Nine Yin And Nine Yang

C909 reentering the underworld

C909 reentering the underworld

3In the depths of the endless primal chaos, Yang Feng still had his head covered by a chaotic clock as he sat cross-legged atop it. Floating in front of his chest was the Huang Zhongli Tree as he quietly cultivated, absorbing the endless primal chaos energy from it and transferring it into his body through his body while Yang Feng was completely immersed in comprehending the complete Heaven Opening Seal.    1


Although Yang Feng did not understand what was happening, he was extremely clear that the attack which he had used his right hand to simulate the trajectory of the Heavenly God Axe definitely had a strong power. This strike was so strong that it could not be underestimated.    


Therefore, after returning to the Flowerfruit Mountain, Yang Feng continued to experiment. Unfortunately, although he was still able to execute such a move, its power was much weaker than the one displayed in the Tai Chi diagram. Yang Feng understood that it was because he was inside the Primal Chaos diagram and was under immense pressure that caused him to unleash that attack. Now that he was back at the Flowerfruit Mountain, there was no longer any pressure, so it was naturally much more difficult to unleash that attack.    


However, Yang Feng did not force it, since it was not something that could be obtained just by forcing it, Yang Feng believed that after he completely comprehended the Heaven Splitting Imprint, he would naturally be able to unleash that attack once again, so Yang Feng once again went into closed door cultivation to comprehend the Heaven Splitting Imprint.    


This time, Yang Feng had obtained the complete Heaven Opening Imprint, and thus condensed all of the essence of the Great God Pangu's comprehension of the Great Way of the Buddha, which naturally brought Yang Feng a lot of benefits. With his daily cultivation, even though Yang Feng had not become a saint yet, he could now draw upon the energy of heaven and earth with a wave of his hand.    


Furthermore, the degree to which Yang Feng was able to draw upon the energy of heaven and earth, was not inferior to the The Great Saint at all. Like this, if Yang Feng were to clash with The Great Saint again in the future, with Yang Feng's martial skills, treasures and other methods, he would definitely not be as badly beaten up as he was in the big battle with Yuqing Yuan Shizhiren!    


Furthermore, if the trajectory of the axe used by the Great God Pangu to create heaven and earth was truly comprehended by Yang Feng within the Heaven Splitting Imprint, then in the future, Yang Feng's every strike would likely reach the power required to create heaven and earth! Even though reaching that level was still a long way off, he believed that as Yang Feng continued to comprehend, it would definitely be possible.    


However, when Yang Feng was trying to comprehend the complete Heaven Opening Seal, there were still some areas that troubled Yang Feng. That was, whenever he tried to comprehend the complete Heaven Opening Seal, Yang Feng would constantly see the scene of the Great God Pangu being forced by the Sky Law God Eye to transform into a myriad of things.    


This scene however, made Yang Feng very angry every single time, and made his determination to rebel against the heaven's way even more intense. This also stimulated Yang Feng to work even harder to comprehend the Heaven Opening Seal, and he also worked hard to absorb the essence of the great Dao.    


Yang Feng knew how difficult it was to face when he becomes a saint in the future. Not only was there the obstruction of the Heavenly Dao, but when Yang Feng accepted the twelve drops of Great God Pangu's blood essence, the seal he had broken out of his heart. At that time, it would definitely be a fierce battle!    


There was no need to talk about the obstructing power of the Heavenly Dao, even Yang Feng did not know how powerful the Heavenly Dao was, but the Pangu's Diabolical Avatar was still on the same level as the Daofather Hongjun. And from the power that the Asura Demon Eyes had displayed every time she was controlled, the Pangu's Diabolical Avatar was naturally not easy to deal with either.    


When Yang Feng becomes a saint, he must have the strength to face these two obstacles, no one can help Yang Feng, and everything depends on him, so Yang Feng needs to work even harder, and obtain even more powerful strength, and only then will he have the strength to deal with the Heavenly Dao and the Pangu's Diabolical Avatar.    


Therefore, Yang Feng worked hard to comprehend the complete Heaven Opening Imprint in his closed door cultivation, and continued to absorb the chaos energy, strengthening the yin and yang twin infants's strength. Like this, he cultivated nonstop, until Yang Feng woke up from his closed door cultivation! Yang Feng who had opened his eyes was inspecting his body.    


After going through countless modifications of the Heaven and Earth powers, Yang Feng's body had become even stronger, and he was now one step closer to being able to endure the twelve drops of the Great God Pangu's blood essence. yin and yang twin infants's power had also increased a bit, although it was not by a large margin, but it was already enough to make Yang Feng very satisfied.    


Every time the yin and yang twin infants reached the quasi-Saint realm, he would need an even larger amount of Yin and Yang energy to increase his cultivation. If it wasn't for the fact that Yang Feng had the Huang Zhongli Tree, he could absorb the energy of Primal Chaos and convert it into Yin and Yang energy for the yin and yang twin infants to absorb, otherwise, Yang Feng would really not know what to do.    


