be seen from the deep and unforgettable hatred Lu Ya had for the Witch Clan. Last time when he had competed for the chaotic clock, the Sun Wukong, Demon Ox and the other Demon Saints had disrespected him and stood on Yang Feng's side, which had deeply angered Lu Ya.    


Now that he had the Demon Recruit Flag, Lu Ya felt that he could control the Sun Wukong and the others. After controlling the Sun Wukong and the others, the first thing Lu Ya wanted them to do was to become enemies with Yang Feng, attack Yang Feng, and use the Sun Wukong and the others as cannon fodder!    


The corner of his mouth revealed a pleased smile, Lu Ya landed in You Yun City, then gathered all the civil and martial officials, and when all the civil and martial officials had arrived, Lu Ya took out the demon banner! Lu Ya held up the small golden gourd and floated in the air. Traces of golden light emitted from the small bottle gourd and then, a wave of golden fog was also spat out from the mouth of the bottle gourd.    


The golden fog wrapped around the small gourd. Then, the small gourd in the golden fog underwent a series of changes as the small golden gourd transformed into a small flag. This small flag expanded with the wind and quickly covered the entire You Yun City.    


This was the Demon Recruiting Banner! As the Demon Recruiting Banner expanded bit by bit, threads of golden light were emitted from it. Furthermore, an enormous pressure was also emitted from it, causing all the demon clan members in North Ju Lu Chau to feel their hearts tremble!    


This feeling made every demon feel as if they were being summoned, and their soul would unconsciously bring their own bodies to the place where the feeling was coming from. Even when Lu Ya was standing under the Demon Recruiting Banner, he felt this feeling, but this feeling made Lu Ya very excited!    


Although the imposing aura that was being emitted by the Demon Subduing Banner caused Lu Ya to tremble, the more it was like this, the more it meant that the Demon Subduing Banner was powerful enough to gather all of the demons in the world and use them for himself.    


Very quickly, other than the North Ju Lu Chau's demon clan, there were also a few other demon clans that began flying to the Jin Kingdom's You Yun City from the other three continents. This caused the number of demon clans in You Yun City to increase continuously, and seeing this, Lu Ya's complacent smile became even more serious!    


Just as Lu Ya was about to activate the Demon Banner, the Sun Wukong, Demon Ox King and the other Demon Saints in the Heavenly Court felt a call from their souls, wanting to follow that call. Even the Queen Mother was no exception, but at that moment, a golden light shot out from the palace of Nuwa and enveloped the entire Heavenly Court.    


Immediately, the feeling of Sun Wukong, Demon Ox King and the other Demon Saints disappeared. However, this feeling only caused them to break out in a cold sweat for a short period of time. They hurriedly used their sacred art to investigate what had happened and quickly discovered what had happened in North Ju Lu Chau!    


Seeing how the demons were constantly being summoned by the large banner floating above the North Ju Lu Chau, Sun Wukong, Demon Ox and the other Demon Saints looked at each other in dismay. They naturally recognized that the banner was the Demon Recruiting Banner and understood why they were trembling.    


Although they didn't really understand why that feeling disappeared so quickly, it still made Sun Wukong and the rest heave a sigh of relief. They were glad that they brought all their subordinates to the Heavenly Court, otherwise, they would have been summoned by the Demon Flag and be under Lu Ya's control.    


The Sun Wukong and the other Spirit Demon Saints knew very well that the Demon Recruitment Banner was Mother Nuwa's treasure. Now that it was in Lu Ya's hands, it was Mother Nuwa's wish, and they couldn't do anything to stop it. Furthermore, the reason why they hadn't been summoned was most likely because of Mother Nuwa's methods!    


As for Mother Nuwa's actions, the Sun Wukong and the other Demon Saints understood. They knew that Mother Nuwa was probably going to abandon the North Ju Lu Chau and the demons Lu Ya had summoned to help her. Although this would cause great losses to the demons, it would still protect them and their subordinates.    


