Nine Yin And Nine Yang

C992 nine cycles of mystical skill

C992 nine cycles of mystical skill

1With a flip of his palm, an ancient halberd appeared in his hands. Immediately, a bloodthirsty and berserk Qi that could destroy the heaven and earth rose up from the ancient halberd, rushing towards the minds of the six The Great Saint s!     3


The expressions of the six The Great Saint s changed at the same time. Looking at the blood-red ancient halberd in Pangu's Diabolical Avatar's hand, they felt a berserk aura coming from it, letting them know that this ancient halberd was definitely a treasure of the Innate Realm. Furthermore, its power was not inferior to the primordial treasures such as the Tai Chi diagram, Pangu's banner, and Four Swords of Immortality!    


Gripping the ancient halberd, Pangu's Diabolical Avatar gently waved it, and a crescent-shaped blood-red light shot out from the halberd in his hand, flying straight to the six The Great Saint s and the six The Great Saint s. That red light directly pierced through space and appeared in front of Daofather Hongjun and the six The Great Saint s.    


When the six The Great Saint s saw the blood-red light appear, their expressions changed. This was because the energy contained in the blood-red light was simply too great, so great that it caused them to feel a chill in their hearts. The six The Great Saint s explosively retreated, instantly retreating millions of kilometers.    


Daofather Hongjun, on the other hand, saw the blood-red light that was about to reach him. He extended his hand and pressed it directly against the blood-red light, and immediately, the powerful blood-red light shattered one by one, turning into tiny specks of light and disappearing without a trace.    


When the six The Great Saint s saw that the Daofather Hongjun had broken through the blood-red light so easily, their hearts were immediately filled with confidence. With a flip of their palms, each of them took out a treasure.    


When the Pangu's Diabolical Avatar saw that his attack was broken by the Daofather Hongjun, a smile appeared on his face. Then, his figure blurred and he actually directly thrusted the ancient halberd in his hand towards the Daofather Hongjun. The little red light on the ancient halberd flickered, but it did not shoot out, and followed the attack of the ancient halberd, piercing towards the Daofather Hongjun.    


Just at that moment, a jade-green light shot out from the The High Priestess. It was his Immortal Execution Archipelago, followed by the blood red Immortal Killing Sword, the black Absolute Immortal Sword, and the purple trapped immortal sword all shot out, rushing straight towards Pangu's Diabolical Avatar. Streams of Sword Qi shot out from the Four Swords of Immortality s, enveloping the entire Pangu's Diabolical Avatar.    


As if the Pangu's Diabolical Avatar didn't see the sword qi of the Four Swords of Immortality, he continued to thrust the halberd towards Daofather Hongjun. The streams of sword qi landed on Pangu's Diabolical Avatar's body and only created a few ripples, but did not cause any harm to the Pangu's Diabolical Avatar!    


This kind of situation had dealt a huge blow to the. Her invincible Four Swords of Immortality was actually unable to even break through the Pangu's Diabolical Avatar's defense! However, this kind of incident not only dealt a blow to the Four Great The High Priestess s, but also caused their fighting spirit to rise to even greater heights!    


With all his might, he continued to control the Four Swords of Immortality and shot towards Pangu's Diabolical Avatar. Even if it did not cause any harm to Pangu's Diabolical Avatar, it could at least cause some trouble for Pangu's Diabolical Avatar. That way, it would be much easier for Daofather Hongjun to take care of Pangu's Diabolical Avatar!    


When they saw the The High Priestess of Shang Qing take action, the other The Great Saint s were naturally unwilling to be outdone, especially the Yuqing Yuan Shizhiren. Last time, when the The Great Saint was about to settle the issue of karma, the Yuqing Yuan Shizhiren suffered a huge loss of face due to injuries, and after obtaining the Daofather Hongjun's comprehension of the Heavenly Dao, his strength had increased by a lot after a thousand years of seclusion.    


First, he waved the Pangu's banner in his hand, and suddenly, rays of black light shot out from the Pangu's banner, annihilating the surrounding space. At the same time, a green light shot out from the Yuqing Yuan Shizhiren's hand, which was his other treasure, the Three Treasures Jade ruyi!    


It was just that Yuqing Yuan Shizhiren didn't expect that his attack still wasn't able to stop his advance. The rays of black light the Pangu's banner shot out were also like Four Swords of Immortality s, when they shot towards his body, they only created a slight ripple in the space surrounding the Pangu's Diabolical Avatar, which did not affect him in the slightest.    


The Three Treasures Jade Ruyi was the same. Although it was smashed towards Pangu's Diabolical Avatar's head, it was only about three feet away from Pangu's Diabolical Avatar's head before it was bounced back by a huge force. Yuqing Yuan Shizhiren who was connected to the Three Treasures Jade Ruyi was actually knocked back a few steps by the huge force of the rebound!    