After all, the appetite of yin and yang twin infants was just too strong, it was extremely difficult to feed the yin and yang twin infants and let their strength increase by a little. But now, every time they closed up and trained, it would be able to increase the yin and yang twin infants's powers by a little, which was already a very rare thing for Yang Feng.    


However, as the yin and yang twin infants's power continued to increase, Yang Feng discovered that the barrier between the yin and yang twin infants s had been reduced by quite a bit, and the connection between the yin and yang twin infants s had become even closer. Previously, even though he was also sitting cross-legged in the middle of Yang Feng's dantian, there was an insurmountable gap between the two since the nature of their energy was completely different.    


But with the constant growth of yin and yang twin infants's power, the chasm between the yin and yang twin infants s seemed to become smaller and smaller. Although it was not to the point where they were evenly matched, it was something that was even more intimate than before. Towards such a change, Yang Feng did not know whether it was good or bad.    


Although Yang Feng wanted to understand the situation of the yin and yang twin infants, he was unable to find any leads on the strange yin and yang twin infants, but as long as there were no problems with the yin and yang twin infants, his cultivation would continue to increase. As for the relationship between the yin and yang twin infants s, Yang Feng was too lazy to bother.    


With a thought, Yang Feng appeared in his own room on Flowerfruit Mountain. Then, he stood up and walked out of his room, there were only a few people left on Flowerfruit Mountain, leaving Yang Feng's Mother Chi Ling, Yang Yun, and Guo Meimei behind. As for Yang Feng's disciples, Wang Ming and Gu Tian, they had long been sent by Guo Meimei to the other peaks within range of Flowerfruit Mountain to cultivate.    


Furthermore, with the Innate Spirit Treasure that Yang Feng had refined for them, they could be considered experts in the Heaven Realm. This allowed Yang Feng to no longer have to worry about them, and allow him to cultivate in seclusion with more peace of mind.    


This time, Yang Feng did not go into seclusion for very long. Compared to the time before the The Great Saint came out, this time, his seclusion of half a year was considered to be very short, and after came out, Chi Ling, Guo Meimei, and the others naturally had things to do. They began to busy themselves with making the dishes that Yang Feng liked.    


However, Yang Feng also knew that the time that he had spent in seclusion for a year and a half, that compared to the time that he had spent in seclusion for several hundred years, several thousand years, or even several tens of thousands of years, he basically did not care much about it. It was not possible for such a situation to happen.    


Yang Feng was not the kind of person who liked to sigh with emotion, so he only thought for a moment and then ignored them. No matter how time passed, as long as he was with his own relatives, that was more important than anything else.    


Chi Ling, Guo Meimei and the others quickly prepared a meal and happily ate it together with Yang Feng. In the process, Yang Feng had also understood that the current Great Song Kingdom, Da Jin and the Western Xia were currently in a predicament established by three nations.    


After hearing about this situation, Yang Feng could finally be at ease. Furthermore, with the protection of San Qing, there shouldn't be any problems, so Yang Feng could finally relax and do some things. What Yang Feng needed to do the most right now was to go to the Underworld.    


The reason why he was going to the Underworld was naturally because of the incense fire force! Although Yang Feng had once again obtained a large portion of East Victory s, the incense fire force s of the tens of billions of human citizens of the Nanshan Province, and even obtained the Heaven's Path Merit Golden Light twice, Yang Feng's primordial spirit was still unable to be nurtured.    


That was why Yang Feng needed an even larger incense fire force. Since there were no longer any incense fire force that Yang Feng could absorb, Yang Feng decided to go to the Underworld. He hoped to obtain an even bigger incense fire force in the Underworld!    


This idea of Yang Feng's was also feasible because although the souls of the dead existed in the Underworld, those souls could also produce incense fire force s. As long as one could gather the souls of the incense fire force s, then Yang Feng would be able to obtain an even larger incense fire force s to nurture his own primordial spirit.    


All the living beings in the Pangu's World, as long as they were within the Six Paths of Samsara that they had to enter after death, that would mean, an unimaginable amount of souls. Furthermore, Yang Feng believed that if he were to gather the incense fire force of such a large number of souls, it would not be long before his own Primordial Spirit was born.    


Therefore, after considering it for a long time, Yang Feng decided to enter the Underworld again!    


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1 Even more so, thank you brothers for your support!    


Again, brothers, don't give the green diamond to the mice, because last month the mice already got a bonus, this month there won't be any reward even if they get on the list again, so they are just wasting their money. If you have the green diamond, go throw it in to your favorite authors, let them get the green diamond's reward, the mice already don't need any flowers anymore, thank you for supporting them!    


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