The Sun Wukong and the other Spirit Demon Saints also knew that there was nothing they could do, and the life and death of Lu Ya was naturally not something they cared about. However, there was still Demonic Master Kun Peng left in the North Ju Lu Chau.    


However, Sun Wukong and the others understood that they were powerless to help now. They could only strengthen their relationship with Yang Feng and wait for Demonic Master Kun Peng to encounter danger in the future before asking him for help. From the looks of the current situation, only Yang Feng could save Demonic Master Kun Peng!    


Sun Wukong, Demon Ox and the other Demon Saints once again began to help Guo Xiaotian take over the forces of the Heavenly Court. However, in the North Ju Lu Chau, when Lu Ya looked at the Demon Recruitment Flag in the sky and waited for Sun Wukong and the others to submit to him, he still did not see Sun Wukong and the others.    


Seeing that there were no Sun Wukong and no others among the demons that were being summoned, and that there weren't as many demons as he had expected, Lu Ya's face darkened a little, while he began to suspect that he had been played by Mother Nuwa!    


When the last demon called out to the North Ju Lu Chau, Lu Ya's face was already extremely gloomy. Looking at the Demon Banner in the sky, Lu Ya's heart was filled with boundless anger, he never thought that it would turn out like this, the Sun Wukong and the other Spirit Demon Saints were not summoned, and the number of Spirit Demon beings were not as many as he thought, this was definitely a huge blow to Lu Ya!    


Initially, Lu Ya had thought that with the Demon Recruitment Flag and the entire world of demons in his hands, he would at least have the strength to fight against Yang Feng. However, everything he hoped for had not been realized, and at the same time, it was naturally disappointment for Lu Ya. In his heart, boundless fury surged, because he knew that he had already been abandoned by Mother Nuwa.    


Although Mother Nuwa gave him the Demon Recruitment Flag, which seemed to be of great help to him, in the end, it turned out that way. Even though there were many anxious demon clan members, there was no demon clan like what Lu Ya wanted that had the strength of a Demon Saint. This made Lu Ya understand that he had already been abandoned.    


Lu Ya knew very well that his own clan of the North Ju Lu Chau would most likely end up as the sacrifice of the entire demon clan in this Aeon Span. This caused Lu Ya to feel a deep unwillingness to accept this. Looking at the banner in the sky, Lu Ya reached out and summoned the banner into his hands.    


Then, he turned around and walked back into his own palace. As for those demi-humans that were summoned, they were naturally managed by Demonic Master Kun Peng and the others. Lu Ya walked back to his own palace with hatred filling his heart, naturally filled with unwillingness and anger.    


Looking at the small golden gourd in his hand,'s eyes flickered with an unending radiance. Finally, as if he had made up his mind, he took the small golden gourd and walked into his own palace.    


When all these happened in North Ju Lu Chau, Xuan Du Mage had brought along the Eight Immortals to wait in front of the stone hut Yang Feng was training in seclusion for many days. They had all come to listen to's words regarding the Great Dao, and after arriving at the Flowerfruit Mountain, they also saw the Three Xiao Empress and Zhao Gongming, as well as other disciples from the other schools. They discovered that the Intercepting Disciples's cultivation skills had faintly surpassed them, and that as long as they cultivated in seclusion for a bit, their strength would surpass theirs.    


Of course, Nezha was waiting outside of Yang Feng's stone house. However, just as they were waiting for Yang Feng to come out from closed door cultivation, Xuan Du Mage, the Eight Immortals and the other people's disciples received a shocking and infuriating news.    


When the Xuan Du Mage and the Eight Immortals heard this, they couldn't sit still anymore. However, the Tai Qing Moral Sky Sovereign Lao Tzu ordered them to listen to Yang Feng's lecture, without my orders, they could not leave, so even though they were angry in their hearts, they could only endure and endure it!    


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1 Even more so, thank you brothers for your support!    


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