Nine Yin And Nine Yang

C1023 encounter a strong enemy

C1023 encounter a strong enemy

1After locking onto a planet that was beyond the limits of what he could handle, Yang Feng poured the world's power into the Nine Layered Heavens Ring. Then, a blinding light exploded from the Nine Layered Heavens Ring, wrapping Yang Feng, the Azure Dragon, the White Tiger and the others inside. After which, the space began to sway for a bit, as the two of them passed through space, towards the planet that Yang Feng had locked onto.    3


It was just that this time, because Yang Feng had chosen to travel on a planet that had surpassed his limits, it was not like the previous two times where he had instantly arrived at, where Yang Feng had only gone to. And because he had gone beyond his limits, in the process of crossing dimensions, the world's energy that Yang Feng poured into the Nine Layered Heavens Ring was already completely used up!    


Waves of exhausted and powerless feelings assaulted Yang Feng. And at this time, a strong suction force came from the Nine Layered Heavens Ring, wanting to absorb the power of the world from Yang Feng's body! The Nine Layered Heavens Ring would not stop when it activated its teleportation every time. Since the world energy Yang Feng poured into the Nine Layered Heavens Ring was insufficient, the Nine Layered Heavens Ring would naturally try to absorb it on its own accord!    


It was just that the World Force that Yang Feng could use had been completely used up, and he could no longer find any more World Force in his body! The only person who possessed world energy was the world seed that had sprouted out of Yang Feng's Dantian and Violet Palace. Because Yang Feng's realm was not high enough, even if the world seed had an enormous world energy, Yang Feng was still unable to use it!    


But Yang Feng being unable to use it did not mean that the Nine Layered Heavens Ring could not be used. The Nine Layered Heavens Ring was unable to absorb the energy of the world from Yang Feng's body, so naturally, it was aimed at the world seed in Yang Feng's Dantian that were in his residence.    


Only then did he manage to complete his teleportation. When he arrived at the planet Yang Feng had locked onto earlier, Yang Feng immediately felt a sharp pain coming from every single cell in his body! This pain was so excruciating, it felt as if his entire body was covered in a layer of blood!    


Yang Feng instantly fell to the ground, his body continuously twitching! This was the most painful feeling he had ever felt after reaching the ninth circulation of the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique! The waves of pain were much more painful than the pain from being suppressed by the world energy from world seed, Azure Dragon, White Tiger and the others!    


The feeling of extreme pain made Yang Feng wish he was dead. Even though he had guessed that such an extreme stimulating method would definitely have to pay a considerable price, Yang Feng did not expect it to be such an unbearable pain! The previous two times, he had only felt weak all over. However, this time, he was not only weak, but also filled with an intense pain!    


Yang Feng's body continued to twitch, the heart-wrenching pain continued to stimulate his brain time and time again, almost making Yang Feng collapse. But fortunately, this pain came and went quickly, as the excruciating pain continued to wreak havoc on his body for a while, before it was completely gone!    


As the waves of acute pain disappeared, Yang Feng finally heaved a sigh of relief and hurriedly inspected the situation of the world seed in his own dantian. However, when he saw the situation of the world seed, Yang Feng felt that his adventure this time had not been in vain.    


Although the world seed had not undergone any obvious changes, it had still grown a little, and this little bit of growth was a huge improvement for Yang Feng. It let Yang Feng know that what he had chosen was the right decision.    


Because the world power that Yang Feng himself could use was not enough to support his teleportation, the Nine Layered Heavens Ring took the initiative to absorb the world power from Yang Feng's world seed. In that case, the world power from Pangu's Circulatory World would be extracted by the Nine Layered Heavens Ring and teleported this time would be completed!    


When the Nine Layered Heavens Ring was drawing out the world energy from the Pangu's World, that enormous world energy had been expelled from the world seed, and to a certain extent, had nourished Yang Feng's world seed, causing his already budding world seed to grow a little more. However, that little bit of growth gave Yang Feng the motivation to continue persevering!    


To grow a world seed, they need to nourish themselves and the nourishment that a world seed needs is the power of the world! Initially, there was an extremely large amount of world energy within the Pangu Genesis Realm, but because Yang Feng's realm was not high enough, he was fundamentally incapable of using the huge amount of world energy to nourish his world seed and allow it to grow.    


It was because of this, that Yang Feng would use this method to stimulate her Nine Layered Heavens Ring to the limit in order to let it mobilize the world energy within the Pangu's Circulation Realm, in order to nourish her own world seed and allow her own world seed to grow. And as long as Yang Feng's world seed grows, Yang Feng would be able to use even more world energy!    