Even though he knew that the Pangu's Diabolical Avatar was an existence on the same level as the Daofather Hongjun, he never thought that it would be so powerful. Not only was his attack unable to break the Pangu's Diabolical Avatar's defense, it was actually pushed back by the rebound force!    


Seeing Yuqing Yuan Shizhiren retreating due to the shock, the other The Great Saint s were also shocked, but at this time, Pangu's Diabolical Avatar had already arrived in front of Daofather Hongjun with his ancient halberd, and was about to stab onto his body, but right at this moment, Daofather Hongjun swung his horsetail whisk, sweeping his gaze across the ancient halberd.    


The ancient halberd that was originally about to pierce Daofather Hongjun was actually swept to the side by the Dao Ancestor with the horsetail whisk, and then, the Daofather Hongjun threw the horsetail whisk in his hand towards Pangu's Diabolical Avatar. Seeing Daofather Hongjun's horsetail whisk flying towards Daofather Hongjun, the Pangu's Diabolical Avatar swung the halberd which was just swept away towards Daofather Hongjun.    


With a loud boom, Daofather Hongjun's horsetail whisk and Pangu's Diabolical Avatar's ancient halberd clashed once again, but this time, the collision erupted with an incomparable amount of energy. With Daofather Hongjun and Pangu's Diabolical Avatar as the center, numerous energy ripples spread out, annihilating the surrounding space!    


Looking at this situation, the six The Great Saint s immediately retreated. Under this situation, if they did not retreat now, they would definitely be severely injured. The energy ripples that rippled out finally stopped after tens of millions of miles, and everything that the energy ripples passed through all turned into nothingness!    


Of course, this did not include the Yang Feng who was currently training in the ninth transition of the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique. Although the energy ripples emitted by the attacks of the Daofather Hongjun and the Pangu's Diabolical Avatar had reached Yang Feng's location, the tiny golden light that was being released by Yang Feng's body was completely useless against the ripples which contained an enormous amount of energy!    


The circular energy ripples passed through Yang Feng's body, but did not affect Yang Feng in any way. Yang Feng also did not feel that there was anything abnormal about him, because he was currently enduring a pain he had never experienced before, cultivating the ninth transition of the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique!    


The ninth circulation of the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique was something that only the Great God Pangu had cultivated in, and thus the Great God Pangu used its power to prove its dao. However, this kind of power was not tolerated by the heavens, so it was punished by the heavens, and it was precisely because of this that the Great God Pangu had fallen, and Yang Feng had also cultivated to such a level.    


A huge amount of energy surged out crazily from Yang Feng's heart, as though it was endless! The immense energy that was frantically gushing out was also being channeled by the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique into every single cell of Yang Feng's body. Even though this process was extremely painful and tormented Yang Feng to the point that he wanted to live, Yang Feng was still filled with joy!    


had already felt the power of his Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique's Ninth Cycle, not only because his own body was becoming more and more powerful, it was also manifested in Yang Feng's various divine abilities. Previously, Yang Feng had obtained the Ancestral Shaman Zhu Rong, Ancestral Mage Gong Gong and the Ancestral Blood from the Ancestral Witch Queen, so these three divine abilities had been completely awakened, and had reached the Large Success Realm!    


However, Yang Feng had obtained the blood essence of the other Ancestral Magi, so naturally, he had caused Yang Feng's other abilities to all awaken! The Martial Ancestor's ability to control space and speed, the ability to control trees and trees, the ability to control the wind, the ability to control the nine yin and the candle, the ability to control thunder, the ability to control the weather, and the ability to control the wind, all had been awakened.    


Because he had obtained the twelve drops of blood essence from the Great God Pangu, Yang Feng had awakened all of his Twelve Ancestral Magi's divine powers. Furthermore, since Yang Feng had already cultivated the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique to the ninth circulation, all of these divine powers were awakened at the same time.    


Just these awakened divine abilities already made Yang Feng very excited, let alone the fact that his physical body's strength was still increasing. As a result, the pain of cultivating the ninth transition of the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique was unprecedented, but compared to the benefits he had obtained, Yang Feng was still very satisfied.    


Endless energy gushed out of Yang Feng's heart, and continuously washed away every single cell in his body. Then, that enormous energy was poured into every single cell, causing every single cell in Yang Feng's body to continuously increase in energy. Time and time again, as the energy flushed and poured into Yang Feng's body, causing his overall strength to increase at an extremely terrifying speed!    


Yang Feng endured the endless pain, feeling the increasing amount of energy in his body, his heart was filled with joy. Even though he knew that he would have to accept the test of the heavens when he completes his Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique cultivation, as the energy in his body continued to expand, Yang Feng's confidence in defeating the heavens continued to increase!    


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