Although Yang Feng's actions caused him to endure great pain, but seeing that this method worked, Yang Feng felt at ease, and thus had a reason to persevere. Gritting his teeth, he sat up, and immediately activated the Nine Yin Yang Art to absorb the Profound Yellow's energy to nourish his world seed and allow the Pangu's World to grow stronger bit by bit. At the same time, he was also cultivating the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique to restore the strength of his own body.    


The green dragon, white tiger, and the others saw Yang Feng collapse onto the ground after completing his teleportation, then his entire body started twitching, his face showing an extremely painful expression. This kind of thing made the green dragon, white tiger, and the others jump in fright, they never thought that Yang Feng would actually endure this kind of pain!    


The Vermillion Bird in particular immediately became extremely anxious when it saw Yang Feng enduring such pain. It flew around Yang Feng, wanting to help him, but it did not know what to do. The Vermillion Bird also clearly understood that Yang Feng enduring such pain this time was definitely related to the distance he had traveled!    


Although the Nine Layered Heavens Ring was the one who had brought them through space, and the Azure Dragon and White Tiger were unclear on how much distance they had traveled, they still knew the time they had to travel each time. This time, the time Yang Feng had used the Nine Layered Heavens Ring to bring them through space was clearly much longer, which was why Yang Feng was in such pain right now!    


The Vermillion Bird thought that it was it who had urged Yang Feng to hurry up and make Yang Feng speed up his journey earlier. Now that it saw that Yang Feng had endured such a great pain, the Vermillion Bird would naturally be extremely anxious, only that it didn't know how to help Yang Feng.    


But luckily, Yang Feng's pained expression only lasted for a short while before returning to normal, and then Yang Feng started to cultivate. Seeing this situation, the Vermillion Bird and the others finally let out a sigh of relief, and then watched as Yang Feng started to cultivate, and quickly helped him to stand up to protect him.    


Boundless amount of profound energy quickly gathered around Yang Feng, forming into a vortex around him. After that, it was quickly absorbed into Yang Feng's body, and as he looked at the continuously increasing vortex, the Azure Dragon, White Tiger, and the others once again muttered the word "abnormal" in secret, and started to act as a protector for Yang Feng.    


After seeing Yang Feng cultivate these two times, the Azure Dragon, White Tiger and the others already had a little resistance towards the abnormal rate at which Yang Feng absorbed the Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth. Although they could not help but say that Yang Feng was abnormal when they saw him cultivate, they were not as surprised as they were the first time!    


This also caused the Azure Dragon, White Tiger, and the others to feel a bit better. To be honest, they were really worried that Yang Feng would break through a realm every time he cultivated, and then, he would be able to catch up to them very quickly. If that was the case, they would only have this kind of realm after billions of years.    


It was fortunate that Yang Feng did not make breakthroughs that quickly during his later cultivation. This also caused the Azure Dragon, White Tiger and the others to heave a sigh of relief, but this time, Yang Feng had cultivated for a little too long, and the momentum created this time was also getting bigger and bigger. The whirlpools of spirit energy around Yang Feng were getting bigger and bigger, and the profound energy that was gathering was also getting bigger and bigger.    


And the reason why such a situation had occurred was because although Yang Feng was not injured this time around, this kind of extreme stimulation had also stimulated his potential! The large amount of world energy that the Nine Layered Heavens Ring had drawn from the Pangu Genesis Realm also needed to be replenished, which was why the amount of Profound Yellow Qi that Yang Feng had gathered this time was so huge!    


Originally, no matter how much profound yellow energy Yang Feng gathered, there was nothing wrong with it. In any case, there was no relation between them in this boundless universe, but this time Yang Feng, Azure Dragon and the others' luck was not that good, because the planet they came to was inhabited by strong practitioners!    


And when Yang Feng created such a huge commotion, it naturally attracted the attention of the strong warriors on the planet, causing trouble for them! The Azure Dragon, White Tiger and Black Tortoise who were protecting Yang Feng suddenly widened their eyes and looked at the space in front of them with alert!    


A man in black armor with a long saber hanging from his waist and a black aura surrounding his entire body appeared out of thin air. From the energy fluctuations emitted from this man's body, even the Azure Dragon, White Tiger, and Black Tortoise who had reached the Divine General level were unable to see through him!    


With such an expert appearing in front of them, it was naturally for the Azure Dragon, White Tiger, and the others to be worried. They secretly went on alert, preparing to face this great disaster!    


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1 Even more so, thank you brothers for your support!    


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